Why dolphins are deep thinkers | Science | The Guardian
The more we study dolphins, the brighter they turn out to be. By Anuschka de RohanMake Like a Dolphin: Learn Echolocation | Wired Science | Wired.com
With just a few weeks of training, you can learn to “see” objects in the dark using echolocation the same way dolphins and bats do. Ordinary people with no special skills can use tongue clicks to visualize objects by listening to the way sound echoes off their surroundings, according to acoustic experts at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.
I need to try this!!
wired = weird
Ordinary people with no special skills can use tongue clicks to visualize objects by listening to the way sound echoes off their surroundings, according to acoustic experts at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.