Pages tagged ebay:

Bonanzle :: Buy and sell unique items with the friendliest community online.

An etsy-like page.
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Skype May Be The Biggest Winner From The Web 2.0 Era - ReadWriteWeb
Skype does not get the respect it deserves, because eBay not only publicly admitted to overpaying for it but is making a mess of its core business. Another reason may be that Skype flies in the face of conventional Valley wisdom that says it has to be all about social media. Or maybe the fact that Skype came from Europe, and we all know that Europeans are just lunch-eating dilettantes. Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion (yes, "t" for trillion) market, should get more respect.
10 Resons why Skype is here to stay.
Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion, should get more respect.
Corporate Blogs and 'Tweets' Must Keep SEC in Mind -
Post a disclaimer if you are part of a publicly-traded company.
[IBM] avoids blogs and Twitter for investor issues, because it fears violating SEC disclosure rules or inviting public criticism
The growing Twitter audience also attracted the attention of eBay's lawyers, who last month required Mr. Brewer-Hay to include regulatory disclaimers with certain posts. Some followers think the tougher oversight is squelching Mr. Brewer-Hay's spontaneous, informal style. His experience shows the tension that can arise as more companies tap social media to reach investors, customers and others. Eighty-one Fortune 500 companies sponsor public blogs, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Chevron Corp. and General Motors Corp., according to the Society for New Communications Research. Of those blogs, 23 link to corporate Twitter accounts.
Richard Brewer-Hay
For later reading; missed this when it came out.
blog twitter corporate b2b b2c SEC rules regulations
A Review of the Pirated Copy of Windows 7 I Bought On eBay |
A Review of the Pirated Copy of Windows 7 I Bought On eBay
A Review of the Pirated Copy of Windows 7 I Bought On eBay - [from]
Terrible. Possibly related to the previously mentioned hardware difficulties, I found stability to be a real issue with Windows 7. Crashes were frequent, including Blue Screens of Death. Error messages were cryptic and meaningless to me – see below.
LMAO!!! Un unboxing de "Windows7" muy divertido :-)
"Very difficult. The install for Windows 7 comes on four floppy disks, and as my laptop doesn’t have a floppy drive, I was worried I’d have to travel 10 years into the past to find a computer that did. Fortunately, my local Best Buy was offering a USB floppy drive for $80, which, not withstanding certain recent software purchases, struck me as the greatest ripoff the world has ever seen. I’d advise anyone wanting to install Windows 7 on their own machine should make sure their hardware can support it."
Do It Yourself: How To Set Up An Auction Using Craigslist and Google Docs
Old article. This is a good way of taking the advantage of Ebay [auctions], combining it with the cost of CraigList [free], and all thanks to Google.
Craigslist auction setup with Google Docs
STUFF ALERT, free ebay alerts
xkcd - A Webcomic - Packages
How Facebook, MySpace and YouTube Killed eBay
I confess, I'd never even thought of declining entertainment factor as a reason for eBay's slow decline (and possible upcoming demise), but it makes a crapload of sense: while I went there occasionally for deals, most people I know eagerly shared hi-larious links for fun. Pays to know what business you're really in. (via @volckmann)
Artcile techcrunch
The author is writing about how eBay lost it's "pole position" due to the Markeplace developement on facebook.
This is a guest post by Keith Rabois, vice president of strategy and business development for Slide, the social entertainment company. Prior to Slide, Keith was a VP at LinkedIn and an EVP at PayPal in charge of among other things, competitive strategy vis-à-vis eBay. He also worked at eBay for three weeks following its acquisition of PayPal. Keith currently serves on the Board of Directors of Yelp, Vendio, Xoom and FanIQ.
Nice insights into eBay culture
eBay’s two enormous data warehouses | DBMS2 -- DataBase Management System Services
trics on eBay’s main Teradata data warehouse include: * >2 petabytes of user data
Millions of queries per day
Statistieken over de databaseverwerking van ebay
Cheap Used Cars for $1,000 or less
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Cheap used cars for sale, all $1,000 and under. Find a cheap used car in your local area today
Find an inexpensive auto.
Tweba - The Twitter Marketplace - Buy and Sell Your Stuff On Twitter
Tweba is the Free way to buy and sell your stuff on Twitter. Tweba allows you to auction your stuff, sell your stuff for a fixed price or link to your stuff already listed on other sites all for free.
Tweba is the Free way to buy and sell your stuff on Twitter. Tweba allows you to auction your stuff, sell your stuff for a fixed price or link to your stuff already listed on other sites all for free. To get started either add a Listing directly on Tweba or enter a Tweet on Twitter with #ihave or #wanttosell and your tweet will be added to Tweba.
@PRawlings Sincere congratulations on the tremendously positive buzz on @Tweba's relaunch. - free Twitter-based marketplace [from]