Pages tagged e_mail:


Cc: me on any email and I'll organize your message and its contents - photos, addresses, documents, links - and create a mailspace where everyone can track replies, view and add content.
Group email tool
sent from Alexis
Cc: me on any email and I'll organize your message and its contents - photos, addresses, documents, links - and create a mailspace where everyone can track replies, view and add content Features Threaded discussion view tracks and sorts every reply Photos are automatically gathered into an album with thumbnail and slideshow views Dates are turned into downloadable calendar events Maps are created for any addresses Linked or attached videos and music are playable right from the mailspace Documents and links are organized and easily viewable, downloadable
A mailspace is a web page created, and constantly updated, along-side your email conversation that makes it easier for everyone to view, follow, and discern all the messages and content in the conversation.
How to improve your email etiquette - Manage Your Life on Shine
always looking for ways to improve my email etiquette.
for BI
Recently, I started using an old family friend as a travel agent. Before then, we’d never had occasion to email one another. From the start, I was shocked to find that she regularly wrote her emails exclusively in all uppercase letters. I politely mentioned that using all caps in an email is the equivalent of screaming in voice conversations and she said she appreciated the tip. Still, I couldn’t help wondering how a professional could get by today without mastering one of the most basic tenets of email manners.
Nothing that I didn't know, but some people I know should read this - just few people ;)
Design and Build Email Newsletters Without Losing Your Mind (and Soul) - Smashing Magazine
This article gives you the information you need to plan, design and build an HTML newsletter that renders well and is actually useful to recipients. It’s a quick and dirty guide to effective email newsletters.
“We really love this new website you’ve built! Now we’d like to send out an email to all of our customers, friends and anyone, and it should look exactly like...
Email Sanity: How to Clear Your Inbox When You’re Drowning | Zen Habits
Just tried this - I think this may just work!
hen you’ve processed should you start worrying abo
De nieuwe wetgeving rond e-mailcommunicatie - Frankwatching
Het zat er al een tijdje aan te komen maar op 1 juli is het zover. Op die datum wordt namelijk de nieuwe wetgeving rondom e-mailcommunicatie effectief. In dit artikel zetten we op een rij wat dit voor jouw organisatie betekent en wat je moet doen om aan deze wetgeving te voldoen.
The State of CSS3 in Email Templates | Nettuts+
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes - CSS3 in
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes – CSS3 in email lives. Ok, so I’m sorry if I made you drop your toast, there. I know you’re thinking, “But… It’s still largely experimental… In the browser, to boot!” Yes, CSS3 support is even more fickle amongst a swag of email clients that can’t even get CSS2 right. But that doesn’t mean that it’s too soon to touch any of it. In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples. So, brush off your toast and let’s get down to business.
In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples.
CSS3 no e-mail marketing