Pages tagged eclipse:

Eclipse plug-in for creating wireframes and screen mockups - WireframeSketcher

WireframeSketcher is an Eclipse plug-in for creating wireframes, screen mockups and UI prototypes.
WireframeSketcher is an Eclipse plugin for creating wireframes, screen mockups and UI prototypes. * Create UI mockups in no time * Communicate your intent * Get feedback * Build better software!
an Eclipse plugin for creating wireframes, screen mockups and UI prototypes
The Big PHP IDE Test: Why Use One And Which To Choose | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions. Hopefully, you’ll get an idea of what each PHP IDE has to offer and which one best fits your needs.
"Both PDT and NetBeans are good. If you need a lot of plug-ins, Eclipse is the better choice. If editing tools and code completion are more important to you, then pick NetBeans. NetBeans is a bit more responsive, too."
In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions.
AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
The AWS Toolkit for Eclipse is a plug-in for the Eclipse Java IDE that makes it easier for developers to develop, deploy, and debug Java applications using Amazon Web Services. With the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, you’ll be able to get started faster and be more productive when building AWS applications.
Because this is just too cool!
App Engine Java Overview - Google App Engine - Google Code
ngine for Java makes it
exciting news!
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes.
Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is the fastest way to start developing Google Web Toolkit and App Engine applications, allowing you to go from installing the plugin to deploying an Ajax "Hello World" in a matter of minutes. Simply install the plugin and get started. If you don't have the GWT and App Engine SDKs installed, the plugin can take care of that for you.
Google plugin
全Eclipse Java プログラマーに捧げる Eclispe 徹底活用術完全版~Eclipseに空気を読ませて楽する術~ - Yamashiro0217の日記
The longest solar eclipse of the century - The Big Picture -
Project Lombok
annotations simplify your boiler plater...SneakThrows looks dangerous. Is this mung-ing?
Google Wave - Tutorial
This article describes Google Wave and the usage of the Google Wave API to build a robot. Небольшой пример программирования под Гугл вейв This article was developed with Java 6.0 and Eclipse 3.5.
This article describes Google Wave and the usage of the Google Wave API to build a robot. This article was developed with Java 6.0 and Eclipse 3.5.
Javaにおける開発・Test(Unit/Web/負荷)環境のまとめ - よねのはてな
Best Open Source UML tools | Open Source Applications
StarUML Netbeans UML Plugin Acceleo ArgoUML BOUML Eclipse UML2 Tools Umbrello UML Modeller Frame UML UMLet TinyUML Taylor Papyrus UML
Open Source UML tools
chromedevtools - Project Hosting on Google Code
chrome用デバッグツール eclipse前提
30 Best Eclipse Plugins | AjaxLine
Aptanaで始めるJavaScriptライブラリ「jQuery」超入門 (1/3) ─ @IT
DB設計の神ツール「ERMaster」なら、ここまでできる (1/3) - @IT
いくつかの無料で利用できるツールが提供されているので、筆者はそれらを利用していましたが、最近「ERMaster」と呼ばれるEclipseプラグインの存在を知りました。  ERMasterは、ほかのツールに比べ、直感的で分かりやすいUI(ユーザーインターフェイス)に、カスタマイズ可能な、Excelで出力できるテーブル定義書、辞書機能など痒いところに手が届くERモデリングのツールです。本稿では、このERMasterについてご紹介します。
LinuxParty | - Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
Sitio Web de linux_party
Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
Debug Java applications remotely with Eclipse
You don't need to debug Java applications on just your local desktop. Learn how to spread around your debugging using different connection types that make up remote debugging. This article outlines the features and examples that show how to set up remote application debugging.
Remote Debugging of JAVA Applications
EclipseでJava版App Engineを始めるための基礎知識 (1/3) - @IT
A Recap on OSGi - Why and How? | Eclipse Zone
Links to several OSGi articles for introduction
Bunch-O-Links to OSGI stuff
Java Code Geeks: GWT 2 Spring 3 JPA 2 Hibernate 3.5 Tutorial
How To: Try Android Froyo On Your Computer
How to set up an Android 2.2 emulator. Kinda geeky, but could be useful.
Android Development 101 – Part 1:Hello World - Hack a Day