Pages tagged ebooks:

42 kostenlose eBooks über Social Media Marketing | Webdesign | News | Rock 'n' Roll
The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age - Ars Technica

A veteran of a former turning of the e-book wheel looks at the past, present, and future of reading books on things that are not books.
Book Search
Google mobile books
The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age - Ars Technica
Really nice discussion of the history of the ebook market.
A veteran of a former turning of the e-book wheel looks at the past, present, and future of reading books on things that are not books.
Read ePub ebooks online : Bookworm ePub reader
open source ebook platform
Walden, and 99 other Free Online Books Every Student of Humanity Should Read | Online Education at
Google Book Downloader - Home
"small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem"
google book taki kitapları indirme programı.
Google Book Downloader is small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem.
Association of Research Libraries :: Google Book Search Library Project
Google Book Search Library Project
This is an article on Google Book Search by the Association of Research Libraries
A First Course in Linear Algebra (A Free Textbook)
Self-Education Resource List
The internet is an invaluable resource to self-educated learners. Below is a list of some of the most helpful sites out there including opencourseware materials, free libraries, learning communities, educational tools, and more.
Foxit eSlick
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Be eSlick. Take your documents on the go. View all your PDF files as well as convert any printable document to PDF which can be viewed on the eSlick. Foxits eSlick comes with free software: Foxit Reader Pro Pack and Foxit PDF Creator. Pre-order with just a $50 deposit and lock in the introductory price of $259.99 plus shipping and applicable taxes Note: The first set of eSlicks have sold out and the next set will ship out around middle to late April. If you have preordered before February, your eSlick will ship around late February or early March. Please click here to check out countries that Foxit eSlick will be shipped to. Foxit may ship to other countries later. We will release shipping costs soon. Pre-Order Privacy | ©2009 Foxit Software Company,LLC.All Rights Reserved.
20 Best Websites To Download Free E-Books, Part II | Freebies
Read Ebooks on Your iPhone - Wired How-To Wiki
xkcd - A Webcomic - Kindle
Amazon's Guide to the Galaxy.
Now this is original!
Suvudu Free Book Library - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
Welcome to the Suvudu Free Book Library. We know it can be hard to navigate the countless fantasy and science fiction series out there and figure out which ones are right for you. Well, we're here to make those tough decisions a bit easier on you. With the Suvudu Free Book Library, you can read the first book in some of our most acclaimed series absolutely free! We're kicking off the library with five full-length novels for you to sample, but we'll be adding new titles on a regular basis, so be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you're the first to find out what our newest free offerings are! Enough of the intro -- start downloading, and start reading! To receive monthly updates about new books that we are adding to the Suvudu Free Book Library, and other news about our books, sign up for the Del Rey Internet Newsletter.
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Suvudu Free Book Library - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games Suvudu ebooks ebook scifi library sf
Myebook - get it out there!
Free Mathematics Books
Free Mathematics Books - list of freely available math textbooks, monographs, lecture notes, and other documents.
Look at Intro to R Book
E-Books Directory - Categorized Books, Short Reviews, Free Downloads
E-Books Directory is a daily growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents and lecture notes found all over the internet. You can submit and promote your own ebooks, add comments on already posted books or just browse through the directory and download anything you need.
Bighow: handbook to online journalism
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, and citizen journalists. The handbook covers basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing.
To read in my spare time .....
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing. Contents: The handbook covers the basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
I, Cringely » Blog Archive » Parrot Secrets - Cringely on technology
Weil Papageien teure Geheimnisse haben.
Kindle 2 Usability Review (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
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Summary: good for linear material, such as novels, not good for non-linear material such as journals, newspapers, encyclopaedias and recipe books
Summary: Amazon's new e-book reader offers print-level readability and shines for reading fiction, but it has awkward interaction design and poor support for non-linear content.
Jakob Nielsen's review of the Kindle 2. "Amazon's new e-book reader offers print-level readability and shines for reading fiction, but it has awkward interaction design and poor support for non-linear content."
Tectonic » 10 open source books worth downloading
Almost Perfect by W. E. Peterson The Rise and Fall of WordPerfect Corporation
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view.
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view. The book sold a little less than 10,000 copies and is now out of print. The copy published here is almost identical to my original manuscript and does not contain Prima's edits. In this version, I have corrected two factual errors, fixed five typos, deleted a few pages at the end, and added a final paragraph. I welcome links to this site, however, I ask that you not reproduce this manuscript other than for your personal reading without written permission. If you prefer reading a PDF version, click here. I hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for stopping by.
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PDF Books Search Engine
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Found this at home. Don't know how to fully use it, but.
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How the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write -
Author Steven Johnson outlines a future with more books, more distractions -- and the end of reading alone
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DIY High-Speed Book Scanner from Trash and Cheap Cameras
High-speed DIY book scanner
15 Favorite E-Books for Web Design and Development | TutorialFeed
Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs | Best Online Colleges
Whether you’re enrolled in a business school degree program or desperate for a review of b-school basics as you start your own company, it’s hard to pass up free study materials. These 100 ebooks on marketing, management, ecommerce, and finance are all free and worth checking out.
Mировая цифровая библиотека Главная страница
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
Get (Almost) Any Book For Free: 100+ (Kosher) Sites Offering Great Literature for Download - Learn-gasm
ingilizce romanlar açısından çok zengin bir kaynak. hem de ücretsiz...
e-book list
Reinventing the Book in the Age of the Web - O'Reilly Radar
Tim O'Reilly on the future of books.
new web books be ...
But simply putting books onto electronic devices is only the beginning. As I've said for years, that's a lot like pointing a camera at a stage play, and calling it a movie. Yes, that's pretty much what they did in many early movies, but eventually, the tools of production and consumption actually changed the format of what was produced and consumed. ... (+ own "TwitterBook":) The web has changed the nature of how we read and learn. Most books still use the old model of a sustained narrative as their organizational principle. Here, we've used a web-like model of standalone pages, each of which can be read alone (or at most in a group of two or three), to impart key points, highlight interesting techniques or the best applications for a given task.
O'Reilly Radar post from Tim on the #twitterbook
Tim O'Reilly and his O'Reilly media empire are reimagining the way they look at publishing books, and providing some insight into their thought process.
There's a lot of excitement about ebooks these days, and rightly so. While Amazon doesn't release sales figures for the Kindle, there's no question that it represents a turning point in the public perception of ebook devices. And of course, there's Stanza, an open ebook platform for the iPhone, which has been downloaded more than a million times (and now has been bought by Amazon.) But simply putting books onto electronic devices is only the beginning.
Para entender a internet (versão beta)
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil. É uma experiência de produção de conteúdo educativo usando a Rede que começou na Campus Party em janeiro de 2009. É também um projeto colaborativo publicado com licença CC e aberto a interferências. E está melhorando graças a eles/as.
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil.
25 Free Social Media Marketing & SEO Ebooks, White Papers + Other Downloads | SEOptimise
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Great set of resources on social media!
The Simple Dollar » Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page - Download My Personal Finance Book for Free!
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.
doesn’t work) A long time ago, I wrote a very popular post entitled “Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance on the Back of Five Business Cards“. After posting it, several people contacted me and suggested that I try to turn it into a book of some sort. Over the following year, I tossed the idea around and eventually developed it into a fifty page short book, intending to use it to shop around to various book publishers. I incorporated a lot of original writing, pieces of various Simple Dollar posts, and lots of other interesting elements.
10 Free Linux Ebooks For Beginners |
This time we tried to make a list of free books by categories. “Beginners”, “Advanced” and “Administrators”. This is the first part of the series, in the near future we will have a list for “Intermediate and Advanced Linux Users” and “Linux System Administrators”
CreativeTechs Tips » Free eBooks to Help Grow Your Studio.
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Why Kindle Should Be An Open Book -
Unless Amazon embraces open standards, the Kindle's lead will become a very short story.
Great quote! "Open allows experimentation. Open encourages competition. Open wins." from @timoreilly (Kindle vs Open Book) [from]
rt@timoreilly My post on Forbes: Why Amazon Kindle needs to support open standards. [from]
While users can load some of their own documents onto the Kindle, there is no easy way to "rip" a book.
He makes sense and is sane. I hope amazon listens.
tim o'reilly
Vim Recipes - Free cookbook for the Vim text editor
"Vim Recipes is a free cookbook for Vim, the popular text editor. "
Programming Scala
50 Banned Books That Everyone Should Read | Online College Degree
good one
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
ebook reader for iphone - EeeRotate
"A tiny program to rotate your screen and touchpad at the same time. Especially designed for EeePC but should work with all computers."
programa para rotar la pantalla y poder leer libros de modo "natural" en una netbook
Rota la pantalla y el trackpad del portátil
Para girar la pantalla del portátil y usarlo como un libro
A tiny program to rotate your screen and touchpad at the same time. Especially designed for EeePC but should work with all computers.
yWriter5 - Free novel writing software to help you write a book
Programmer turned novelist uses his skills to create custom writing software. Perhaps I should try it sometime to put down some of my wilder ideas?
Free Books from Other Publishers - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
MegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip Engine
40 Free and Essential Web Design and Development Books from Google : Speckyboy Design Magazine
FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
Covers 'freemium' business model and more...
The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
Computer Science Books Online
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Some E-Books Are More Equal Than Others - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
"Publishers and other content providers make a grave error when they ensure that legitimately purchasing their products involves more hassle and uncertainty than simply pirating them." - one of the comments. Very true.
"This morning, hundreds of Amazon Kindle owners awoke to discover that books by a certain famous author had mysteriously disappeared from their e-book readers. [...] apparently the publisher changed its mind about offering an electronic edition, and apparently Amazon, whose business lives and dies by publisher happiness, caved. It electronically deleted all books by this author from people’s Kindles and credited their accounts for the price. " Allein die Tatsache, dass sich Leute so eine Ausgeburt an DRM-Geschwülsten zulegen, bei der deren Anbieter sogar noch retroaktiv Zugriff auf den vermeintlich eigenen Buchbestand hat... unglaublich.
it’s like Barnes & Noble sneaking into our homes in the middle of the night, taking some books that we’ve been reading off our nightstands, and leaving us a check on the coffee table. You want to know the best part? The juicy, plump, dripping irony? The author who was the victim of this Big Brotherish plot was none other than George Orwell. And the books were “1984” and “Animal Farm.”
Amazon removed purchased e-books from Kindles when a publisher had second thoughts about online distribution.
amazon smáznul z kindle čtečky lidem zakoupené kopie orwella, protože podle nakladatele byly neautorizované, sice jim poslal peéíz ena účet, ale udělal to bez ptaní, druhej den prostě knížku ve čtečce neměli
Already, we’ve learned that they’re not really like books, in that once we’re finished reading them, we can’t resell or even donate them. But now we learn that all sales may not even be final.
Google Book Search Settlement Agreement
Googles own view on Googlebooks
We denken dat het een geweldig voordeel voor de uitgeversbranche zal zijn om auteurs en uitgevers in staat te stellen geld te verdienen aan boeken waarvan ze dachten dat deze nooit meer op de markt zouden verschijnen.
Three years ago, the Authors Guild, the Association of American Publishers and a handful of authors and publishers filed a class action lawsuit against Google Book Search. Today we're delighted to announce that we've settled that lawsuit and will be working closely with these industry partners to bring even more of the world's books online. Together we'll accomplish far more than any of us could have individually, to the enduring benefit of authors, publishers, researchers and readers alike.
Bits Of Destruction Hit the Book Publishing Business: Part 1
Author: 10% (This in fact ranges between 8% and 15%, depending on the author's clout -- e.g. Stephen King does better than most. If the author has an agent, the agent's cut comes out of this. It is indeed tough for new authors.) Publisher: 30% (This ranges between 25% and 32%, again depending on the author's clout -- e.g. their percentage is less with Stephen King because the risk is lower too. Note: this is their net revenue, after deducting author royalties and printer fees.) Printer: 10% Distributor: 10% Retailer: 40%
The Bookworm's Guide to the Lifehacker Galaxy - Book - Lifehacker
Kindle and the future of reading : The New Yorker
by Nicholson Baker
ANNALS OF READING about the Kindle 2. The writer ordered the Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could he not? Everybody was saying that the new Kindle was terribly important. Writing and publishing, wrote Steven Johnson in the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, would never be the same. In <i>Newsweek…
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
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List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
5 Excellent Downloadable eBooks To Teach Yourself Linux
So you have heard of all the advantages and geeky babble about how Linux is better and you have finally decided to try it? Just one thing, you don’t know an awful lot about Linux to get you started. How about some free downloadable ebooks to teach yourself Linux, that you can download today? Would that help? Free – you ask? Yes, free. Welcome to the world of Linux where things are free both as in free speech and also as in free beer (mostly)! If you are starting out on your journey towards Linux awesomeness, here are a few free downloadable ebooks to teach yourself Linux that should help you along nicely:
see also:
Kindle and the future of reading : The New Yorker
ANNALS OF READING about the Kindle 2. The writer ordered the Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could he not? Everybody was saying that the new Kindle was terribly important. Writing and publishing, wrote Steven Johnson in the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, would never be the same. In <i>Newsweek…
Can the Kindle really improve on the book?
The Kindle vs. the book by Nicholson Baker
Via ...? Nicholson Baker gives the Kindle 2 a test drive, compares it to printed books and the iPhone, and gives us a history of how the Kindle came to be.
Printed books on User Experience free to read online » The UX Bookmark
a good resource to stop by, when thinking about changes in your user interface.
Free Ebooks on Marketing, Social Media, Business, Blogging and More
FastPencil / Connect, Write, Self-Publish and Promote Your Book - all in one place.
/ Connect, Write, Self-Publish and Promote Your Book - all in one place.
FastPencil is a free service Here's what you can do on FastPencil FREE: •Write and organize your book •Collaborate and share with friends •Format and layout the inside content •Generate a beautiful color cover •Publish to the FastPencil Marketplace •Sell your book on your profile page How do we make money? When you buy and sell published books. We also make money when you purchase additional services like publishing packages, multi-channel distribution or editing. For example, using our free platform you can write, edit and publish a beautiful 100 page paperback book, get one copy printed and delivered to your doorstep for under $10 bucks.
Inside Google Books: Download Over a Million Public Domain Books from Google Books in the Open EPUB Format
Google Books will offer downloads of these and more than one million more public domain books in an additional format, EPUB. By adding support for EPUB downloads, we're hoping to make these books more accessible by helping people around the world to find and read them in more places. More people are turning to new reading devices to access digital books, and many such phones, netbooks, and e-ink readers have smaller screens that don't readily render image-based PDF versions of the books we've scanned. EPUB is a lightweight text-based digital book format that allows the text to automatically conform (or "reflow") to these smaller screens. And because EPUB is a free, open standard supported by a growing ecosystem of digital reading devices, works you download from Google Books as EPUBs won't be tied to or locked into a particular device. We'll also continue to make available these books in the popular PDF format so you can see images of the pages just as they appear in the printed book.
Also describes process of digitisation as well as importance and value - eg affordability and accessiblity
Stories - Interactive Sites for Smartboard Use – Grades K - 5 - Oak Street Elementary School - Plattsburgh City School District
Interactive Stories for grades K-5. Most are SMART-friendly.
Stories Interactive Sites for Smartboard Use – Grades K - 5
Different websites with stories. Mainly primary, but one site has a link to over 1000 online stories
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4 Websites With LOTS Of Completely Free Ebooks That Don’t Suck
If you're a fervent reader and nerd like I am, you've probably encountered quite a lot of writing online. However, most of them are either absolute garbage or
The Edgar Allan Poe Digital Collection
Edgar Allan Poe digital collection with annotated manuscripts, letters, books belonging to Poe.
How to download books from Google - Hack a Day
Descarga de los libros de Google Books
Everyone must be aware of the Google Books Library project by now. If you’re not, it’s basically a way for Google to ensure all of the world’s book content is accessible and searchable. Through the Book Project, Google works with libraries to scan and archive their older and out of print materials. Up until recently, viewers of books in the Google Library Project web space were limited to viewing books within the browser.
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A library without the books - The Boston Globe
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. ... We’re not discouraging students from reading. We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center,’’ though that is only one of the names in contention for the new space. In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine. And to replace those old pulpy devices that have transmitted information since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1400s, they have spent $10,000 to buy 18 electronic readers made by and Sony.
There are rolling hills and ivy-covered brick buildings. There are small classrooms, high-tech labs, and well-manicured fields. There&#8217;s even a clock tower with a massive bell that rings for special events.
Cushing Academy has all the hallmarks of a New England prep school, with one exception. This year, after having amassed a collection of more than 20,000 books, officials at the pristine campus about 90 minutes west of Boston have decided the 144-year-old school no longer needs a traditional library.
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. “ We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center" . In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine.
Welcome to the library. Say goodbye to the books
Makes sense to me. Its the content not the transmission medium. :: Learning is now simple
Thirteen Steps to Write and Publish a Free Ebook In Thirteen Hours
Writing an outline: 30 minutes First draft of content: 4 hours Adding some graphics: 1 hour 30 mins (mostly my boyfriend’s work!) Redrafting and editing, inserting all links: 3 hours Appendix of resources: 1 hour Creating a cover: 1 hour 30 mins Converting to pdf: almost instant! Final proof-read and link-checking: 15 minutes Launching and spreading the word: 1 hour 15 minutes
Google Book Downloader Downloads Books to PDF - Google Books - Lifehacker
Windows: Thanks to Google's drive to add more and more books to the Google Books project, including thousands of public domain volumes, you'll find quite a nice selection to choose from. Google Book Downloader helps you download them to PDF.
Machine Language For Beginners
An old book teaching the basics of assembly programming including explanations for the beginner of binary numbers etc.
WikiReader | Home
I like the idea of this device. Free content & free updates.
They stole my idea. Lame. Yet, theirs is slightly different. I envisioned a device that also contained all the images. Well done, overall.
"WikiReader is an electronic encyclopedia giving physical form to Wikipedia. Now you can take it with you wherever you go."
Does the Brain Like E-Books? - Room for Debate Blog -
Writing and reading — from newspapers to novels, academic reports to gossip magazines — are migrating ever faster to digital screens, like laptops, Kindles and cellphones.
Is there a difference in the way the brain takes in or absorbs information when it is presented electronically versus on paper? Does the reading experience change, from retention to comprehension, depending on the medium?
Internet Archive: A Future for Books -- BookServer
Referenced in Chronicle Wired
The widespread success of digital reading devices has proven that the world is ready to read books on screens. As the audience for digital books grows, we can evolve from an environment of single devices connected to single sources into a distributed system where readers can find books from sources across the Web to read on whatever device they have. Publishers are creating digital versions of their popular books, and the library community is creating digital archives of their printed collections. BookServer is an open system to find, buy, or borrow these books, just like we use an open system to find Web sites.
The BookServer is a growing open architecture for vending and lending digital books over the Internet. Built on open catalog and open book formats, the BookServer model allows a wide network of publishers, booksellers, libraries, and even authors to make their catalogs of books available directly to readers through their laptops, phones, netbooks, or dedicated reading devices. BookServer facilitates pay transactions, borrowing books from libraries, and downloading free, publicly accessible books.
This would be awesome to install on all of the school servers as part of plan ceibal.
All The Developer’s Books You Ever Wanted | Jeez Tech
Here is a big list of downloadable, programming related, books in PDF format for your everyday reference and advice. We tried to cover as many as we could think
list of downloadable, programming related, books in PDF format
Doctorow's Project: With a Little Help - 10/19/2009 - Publishers Weekly
Cory seems to understand the new publishing perspective from an author's point of view as well as anyone
Cory Doctorow kicks off a unique publishing experiment--and a monthly PW column
This makes Overclocked into a fine control for my little experiment. It is a good book. It sold well and was critically acclaimed. But it is solidly a midlist title, a short story collection published by a house turned upside down by bankruptcy. It will be the baseline against which I compare the earnings from With a Little Help. And those earnings will be diverse—like the musicians who've successfully self-produced albums in a variety of packages at a variety of price points (Radiohead, Trent Reznor, David Byrne and Brian Eno, Jonathan Coulton), I have set out to produce a book that can be had in a range of packages and at a range of price points from $0.00 to $10,000.
New publishing experiment by Cory @Doctorow via @inkyelbows @bencrowder @1rick [from]
Nook, eBook Reader, eBook Device - Barnes & Noble
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Free videos from Bob Marley to Albert Einstein on topics from Arts and Archaeology to Quantum Physics and Zoology
Coming soon a free university. We are currently in development enter your email address below to be notified when we enter open beta.
100 Useful Links for eBook Lovers - Online Courses
Links to various ebook web sites.
Comprehensive listing of: free ebook sites, ebook reader sites, about ebooks sites, audio and mobile sites, business and education sites, twitter sites, poetry and kids sites and misc..
Kindle for PC
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11 Essential Photoshop E-Books Amazingly Free : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
10 reasons to buy a Kindle 2… and 10 reasons not to
Kindle still needs a lot of work for it to become more efficient for students (where they can get their maximum sales)
Ha! "7. Flight attendants will tell you to turn it off on take off and landing. You can’t explain that it’s epaper and uses no current. You just can’t. It’s like explaining heaven to bears."
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The Best Places To Find Your Next Free Book Online - Free books online - io9
So, have you bought an ebook reader? I keep thinking about maybe doing that someday, but it's so expensive. . . I'm waiting for someone to tell me why I can't keep living without one.
Why E-Books Look So Ugly | Gadget Lab |
As books make the leap from cellulose and ink to electronic pages, some editors worry that too much is being lost in translation. Typography, layout, illustrations and carefully thought-out covers are all being reduced to a uniform, black-on-gray template that looks the same whether you’re reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies or the Federalist Papers.
Erlang for Skeptics rev 22
Kindle’s DRM Rears Its Ugly Head… And It IS Ugly | Gear Diary
I love my Amazon Kindle. I love reading with it, I love how light it is, and I love the battery life. I also love the fact that it automatically syncs with the Amazon Kindle application on my iPhone and iPod touch. That means any book will open to the last page read regardless of the device last used. it is an amazing bit of technology that makes reading books across multiple platforms beyond simple. It’s a perfect situation — right? Well, it’s an almost perfect situation. This afternoon I discovered a huge Achilles heel in the whole Amazon Kindle environment.
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Compilación de ebooks gratuitos sobre social media y marketing
Book Marketing
Has a manifesto on how to build a platform for a best-selling book
<p>This online book marketing manifesto is being offered to you as a vehicle to:</p><p>Open your eyes to the massive change that’s happening in the world of book marketing<br />Bust a lot of myths, expose scams and stop you from throwing thousands of dollars away<br />Help you understand how to get the biggest advance possible or self-publish and [...]</p>
mostly applicable to domain specific tech books but interesting to think how this would apply to fiction and non-fiction authorsaik
<p>It’s an amazing dream…<br />You wake up at 2:00am with an idea. A story, a vision for a book. You’ve been writing, journaling, maybe even blogging for years. Pen to paper, fingers to keys…it’s in your blood. You’re genetically compelled to craft literary magic. But, now. Oh now. You’ve finally got the big idea!<br />The one that’s [...]</p>
How Amazon's remote deletion of e-books from the Kindle paves the way for book-banning's digital future. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Imagine a world in which all copies of once-censored books like Candide, The Call of the Wild, and Ulysses had been permanently destroyed at the time of the censoring and could not be studied or enjoyed after subsequent decision-makers lifted the ban.
Kindle owners awoke to discover that Amazon had reached into their devices & remotely removed copies of George Orwell's 1984 & Animal Farm. Amazon explained that the books had been mistakenly published, & it gave customers a full refund. It turns out that Orwell wasn't the first author to get flushed down the Kindle's memory hole. In June, fans of Ayn Rand suffered the same fate—Amazon removed Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, & The Virtue of Selfishness, with an explanation that it had "recently discovered a problem" with the titles. & some customers have complained of the same experience with Harry Potter books. Amazon says the Kindle versions of all these books were illegal. Someone uploaded bootlegged copies using the Kindle Store's self-publishing system, & Amazon was only trying to look after publishers' intellectual property. The Orwell incident was too rich with irony to escape criticism, however. Amazon was forced to promise that it will no longer delete its customers' books.
Kindle Issues - Censoring, Monitoring, etc.
Флибуста | Книжное братство
Флибуста - независимый библиотечный ресурс. Как и в любой библиотеке просьба соблюдать чистоту, порядок и спокойствие. Здесь читают и работают хорошие люди. Библиотека действует по принципу вики. Это означает, что добавление книг, авторов и любой другой информации производится пользователями. Администрация содержимым библиотеки принципиально не занимается.
Флибуста - независимый библиотечный ресурс
35 Websites For Free Ebooks Download
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The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery - Microsoft Research
The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery Presenting the first broad look at the rapidly emerging field of data-intensive science
In The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, the collection of essays expands on the vision of pioneering computer scientist Jim Gray for a new, fourth paradigm of discovery based on data-intensive science and offers insights into how it can be fully realized.
Free eBook of essays on "Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery" : "Increasingly, scientific breakthroughs will be powered by advanced computing capabilities that help researchers manipulate and explore massive datasets."
10 Must-Read eBooks for Social Media Lovers
Apple Tablet To Redefine Newspapers, Textbooks and Magazines - Apple tablet books - Gizmodo
Steve Jobs said people don't read any more. But Apple is in talks with several media companies rooted in print, negotiating content for a "new device." And they're not just going for e-books and mags. They're aiming to redefine print.
Ebooks -
6 Books Every Programmer Should Own
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Book | Digging into WordPress
There is much to learn about the World’s most popular publishing platform. From your first steps of learning about WordPress all the way through maintaining a site throughout the years, this book is packed with truly practical information.
Book on WP. Came recommended by John Saddington (@human3rror).
This looks like a great option for learning more about WordPress.
Blio eReader
The FREE Blio eReader software is the new touchstone for the presentation of electronic books & magazines. Stunning, full-color pages come alive in brilliant 3D. Even image-rich books are now at your digital fingertips — because Blio preserves a book’s original layout, fonts, and graphics.
Books, the way they were intended. Highlighting, underlining, and annotating help emphasize information in your mind. insert text, drawing, voice, image or video notes directly into your content. read-aloud feature
Publication Network -
Your website visitors will love it! Make your pdf documents flippable and quickly loading. It is like touching a real document.
Sistema de publicación en formato de revista digital a partir de un PDF (gratuito). Muy visual pero poco práctico a mi gusto para leer en pantalla
Make your pdf documents flippable and quickly loading. It is like touching a real document.
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What matters now - commentary from thought leaders on the key challenges ahead
Big thoughts and small actions make a difference. Things to think about (and do) this year
George Orwell: free web books, online
Obras do George Orwelll grátis pra download.
Virtual Libraries Are Teaching Treasures | Edutopia
This gives information about a wealth of resources available from online libraries.
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Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Places to Find Free eBooks
Every year schools around the world spend thousands of dollars on textbooks that are often outdated by the end of their first year in the classroom. Ebooks, many of them free, can represent huge savings for schools over purchasing textbooks. Here are seven places that you can find free ebooks.
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Places to Find Free eBooks Annotated link
Free Technology for Teachers: lists 7 places to find free ebooks for downloading.
50 Cool Search Engines for Serious Readers | Online Colleges
Cf Titre
Amazon Taps Its Inner Apple | Fast Company
Penenberg, Adam (Fast Company, Julio 2009)
Amazon aims to disintermediate publishers by working directly w/ authors
Large format eReader not released yet.
The Millions: Confessions of a Book Pirate
Book piracy may explode soon, now that books are becoming widely available in electronic form. Here's an interview with a fellow who already trades extensively in pirated e-Books.
stealing books the electronic way
Great piece on bank pirating, with a huge discussion thread. Also, great stuff on this ebook / print book marketing plan: How about doing what Manning Publications did with a recent purchase; add a unique ‘code sheet’ in the book, ask for 3 random entries from it and, if not previously used, allow the person who bought the hard copy to download a *personalised* (ie their email address is embedded in various places throughout) electronic copy. Most books that I want to read in an electronic form I’ve already bought the dead tree version of! All credit to Baen and their authors though. Fantastic library, bought many more books they’ve published as a result."
"Who are the people downloading these books? How are they doing it and where is it happening? And, perhaps most critical for the publishing industry, why are people deciding to download books and why now? I decided to find out, and after a few hours of searching ... I found, on an online forum focused on sharing books via BitTorrent, someone willing to talk. He lives in the Midwest, he’s in his mid-30s and is a computer programmer by trade. By some measures, he’s the publishing industry’s ideal customer, an avid reader who buys dozens of books a year and enthusiastically recommends his favorites to friends. But he’s also uploaded hundreds of books to file sharing sites and he’s downloaded thousands. We discussed his file sharing activity over the course of a weekend, via email, and in his answers lie a critical challenge facing the publishing industry: how to quash the emerging piracy threat without alienating their most enthusiastic customers."
1) With digital copies, what is “stolen” is not as clear as with physical copies. With physical copies, you can assign a cost to the physical product, and each unit costs x dollars to create. Therefore, if the product is stolen, it is easy to say that an object was stolen that was worth x dollars. With digital copies, it is more difficult to assign cost. The initial file costs x dollars to create, but you can make a million copies of that file for no cost. Therefore, it is hard to assign a specific value to a digital copy of a work except as it relates to lost sales.
Hmmm, I never considered myself a pirate. I just thought I was reading. The people who lock ideas away behind hard-to-use uneeded "technologies" seem to be some kind of bad-guys though.
I found, on an online forum focused on sharing books via BitTorrent, someone willing to talk. He lives in the Midwest, he’s in his mid-30s and is a computer programmer by trade. By some measures, he’s the publishing industry’s ideal customer, an avid reader who buys dozens of books a year and enthusiastically recommends his favorites to friends. But he’s also uploaded hundreds of books to file sharing sites and he’s downloaded thousands. We discussed his file sharing activity over the course of a weekend, via email, and in his answers lie a critical challenge facing the publishing industry: how to quash the emerging piracy threat without alienating their most enthusiastic customers. As is typical of anonymous online communities, he has a peculiar handle: “The Real Caterpillar.”
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Seth's Blog: Reinventing the Kindle (part II)
Blog post on ideas for "socializing" the Kindle. Some good ideas here...
Using ebooks.
Useful PDF Search Engine For Programmers and Designers (about 7.500.000 Manuals)
Do School Libraries Need Books? - Room for Debate Blog -
Do schools need to maintain traditional libraries? What are the educational consequences of having students read less on the printed page and more on the Web?
Pro and con essays
A blog discussion about books in school libraries re Cushing Academy.
at this point, the real question is, don't school libraries need more consistent federal funding so they exist period
By reconceptualizing our library, our teachers and students now have better access to vast digital resources for research and learning. But they need more help from librarians to navigate these resources, so we have also increased our library staff by 25 percent.
article do school libraries need books?
Open Educational Resources Center for California | Learn to share ... share to learn
The OER Center for California provides support for community college educators to find, create, remix, use, and share openly licensed learning content. Together, as knowledge workers, we can learn to share...and share to learn.
"A new Web site, Open Educational Resources Center for California, brings together information on free and open textbooks and course materials in one location. Though the Web site was designed for California's community-college faculty members, it could be a useful resource for anyone trying to find learning materials in the public domain."
This is the full digital version of the Jon Stone's "The Monster at the End of this Book".
Click to turn the pages and read the story (no audio)
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Wholesale eBook Sales Statistics
International Digital Publishing Forum collects quarterly US trade retail eBook sales in conjunction with the Association of American Publishers (AAP).
Don't look now but e-book sales are growing ever-so-rapidly in the trade market. 200% in the last year.
Trade #ebook sales for October up $254% over October 2008, per AAP/IDPF: (via @andrewsavikas) – Tim O'Reilly (timoreilly)
New Ebook: Twitter For Beginners | From The Crow's Nest
For the last few months, I’ve been focused on how to help people understand and use Twitter for business. As part of my preparation to speak at the WritersUA conference about using Twitter, I developed a new ebook, Twitter for Beginners. I’m pleased to share this ebook with...
16 Free Must-Read eBooks About Social Media | pamorama
16 social media ebooks van Pamorama, blog
Llibres recomanats sobre social media
The Great Slump of 1930, by John Maynard Keynes
JM Keynes
UNL Digital Collections | Browse
Government comic book collection.
Comics created or commissioned by the US Government. Over 180 items.
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government comics on variety of topics (firefighting, army motors, conservation &c &c) … front page thumbnails to data page, from which download pdf.
Vintage public service pamphlets/booklets in which recognised artist-illustrators contributed drawings, often featuring their famous cartoon/comic characters. You can see the front page of these works as jpeg images but you need to d/load as pdfs. [University of Nebraska-Lincoln collection via CONTENTdm structure]
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Books in the Age of the iPad
"The Books We Make embrace their physicality"
"As the publishing industry wobbles and Kindle sales jump, book romanticists cry themselves to sleep. But really, what are we shedding tears over?"
Very reasonable, and well said. I agree with his recommendations and conclusions.
Scanned, read in detail later.
30 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks
30 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks -
For that only reason, we have again looked deep into the Internet to find best 30 websites to download free e-books. So download free E-books which interests you more and enjoy reading with a cup of coffee.
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A List Apart: Articles: Web Standards for E-books
The internet did not replace television, which did not replace cinema, which did not replace books. E-books aren’t going to replace books either. E-books are books, merely with a different form.
Librophile - Finding Free Audio Books Made Easy
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Read Me! | 15 Free Guides That Really Teach You Useful Stuff
15 Free Guides That Really Teach You Useful Stuff
12 – The Idiot’s Guide To Photoshop
Welcome | Ibis Reader ™
First ebook app modified for iPad. Uses HTML5
Publishing: The Revolutionary Future - The New York Review of Books
Kirjojen ja julkaisemisen tulevaisuus
Espresso Book Machine
"The transition within the book publishing industry from physical inventory stored in a warehouse and trucked to retailers to digital files stored in cyberspace and delivered almost anywhere on earth as quickly and cheaply as e-mail is now underway and irreversible. This historic shift will radically transform worldwide book publishing, the cultures it affects and on which it depends."
Without the contents of our libraries—our collective backlist, our cultural memory—our civilization would collapse.
About the future of books
New technologies, however, do not await permission. They are, to use Schumpeter's overused term, disruptive, as nonnegotiable as earthquakes.
Free Stuff - Educational Technology - ICT in Education
87 projects. 10 further resources. 52 applications. 94 contributors. The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. What were the learning outcomes? And did I mention that this is free?!
the site for leaders and managers of educational ICT
12 Useful and Free Downloadable Web Design Books - Speckyboy Design Magazine
There are a multitude of books (whether in digital format or print) that cover every possible aspect of web design, each one is unique and offers a personalized opportunity for the author to both educate, inspire, and guide the reader through there knowledge. In this post rather than offer all of my favorite web design books, I have listed 12 books that I have either downloaded and read (or at least scanned through), or I have bookmarked with the whole-hearted intention of eventually reading it (Ruby Best Practices), and the best thing of all? All of these books are completely FREE, in digital format anyway (PDF or HTML).
RT @thiemogillissen RT @simplease: 12 Useful and Free Downloadable Web Design Books
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The 5 Best Ebook Search Engines – » Blog Archive » 14 websites to make you a more intelligent person
Signed Stories Home Page - ITV Signed Stories
need to ask for videos to be opened for teachers on district...
I've seen Signed Stories bouncing around the blogosphere and Twittersphere for a few weeks now, but only recently have I had time to explore it. Signed Stories is a provider of free videos featuring children's stories accompanied by subtitles and sign language. All of the stories feature someone signing the story (in British Sign Language). In addition to sign language many of the stories also offer subtitles. The videos on Signed Stories are organized into seven themes. With the exception of the Baby and Toddler section the stories are not categorized by age. Although every video is free, because many of the stories and images are copyrighted, Signed Stories videos cannot be downloaded or embedded into other sites
Free videos featuring children's stories with subtitles and signed in British Sign Language.
a provider of free videos featuring children's stories accompanied by subtitles and sign language. All of the stories feature someone signing the story (in British Sign Language). In addition to sign language many of the stories also offer subtitles. The videos on Signed Stories are organized into seven themes. With the exception of the Baby and Toddler section the stories are not categorized by age. Although every video is free, because many of the stories and images are copyrighted, Signed Stories videos cannot be downloaded or embedded into other sites
Outstanding Free Ebooks on Design » Arbenting Freebies - The Product of Being Creative
Given that one of the most important things any designer can do, is to always be learning, we thought we would take a look through a few free Ebooks to suggest them to our readers. (It is important to note, that none of the publishers or authors aske
Downloads: Calibre Manages Your E-Book Collection
Calibre is a feature rich e-book manager, complete with Cover Flow-like looks and network sharing.
How Can I Convert PDFs and Other Ebooks to the ePub Format? - Ebooks - Lifehacker
Describes a tool called Calibre to convert files to ePub and other formats.
Descarga libros gratis online - Literatia
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HOW TO: Publish Your Blog on the Amazon Kindle
Top 12 Websites To Download Free E-Books
Make books your way! Share with the world. •Free to Make & Publish books •Bookstore Quality Books, Buy One or Many •No Software, Easy Book Builder, 100% Online
Makes interactive, online books, including digpix, uploaded graphics. Start from word files, PowerPoint slides, or templates. Shared by URL. Printed copies of books can also be ordered (for a fee).
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading - Futurism - io9
If you care about the future of books, you need to understand the Google Book Settlement. It's a complicated legal document, but we've talked to some of its architects, detractors, and defenders - and break it all down for you.
Understanding Google Books Copyright Settlement
Good, long article.
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading: – Evgenia Firsova (diffidence) - Graphics Programming Black Book
The iPad, the Kindle, and the future of books : The New Yorker
Bookstores, particularly independent bookstores, help resist this trend by championing authors the employees believe in. "In a bookstore, there’s a serendipitous element involved in browsing," Jonathan Burnham, the senior vice-president and publisher of HarperCollins, says. "Independent bookstores are like a community center. We walk in and know the people who work there and like to hear their reading recommendations." ... "If you want to make the right decision for the future, fear is not a very good consultant," ... Assked to describe her foremost concern, Carolyn Reidy, of Simon & Schuster, said, "In the digital world, it is possible for authors to publish without publishers. It is therefore incumbent on us to prove our worth to authors every day."
Ken Auletta.... good article on publishers, ebooks, Amazon and Apple. Good statistics.
Publish or Perish
37 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks
RT @draenews: Del 37 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks:
"37 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks" ( )
Free EBooks nowadays are in high demand as people like to read on there laptops, palm tops and iPad etc. We all know that reading is the best way to gain a particular knowledge from a source. This practice makes books convert into digital media equivalent which we call Ebooks. So what do you think if you’re able to download free ebooks and take with yourself any place you want.
Embracing the digital book — Craig Mod
Let's talk about text. Let's talk about the digital book.
On redesigning e-readers or how we read digital text. Of note: "Show me the overlap of 10,000 readers' highlighted passages in a digital book. This is our ‘Cliff Notes.’ We don’t need Derek Sivers' brilliant summaries[14] anymore (sorry Derek!) — we’re collectively summarizing for each other as we read and mark our digital copies. Show me a heat map of passages — ‘hottest’ to ‘coldest’. Which chapters in this Obama biography should I absolutely not miss?(Fig 7) Let Stefan Sagmeister publicly share the passages he’s highlighted in the new Murakami Haruki novel. This is something I want to see. And I bet you do, too. When I’m considering buying a book, show me how far the average reader gets. Do most readers get through the whole novel or give up halfway? How many notes do they take? How many passages do they highlight?"
Swaroop C H, The Dreamer - India, Life, Technology » Blog Archive » Announcing my free book on Vim
I’m happy to announce the first public release of my Creative-Commons licensed book on the Vim 7 editor. This book is meant for both beginners and advanced users. For beginners, it walks you through the first steps to learning about modes, discusses about typing skills to be effective and moves on to the editing basics. This book will definitely appeal more to people who are Vim users already because it helps add a huge number of tricks to their arsenal, whether it is more efficient editing, personal information management, coding your own plugins or making Vim a programmers’ editor.
Four Free Ebooks for Web Developers | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
As we used to think and say over here, sharing knowledge it's a great way to help others. This time we bring to you four free ebooks about CSS, HTML, Ajax, web
100 Intro Open Courses on Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Learn | Best Colleges Online
20 Places Where Bookworms Go to Read and Socialize Online --
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things | I Can Has Happy
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things
Free Software Turns the iPhone Into an E-Book Reader | Gadget Lab from
Wiredin artikkeli Stanzan iPhone -versiosta
michigan / 23 / 03 / 2009 / News / Home - Inside Higher Ed
""I have been increasingly convinced that the business model based on printed monograph was not merely failing but broken," said Phil Pochoda, director of the Michigan press. "Why try to fight your way through this? Why try to remain in territory you know is doomed? Scholarly presses will be primarily digital in a decade. Why not seize the opportunity to do it now?""
"Michigan officials say that their move reflects a belief that it's time to stop trying to make the old economics of scholarly publishing work. 'I have been increasingly convinced that the business model based on printed monograph was not merely failing but broken,' said Phil Pochoda, director of the Michigan press. 'Why try to fight your way through this? Why try to remain in territory you know is doomed? Scholarly presses will be primarily digital in a decade. Why not seize the opportunity to do it now?'"
Scholarly publishing takes a digital hit.
The University of Michigan Press is announcing today that it will shift its scholarly publishing from being primarily a traditional print operation to one that is primarily digital. Within two years, press officials expect well over 50 of the 60-plus monographs that the press publishes each year -- currently in book form -- to be released only in digital editions. Readers will still be able to use print-on-demand systems to produce versions that can be held in their hands, but the press will consider the digital monograph the norm. Many university presses are experimenting with digital publishing, but the Michigan announcement may be the most dramatic to date by a major university press.
"The University of Michigan Press is announcing today that it will shift its scholarly publishing from being primarily a traditional print operation to one that is primarily digital."
The University of Michigan Press is announcing today that it will shift its scholarly publishing from being primarily a traditional print operation to one that is primarily digital. Michigan officials say that their move reflects a belief that it's time to stop trying to make the old economics of scholarly publishing work. Michigan officials said that they don't plan to cut the budget of the press -- but to devote resources to peer review and other costs of publishing that won't change with the new model. Significantly, they said, the press would no longer have to reject books deemed worthy from a scholarly perspective, but viewed as unable to sell. ...move to the idea that a university press should be judged by its contribution to scholarship, not "profit or loss," which has become too central as the economics of print publishing have deteriorated. The shift is not designed to save money, but to make better use of the money being spent on the press. [good stuff in comments too]
Collection of Free Programming and Technology Related Books
This post contains the list of sites offering Programming, Information Technology and Computer books which are provided by Publishers and Authors legally and free. You can bookmark this post for future use.
30+ Best Websites to download free E-books | Graphic and Web Design Blog
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Free Science Books and Journals |
Sciyo is a free service that allows scientists to publish their works and connect with other authors. Works published on Sciyo are made available for free to visitors. Visitors can download works as PDFs. There are currently 211 free books on Sciyo. The category of books that is probably of most interest to readers of this blog is Technology and Education. In the future videos will also be available on Sciyo.
How to convert PDF files to ePub files to read on your iPad with iBooks – Simple Help
How to convert PDF files to ePub files to read on your iPad with iBooks
Convert your PDF Files to ePub format to have them in iBooks on the iPad #iPad #ePub #calibre
Do It Yourself eBooks | Carsonified
Creating Your own eBook
WEBTOOLS applied to teaching
RT @shannonmmiller: WEBTOOLS applied to teaching ...Great resource! #fhuedu642
MeeGenius Library
RT @SeanBanville: Fab! RT @NikPeachey: Fantastic collection of kids books that read to you #efl #edtech #literacy ...
Fantastic collection of kids books that read to you #TESOL #ESL #TEFL #efl #edtech #literacy #YL
Kids storybooks read aloud.
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A book crowdsourced in one week may 21-28 2010
iPad and Kindle Reading Speeds (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Nielson compares Kindle to iPad reading speeds
Possible ECOO
Summary: A study of people reading long-form text on tablets finds higher reading speeds than in the past, but they're still slower than reading print.
A study of people reading long-form text on tablets finds higher reading speeds than in the past, but they're still slower than reading print.
Nielsen säger att det går snabbare att läsa bok än e-bok. Testat på 24 personer-
Studie: Vergleich von Lesekomfort bei Kindle, iPad, PC
7 Great Completely Free eBooks on Social Media You Have to Read
"Do you love books? Love getting free stuff? Yeah, me too. That’s why I’ve decided to share with you all a selection of excellent books on social media that are all available to read for free."
a selection of completely free ebooks which come highly recommended by social media professionals.
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jQuery Fundamentals
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!
So you want to be an epublisher.
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!
10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries)
Good post on ways to use Google Books
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!
10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
The great thing about Google is that you can take any of its services and extend it to uses that are not so obvious. We have seen the uncounted ways you can use Google Search. Now, take Google Books for instance.
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries)
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!
Activos Intangibles: Bibliografía sobre social media y comunicación on line: 35 ebooks en castellano
Alguna vez ya había preparado una breve bibliografía sobre Web 2.0 pero en esos tiempos no disponíamos de la gran cantidad de recursos on line con los que contamos hoy. La mayoría de ellos están para descargar en formato PDF, por lo que pueden ser disfrutados en vuestras pantallas de tablets, móviles, iPads o la amplia gama de lectores de ebooks disponibles en el mercado.
Bibliografía sobre social media y comunicación on line: 35 ebooks en castellano
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers #webdesign
Recopilación de libros gratuitos sobre diseño web
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20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) | Clases de Periodismo
RT @porkambin: 20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español)
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
While you may have to shell our some money for a good web design book, there are a number of them out that have online versions that are totally free.
There’s a never ending supply of information out there for us web designers. If there’s something we need to learn, we can find it in one form or another. Sometimes it may be on a blog or it could be in a book. While you may have to shell our some money for a good web design book, there are a number of them out that have online versions that are totally free. Here are 10 you should find very useful.
20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) | Clases de Periodismo
20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español)
Interesante lista de libros a leer sobre social media web2.0 y todas esas cosas extrañas
RT @porkambin: 20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español)
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
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