So you want a dynamic form
super(ContactForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)Dynamic tabs using jQuery - why and how to create it
not readDynamic Programming Practice Problems
a collection of practice dynamic programming problems and their solutions.
This site contains a collection of practice dynamic programming problems and their solutions. The problems listed below are also available in a pdf handout. To view the solution to one of the problems below, click on its title. To view the solutions, you'll need a machine which can view Macromedia Flash animations and which has audio output. If you want, you can also view a quick review from recitation on how to solve the integer knapsack problem (with multiple copies of items allowed) using dynamic programming.
Nice problem examples.Zend_Acl part 3: creating and storing dynamic ACLs | CodeUtopia
In this third post of the series, I’ll talk about using dynamic ACLs: How to store an ACL in a database, and construct it from there when needed. This post builds on the things introduced in part 1 and part 2.MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lecture 15: Dynamic Programming - good coders code, great reuse
This is the tenth post in an article series about MIT's lecture course Introduction to Algorithms. In this post I ...Dynamic Page / Replacing Content | CSS-Tricks
#Dynamic #Page / Replacing Content #jquery
great CSS tutorials
Annotated link
Let’s say you wanted to make a website where clicking buttons in the nav would dynamically load some content. Kind of like the organic tabs thing, only the content is loaded dynamically. Say something like this: There is no excuse for the navigation of a website to be completely broken without JavaScript enabled. So the best approach here is just to create these pages and the navigation as plain ol’ semantic HTML. You know, like it’s 2001. The navigation links to the files that contain that content, and are fully formed functional pages on their own.
Cambio de secciones con efecto fade in/outContent Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know OverviewContent Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Setting sail on the content management sea? Well here’s a navigational chart that’ll help avoid the ragged rocks and hidden shoals. Don’t leave shore without it!
Knowing in advance what the CMS is going to be used for is critical to selecting the correct one. And the use of content on the web is extraordinarily varied. Consequently so are the content management systems that are out there. Let’s start with some simpler ones. There are two main types of website. Most larger websites are dynamic websites where, after receiving a request from a user, generate the HTML on the fly. For these you need to have your CMS embedded on the server side. But simpler websites, ones that have static HTML documents can have their content managed by much simpler CMS’. And some of the simplest CMS’ out there are entirely web based.
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview - Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
# Multilingual # Delegation, permissions # Roll-back, versioning # User generated content # Asset management # Templates for new pages # Meta-data management # WYSIWYG Preview # Workflow management # Design and layout # Extensibility # End use
Missing Drupal and Joomla but still a need to know overview - Content Management Systems /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat – Alice (Muttiishere)
RT @Muttiishere: Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview – Ramón (websenat)
Article outlining some different CMSs of differening levels. so of the key CMSs have been missed but they are highlighted in the comments.