Pages tagged dreamhost:

Free Application Web Hosting: DreamHost Apps

su nuevo servicio con el que ofrecen alojamiento gratuito para diversas aplicaciones web, de forma que dispondremos de software gestionado por ellos, que se encargan de la instalación, actualización,... sin pagar nada. Entre las aplicaciones soportadas actualmente se encuentra Wordpress, Drupal, ZenPhoto, MediaWiki o phpBB, además de las Google Apps, a las que tienen intención de añadir de nuevas en el futuro. Estas aplicaciones podrán usar un dominio ya existente, uno nuevo o un subdominio de La idea de Dreamhost es que una parte de sus usuarios se acaben pasando al servicio de pago, pero parece una buena opción si necesitamos algún software y no queremos pagar nuestro propio hosting.
alojamiento gratuito de aplicaciones
DreamHost hosting dohain
Git'n Your Shared Host On // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
GitHub is awesome, really awesome for open source projects and for projects with multiple people. In fact, if you use your own git setup for an open source project, you are most likely hindering your project’s progress and wasting your time. On the other side of the coin, if you are a lone shark and you don’t need GitHub’s awesome social features, I have news for you: you can host your own git repositories really easily and on the cheap side. Remote Setup If you are like me, you probably have a DreamHost, TextDrive or some other cheap shared hosting account with ssh access. What you might not know is that is all you need to host your own private git repositories. ssh mkdir -p ~/git/yourproject.git cd ~/git/yourproject.git git --bare init That is it. Your git repository is now setup. Not too hard eh? You could put that anywhere but a folder named git makes sense to me. Local Setup So your remote server is now setup, but how do you use it? Glad you asked.
that was easy
DreamMount » Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem
DreamMount is a Mac OS X application that allows you to mount DreamHost domains or users to a networked filesystem, allowing you to access it using any application.
Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem