atimi: Practically Perfect in Every Way - 1/2
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. A J2 version of Mary Poppins for [info]j2_everafter
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. A J2 version of Mary Poppins
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. [[LiveJournal, Mature Locked]]
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. A J2 version of Mary Poppins
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world.
Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world because ensen is too perfect to be true.
Summary: Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world.Simple Pleasures
- Jensen loves Jared's bed.
Jensen loves Jared's bed.
Summary: Jensen loves Jared's bed. Aithor: Destina
Jensen loves Jared's bed. [[LiveJournal]]
Summary: Jensen loves Jared's bed.
Jensen loves Jared's bed on Sunday mornings. Sweet.vorpalblades: FIC: The Life and Times of Lois Lane
It’s not easy being married to a superhero. In fact, as Jensen’s learning, it’s nearly impossible.
Summary: It’s not easy being married to a superhero. In fact, as Jensen’s learning, it’s nearly impossible.
Aw, I just really loved this. Wish it were longer. Jared's Samson, a super strong superhero, and he's married to Jensen. Flips back and forth between their childhood and how they met/fell in love and their married life with troubles. Awesome.
Jared's a superhero. Jensen is his Lois.
The one where maybe being married to Superman, er, Samson isn't all it's made up to be, but Jensen has to find a way to make due
by vorpalblades; It’s not easy being married to a superhero. In fact, as Jensen’s learning, it’s nearly impossible.