dsudis: Merlin Fic: Millions of Peaches
And then someone gets accused of sorcery, again, and I have to cover for you, *again*, and if Gwen cries because of you even one more time I just might set you on fire myself. Merlin, that's what comes of just peaches." Merlin blinked. "You said--" "I know what I said," Arthur snapped. "Obviously I'd put the fire out right away. But you must learn to be *careful*."
"Honestly, if you're this hopelessly in love with me at the same time that you think I'm stupid enough not to have noticed, I really have to question your taste," Arthur said, and then sighed heavily and kissed him at last.
Arther gives Merlin a warning about using magic for stupid things like summoning fruit and Merlin takes that as an insperation.
Arthur sighed at the beautiful strawberries--which Merlin had added to the otherwise rather dull-looking tray on the way up, only remembering afterward to glance around and check that no one had seen--as though they were an impossible task set before him.
dsudis - Arthur/Merlin, PG --- 4,274
"I know what this is, Merlin."
"My..." Merlin must have poisoned himself eating too many peaches; he must now be in some sort of bizarre fruit-induced daze. It was the only reasonable explanation. Otherwise he would have to believe that Arthur knew all his secrets, held Merlin's life and heart and soul in the palm of his sword-callused hand. "Honestly, if you're this hopelessly in love with me at the same time that you think I'm stupid enough not to have noticed, I really have to question your taste," Arthur said, and then sighed heavily and kissed him at last.
"I know what this is, Merlin." // Merlin attempts to seduce Arthur with fruit?
Merlin - "A peach, which you found for me," Arthur said, stepping closer. "You just happened to find it after I happened to mention peaches. Honestly, you couldn't be more obvious if you went around wearing a sign."dsudis: PatD Fic: The Completely True Saga of the Time Jon Walker Almost Died Alone at a Truck Stop
It was Zack's fault, really. 1,303 words.
The one where the stoners! at the disco are at a truckstop full of shiny distractions and lose Jon. Everything about this story is wonderful, seriously.
It was Zack's fault, really.
So the thing that winter, when Brendon hugged that cop a little bit inappropriately, that was really actually Zack's fault, too.
They had split up--there was a Starbucks and a newsstand and a gift shop and bathrooms and vending machines and one of those claw games, there was a lot to do and see
In which Jon Walker is lost.