Pages tagged dropbox:

“すべてクラウド”も間近!? 「ZumoDrive」を使ってみた - @IT

zumo driveを詳しく。これはデータ利用についての概念が変わりそうだ。大容量を使わないのであれば、便利さを手軽に手に入れられそう。HDDほどめったに利用しない音楽や写真を置く必要はないし。
“すべてクラウド”も間近!? 「ZumoDrive」を使ってみた - @IT
DropBoxみたいなサービス の説明|データはweb上にあって、ローカルには置かない と
How To: Sync Files and Folders Outside Your My Dropbox Folder
The popular cross-platform file-syncing application Dropbox is a hit among Lifehacker readers, but it has one major drawback: It only syncs files placed inside the My Dropbox folder. Here's how to get around that limitation.
DropBoxを駆使してFirefox全設定を完全シンクロさせる :教えて君.net
“PCで仕事”を速くする:第21回 TrueCryptで、Dropboxをもっと“セキュア”に使う - ITmedia Biz.ID
“PCで仕事”を速くする:第21回 - ITmedia Biz.ID
Dropboxを超えた?オンラインストレージ「SugarSync」 - frnk*blog
Use Dropbox for More Than Just File Syncing - dropbox - Lifehacker
Ever since Lifehacker turned me on to Dropbox, it's become one of the most essential pieces in my daily workflow. Sure it syncs files extremely well, but Dropbox is an excellent tool for so much more. Dropbox, at its core, is a simple file synchronization utility that stores your data in the cloud and makes it accessible across Windows, Mac, and Linux machines—or via the web interface from any browser. What sets Dropbox apart from other file syncing tools is that changes are nearly instantaneous, uploads are blazing fast, and it just works. Dropbox doesn't have to be limited to simply syncing your documents, photos, and music, however—with the proper setup you can completely synchronize your digital life across any PC.
5 cool things to sync with Dropbox on your Mac - Ars Technica
shows how to sync stuff using dropbox as a unified file system
MobileMe を使わない同期環境 - soundscape out
HOWTO build your own open source Dropbox clone | fak3r
drop box
EvernoteとDropboxを使い分けるための3つのポイント|MOBILE POWER ~読書とかiPhoneとか~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know. | online storage re-imagined
similar to xunlei's on-line download service.
Búsqueda y almacenamiento de torrents, también tiene un servicio de streaming. Todavía en beta y con invitaciones.
BitTorrent: Start BitTorrent Downloads at Home from Any Computer with Dropbox
Blogger Guillermo Esteves loves his BitTorrent, so when he's away from his home computer, he still wants to start up any download at a moment's notice. His solution: Use file-syncing application Dropbox to sync torrents between computers.
Dropboxで「快適!USBメモリ要らず生活」のススメ | IDEA*IDEA
いまさら感たっぷりですが、Dropboxがいい感じです。「このフォルダの中身は、どのPCから見てもいつでも一緒」という安心感がたまりません。メインのPCで作業をしつつ、ノートPCを持ってイベントに行けばさきほどまで作業していたファイルにすぐにアクセスできます。 今までこうしたファイルはUSBメモリに移して(もしくはGmailで自分に送る)いたのですが、最近はめっきりUSBメモリを使わなくなりましたよ! 複数のPCを持っている人じゃないとあまりピンと来ないかもしれませんが、メインPCとノートPCなんかを使い分けている人は是非導入してみてはいかがでしょうか。 db_files.gif ↑ 普通のフォルダと同じように使えます。同期が終わっているファイルはこのように緑のチェックマークがつきます(同期中のものは青いアイコンになります)。 その他にもいいことたくさんありますよ!個人的にぐっと来たポイントをつらつらと。 * 履歴が残る 昔のバージョンもまとめて管理しておいてくれるので「あの古いバージョンに戻したい!」というときに便利ですね。プレゼンファイルとかに威力を発揮するのでは。 db_revision.gif ↑ 保存するたびに履歴が。 * ウェブからも見れる ウェブにも同じファイルが残るので、バックアップ的な意味合いで安心です。最悪ウェブにあるでしょ、という安心感があれば、「同期作業きちんといっているかな・・・」というストレスが減るというものです。 * 削除したファイルやフォルダも見れる 削除されたファイルやフォルダも復元可能っぽいです。今のところすべての削除されたファイルを保管しているようですね・・・。 db_delete.gif ↑ いざというときに便利っす。 * フォルダ単位で他の人と共有できる あるフォルダだけ他の人と共有することもできますよ。共同作業をしているときに便利。 * Public Linkもあるよ フォルダを共有する場合はDropboxユーザーに限られますが、非Dropboxユーザーとも共有したい場合がありますよね。そうした場合はウェブから誰でもアクセスできる「Public L
Sync and Share Virtual Machine with DropBox |
Start BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox – Guillermo Esteves
Start BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox Here’s a quick way to start BitTorrent downloads remotely, if you’re using Dropbox. First, make sure Dropbox is installed in the computer where you regularly download your torrents, probably your main computer at home. For those not using Dropbox, you can get an account here. You’ll have to download a small application, which creates a “Dropbox” folder in your “My Documents” folder in Windows or in your “Home” folder in OS X. Dropbox keeps that folder synchronized across all the computers where you have installed it, so that if you move a file into that folder, it will show up on all the other computers. You can also access and upload files via Dropbox’s web interface.
"Now as long as you keep Dropbox and BitTorrent running, you can start torrents remotely. All you have to do is upload .torrent files to the Dropbox folder from wherever you are, using the web interface, and it should start downloading almost immediately on the other computer. I started doing this at the office, and it's worked for me without a hitch; by the time I get home, my downloads are usually ready. Give it a shot, and let me know what you think."
What's the Easiest Way to Share Large Files and Media with Friends? - File Sharing - Lifehacker
MOONGIFT: » いつでもどこでもDropbox!「DropboxPortable」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
DropBox USB
"万一USBメモリを紛失したとしてもファイルは取り出せる" ことは大きなポイントですね。
Daring Fireball: An Ode to DiskWarrior, SuperDuper, and Dropbox
I have learned this the hard way (via 43 folders).
"However, I find terrific value in SuperDuper’s model. SuperDuper creates a bootable clone of your startup drive. With Time Machine, if your startup drive goes kaput, you’ve got to go through a lengthy restore process (and, in the case of hardware failure on the kaput drive, you need an extra bootable volume to restore to). With SuperDuper, you just plug in the clone, reboot, and you’re back up."
Outstanding comprehensive how-to from John Gruber.
Great advice
Hard drives are fragile. Read as much as you can bear to about how they work, how incredibly precisely they must operate in order to cram so many bits onto such small disks. It’s a miracle to me that they work at all. Every hard drive in the world will eventually fail.
Five Best Online File Sharing Services - Online File storage - Lifehacker
Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned
Interesting: Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned;
Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned
Viewing: Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned - a great presentation by founder/CEO @drewhouston
The Cleverest Ways to Use Dropbox That You're Not Using - Clever Uses - Lifehacker
drop box
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned - Adam Smith's Blog
I just finished a talk at Web 2.0 Expo titled From Zero to a Million Users with Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox. It's about what we wish we had known years ago when it comes to growing your user base from 1 to 1M users. We had a lot of fun with it. The slides are below! From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned View more presentations from Adam Smith.
Great stuff RT @SeanEllis @drewhouston & @asmith share keys to the kingdom for getting 1st 1m users for Dropbox & Xobni
scaling lessons?
web 2.0 start up challenges, dropbox and xobni
SparkleShare - Sharing work made easy
Dropbox open source alternative
Open Source Dropbox clone. Allows you to set up your own server. has version control.
Sharing work made easy
15 Awesome Dropbox Tips and Tricks with $100 Credit Giveaway | Web.AppStorm
15 Awesome Dropbox Tips and Tricks - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Mercurial (hg) with Dropbox
Creating mercurial repository only clones with --noupdate and storing them on Dropbox.
Dropbox as repo holder
1. Push a change from computer 1 while offline. Dropbox can't sync the repo since it's offline. 2. Push a change from computer 2 while online. Dropbox syncs the changes to the git repo. 3. Computer 1 goes online and Dropbox tries to sync the repo -> conflicts.
Dropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版]
Dropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版] (69 users) – はてなブックマーク::Hotentry (hatebu)
10 [More] Killer Dropbox Tips and Tricks | Web.AppStorm
dropbox tips
私のクラウド化 | kazunoblog
Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!
send to dropbox is making the already-extremely useful tool so much more versatile
Mail files to dropbox.
Ever wish you could email files to your Dropbox? Yeah, me too. So I wrote an application to do just that! It's free, fast, secure and super simple too. All you have to do is connect with Dropbox, get your unique email address, and start sending files! After a few minutes they will automatically appear in your "Attachments" folder. We have some great features too, like automatic archive unzipping, folder organization, and plain text and html message copying, with more on the way! So what are you waiting for?
Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!
Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox
Email files to your Dropbox!
Ever wish you could email files to your Dropbox? Yeah, me too. So I wrote an application to do just that! It's free, fast, secure and super simple too. All you have to do is connect with Dropbox, get your unique email address, and start sending files! After a few minutes they will automatically appear in your "Attachments" folder. We have some great features too, like automatic archive unzipping, folder organization, and plain text and html message copying, with more on the way! So what are you waiting for?
Email dropbox