Pages tagged drag_drop:

Drag & Drop with PHP & jQuery |

Drag & Drop with PHP & jQuery | -
The ability to drag and drop content on a page and have it save the order can make for a great user interface and is actually relatively easy to execute with a few lines of jQuery. You’ll need to include the jQuery user interface library which you can find here: Jquery Google API. All the files needed to get this up and running are in the download at the bottom of this post. In this tutorial we’re going to be looking at 2 main PHP pages. the index.php page which contains the contents and functionality to perform the drag and drop and the updateList.php file which is a simple piece of code to update the listOrder column in the database using PHP and MySQL. Additionally you will need to add your database details to the connect.php file in the download package.
The ability to drag and drop content on a page and have it save the order can make for a great user interface and is actually relatively easy to execute with a few lines of jQuery. You’ll need to include the jQuery user interface library which you can find here: Jquery Google API. All the files needed to get this up and running are in the download at the bottom of this post.
The ability to drag and drop content on a page and have it save the order can make for a great user interface and is actually relatively easy to execute with a
Exemplo de implementação de Drag and Drop com PHP e Jquery