Pages tagged education:

Thinking Things from Snaith Primary

Thinking Things from Snaith Primary
Digital student |
for teaching? Blank electronic canva
interesting set of articles - maybe e-learning moving more mainstream?
50+ Free Open Courseware Classes for Web Designers Perfecting Their Craft | Distance Learning Net
More than 50 top notch courses that will help you become a better web designer.
The Last Professor - Stanley Fish Blog -
discussion on the changing attitiudes of higher learning
In previous columns and in a recent book I have argued that higher education, properly understood, is distinguished by the absence of a direct and designed relationship between its activities and measurable effects [sic] in the world.
The sad truth is acadaemia is now a pragmatic, utilitarian enterprise, populated by those who measure and observe and produce - but there once was a place where learning meant inquiry, explanation and understanding.
10 Online Learning Tools for Students |
tools for science, math, languages, English
Great tools online tools in various subjects.
69 Free or Open Source Tools For Students | Online College
links to all sorts of sources
Business Media 誠:“ポニョ”を作りながら考えていたこと:悪人を倒せば世界が平和になるという映画は作らない――宮崎駿監督、映画哲学を語る(前編) (1/4)
「オナニーしてる暇があったら、物作れ」と同じ主旨の名言。 「生産者も消費者の気分でいる」 「人を楽しませるために自分たちの職業で精いっぱい力を尽くすのではなく、それもやるけれど、ほとんどの時間は他人が作ったものを消費することによって楽しもうと思って生きていますね。」どれだけ時間を使うか。 「それは僕のような年寄りから見ると、非常に不遜なことであるという風に、真面目に作れという風に、力を込めて作れという風に(感じ)、「すべてのものをそこ(作品)に注ぎ込め」と怒り狂っているわけです。だから全体的なモチベーションの低下がこの社会を覆っているんだと思います。」 もしかして、たまに見かける次のような答えが本気で物を作っている人の日常なのかな。「技術形の文章はよく読むけど、最近、他の人が何してるかはほとんど見ませんね。」 Googleが何か作るときには、競合サイト関係なくて、いいと思ったものを、いい感じに作る事だけを考えている。と聞いたことがある。
EWD1036.PDF (application/pdf Object)
Talk notes from 1988: "The concept of radical novelties is of contemporary significance because, while we are ill-prepared to cope with them, science and technology have now shown themselves expert at inflicting them upon us. Earlier scientific examples are the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics; later technological examples are the atom bomb and the pill." The radical novelty of the automatic computer can be found in large numbers and digital (as opposed to analog) implementation: small changes, potentially big effects. Towards the final third this amazing talk becomes a bit uptight.
Edsger Dijkstra, the greatest computer scientist to never own a computer, hand wrote and distributed 'On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science'
Web Quest Maker
web quests are Internet-based treasure hunts
servicio para hacer encuestas online
Academic Earth
lectures top academics
2009 Horizon Report
This is always a good reference source for latest info on technology in higher education.
A List Apart: Articles: Elevate Web Design at the University Level
Web education is out of date and fragmented. There are good people working hard to change this, but because of the structure of higher education, it will take time. As part of a year-long journey to discover where we are in web education and where we need to go, Leslie Jensen-Inman interviewed 32 web design and development leaders. The consensus: technology moves too fast for college and university curricula to keep up. How, then, can educators create a sustainable foundation for the future?
Sponsor an Educator...sounds like a new nonprofit idea to me.
Web education is out of date and fragmented.
World Without Walls: Learning Well with Others | Edutopia
California State University - San Marcos
This is my University website
I go here
This is my where I go to school.
This is my University homepage.
This is my university. Testing is done.
University where I'm getting my teaching credential
This is my Unversity Website.
This is the university I attend for now. Currently I am a junior.
My University's website
This is my University.
my university
MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 17, 18 and 19: Shortest Path Algorithms - good coders code, great reuse
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic - CiteSeerX
online art history resource (with podcasts/videos)
Create a Crossword Puzzle!
Create a KId Crossword Puzzle!
Twenty-Two Interesting Ways* to use your Pocket Video Camera in the Classroom - Google Docs
22 formas interesantes de usar tu video camara de bolsillo en el salon de clases.
Notas para camara de video - Google Docs
Absolutely love this wonderful presentation by Tom Barrett. Full of ideas for using a small video camera
Tom Barrett's uses of video in the classroom.
Attenborough reveals creationist hate mail for not crediting God | World news | The Guardian
Sir David Attenborough has revealed that he receives hate mail from viewers for failing to credit God in his documentaries. In an interview with this week's Radio Times about his latest documentary, on Charles Darwin and natural selection, the broadcaster said: "They tell me to burn in hell and good riddance."
Telling the magazine that he was asked why he did not give "credit" to God, Attenborough added: "They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball. The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator."
Attenborough is as great as his haters are tiny and useless.
because you LOVE him :P
"Sir David Attenborough has revealed that he receives hate mail from viewers for failing to credit God in his documentaries."
"...asked why he did not give "credit" to God, Attenborough added: "They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball. The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator.""
Sir David Attenborough has revealed that he receives hate mail from viewers for failing to credit God in his documentaries. In an interview with this week's Radio Times about his latest documentary, on Charles Darwin and natural selection, the broadcaster said: "They tell me to burn in hell and good riddance." Telling the magazine that he was asked why he did not give "credit" to God, Attenborough added: "They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball. The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator."
PhilPapers: Online research in philosophy
Huge repository of papers in academic philosophy
PhilPapers is a comprehensive directory of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers. We monitor journals in many areas of philosophy, as well as archives and personal pages. We also accept articles directly from users, who can provide links or upload copies. Some features require that you sign in first, but creating an account is easy and free.
An index of current research in philosophy. Also offers forums, discussion groups, and advanced bibliographic tools for philosophers.
Is Technology Producing A Decline In Critical Thinking And Analysis?
816 discussion
ScienceDaily (Jan. 29, 2009) —
I’m Attending MIT, Stanford & Harvard ~ Mattias Geniar
Free classes
online courses to check out
Check the courses offered
That's Not Cool
Being with someone isn't easy. When there's a problem, how do you handle it? See how your choices play out.
Includes videos, callout cards, talk it out, and need help features. Good use with MYP environments and teacher homerooms/health
short videos on teen topics
The Top 10 Social Networks for Generation-Y
Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. With thousands
Media Education Lab: University-community partnership for media literacy under the direction of Renee Hobbs: : Copyright and Fair Use
"Teaching about Copyright and Fair Use"
Information about fair use for students and educators. Many formats.
Includes lesson plans and video case studies related to the Code of Best Practices for Fair Use in Media Literacy Education.
temple university
Europeana - Connecting Cultural Heritage
Europeana - Connecting Cultural Heritage
Projekthomepage mit Systeminfos, Metadaten, Technisches, etc.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
The Official Flat Stanley Project
Take Flat Stanley everywhere and write about him.
Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
According to Lovely, and education technology consultant and speaker at the FETC 2009 conference in Orlando, FL in January, it was the recognition of those needs that led her to develop a "top 10 list" of go-to technology tools to help inspire young students and empower under-funded teachers. "The important thing to remember here," she said, "is that this isn't about simply providing you with 10 links. It's much more important to ask, 'What are you going to do with these things? How are you going to use these tools?' That's why we're here," she said. "So I can show you not only what's out there but also how other educators are using these resources to teach their students right now."
February 2009 : THE Journal
100 Free Open Courses to Be Your Own Financial Planner - Learn-gasm
Singularity University
Preparing Humanity for Accelerating Technological Changes
La Universidad de la Singularidad:Silicon Valley, la cuna mundial de la alta tecnología, abrirá este verano la Universidad de la Singularidad, un centro académico único que, financiado entre otros por Google y la NASA, formará a los futuros líderes "para que identifiquen los grandes retos de la humanidad"
Preparing Humanity for accelerating technological change - Nasa & Google
"Singularity University, based on the NASA Ames campus in Silicon Valley, is an interdisciplinary university whose mission is to assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies (bio, nano, info, AI, etc.), and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanity’s grand challenges."
Eleven Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom - Google Docs
Twitter in the classroom
100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas | Online College Blog and School Reviews
Whether you are a busy executive, a single parent, a freelancer working from home, a student, or a combination of these, you have probably found yourself needing help when it comes to organizing all your thoughts and ideas that occur throughout your busy day.
Learning and Working in the Collaborative Age: A New Model for the Workplace | Edutopia
This is a terrific short video on hiring. Nelson explains how to see past the breadth of the resume to determine if someone is really going to make a difference for you. Found via <a href="">Kottke</a> and like him I especially liked the part about hiring interested vs. interesting people.
Depth, breath, (being interested rather than interesting), comms, collaboration (not just cooperation, which = not getting in each others way. Collaboration: interested in each other, bring separate depths to a given problem).
Pixar University's Randy Nelson explains what schools must do to prepare students for jobs in new media. Much of what he says applies to people working in other fields as well.
Howard’s Startup Game » Why is Economic Recession Good for Startups
Idea : Docs for Teachers - Google Docs Help Center
Google doc ideas for teachers.
Ideas for integrating Google Docs in the classroom
Science Introduce students to the scientific method Students are introduced to the scientific method through a hands-on activity, using a sp
PrimTICE - Recherche
Super Teacher Tools
teaching software site
Teaching kids how to write computer programs, by Marshall Brain
If you want to introduce your kids to programming, there are MANY different ways to do it. If you want to go down this road, Google is your friend. It is amazing how much stuff is out there. Just start looking, try different things with your kids, and see what works for you. It can be a lot of fun.
YouTube - Learn to Change, Change to Learn
The 100 Best Business Books of All Time: More on The 100 Best Archives
100 business books.
Bill Gates unplugged | Video on
bill gates talks about world probems and how we can solve them
Via Timgo
Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world's biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. In a passionate and, yes, funny 18 minutes, he asks us to consider two big questions and how we might answer them.
Elizabeth Gilbert on genius | Video on
Bill Gates unplugged | Video on
"Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world's biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. In a passionate and, yes, funny 18 minutes, he asks us to consider two big questions and how we might answer them." Annoyingly good. Truly understands the issues he's looking to solve.
JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template
JeopardyLabs allows you to create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint. The games you make can be played online from anywhere in the world. Building your own jeopardy template is a piece of cake. Just use our simple editor to get your game up and running.
Jeopardy Labs lets you build a Jeopardy game board without the use of Power Point! All that you have to do to start is enter a password so that others can’t edit your game. Then it is as simple as titling it, typing in categories and then entering questions and answers.
A List Apart: Articles: Brighter Horizons for Web Education
Nuevos horizontes para la educación web
"The Web Standards Project have begun trying to tackle the education issue. Industry experts and veteran educators on the WaSP Education Task Force are currently working to develop the WaSP Curriculum Framework (WCF), a modular curriculum that can be used to improve existing curricula or serve as the foundation for emerging programs. (Disclosure: I’m a member of The Web Standards Project, an educator, and the project lead of the WaSP Curriculum Framework.) The WCF will be released in March of 2009 as a living curriculum that will adapt to changes in the industry so that schools using it can ensure their students are learning the concepts that are relevant to their field of study. The WCF’s first release will contain approximately 14 courses divided into six learning tracks: * Foundations * Front-end Development * Design * Server-side Development * User Science * Professional Practice "
"Building a real relationship between industry and education requires that we answer this question for both parties: 'What’s in it for me?' Whether you’re a practitioner or educator, the answer is the same: graduates who are ready for a career in the web."
Schools that teach web design struggle to keep pace with our industry, and those just starting their curricula often set off in the wrong direction because the breadth and depth of our medium can be daunting.
Brighter Horizons for Web Education by Aarron Walter
英語の勉強に無料でおすすめのサイト・ポッドキャスト - watanabiの日記
Devolve me - Charles Darwin - The Open University
save n share
David Merrill demos Siftables, the smart blocks | Video on
Singularity University
The iPhone Could Be The Ultimate Study Machine
article on using iphone to study
IPhone as a study tool
Walden, and 99 other Free Online Books Every Student of Humanity Should Read | Online Education at
Facebook for Parents
Best practices for parents with children who are under the age of 18 and using Facebook
To help kids reach their full potential, parents today must know about Facebook. That’s the purpose of this website. Starting now, parents can enroll in a free course at Stanford to learn more about Facebook. The course instructors are psychologist Dr. BJ Fogg of Stanford’s Persuasive Technology Lab and BJ’s sister, Linda Phillips, a mom with kids from college age to 5th grade. Parents can also sign up for a free newsletter about Facebook, created especially for parents with kids under 18 using the service.
Offered by Stanford, no less
an online education program for parents to learn about Facebook including tips on making sure their children are practicing responsible online citizenship. The homepage of Facebook for Parents offers five tips for parents just beginning to learn about Facebook. Facebook for Parents has a free email newsletter for parents to keep up to date on the latest research and best practices for keeping kids safe online.
To help kids reach their full potential, parents today must know about Facebook. That’s the purpose of this website. Starting now, parents can enroll in a free course at Stanford to learn more about Facebook. The course instructors are psychologist Dr. BJ Fogg of Stanford’s Persuasive Technology Lab and BJ’s sister, Linda Phillips, a mom with kids from college age to 5th grade. Parents can also sign up for a free newsletter about Facebook, created especially for parents with kids under 18 using the service.
ED Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet -- TOC
Great site if you are looking for ideas on how to get started collaborating with another classroom
government site with ideas for online collaboration and international activities.
The Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration was developed to help teachers use the Internet to "reach out" globally. These materials were prepared as part of the Department of Education's International Education Initiative.
Hula to High Tech: Hawaiian Students Re-Create History | Edutopia
Thousands of articles, videos, slide shows, expert interviews, blog entries, and other resources highlight success stories in K-12 education. Core concepts include integrated studies, project learning,technology integration, teacher development, social and emotional learning, and assessment.
Awesome school in Honolulu, Hawaii that utilizes technology for teaching purposes.
WildEarth.TV ... it's in your nature. -
What is WildEarth (WE)? WE is a new concept in wildlife TV. Everything you see is 100% LIVE and happening right now. Join us at 05h30 CAT (Central African Time) and 16h30 CAT for a LIVE presenter lead safari, where WE go in search of some of our favourite characters. WE also do a LIVE bush walk every weekday morning, visit the WEschedule for all the times and shows.
Live webcam in Africa!
Twitter Professors: 18 People to Follow for a Real Time Education
he adds in his bio, as if it’s a minor thing” “Oh, and am the Science Advisor to the Project on Emerging Nanotech.” Super smart guy on Twitter alert.
Never before in history has it been easier to glean from the knowledge of others who will give it away to you for free. It’s equivalent to getting higher education. I’m talking about Masters level stuff. And it’s all available right there on Twitter. I call the people I follow who contribute above and beyond the basic answer to “what are you doing?” my professors of Twitter.
Barry Schwartz on our loss of wisdom | Video on
Barry Schwartz makes a passionate call for “practical wisdom” as an antidote to a society gone mad with bureaucracy.
Apresentação de Barry Schwartz, no TED.
Seth's Blog: What is school for?
# Do well on standardized tests Be able to read for pleasure Learn for the sake of learning
Letter Monsters - a set on Flickr
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Letter Monsters - a set on Flickr
the art of the commencement speech, an archive
" Though some of these wonderful remarks were given decades ago, we believe they are as relevant and important, perhaps increasingly so, as the more current speeches. Thus we encourage you to read them all, recognizing and celebrating your own constant commencement into tomorrow, finding ways to place it firmly within the context of progress for all humankind."
including Barack Obama, Toni Morrison, John F. Kennedy etc
The commencement ceremony affirms each student's search for knowledge. It often includes a graduation speech which seeks to put their recent hard (or not so hard) work into the context of their future. Many of us hear one or two commencement addresses as graduates or listen to a handful as spectators. Yet -- as we graduate from one year to another, one relationship to another, one experience to another -- we always are learning. Though these myriad departures and arrivals of everyday existence are seldom met with ceremony, words traditionally reserved for momentous occasions may ring true and inspirational at any hour. That's why we created this unique archive of commencement addresses, selecting an eclectic menu of twenty nine extraordinary speeches from the thousands that we have reviewed since beginning work on this initiative in 1989.
100 Free and Useful Open Courseware Classes for Web Workers - Learn-gasm
The Library Web Site of the Future :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
from Inside Higher Ed by Steven J. Bell.
"Shift the focus from content to service and from information to people"
Barry Schwartz on our loss of wisdom | Video on
Video on
what the f do teachers do wrong
* Your daily cheat sheet for education news!
Tutsplus Dashboard
web and design
rom graphics to web development, audio to video and more, get the skills you want from our family of tutorial and resource sites. Need more? We also offer a Plus program where you can access source files and bonus tutorials.
From graphics to web development, audio to video and more, get the skills you want from our family of tutorial and resource sites. Need more? We also offer a Plus program where you can access source files and bonus tutorials.
Scotch/ Discovery Education Science Fair Central offers ideas for science fair projects and experiments for kids
over 100 project ideas, tips and tricks for creating a winning presentation, and even a project timeline that encourages students to plan backwards from the date of the Science fair
offers ideas for science fair projects and experiments for kids
50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Education by Blog By Carol
Discovery Education | Siemens Science Day
science Resources siemens hands-on interactive education activities | shared by Dean Mantz 2009-02-20 05:40:28
ENGAGE AND AMAZE YOUR STUDENTS Teachers, engage and amaze your students. Here you'll find videos, tools and revealing hands-on activities for students in grades 4 through 6 to help reinvent your science class. New, original experiments with intuitive directions, materials lists and home extensions. Get started today.
Science resources for Amanda.
Educational Blogs You Should Be Investigating | Making Teachers Nerdy
Links to some excellent blogs used for education
100+ Language Learning Sites
Cramberry: Studying Made Easy
xkcd - A Webcomic - 11th Grade
Praise Perl
Wow, as long as you enjoyed that weekend playing with perl this is absolutely true.
Main Page - Computer Vision Primer
A First Course in Linear Algebra (A Free Textbook)
Physics Games - online physics-based games
The Ultimate Open Courseware Toolset: 60+ Directories, Search Engines, and Web Tools | The .Edu Toolbox
educational resources shared openly
lista de directórios, motores de pesquisa, ferramentas e outros para ajudar no ensino
Self-Education Resource List
The internet is an invaluable resource to self-educated learners. Below is a list of some of the most helpful sites out there including opencourseware materials, free libraries, learning communities, educational tools, and more.
PBS Teachers - Activity Packs
An Activity Pack is a set of educational resources focused on a theme and packaged in a widget-format that you can embed in your own class or social media web page. Each pack includes links to PBS web sites and a set of activities by grade level.
Explore educational resources and activities from PBS with our library of Activity Packs. Each one focuses on a curricular theme and includes links to great PBS resources and supplemental activities
Another widget source from PBS and Dr. Valenza.
世界の有名教授の授業がオンラインで聴講し放題!『Academic Earth』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Among the Inept, Researchers Discover, Ignorance Is Bliss
Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report
U.S. News has collected data from more than 1,400 colleges to bring you this year's rankings
check out the best places to attend college!
US News and World Report ranks colleges
Becta Emerging Technologies
Emerging Technologies for Learning is an initiative from Becta that draws together news, research, analysis and views around technology developments and trends relevant to education and their use within schools and colleges. It aims to provide an environment for debate on technology futures within the education community and those serving it, encouraging dialogue and building shared understandings about the future. It includes sections on the latest technology research, software / Internet news, plus hardware, multimedia and network / wireless sections. Articles include research reports with references, from Becta and elsewhere, news updates on conferences and events, plus discussion areas for topics including information management and personalised learning. Users can interact with the site in a number of ways including leaving comments on articles and proposing new articles.
Intute abstract: Emerging Technologies for Learning is an initiative from Becta that draws together news, research, analysis and views around technology developments and trends relevant to education and their use within schools and colleges. It aims to provide an environment for debate on technology futures within the education community and those serving it, encouraging dialogue and building shared understandings about the future. It includes sections on the latest technology research, software / Internet news, plus hardware, multimedia and network / wireless sections. Articles include research reports with references, from Becta and elsewhere, news updates on conferences and events, plus discussion areas for topics including information management and personalised learning. Users can interact with the site in a number of ways including leaving comments on articles and proposing new articles.
Web sites about educational technologies and emerging trends.
Practice Your Code-Fu: Programming Contests and Puzzles Online | GrokCode
Take Note: Doodling Can Help Memory on Yahoo! Health
doodle away folks!
from Tracey Isidro
Math Simulations
Scroll down to see the SS and the LA
Digital Citizenship Education
Citizenship Education
Microsoft (free) curriculum; suggested for grades 8-10 but can be adapted to middle school; explores issues surrounding fair use and digital citizenship.
The Digital Citizenship and Creative Content program is a free, turnkey instructional program. The goal is to create an awareness of the rights connected with creative content. Because only through education can students gain an understanding of the relevance of and a personal respect for creative rights and grow to become good digital citizens.
'iTunes university' better than the real thing - science-in-society - 18 February 2009 - New Scientist
Students that listened to podcasts of lectures got better exam results than those who attend in person, a study finds
students learning better through recorded lectures: things like being able to go back over a section you missed et cetera
New psychological research suggests that university students who download a podcast lecture achieve substantially higher exam results than those who attend the lecture in person. Source: NewScientist Digest: Academic Impressions
"New psychological research suggests that university students who download a podcast lecture achieve substantially higher exam results than those who attend the lecture in person. Podcasted lectures offer students the chance to replay difficult parts of a lecture and therefore take better notes, says Dani McKinney, a psychologist at the State University of New York in Fredonia, who led the study. ... McKinney want to now test how podcasts affect learning across an entire semester, rather than from just a single lecture. ... McKinney thinks these technologies can buttress traditional lectures, particularly for a generation that has grown up with the Internet. ... Darren Griffin, a geneticist and education researcher at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK, says podcast lectures are good for lecturers too. They free him up to spend precious class time interacting with his students, rather than just talking at them."
Researchers have found that students that listened to lectures on iTunes and did not attend class did better on the tests than students attending the lectures. It notes motivation as a caveat and may be reason behind the difference as motivated
21st Century Pedagogy | 21st Century Connections
Even if you have a 21st Century classroom (flexible and adaptable); even if you are a 21st century teacher ; (an adaptor, a communicator, a leader and a learner, a visionary and a model, a collaborator and risk taker) even if your curriculum reflects the new paradigm and you have the facilities and resources that could enable 21st century learning - you will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change.
Learning management
"... communication skills. Marshalling and understanding the available evidence isn't useful unless you can effectively communicate your conclusions." "... team players. Virtually every project at Google is run by a small team. People need to work well together and perform up to the team's expectations. " will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change.
Google Quizes | Screencast-O-Matic
Två kul saker - dels hur man skapar quiz med hjälp av GoogleDocs, dels Screencast-o-matic!
Nice intro on how to create a quiz in Google Forms.
Video tutorial for creating self grading quizzes
The Serious Need for Play: Scientific American
play children psychology parenting science ; Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed. ; KEY CONCEPTS: Childhood play is crucial for social, emotional and cognitive development. Imaginative and rambunctious “free play,” as opposed to games or structured activities, is the most essential type. Kids and animals that do not play when they are young may grow into anxious, socially maladjusted adults.
Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed By Melinda Wenner
Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed.
"Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed."
Free Online MIT Course Materials for High School | Gödel, Escher, Bach: A Mental Space Odyssey | MIT OpenCourseWare
What do one mathematician, one artist, and one musician all have in common? Are you interested in zen Buddhism, math, fractals, logic, paradoxes, infinities, art, language, computer science, physics, music, intelligence, consciousness and unified theories? Get ready to chase me down a rabbit hole into Douglas Hofstadter's Pulitzer Prize winning book Gödel, Escher, Bach. Lectures will be a place for crazy ideas to bounce around as we try to pace our way through this enlightening tome. You will be responsible for most of the reading as lectures will consist primarily of motivating the material and encouraging discussion. I advise everyone seriously interested to buy the book, grab on and get ready for a mind-expanding voyage into higher dimensions of recursive thinking. - Home
Search the conversations of the Web
Search with an emphasis on Ning, Blogger, Google Groups, Yahoo Groups, Twitter, Plurk, Jaiku, Tumblr, Twine, and Diigo. If you want us to add a service or have any other ideas, please email
A Designer Takes on His Biggest Challenge Ever | Fast Company
"We moved from thinking of ourselves as designers to thinking of ourselves as design thinkers. We have a methodology that enables us to come up with a solution that nobody has before." -- David Kelley
bio of IDEO's David Kelley. IDEO is a creative design and technology firm, an inspiration.
Ideo CEO David Kelley talks about evolving Ideo from a design firm to a "design thinking" firm.
Game/AI: AAAI Library online
Molecular Workbench
Software Run the Molecular Workbench to view activities or create your own. Curriculum Browse or search our database of curriculum materials for middle school through high school.
'The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching' - Knowledge@Wharton
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth learning can be taught." -- Oscar Wilde
確率論、統計学関連のWeb上の資料 - Seeking for my unique color.
Complete List of Google Earth Activities
HelpNarrow the View Biology 2 matches Environmental Science 11 matches Geography 9 matches Geoscience 22 matches 13 matches General/OtherProblem Set 5 matches Classroom Activity 8 matches Lab Activity 14 ...
Twitter Reading List
Source pour apprivoiser, qualifier et exploiter Twitter comme outil et environnement de communication, de réseautage, de veille et de promotion.
digistories / FrontPage
a wiki all about creating and sharing digital stories
101 Killer Open Courseware Projects from Around the World: Ivy League and Beyond | The .Edu Toolbox
Sweet. OCW
lists of sites to visit for resources
cooltoolsforschools » Collaborative Tools
How to Keep Innovating - BusinessWeek
By this, I really mean two things: always be a beginner at something, and always be in love with what you are beginning.
a salient reminder: All of those
How to Keep Innovating - BusinessWeek
Always be bad at something you are passionate about.
Keeping innovative.
h was an Olympian. But on the other hand, some of my most valuable lessons were learned from a 14-year-old girl who, w
NASA - Do-It-Youself Podcast
All of the materials to create a podcast using NASA resources
images, audio to download and use to create student podcasts. Separated by grade levels, K-4, 5-8, 9-12.
Students can preview and download audio and video clips of astronauts performing work in space and on the ground. They can then use these clips to build their own podcast or similar audio/video project. Learning modules on the DIY Podcast page will be categorized by topic to assist students with creating projects about a subject of interest. Each subject module includes video and audio clips, images, helpful information and links to related resources.
Are you looking for a new approach to engage your students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics? NASA's Do-It-Yourself Podcast activity sets the stage for students to host a show that features astronauts training for missions, doing experiments in space or demonstrating equipment. We'll provide a set of audio and video clips along with photos and information about a space-related topic. You and your students may choose as many items as you want to include in your project and download them to your computer. Students may use the information we provide or conduct their own research to write a script for an audio or video production
Hacking Education
I spent a lot of time on this blog in the past month exhorting everyone to give teaching tools to the neediest public schools. I did that because education is possibly the most important thing we can do for our...
Google Power Searching Tips for Students and Universities
How to research more efficiently in Google
has links to several tutorials on google search, how to use it more effectively as wells as scholarly searches
Informatics 1 – Functional Programming Homepage
The course teaches the basics of functional programming using the language Haskell. The main goal is to acquaint the student with fundamental programming concepts such as recursion, abstraction, higher-order functions and data types, whilst at the same time emphasizing the practical use of such constructs by applying them within a graphical environment.
Books and Music That Make You Dumb - Digits -
A 25-year-old Caltech graduate student has developed a tongue-in-cheek statistical look at taste and intelligence.
WSJ - Digits
Anyone who has ever sought to justify their own musical or literary taste may find some solace in the side project of Virgil Griffith, a 25-year-old Caltech graduate student known for embarrassing numerous corporations with his WikiScanner, the database that tracks the sources of anonymous edits to Wikipedia entries.
Using facebook statistics to find correlation between intellegence and taste.
Competence: Is Your Boss Faking It? - TIME,8599,1878358,00.html?cnn=yes
Social psychologists know that one way to be viewed as a leader in any group is simply to act like one. Speak up, speak well and offer lots of ideas, and before long, people will begin doing what you say. This works well when leaders know what they're talking about, but what if they don't? If someone acts like a boss but thinks like a boob, is that still enough to stay on top? - "More-dominant individuals achieved influence in their groups in part because they were seen as more competent by fellow group members," Anderson and Kilduff write.
"Speak up, speak well and offer lots of ideas, and before long, people will begin doing what you say" - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Found at
speaking up makes you look intelligent
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation | No Fear
No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives. This restricts children’s play, limits their freedom of movement, corrodes their relationships with adults and constrains their exploration of physical, social and virtual worlds. PDF
No Fear joins the increasingly vigorous debate about the role and nature of childhood in the UK. Over the past 30 years activities that previous generations of children enjoyed without a second thought have been relabelled as troubling or dangerous, and the adults who permit them branded as irresponsible. No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives. This restricts children’s play, limits their freedom of movement, corrodes their relationships with adults and constrains their exploration of physical, social and virtual worlds.
"Over the past 30 years activities that previous generations of children enjoyed without a second thought have been relabelled as troubling or dangerous, and the adults who permit them branded as irresponsible. No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives."
Participative Pedagogy for a Literacy of Literacies - Freesouls
modern society and technology
Harold Rheingold writes about participatory pedagogy.
Main Page - FAS Virtual Worlds Almanac
Explore virtual worlds
This site provides a good roster of existing and still in development virtual worlds. It provides mechanisms for listing them by type, purpose, platform etc.
This is a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date, and reliable guide to virtual worlds.
wiki of virtual worlds - lists and attributes
Kideo Player!
Finding kid safe videos on YouTube can be a time consuming process. Kideo Player makes it easier to locate videos appropriate for students in pre-K through second grade. Kideo Player plays a continuous stream of videos for pre-K through second grade students. When a video you like is playing, click on the the YouTube icon and you will be taken to the original YouTube source where you can find out more about each video and grab the embed code. Clicking your keyboard's space bar allows you to skip ahead in the video clips.
no search, but still fun
Wow, a beautifully simple idea for parents with young children. Plays kidsafe youtube videos..
Twitter Groups - teachers ~ teachers
Average SAT (with standard error) for the 133 most popular entries for "favorite music" on facebook. The vertical axis doesn't mean anything.
counting crows? really?
100 Interesting Ways | ICT in my Classroom
In November 2007 I began the first of a series of Google presentations gathering together some ideas about the uses of different tools for the classroom. I thought that the easy manner of sharing Google Docs was ideal to collate thoughts, tips and suggestions from teachers and educators all over the world. I began with interesting ways to use the interactive whiteboard and the family has since grown to include, tips for Google Earth, Google Docs and the most recent Pocket Video Cameras. It has been great to watch them evolve as people get in touch and I add them to the document and they make their own edits.
Stanford School of Engineering
This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: supervised learning (generative/discriminative learning, parametric/non-parametric learning, neural networks, support vector machines); unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, kernel methods); learning theory (bias/variance tradeoffs; VC theory; large margins); reinforcement learning and adaptive control. The course will also discuss recent applications of machine learning, such as to robotic control, data mining, autonomous navigation, bioinformatics, speech recognition, and text and web data processing.
ASCD SmartBrief | Sign Up
Articles and ed news
"Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?"
Good piece on network effects and history of social network sites by Danah Boyd.
Social media is not new. Media has been leveraged for sociable purposes since the caveman's walls. Even in the realm of the Internet, some of the first applications were framed around communication and sharing. For decades, we've watched the development of new genres of social media - MUDs/MOOs, instant messaging, chatrooms, bulletin boards, etc.
Feb. 28, 2009 paper on Social Media to Microsoft.
Great overview (sampling plate) about 'social media'
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
This Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning (HETL) has been designed as a resource for educators planning to incorporate technologies in their teaching and learning activities.
SuperMagnetMan Magnets
10 Things They Don’t Teach You In Design School | Design Reviver
I had a great time in design school, I was constantly learning and surrounded by lots of like minded people. However, after five years of freelancing as a graphic designer, I’ve learned many new things. The following list is the top ten things that I had to learn the hard way.
Insightful article about preparing for a career in design
A/V Geeks » Our Films Online
Download de filmes?...
Finally someone put up all those ridiculous old things people had to watch. Plus, they are in creative commons now. I might have to have some editing fun with these!
Have over 22,000 films. Will travel. For more than a decade, we’ve been rescuing old 16mm school films from dumpsters and obscurity and showing them to folks like you.
tons of cool ephemeral films
50 Great Photoshop Tutorials for Clever Beginners - PSDTUTS
Great photoshop tutorials simple but effective
Teens capture images of space with £56 camera and balloon - Telegraph
NO WAY this is rad.
NASA, recession-style.
100 Tips, Apps, and Resources for Teachers on Twitter | Online College Degree
Twitter can be at first glance a strange phenomenon and many don’t understand its purpose right away. However, Twitter is a powerful tool that is growing in popularity as word spreads of its potential capabilities. The idea of writing small blog posts of 140 characters or less to a group of your followers is actually a revolutionary new way to bring communities together, learn from each other, and keep updated with all that is happening. Busy teachers may feel that taking the time to learn how to use Twitter isn’t worth the return for the students benefit, so that’s why this list of 100 tips, apps, and resources is worth browsing. Find out how to get started with Twitter, ways to use it in an educational setting, and tools to help you use it better with these resources below.
le 20 mars 09
Top 100 Edu Tweeters | Online Degree World
indispensibletools / FrontPage
Indispensible ICT Tools for teachers The following list of ICT tools was crowd sourced from individual educationalists and not companies when the question 'What Indispensible ICT tools do you use in education' was asked and is not meant to be exhaustive in any way.
SOL K-5 Technology Integration Resources
Resources for teaching elementary knowledge (kindergarten-5th grade).
Includes many subjects and links to others
comprehensive resources
home | WaSP InterAct Curriculum
* WaSP InterAct is a living, open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed to teach students the skills of the web professional. Adapt and reuse our resources. Contribute your own content and ideas. explore the curriculum »
"WaSP InterAct is a living, open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed to teach students the skills of the web professional. Adapt and reuse our resources. Contribute your own content and ideas."
Announced at SXSW, this is the curriculum that the Web Standards Project has been working on. Education, education, education.
"Tagged Standards Learning"
Informing Ourselves To Death
we have directed all of our energies and intelligence to inventing machinery that does nothing but increase the supply of information. As a consequence, our defenses against information glut have broken down; our information immune system is inoperable. We don't know how to filter it out; we don't know how to reduce it; we don't know to use it. We suffer from a kind of cultural AIDS.
Design elements and principles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Página da wikipedia com alguns principios do design.
En kjekk innføring for de som lurer på hva design er og prinsippene bak :-)
Class sessions — Open Yale Courses
Academic Reference and Research Index, accessing selected reference sites
Books That Have Shaped How I Think | O'Reilly Media
Academic Earth - Video lectures from the world's top scholars
Earth AcademicEarth
Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars. Academic Earth is an organization founded with the goal of giving everyone on earth access to a world class education.
Top 10 Time-Lapse Videos Show Nature at Work | Wired Science from
The world is filled with sluggish spectacles. Watching them would be painful were it not for time-lapse photography, which can make those long stories short and remarkably entertaining. When a
via delicious home
Short time lapse for science concepts
Pupils to study Twitter and blogs in primary shake-up | Education | The Guardian
The rise of digital new mediums comes with the death of old media and in this example, history. This is becoming a major shift in educational approaches. We see the digital age having a great effect on the new generations. We see mobiles and laptops in the school bag, rather than the textbook or the calculator. And in this article we see the average student to have '"fluency" in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spell check alongside how to spell...' A revolution has started, and i wonder where it'll live us!
Proposal that children learn familiarity with blogging, podcasting, Wikipedia & Twitter as sources of information and communication
Use of web2.0 in schools
En primaria habrá que saber desemvolverse con las nuevas tecnologías en UK
Primary school curriculum in UK under review. "Children to leave primary school familiar with blogging, podcasts, Wikipedia and Twitter as sources of information and forms of communication. They must gain "fluency" in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spellchecker alongside how to spell."
British children will no longer have to study the Victorians or the second world war under proposals to overhaul the primary school curriculum.
Advanced Computer Science Courses at Paper Trail
Below I've collected some links to advanced computer science courses on-line. I'm concentrating on courses with good lecture notes, rather than video lectures, and I'm applying a rather arbitrary filter for quality (otherwise this becomes a directory with less semantic utility). This is the good stuff! But only a subset of it - any recommendations for good courses are gratefully received. I'm mainly interested in systems, data-structures and mathematics, so reserve the right to choose topics at will.
Open courseware from various sources. High quality too.
Information visualization course
Free Mathematics Books
Free Mathematics Books - list of freely available math textbooks, monographs, lecture notes, and other documents.
Look at Intro to R Book
Open For Questions
The President is holding a new kind of online town hall where he will answer the questions you submitted and voted on for him. The event begins here at 11:30am ET. You can read the most popular questions submitted on the economy below. is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
an educational hub “volunteer project sparked by a group of employees who wanted to find a better way to collect and highlight all the great educational content being uploaded to YouTube by colleges and universities”
Geography World
Winner of 47 educational awards, Geography World lists 86 categories of the top geographical sites on the Net!
Winner of 47 educational awards! 12 years online!
Toy Theater - Home
Education: Academic Earth Aggregates Lectures from MIT, Harvard, Yale, and Others
Bighow: handbook to online journalism
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, and citizen journalists. The handbook covers basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing.
To read in my spare time .....
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing. Contents: The handbook covers the basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
Hacking Education (continued)
Hacking Education article part 2
Last fall I wrote a post on this blog titled Hacking Education. In it, I outlined my thoughts on why the education system (broadly speaking) is failing our society and why hacking it seems like both an important and profitable endeavor.
Big takeaways on changing education
talked about hacking education for six hours.
How education is changing. Annotated link
What will education be like in the (near) future?
100 Exciting and Innovative Lectures for Every Kind of Entrepreneur | Online College Degree
Une banque de liens incroyables classés proprement au sujet de l'entreprenariat ... à garder sous le coude
YouTube - Did You Know
Learn10 - Power up your learning...
Learn10 - Power up your learning...
Tips about learning
Learn10 gives you a learning habit that's hard to kick. 10 new words; everywhere, every day.
Weboword - Vocabulary Visually!
interactive vocabulary-creates a sketch of the word
vocabulary words using cartoon
SAT Vocabulary on Vocab - Free Vocabulary Tests
Copyright©Vocab 2002-2008 SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and the Vocabulary Workshop series are owned and published by Sadlier-Oxford, which were not involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product.
Nine great reasons why teachers should use Twitter | Laura Walker
What’s the point of Twitter? Why should educators get involved? What difference does using Twitter make? Remember, your experience on Twitter is only as high quality as the people who you follow and the information you share.
Gadling teaches you to read the Cyrillic alphabet in 5 minutes
via @kristinbutler
It used to be that when I saw Russian words like this-- компью́тер, студе́нт, па́спорт-- my eyes skipped over them like yours probably just did. But the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used in Slavic languages like Russian as well as non-Slavic languages like Kazakh and Mongolian, is easy to learn. Given the number of English cognates in Russian (the language we'll focus on here), learning the Cyrillic alphabet allows you to read and understand dozens of words in Russian, including the three above (computer, student, and passport, respectively).
ask an expert
Quite an interesting idea. (via sai)
Peer 2 peer e-learning
"SlideMagnet is all about slides. Our mantra: be generous. We are here to help you thrive and succeed with your next presentation. That’s our purpose, that’s our mission, and that’s why we exist."
advice on good presentations
How to make effective presentations
MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 20 and 21: Parallel Algorithms - good coders code, great reuse
This is the thirteenth post in an article series about MIT’s lecture course “Introduction to Algorithms.” In this post I will review lectures twenty and twenty-one on parallel algorithms. These lectures cover the basics of multithreaded programming and multithreaded algorithms.
10 skills developers will need in the next five years | 10 Things |
If you’re a developer looking to get ahead in your field (or in some cases, to simply stay employed), this is not a good time to be complacent. Justin James lists the skills you’ll want to work on now to maximize your future job prospects.
Free Stanford course on developing iPhone software
Lifehacker - A Master List of Free Online Language Lessons - Language
Open Culture has a comprehensive list of totally free resources for anyone looking to learn a language though audio files. Whether you're brushing up your Yiddish or delving into Dutch, you'll find a free feed here.
Land Your Dream Job: Ditch School and Get a Library Card | Zen Habits
It just seemed interesting to me. I have no school now and, I don't know, this article just interested me.
solidifies my arguments against college
Thanks for the Add. Now Help Me with My Homework - News Features & Releases
A Study showing potential learning benefits of social networking site like myspace and facebook
Article from Harvard about positives to teens using social networking today.
A new study by Harvard alum Christine Greenhow finds social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have more educational potential than you might think.
I just co-wrote a proposal to the National Science Foundation about the use of new technologies in the classroom. We're only on the cusp of this, and we need to harness the energy and interest that kids currently have for these things.
Harvard Graduate School of Education article on social networking as an educational tool
teachingwithted / FrontPage
Kids.Net.Au - Search engine for kids, children, parents, educators and teachers - Searching sites designed for kids that are child safe. Includes a Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Toy Store.
Search engine for kids, children, parents, educators and teachers - Searching sites designed for kids that are child safe. Includes a Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Toy Store.
Kid sites and info good for kids and educators
xkcd - A Webcomic - Students
recurring dreams
All too true in my case...
Top 100 Tools for the Twittering Teacher | Best Colleges Online
teachers have also found success on Twitter, using the tool to connect with students, share information with parents, and find useful resources. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 tools that can help twittering teachers make the most out of this helpful microblogging tool.
Fun 4 The Brain - educational games for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, science and english
instruction on your kids
Eyercize - relearn 2 read
The DaVinci Institute - The Future of Education by Thomas Frey
The pace of change is mandating that we produce a faster, smarter, better grade of human being. Current systems are preventing that from happening. Future education system will be unleashed with the advent of a standardized rapid courseware-builder and a single point global distribution system.
The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination | Harvard Magazine
J.K. Rowling: "I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea."
speech by JK Rowling to Harvard graduates passing out day quite inspiring
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.
fantastic speech i should watch every day
"So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. -- You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. " -- J. K. Rowling
Techy Tips for not so techy teachers - Google Docs
Nolo: Law Books, Legal Forms and Legal Software
Wired Campus: Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class -- via Twitter -
Example of in-class backchannel.
Cole W. Camplese, director of education-technology services at Pennsylvania State University at University Park, prefers to teach in classrooms with two screens — one to project his slides, and another to project a Twitter stream of notes from students. He knows he is inviting distraction — after all, he’s essentially asking students to pass notes during class. But he argues that the additional layer of communication will make for richer class discussions.
Heh. Had a chunk of my talk on Wed about why this was a bad idea. But part of how the prof is doing this makes quite a bit of sense and help alleviate my general concerns about this approach.
Twitter e lousa ao mesmo tempo? Até que ponto a inserção destas ferramentas torna o ensino mais produtivo?
YouTube - The Evolution of Religions
Jared Diamond, professor of geography at UCLA, received the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1998 for Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. In 1999, he received the National Medal of Science. His most recent book is Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2004). Professor Diamond argues that religion has encompassed at least four independent components that have arisen or disappeared at different stages of development of human societies over the last 10,000 years.
From Kottke
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Find flashcards from the best flashcard sites.
Find flashcards from the best flashcard sites
Теории и практики
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Лекции и мастер-классы в Москве
Всякие бесплатные лекции и экскурсии куда можно сходить
100 Awesome Facebook Apps for Productivity and Learning | Select Courses
100 Awesome Facebook Apps for Productivity and Learning
50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice -
criticism of 'The Element of Style'
Eloquent rant against Strunk & White.
'The Elements of Style does not deserve the enormous esteem in which it is held by American college graduates. Its advice ranges from limp platitudes to inconsistent nonsense. Its enormous influence has not improved American students' grasp of English grammar; it has significantly degraded it.'
HA! On the other hand I would strongly recommend reading a book whose style is intentionally derived from this one: 'The Elements of Programming Style' by Kernighan and Plauger. Yes, *that* B.Kernighan.
Qimo 4 Kids | Software For Kids
YouTube - khanacademy's Channel
Math videos
Many teaching videos on a number of math/science related topics.
100 Free Online Lectures that Will Make You a Better Teacher | Best Universities
While there are many great lectures here, this is still the lecture format (i.e., sage on the stage), which is not a model of teaching/learning but a mode of performance.
Some promising recommendations here.
Great teachers know that learning doesn’t stop as soon as you graduate from college. Teachers learn from their experience, from their colleagues, from their students, and any number of other resources. If you are a teacher looking for ways to expand your knowledge base, here are 100 free lectures you can watch to help facilitate some of that learning.
10 High Fliers on Twitter -
10 High people to follow on Twitter.
On the microblogging service, professors and administrators find work tips and new ways to monitor the world
Jeff Young
the famous profile of 10 academic twitterers
Twitter Handbook for Teachers
An overview of Twitter and ways of using it in education for a group of educators attending Twizza (Twitter & pizza) gathering in Perth, Western Australian on April 8, 2009. Created by Tomaz Lasic (@lasic, human edublog twitter lasic
Interesting overview and resource guide for using twitter.
uses skrbl tool to present tips for using Twitter
10 years later, the real story behind Columbine -
This is a unique story about Columbine that was basically the start of a new era and gave kids idea about killing that the shouldnt have
The real story?
The Online Collaboration Tools Guide - ReadWriteWeb
Home › The Personal Web Design Degree
Great strides have been made towards teaching web development, but what about design? The personal web design degree is an open edu
Great strides have been made towards teaching web development, but what about design? The personal web design degree is an open education curriculum that teaches both beginning web designers and seasoned print designers design within the context of the web.
Personal Web Design Degree
555 Blender Tutorials |
blender tutorial
10 Must-Try Social Media Sites for College Students
Today’s college students are no strangers to social media and all that it can do for our social interactions. 85% of students at 4-year universities have Facebook profiles. However, while populating most of the major sites, many students have not yet embraced the great amount of other social media tools available to them. There are a number of tools that cater specifically to students and new ones are constantly being developed. Here are ten must-try sites that will help you network, collaborate, communicate, and make your daily college tasks a bit easier. Better yet, they all offer free services.
Guide to social media sites
Here are ten must-try social media sites that will help you network, collaborate, communicate, and make your daily college tasks a bit easier.
How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources | Best Universities
Good referral to online sources
Nine Reasons to Twitter in Schools
Why should educators get involved with Twitter? Here are nine reasons.
reasons to twitter in school
Stanford iPhone developer course available free via iTunes U - Ars Technica
If you have a hankering to join the ranks of the 50,000+ strong group of iPhone developers but you lack the motivation to learn the ins and outs yourself, Stanford University may have just the thing for you. The school's Computer Science Department will be posting materials from its 10-week iPhone Application Programming course to iTunes U. "There's a lot of interest in the iPhone," said Brent Izutsu, Stanford's project manager for Stanford on iTunes U, in a statement. "This course provides an excellent opportunity for us to show the breadth and depth of our curriculum and the innovation of our students." Videos of all the lectures, lead by Apple engineers, will be posted on iTunes U two days after each class meeting—the first should be available later this week. The slides from the lectures will be available to download as well. The school notes that the material will be the same that enrolled students get, but unfortunately, following the lessons via iTunes U won't make you eligibl
Social Studies Essential Terms
Good to remember
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | How to Demo Twitter
Guy Kawasaki: One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
World Digital Library Home
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
Opened in April 2009
A Reporter at Large: Brain Gain: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
The underground world of “neuroenhancing” drugs.
The underground world of "neuroenhancing" drugs.
The underground world of "neuroenhancing" drugs Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Welcome to the Tricki | Tricki
Wiki-style site that is intended to develop into a large store of useful mathematical problem-solving techniques.
Home | PBS Video
On PBS Video, award-winning national programming and locally produced shows are just a click away. Watch your favorite shows and catch the episodes you may have missed, all on your schedule. Click "Share" to send your favorites to friends and post to social networks, and purchase your own copy by clicking "Own It."
Full length PBS videos!
Flash version of Apples scrolling magic thingy.
The File Cabinet / FrontPage
resources for teachers on MANY different topics
Tiene todo lo de la Web 2.0
Welcome to Essential Evidence Plus
Home | PBS Video
free online video
Integrated by Method
Watch award-winning national programming and locally produced shows. Catch up on the episodes you may have missed and watch your favorite, full-length shows free and on-demand.
American History In Video
Music Online - American History In Video
American History in Video provides the largest and richest collection of video available online for the study of American history, with 2,000 hours and more than 5,000 titles on completion. The collection allows students and researchers to analyze historical events, and the presentation of historical events over time, through commercial and governmental newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage, and important documentaries.
Vocabulary Videos and Flash Cards for SAT, ACT and GRE - > Home
Vocabulary interactive explanations
vocabulary videos
A ground breaking free video vocabulary builder. We have started beta testing with more than 515 Vocabulary Videos. Our goal is to include several thousand vocab videos for SAT / ACT level words in the coming months. Join us, its FREE!
Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs | Best Online Colleges
Whether you’re enrolled in a business school degree program or desperate for a review of b-school basics as you start your own company, it’s hard to pass up free study materials. These 100 ebooks on marketing, management, ecommerce, and finance are all free and worth checking out.
Dr. Alex Benzer: Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating
haha/do we really need a 'significant other' to be a worthy person?
Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating
"Copyright for Educators," is designed to help educators learn about Fair Use and what they can and can't do within the category of, "Teaching" in the Copyright Act.
A site with streaming videos and downloadable checklists for copyright and Fair Use
Under the Copyright Act, there is nothing more intriguing and exciting for educators than Fair Use. Fair Use is the concept that if you are doing something for the greater good of society, like teaching, then your needs supersede the ownership rights of the copyright holder under the Copyright Act. Teachers, and by association, students, can legally use music, websites, video, print, images, and the whole realm of copyrighted materials for the purposes of teaching.
Home - mattdee -
To see.
Home - accalia, is a free site for learning powered by personalized learning applications.
elearning, open ID, integration with twitter, etc.
Japanese learning Tool
Making Teachers Nerdy
Mировая цифровая библиотека Главная страница
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
Google Translate
Google's free online language translation service instantly translates text and web pages. This translator supports: English, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
カノログ: 良質な教科書系ウェブサイト集(改訂版)
Tenement Museum | From Ellis Island to Orchard Street with Victoria Confino
ages 9 and up
How to make a passport
Get (Almost) Any Book For Free: 100+ (Kosher) Sites Offering Great Literature for Download - Learn-gasm
ingilizce romanlar açısından çok zengin bir kaynak. hem de ücretsiz...
e-book list
Twenty-Two Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom - Google Docs
Twitter Handbook for Teachers
How to Tweet
The fundamentals and usage of Twitter for beginners.
An overview of Twitter and ways of using it in education for a group of educators attending Twizza (Twitter & pizza)
Top Educational Websites For Children That Are Fun |
Op-Ed Contributor - End the University as We Know It -
want to read this, but only just started it
nice op-ed on the future of the university
GRADUATE education is the Detroit of higher learning. Most graduate programs in American universities produce a product for which there is no market (candidates for teaching positions that do not exist) and develop skills for which there is diminishing demand (research in subfields within subfields and publication in journals read by no one other than a few like-minded colleagues), all at a rapidly rising cost (sometimes well over $100,000 in student loans).
If higher education is to thrive, colleges and universities, like Wall Street and Detroit, must be rigorously regulated and completely restructured. -- Conferences
Google jockeying on the back channel. is tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time. is a tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time.
Can ask questions and get feedback during your presentation
The Atlantic Online | June 2006 | The Management Myth | Matthew Stewart
The impression I formed of the M.B.A. experience was that it involved taking two years out of your life and going deeply into debt, all for the sake of learning how to keep a straight face while using phrases like “out-of-the-box thinking,” “win-win situation,” and “core competencies.”
Taylorism vs. Mayoism: Both management theories fail.
Most of management theory is inane, writes Mathew Stewart, the founder of a consulting firm. If you want to succeed in business, don’t get an M.B.A. Study philosophy instead. [Atlantic Magazine, June 2006]
This was on the Popular Booksmarks list. I've only read the first paragraph, but I am finding myself inclined to agree with the general thrust of this article. To be read in full later.
The Master List of Free Online College Courses | Universities and Colleges
Close the Book. Recall. Write It Down. -
The scene: A rigorous intro-level survey course in biology, history, or economics. You're the instructor, and students are crowding the lectern, pleading for study advice for the midterm. If you're like many professors, you'll tell them something like this: Read carefully. Write down unfamiliar terms and look up their meanings. Make an outline. Reread each chapter. That's not terrible advice. But some scientists would say that you've left out the most important step: Put the book aside and hide your notes. Then recall everything you can. Write it down, or, if you're uninhibited, say it out loud. Two psychology journals have recently published papers showing that this strategy works, the latest findings from a decades-old body of research. When students study on their own, "active recall" — recitation, for instance, or flashcards and other self-quizzing — is the most effective way to inscribe something in long-term memory.
That old study method still works, researchers say. So why don't professors preach it?
How to Save the World
If every child was unschooled -- given the chance to explore and discover and learn in the real world what they love to do, what they're uniquely good at doing, and what the world needs that they care about -- then we would have a world of self-confident, creative, informed, empowered, networked entrepreneurs doing work that needs to be done, successfully. We would have armies of people collaborating to solve the problems and crises facing our world, instead of going home exhausted at the end of the day seeking escape, feeling helpless to do anything that is meaningful to thems or to the world. We would have a world of producers instead of consumers, a world of abundance instead of scarcity, a world of diversity instead of what Terry Glavin calls "a dark and gathering sameness". We would have a world of young people choosing their lives instead of taking what they can get, what they can afford, what is offered to them.
No way, the current system is in place not because those "in power" want it that way but because we live in a democracy and democracy often produces silly rules.
Op-Ed Contributor - End the University as We Know It -
an article about graduate education in US
End the University as We Know It
I don't agree with all of his solutions, but I do agree that higher education, like much of our society, is too much about producing a product rather than about helping individuals learn, change and grow.
From New York Times
GRADUATE education is the Detroit of higher learning. Most graduate programs in American universities produce a product for which there is no market (candidates for teaching positions that do not exist) and develop skills for which there is diminishing demand (research in subfields within subfields and publication in journals read by no one other than a few like-minded colleagues), all at a rapidly rising cost (sometimes well over $100,000 in student loans).
The emphasis on narrow scholarship also encourages an educational system that has become a process of cloning. Faculty members cultivate those students whose futures they envision as identical to their own pasts, even though their tenures will stand in the way of these students having futures as full professors.
Higher education is structured in a way that encourages insular departments and hyper-specialization
Free Award Certificate Templates -
Free Award Certificate Templates
Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
Dix outils Web 2.0 pour l'éducation des jeunes
Professors experiment with Twitter as teaching tool - JSOnline
Ekachai and Menck see it as their responsibility to teach students about Twitter because social media knowledge is becoming essential to their future fields - communications, advertising, public relations and marketing.
Professors experiment with Twitter as teaching tool
CS123: Introduction to Computer Graphics
A Sketchy Brain Booster: Doodling | Wired Science from
doodling makes you smarter!
More doodles of infinite awesomeness. Love!
"[The] team asked 40 people to listen to a recording containing the names of people and places. Afterwards the people wrote down the names they could remember. While listening, half of the test subjects were also required to shade in shapes on a piece of paper. Afterwards, they remembered one-third more names than test subjects who didn't doodle while listening. "
Doodling improves concentration
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites
122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites Sunday, April 26, 2009 These are my favorite apps, software, and sites for managing my life, home, classroom, and more. Hope you enjoy and hope you share yours in the comments.
WOW - Great resource
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
video lectures around the world
Videos and Channels from college and university partners of YouTube
Les idéos éducatives sur Youtube
video free howto online education social learning youtube training directory college lectures university videos courses visual directories youtubeedu
Officiellt akademiskt Youtube-material.
Virtual Field Trips | SimpleK12
Virtual Field Trips
Listing of Virtual Field Trips by Subject
This site has a list of links to virtual field trips put up by SimpleK12
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter
Great blog for teachers -- and a great post.
RT @mashable: Reading: "Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter" -- Includes resources for teachers too! [from]
Abstract Heresies: Not Lisp again....
“In this course we will be using the programming language Lisp...” Argh! Not that again! What is it with Lisp? Ok, maybe at Harvard they do that sort of thing, but this was MIT! Don't they hack computers here?
“If you already know how to program, you may be at a disadvantage because you will have to unlearn some bad habits.”
interesting account of someone's first taste of lisp
Major Categories in the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
de taxonomie van bloom uitgewerkt op sites
Sadlier-Oxford :: Vocabulary
100 Best iPhone Apps for Serious Self-Learners - Learn-gasm
Those who constantly strive to learn more from the world around them, who can’t pass up an opportunity to pour over a book or dictionary, or who take classes just to learn a bit more are a special breed. For those with an iPhone, the chances for learning just got a lot greater. No matter if you love literature, science, nature, arts, foreign languages and travel, medicine, or Christian studies, there are apps that will enhance your ability to expand your knowledge base.
iphone apps education tools learning
Online University Reviews : 100 Most Inspiring and Innovative Blogs for Educators
An article listing and summarizing great blogs for teachers.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources. General Teaching Blogs Get the latest tips, tools, and advice sure to help just about every teacher out there. 1. Free Technology for Teachers: Like the title says, this blog is a review of free technology resources and how teachers can use them. A must visit for teachers looking to integrate technology into education with no cost. 2. Creative Teaching: Targeted for parents and teachers, this site provides useful tips, suggestions, lesson plans, and worksheets to creatively teach children at the elementary and middle school grade levels. The information and materials cover reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. 3. Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Vicki is a teacher from Georgia and runs this re
Stykz - The first multi-platform stick figure animation program
Multi-platform stick figure animation program
Stykz is the first multi-platform stick figure animation program in the world (as far as we know!), and it is COMPLETELY FREE! If you've ever used Pivot StickFigure Animator, you'll feel right at home and will appreciate the extra features that Stykz has to offer! And even if you haven’t used Pivot, you’ll find Stykz to be a powerful, easy to learn tool for creating great looking stick figure animations quickly and efficiently.
cs252r Record
Advanced Functional Programming - Fall 2006
These pages are a record of the in-class discussions for the graduate class "Advanced Functional Programming" given at Harvard University in the Fall of 2006.
VocabGrabber : Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus
a visual map and thesaurus
How does Vocabgrabber work? VocabGrabber analyzes any text you're interested in, generating lists of the most useful vocabulary words and showing you how those words are used in context. Just copy text from a document and paste it into the box, and then click on the "Grab Vocabulary!" button. VocabGrabber will automatically create a list of vocabulary from your text, which you can then sort, filter, and save. Select any word on the list and you'll see a snapshot of the Visual Thesaurus map and definitions for that word, along with examples of the word in your text. Click on the word map or the highlighted word in the example to see the Visual Thesaurus in action. Want to try it out? Click on one of our sample texts to fill the box and start grabbing! How can I view my vocabulary list? After you grab the vocabulary from a text, you will see a list of words and phrases in "tag cloud" view. In the default view, words in the vocab list are arranged by relevance (more on that below!). In t
Career Advice: Boring Within or Simply Boring? - Inside Higher Ed
In the age of computer-based learning, lecturing gets treated like Model-T Ford. Don’t be deceived; lecturing remains a staple of the academy and it’s likely to remain so for quite some time. University class sizes have swelled in the wake of budget cuts that have delayed (or canceled) faculty searches. A recent study of eleven Ohio four-year colleges reveals that 25 percent of introductory classes have more than 120 students and only a shortage of teaching assistants has kept the percentage that low. At the University of Massachusetts, 12 percent of all classes have enrollments of over 50 and lectures of over 200 are quite common. As long as universities operate on the assembly-line model, lecturing will remain integral to the educational process.
"The most common reason for bad lecturing isn’t phobia; it’s that professors don’t value the craft enough to hone their skills. Use such individuals as negative role models. Think of the most boring lecturer you’ve ever encountered. Do the opposite! Bad lecturers violate nearly every rule of good communication. They never vary voice timbre or pitch. They either stare at their notes or ignore them altogether and ramble onto whatever topic comes to mind. They never make eye contact with their audience or use visual aids and handouts. Everything comes out at the same speed, and they never, ever show the slightest bit of life when discussing the very subject that supposedly excites them. Check for a pulse; if you can stay awake! Step one to improving your lecture skills is to purge yourself of bad communication habits, but the rest of lecturing is a formula. Mix with enthusiasm and repeat the following ..."
Advice on lecturing
Half an Hour: Blogs in Education
An article Stephen Downes is/was preparing for submission to a forthcoming STRIDE handbook for The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
What is a blog? Why use blogs in education? How to use blogging in Learning?
What is a Blog?Definition, good practices, ... For education purpose.
Stephen Downes
A blog is a personal website that contains content organized like a journal or a diary. Each entry is dated, and the entries are displayed on the web page in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent entry is posted at the top. Readers catch up with blogs by starting at the top and reading down until they encounter material they’re already read. Though blogs are typically thought of as personal journals, there is no limit to what may be covered in a blog. It is common for people to write blogs to describe their work, their hobbies, their pets, social and political issues, or news and current events. And while blogs are typically the work of one individual, blogs combining contributions of several people, ‘group blogs’, are also popular.
Why and how to use blogs in the classroom.
It's a hot ticket: Free Stanford course on developing software for iPhone and iPod touch comes to iTunes U
It's a hot ticket: Free Stanford course on developing software for iPhone and iPod touch comes to iTunes U
Online Education - Introducing the Microlecture Format — Open Education
Most college students would likely concur - fifty minute lectures can be a bit much. With current research indicating that attention spans (measured in minutes) roughly mirror a students age (measured in years), it begs the question as to the rationale behind lectures of such length.
For those interested, here are Penrose’s steps to creating a one minute lecture: 1. List the key concepts you are trying to convey in the 60-minute lecture. That series of phrases will form the core of your microlecture. 2. Write a 15 to 30-second introduction and conclusion. They will provide context for your key concepts. 3. Record these three elements using a microphone and Web camera. (The college information-technology department can provide advice and facilities.) If you want to produce an audio-only lecture, no Webcam is necessary. The finished product should be 60 seconds to three minutes long. 4. Design an assignment to follow the lecture that will direct students to readings or activities that allow them to explore the key concepts. Combined with a written assignment, that should allow students to learn the material. 5. Upload the video and assignment to your course-management software.
100 Awesome Blogs By Some of the World’s Smartest People | Online
K-3 Teachers Guide to Twitter
i have a twitter
explain how twitter works
Common Java Cookbook
This collection provides expert tips for using Java-based utilities from projects such as Apache Commons, Apache Lucene, and Apache Velocity. You don't have to be an expert, the book's solution-based format contains code examples for a wide variety of web, XML, network, testing, and application projects. If you want to learn how to combine common open-source Java utilities to create powerful Java applications and tools, the Common Java Cookbook is for you.
hotlink.php (JPEG Image, 640x4075 pixels)
comparison among planets and stars, cool picture
Ok. Now I feel small. Start at the top of the image and work your way down. [from]
Really makes you understand, you're really not that important
BBC - Schools - KS2 Bitesize Revision - English - Writing
English - Writing
Quick mini lessons, quizzes, and games about different writing resources.
English writing interactive activities for: Argument, Comment, Factual writing instructions, Factual writing leaflets, Factual writing letters, Writing a story beginnings and endings, Writing a story planning. Also includes Revision and Quizzes
Writing a Story/Planning
50 Terrific iTunes U Lectures to Get You Through the Economic Crisis - Learn-gasm
If you’re feeling the pinch in your paycheck, you may or may not feel comfortable going back to school right now, even if it can help your career prospects in the long run. You can, however, visit iTunes U for free access to helpful courses that will enlighten you to the state of the economy, inspire you to start your own business, and give you a little more perspective on what you should be doing with your money. Economic Principles Review the basics of economics here. 1. What’s the point of economics?: Learn why the study of economics is still relevant today. [University of Cambridge] 2. Microeconomic Analysis: Learn all about resource allocation and price determination in this course. [UC Berkeley] 3. Trade and Economics: This lecture will teach you all about the role of trade in economics. [CSIS] 4. Principles of Macroeconomics: This lecture will help you understand the principles of macroeconomics. [Rose State College] 5. Statistics: This course teaches the funda
Entrepreneur Lectures from Oxford
DIY CISS Degree: 100 Open Courses on Computer Information Systems and Security | Computer Colleges
Vários cursos para a área de Informática. Tudo Fornecido abertamente pelo MIT
Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World : JISC
Annotated link
100 Incredibly Inspiring Blog Posts for Educators - Learn-gasm
The break of the curveball « Best Visual Illusion of the Year Contest
Illustration of why curveballs seem to suddenly drop.
Optical illusion
Our illusions suggest that the perceived “break” may be caused by the transition from the central visual system to the peripheral visual system. Like a curveball, the spinning disks in the illusions appear to abruptly change direction when an observer switches from foveal to peripheral viewing.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education
Recapture the web's brain-expanding potential with these free resources for educating yourself online.
Top 10 Tools for a Free Online Education 100 Excellent, Educational Twitter Feeds - Learn-gasm
Find Country - Improve your geography knowledge
Cool game for finding countries!
9 Free Tools That Help Me Build Better E-Learning - The Rapid eLearning Blog
In today’s post, I’ll share with your some of the free tools that I use regularly to help me be more productive. And if I’m more productive, I’m saving time and money.
. It’s another simple tool, but one that works well. It’s one of those tools that you don’t notice until you don’t have it. If you happen to be using the Articulate Video Encoder ‘09, then this is a redundant tool. But for everyone else, it’s another good one to have.
New search engines aspire to supplement Google -
Interesting - we'll see how this all pans out.
100 Amazing How-To Sites to Teach Yourself Anything | Rated Colleges
Many resources!
Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. With 100 sites to choose from, you’re bound to find something here that will help you learn just about anything you could want.
Understanding how you process information to help you get organized, part I | Unclutterer
When you read a book or newspaper article, do you instantly commit it to memory? Or, are you someone who likes to pace the floor when you’re thinking? Maybe you are someone who can hear a lecture and have no need to take a single note?
apophenia: answers to questions from Twitter on teen practices
Incredibly insightful
danah's answers to Qs on teen uses of social media - May '09
What do teens do on Twitter (and the rest of the Internet)?
"To all who asked questions about Twitter: average teens don't use Twitter. They may in the future, but they do not now. Those who do are early adopters and not representative of any mainstream teen practice. Because of Oprah and celebs, some teens are starting to hear about it, but they don't understand it and they aren't using it."
Hacking Education | Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing
It has been two months since we hosted a great group of academics, entrepreneurs, educators, and administrators at our Union Square Sessions Event, Hacking Education. Fred posted his initial thoughts immediately after the event and in a great example of peer production, Alex Krupp curated the Twitter stream that captured the thoughts of folks inside and outside of the event. I finally found some quality time to spend with the transcript that is now online, and thought I would try to expand on Fred's initial thoughts and develop a couple of the key themes that came out of the conversation. Before diving in, however, I'd like to make a pitch for the transcript. It is not perfect (imagine trying to record 40 high powered people all talking at once), but it is readable and full of lots of insights. I would encourage anyone who is interested in the impact of technology on education to plow through it. I have tried to pull some of the highlights here, but there is no way that even this over
There was broad consensus that the internet is enabling substantial changes in the way we learn and teach. It has always been possible to learn outside of a school setting. The ubiquitous connectivity and very low cost of content production and distribution seems to enable the unbundling of key components of education.
Summary of a meeting on how technology could "reinvent" education. Topics include open courseware, game curriculum, reducing marginal cost of education to zero if viewed as an information good, etc. Tiny gem is Danah Boyd's comments which explain why the OLPC project has run into problems overseas.
Free file sharing and net meeting | Show Document
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services Share documents online A file sharing and online document review service that allows users to work together with any document including PDF, Word, Power Point, jpg files. Elearning, online training and work meetings use this service. Shared Text Editor An advanced online text editor allow users to work together during the web meeting on text files and save the files on their workstation afterword. Share Google Map Browse Google Maps together during a live meeting. The Google street view map is seen at the same time by all participants. Begin net meeting by clicking on Interactive Whiteboard and o
Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... SHARED DOCUMENT, WHITEBOARD,TEXT EDITOR OR BROWSER
Kidlandia Maps
make your own maps!
TimeGlider: Web-based Timeline Software
web-based timeline software for creating and sharing history and project planning
open thinking » 75+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy
Over the past few years, I have been collecting interesting Internet videos that would be appropriate for lessons and presentations, or personal research, related to technological and media literacy. Here are 70+ videos organized into various sub-categories. These videos are of varying quality, cross several genres, and are of varied suitability for classroom use.
Best Embeds for Educational Wikis and Blogs | Making Teachers Nerdy
Web 2.0 apps
good list for a fancy website
価値の判断基準が自分の外にある人間は表現者になれない - 発声練習
What Companies Should Know About Digital Natives « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
blog Jeremiah Owyang, digitální domorodci vs digitální imigranti strategist estrategia
indispensibletools / FrontPage
The following list of ICT tools was crowd sourced from individual educationalists and not companies when the question 'What Indispensible ICT tools do you use in education' was asked and is not meant to be exhaustive in any way.
digitalresearchtools / FrontPage
tools to help scholars do research more effectively
Great resource for finding digital research tools.
from N. Cook
Digital Research tools for students to use
Electronic resources, search
Digital Research Tools (DiRT) This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively. Whether you need software to help you manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts, Digital Research Tools will help you find what you're looking for. We provide a directory of tools organized by research activity, as well as reviews of select tools in which we not only describe the tool's features, but also explore how it might be employed most effectively by researchers.
Welcome | Teaching Copyright
teaching copyright fair use
"EFF's Teaching Copyright curriculum was created to help teachers present the laws surrounding digital rights in a balanced way. Teaching Copyright provides lessons and ideas for opening your classroom up to discussion, letting your students express their ideas and concerns, and then guiding your students toward an understanding of the boundaries of copyright law."
There's a lot of misinformation out there about legal rights and responsibilities in the digital era. This is especially disconcerting when it comes to information being shared with youth. Kids and teens are bombarded with messages from a myriad of sources that using new technology is high-risk behavior. Downloading music is compared to stealing a bicycle — even though many downloads are lawful. Making videos using short clips from other sources is treated as probably illegal — even though many such videos are also lawful. This misinformation is harmful, because it discourages kids and teens from following their natural inclination to be innovative and inquisitive. The innovators, artists and voters of tomorrow need to know that copyright law restricts many activities but also permits many others. And they need to know the positive steps they can take to protect themselves in the digital sphere. In short, youth don't need more intimidation—what they need is solid, accurate information
EFF's Teaching Copyright curriculum was created to help teachers present the laws surrounding digital rights in a balanced way.
from EFF. Youth Curriculum
Copyright Information & Resources - Copyright Clearance Center
video from CCC with "Jim the librarian" explaining copyright to a co-worker. 2009
A copyright basics information video that covers the basics of copyright law for corporate users.
patronising to the extreme - didn't know they made them this way still!
Copyright Information & Resources - Copyright Clearance Center
free copyright video to use with students or staff
Good video explaining copyright basics
Geospatial Revolution Project | A Public Media Project
nging the way we think, behave, and interact.
Something I learned about at the WPSU luncheon yesterday
Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally, Andrew Churches
evolution of taxonomy with specific applications: Twitter, bookmarking, etc. explained
games for fw student life
At the core of FreshBrain is an open and free web site that provides teens with the opportunity to explore, engage, and create through activities and projects. FreshBrain takes advantage of the latest technologies, such as web conferencing and social networking, to provide a very progressive environment where teens can complete activities and work together on projects. This experience is enhanced with Advisors, available to support and mentor teens who are working on projects, with the intention of increasing the likelihood of success. Providing the latest tools in technology, and a social interactive networking environment, has enabled teens to explore, create, and share with others. A result of pulling these two key online arenas together into one solution has enabled FreshBrain to attract teens comfortable with technology and communicating online. Creations from FreshBrain users range from music videos to logo designs.
An awesome resource for how-tos in technology and exploration online. It is geared towards teens, but why can't teachers use it for quick lessons for themselves or their class?
Technology for students
At the core of FreshBrain is an open and free web site that provides teens with the opportunity to explore, engage, and create through activities and projects. FreshBrain takes advantage of the latest technologies, such as web conferencing and social networking, to provide a very progressive environment where teens can complete activities and work together on projects. This experience is enhanced with Advisors, available to support and mentor teens who are working on projects, with the intention of increasing the likelihood of success. In addition, FreshBrain provides teens with tools and training in the latest technologies to complete these projects.
The Three Sexy Skills of Data Geeks : Dataspora Blog
istograms, where labels and colors are minimally set by default. Their goal is to help develop a hypothesis about the data, and their audience typically numbers one or a small team. A second kind of data visualization are those intended to communicate to a wider audience, whose goal is to visually advocate for a hypothesis. While most d
The sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians… The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill.
parsing, and proofing one’s data before it’s suitable for analysis. Real world data is messy. At best it’s inconsistently delimited or packed into an unnecessarily complex XML s
Use Twitter in PowerPoint | Poll Everywhere
Your audience is tweeting - How do you draw them into your presentation? By asking for their opinion, and displaying their tweets directly in your slides. With Poll Everywhere, you can invite people to tweet a short comment directly to your slide in real-time, while still blocking inappropriate or off-topic tweets. You can also ask multiple choice questions and watch a graph evolve as people vote.
How do you draw them into your presentation? By asking for their opinion, and displaying their tweets directly in your slides. With Poll Everywhere, you can invite people to tweet a short comment directly to your slide in real-time, while still blocking inappropriate or off-topic tweets
"Living and Learning with Social Media"
Interesante estudio
"Living and Learning with Social Media" danah boyd Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology Penn State: State College, PA 18 April 2009 [This is a rough unedited crib of the actual talk] Citation: boyd, danah. 2009. "Living and Learning with Social Media." Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology. State College, PA: April 18.
Unedited crib of talk from Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology. State College, PA: April 18.
danah boyd
Order in the Library v4.0
Student Librarian activity. Brillant!
Library Helper game
Good assessment or training for library helpers
Shelving practice
Free Online Course Materials | Gödel, Escher, Bach: A Mental Space Odyssey | Highlights for High School
mit Online Course Materials education tolearn
During the summer of 2007, Gödel, Escher, Bach was recorded especially for OpenCourseWare. Below are links to the videos, along with breakdowns of the video content.
Heavy Boots
comment on the issue of fairness in teaching elementary physics
‘About 6-7 years ago, I was in a philosophy class at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (good science/engineering school) and the teaching assistant was explaining Descartes. He was trying to show how things don't always happen the way we think they will and explained that, while a pen always falls when you drop it on Earth, it would just float away if you let go of it on the Moon. My jaw dropped a little. I blurted "What?!" ’
plagium (beta)::: plagiarism tracker & checker ::: home
Identificador de plágio.
How One Teacher Uses Twitter in the Classroom
Twitter would make an ideal backchannel discussion technology.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Programming Paradigms (CS107) introduces several programming languages, including C, Assembly, C++, Concurrent Programming, Scheme, and Python. The class aims to teach students how to write code for each of these individual languages and to understand the programming paradigms behind these languages.
Math Exercises
Все10 — Клавиатурный тренажер
Клавиатурный тренажер Все10. Обучение слепому методу печати на клавиатурном тренажере онлайн. Научиться быстро печатать – легко. Все10 – набирай быстрее всех!
Interaction Design Pilot Year (Courses)
Excellent info design - fav:: Danish bike accidents.
MEDtropolis ® - Virtual Body
Virtual Body Site in both Spanish and English
An online resource that provides a virtual tour of the human body.
Mad Libs Official Website » Fun Stuff
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME,8599,1902604,00.html
It used to be that you compulsively checked your BlackBerry to see if anything new had happened in your personal life or career: e-mail from the boss, a reply from last night's date. Now you're compulsively checking your BlackBerry for news from other people's lives. And because, on Twitter at least, some of those people happen to be celebrities, the Twitter platform is likely to expand that strangely delusional relationship that we have to fame.
as millions of devotees have discovered, Twitter turns out to have unsuspected depth Yes, the breakfast-status updates turned out to be more interesting than we thought. But the key development with Twitter is how we've jury-rigged the system to do things that its creators never dreamed of.
Once just a fad, Twitter is developing into a powerful form of communication. What its growth says about us — and the future of American innovation
YouTube - Einstein's General Theory of Relativity | Lecture 1
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity - Stanford lectures
Good lesson in video form. Each 1:30 hours.
Aula em inglês
Theory of Relativity Lectures by Stanford on Youtube
Dangerously Irrelevant: Top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy school administrators
# # Michael Merzenich on re-wiring the brain # Dave Eggers’ wish: Once upon a school # Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us # Alan Kay shares a powerful idea about ideas # Howard Rheingold on co
Top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy school administrators Here are my top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy principals and superintendents (in no particular order). These are the TED presentations that I think are most likely to interest, educate, and entertain administrators as well as make them think!
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds.
technology, leadership and the future of schools
Here are my top 20 TED Talks podcasts for busy principals and superintendents (in no particular order). These are the TED presentations that I think are most likely to interest, educate, and entertain administrators as well as make them think! Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the web...
TED Talks Demystified for Teachers | The History Teacher's Attic
cool TED organized by a teacher for me in terms of subject matter. How nice!
The title of this post is not meant as an insult! It’s just that so many of us (educators) are clearly impressed with the brilliance exhibited in the TED Talks, but have trouble sorting through all of the material to discover something appropriate
Lakshmi Pratury
Five Reasons to Use Wordle in the Classroom by Terry Freedman
Mind you, there are still some Java issues.
author of Growing Up Digital
Seth's Blog: Learning from the MBA program
So, if concepts from books are easy, what’s hard? Doing it. Picking up the phone, making the plan, signing the deal. Pushing ‘publish.’ Announcing. Shipping. We spent a lot of time on this area. Every morning, each person came in prepared to push someone in the group to overcome the next hurdle. This is what growth looks like, and it was energizing to be part of. We didn’t do this at all at when I was at Stanford. We spent a lot of time reading irrelevant case studies and even more time building complex financial models. The thing is, you can now hire someone to build a complex financial model for you for $60 an hour. And a week’s worth of that is just about all the typical entrepreneur is going to need. The rest of the time, it’s about shipping, motivating, leading, connecting, envisioning and engaging. So that’s what we worked on. It amazes me that MBA students around the world aren’t up in arms. How can schools justify taking $100,000 in cash and teaching exactly the wrong stuff?
Twelve Essentials for Technology Integration
Overview of online applications for collaboration, digital storytelling, publishing content online. Good overview for introductory PD
Overview of online applications for collaboration, digital storytelling, publishing content online. Good overview for introductory PD e47d8fdcc9d782571e47c33375a65419
この「いじめ対策」はすごい! - 森口朗公式ブログ
いじめの認知は、本人、親、友人の誰からの報告であっても 「この事態を心配している人から報告があった」で統一する。 必ず、一人の教員ではなくチームで対応する。 複数の加害者(大抵そうです)と複数の教員が別部屋で1対1で対応 事実を認めた加害者に対し「泣くまで」反省を迫る すぐに誤らせる(「謝らせる」が正しいです)ことはしない 少なくとも一週間の時間を置いて、加害者に誤る(「謝る」)ことを許す 保護者を交えて、いじめの事実を報告
Intelligent Video: The Top Cultural & Educational Video Sites | Open Culture
Looking for great cultural and educational video? Then you’ve come to the right place. Below, we have compiled a list of 40 sites that feature intelligent videos. This list was produced with the help of our faithful readers, and it will grow over time. If you find it useful, please share it as widely as you can. And if we’re missing good sites, please list them in the comments below.
Directory of Educational Resources on the Web
this bookmark brought from the different place.
My Launch Page | myWebspiration
Seth's Blog: Graduate school for unemployed college students
cosas que puedes hacer después de la universidad
Nine Elements
The nine elements of digital citizenship
web2.0 culture; digital etiquette
Mike Ribble blog post on Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately
Can Computer Nerds Save Journalism? - TIME,8599,1902202,00.html
A cadre of newly minted media whiz kids, who mix high-tech savvy with hard-nosed reporting skills, are taking a closer look at ways in which 21st century code-crunching and old-fashioned reporting can not only coexist but also thrive.
Journalism schools aren\'t just incorporating computer skills into their curriculums -- they\'re recruiting techies with full-ride scholarships
Journaliste, changez de pratique, sinon direction Pôle emploi
"A cadre of newly minted media whiz kids, who mix high-tech savvy with hard-nosed reporting skills, are taking a closer look at ways in which 21st century code-crunching and old-fashioned reporting can not only coexist but also thrive." - To answer the question in the headline - "No." No one group of journalists/computer geeks are going to "save" journalism.
A cadre of newly minted media whiz kids, who mix high-tech savvy with hard-nosed reporting skills, are taking a closer look at ways in which 21st century code-crunching and old-fashioned reporting can not only coexist but also thrive. And the first batch of them has just emerged from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.
50 Ways to Use Twitter in the College Classroom | Online Colleges
Twitter has caught fire across many professional fields as well as personally, but it seems to be in the beginning stages in the realm of higher education. The creative ways Twitter users have incorporated microblogging has become inspirational, so the recent trend of using Twitter at college is sure to keep evolving into an ever more impressive tool. Make sure you don’t get left behind by incorporating some of these educational and fun ways that Twitter can be used in the college classroom.
Twitter has caught fire across many professional fields as well as personally, but it seems to be in the beginning stages in the realm of higher education. The creative ways Twitter users have incorporated microblogging has become inspirational, so the recent trend of using Twitter at college is sure to keep evolving into an ever more impressive tool.
Make sure you don't get left behind by incorporating some of these educational and fun ways that Twitter can be used in the college classroom.
What they Used to Teach You at Stanford Business School - Finance Blog - Felix Salmon - Market Movers -
Always ask what can go wrong (Porterfield);
very cool summary of important things you should learn in b-school but that people don't seem to anymore...
The History Teacher’s Attic
The interdisciplinary nature of TED (a direction I’d like to see education go in general) would allow many of these clips to cross several of my categories, so it may be useful for you to scan the lists of other disciplines. Enjoy!
Cool history website.
Great list of resources to teach history. Includes links to ted talks videos.
Fourteen Interesting Ways* to use Voicethread in the Classroom - Google Docs
Another collaborative Google presentation on uses for an online tool. This time: voicethread.
Some simple ways of creating activities for VT.
Study Tips for Students
Academic Vocabulary Games
Use these PowerPoint games and the game cards to provide students an opportunity to practice and review new vocabulary.
jeopardy templates
A bunch of PowerPoint templates (Jeopardy, Millionaire, Wheel of Fortune)
Eric Blue’s Blog » Blog Archive » 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management
Overview | Teaching Copyright
creativecommons law
"[A] detailed, customizable learning plan to help educators raise interesting questions about copyright, technology, and law . . ." -- About
no one listens
info about copyright issues
This curriculum is designed to give teachers a comprehensive set of tools to educate students about copyright while incorporating activities that exercise a variety of learning skills.
Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom
Background, philosophy, ideas
Article defining formative assessment -- some examples as well
Assessment information
National Middle School Association (NMSA); Web publication by Catherine Garrison and Michael Ehringhaus.
Good explaination of both types
独学で効率よく簿記三&二級に合格するための僕の方法 - ミームの死骸を待ちながら
> 電車の中は復習タイム
Understanding how you process information to help you get organized, part 2 | Unclutterer
vp |||||| ap ||||| kp |||
Seth's Blog: Textbook rant
Seth Godin telling it like it is when it comes to the type of thing students are learning in marketing classes from outdated, overpriced, and misguided textbooks. I've seen this firsthand at so many interviews with business school students. A-frickin-men, Seth!
This industry deserves to die. It has extracted too much time and too much money and wasted too much potential. We can do better. A lot better.
Margaret Wertheim on the beautiful math of coral | Video on
mathematics environment video
links to other videos
Parallelism and Hyperbolic geometry in models that are crotcehed
kindergarten for tanks (rather than think tanks)
computer simulation software
Great website for showing GTT concepts
squeakland : resources : books : reading list
Etoys is an educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways. Etoys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system.
Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » How to get students to find and read 94 articles before the next class
From Michael Wesch's Digital Ethnography blog My student-researchers and I tried something a little different to kick off our semester. Instead of the standard syllabus that requires everybody to read a few articles to discuss, we decided instead to organize ourselves into a Smart Mob that would try to read a good hunk of the literature on a single topic in one go. Each student was required to find 5 articles, read them, and summarize them; uploading their summaries (or the author’s own abstract) into a ZohoCreator form. ZohoCreator is a free service that allows you to create database input forms.
Dr. Michael Wesch at Kansas State University talks about how his undergraduate students created a database of articles around a single topic | Don’t hand in a Garbage Paper, send a Corrupted File Instead!
kaputte Dateinen zum bestellen, wenn einmal die Arbeit nicht zum Termin fertig ist.
Step 1: After purchasing a file, rename the file e.g. Mike_Final-Paper. Step 2: Email the file to your professor along with your "here's my assignment" email. Step 3: It will take your professor several hours if not days to notice your file is "unfortunately" corrupted. Use the time this website just bought you wisely and finish that paper!!!
25 ways to teach with Twitter by Sonja Cole
25 ways to teach with Twitter by Sonja Cole
Web Top 50 Free Open Courseware Classes to Develop Better Web Sites — Best Web Design Schools
The following list of 50 free open courseware classes can help you develop better Web sites. The university or learning center name is included so you can begin to browse through their other online resources as well. The list is categorized, and each link under those categories is listed alphabetically. This method assures readers that we do not value one resource over another.
BBC - Science & Nature - Space - Solar System Jigsaw
Science & Nature
space game
Good for my unit on the heavens Online Verb Conjugation Trainer - Learn Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, English
Great for world language classes
Learn Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, English
online oefeningen ivm met het gebruik van werkwoorden in verschillende talen
The Benefits of a Classical Education - O'Reilly Radar
Article sobre beneficis dels estudis clàssics :)
Resulta que Tim O'rEilly estudió Clásicas.
"I've been deeply influenced by Aristotle's idea that virtue is a habit, something you practice and get better at, rather than something that comes naturally. "The control of the appetites by right reason," is how he defined it. My brother James once brilliantly reframed this as "Virtue is knowing what you really want," and then building the intellectual and moral muscle to go after it."
7 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child | Zen Habits
100 Leaders You Can Learn From on Twitter - Learn-gasm
Why follow people on twitter
Paul is a Senate hopeful and the son of former presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul.
You can find just about anyone on Twitter, and leaders are no exception. Whether you’re looking for motivational speakers, authors, social media experts, or politicians, you can find quite a few interesting personalities. Read on to learn about 100 leaders on Twitter that you can learn from.
YouTube - The Twitter Experiment - UT Dallas
Wordle Ideas
Wordle Ideas
blog 30 x 30: Which Student are You?
art psychology humor; student types
Research Online
mobile learning in higher ed; U of Wollongong, Australia; ebook
This online book describes a study, funded by Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), that involved teachers in the Faculty of Education at the University of Wollongong implementing innovative teaching approaches to support mobile learning. Palm Smartphone and Apple iPod technologies were used by undergraduate and postgraduate students to assist their learning across a range of curriculum areas. The book outlines authentic activities, assessment strategies, and professional learning approaches that teachers across the higher education sector can easily adapt and implement within their own discipline areas. It is fully downloadable from this site either as individual chapters or as the whole book in pdf form.
KSIĄżka i mlearningu
mobile learning
New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media | Teaching
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media from Teaching
Sugar Labs—learning software for children
One Laptop Per Child OS
Sugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.
ISTE’s NECC09 Blog | Celebrating 30 Years of Ed Tech Vision
The biggest back channel for the upcomming ISTE NECC conference. Definitely watch this and join the twitterverse
iste blog
Free Technology for Teachers: 30+ Alternatives to YouTube
Operating Systems Lecture Notes
# Lecture 1: Overview and History # Lecture 2: Processes and Threads # Lecture 3: Thread Creation, Manipulation and Synchronization # Lecture 4: Deadlock # Lecture 5: Implementing Synchronization Operations # Lecture 6: CPU Scheduling # Lecture 7: OS Potpourri # Lecture 8: Introduction to Memory Management # Lecture 9: Introduction to Paging # Lecture 10: Issues in Paging and Virtual Memory # Lecture 11: MIPS TLB Structure # Lecture 11: Introduction to File Systems # Lecture 13: File System Implementation # Lecture 14: Monitors # Lecture 15: Segments # Lecture 16: Disk Scheduling # Lecture 17: Networking # Lecture 18: UDP and TCP
Operating Systems Lecture Notes
100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scientists | Best Colleges Online
Top 10 Technology Tips for New Teachers -
Being a first year teacher can be overwhelming to say the least. There is new curriculum to learn, unfamiliar school policies, classroom management challenges, and new teammates. Technology can help to ease some of these first year growing pains.
nice article with tips for any teacher
Visit to create an account. Visit to find other educators that teach in the same content area(s). Be
100 Open Technology Courses You Should Have Taken in College | Online
Listado de cursos on-line de tecnología. Muchos del MIT
technology courses for college
Cursos del MIT amb materials descarregables.
20 Classic Zen Habits Posts You Might Not Have Seen Yet | Zen Habits
MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.189 Multicore Programming Primer, January (IAP) 2007 | Home
this lectures uses Playstation3 in their course.
a program for easily producing animated "whiteboard lectures" from a tablet PC or electronic whiteboar
Free whiteboard tool.
This website serves as the current distribution point for LectureScribe, a program for easily producing animated "whiteboard lectures" from a tablet PC or electronic whiteboard. LectureScribe is written by Brian C. Dean, an assistant professor of computer science at Clemson Univeristy.
Could be useful.
Score 50 Points Higher on the GMAT or Your Money Back - Knewton Test Prep
Knewton has developed the industry’s first adaptive learning engine, customizing educational content to meet the needs of each student. Whereas traditional classrooms and textbooks provide the same material to every student, Knewton dynamically addresses your performance at the atomic concept level.
Live online GMAT, LSAT, GRE, SAT prep courses customized to each student, powered by adaptive learning engine. Access free practice test, sample questions. Raise your score, target top grad schools.
Good idea, interesting implementation
25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites |
Excellent resource especially for Homeschoolers
Muchas direcciones para famosos viajes virtuales a museos, ciudades, etc...
Animated Engines
Opis działania różnych silników
How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary
If you want to make a personal decision that only you can make like whether or not you should start a business, try putting into writing a list of arguments for and against the idea. If that fails, consider divination. Suppose you have studied the idea from all angles, have done all your homework, and worked out all the consequences and pros and cons in your mind, and yet still remain indecisive. You now must follow your heart and tell your brain to shut up. The multitude of available divination techniques are very useful for determining your own semi-conscious desires, as they each present a complete ambiguous and random pattern that your own subconscious will assign meaning to.
50 Free Resources That Will Improve Your Writing Skills | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Effective writing skills are to a writer what petrol is to a car. Like the petrol and car relationship, without solid skills writers cannot move ahead. These skills don’t come overnight, and they require patience and determination. You have to work smart and hard to acquire them. Only with experience, you can enter the realm of effective, always-in-demand writers.
YouTube - reporterscenter's Channel
The YouTube Reporters' Center is a resource to help "citizen journalists" learn more about how to report the news. It features some of the nation's top journalists and news organizations sharing instructional videos with tips and advice for better reporting.
videos from journalists explaining how to cover a story, take an interview etc
Canal do Youtube para ensinar a reportar notícias.
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Kids’ why questions
Interessante Website, die typische WARUM-Fragen der Kinder beantwortet (englisch)
site for parents to help answer those "Why" questions from your kids
A nifty site that tries to make accessible the answers to young children's "why" questions, like "Why is the ocean salty?"
100 Best Blogs for Journalism Students - Learn-gasm
journalism blog writing
journalism 2.0 the beginning
I normally don't trust a web site with an URL like "bachelor's degree online," but this is a good - and overwhelming - list.
Els 100 millors blogs per estudiants de periodisme, amb les últimes novetats i discussions sobre el futur del sector.
Today’s journalism students are entering an industry that’s facing a crossroads. These days, newspapers and media in general are adapting and growing at a rapid pace, and it’s essential that students keep up, or they’ll be left in the dust. By reading these blogs, you can keep an ear to the ground on the latest developments that matter the most to journalism students.
Google For Educators - Web Search
Searching for educators. From LD.
Some ideas which can be a guide or include
Web search can be a remarkable research tool for students - and we've heard from educators that they could use some help to teach better search skills in their classroom. The following Search Education lessons were developed by Google Certified Teachers to help you do just that. The lessons are short, modular and not specific to any discipline so you can mix and match to what best fits the needs of your classroom. Additionally, all lessons come with a companion set of slides (and some with additional resources) to help you guide your in-class discussions.
Google Search tips - lesson plans for teachers
not so sure
Besides the fact that this comes from the NY Post, this article raises some legitimate causes for concern about our education system. Jack also provides some solutions worth thinking about and discussing...
Suppose all goes well. He'll be sitting in front of a teacher a good 18 months after first deciding to learn. What folly. The answer is to relieve schools of the job of validating knowledge and return them to a role of spreading it. Colleges should no more vouch for their own academic competence than butchers should decide for themselves whether their meat is USDA prime. As I write this, Google is putting every book ever written online. Apple is offering video college lectures for free download through its iTunes software. Skype allows free videoconferencing anywhere in the world. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and many other schools have made course materials available for free on their Web sites. Tutors cost as little as $15 an hour. Today's student who decides to learn at 1 a.m. should be doing it by 1:30. A process that makes him wait 18 months is not an education system. It's a barrier to education.
"A student who secures a degree is increasingly unlikely to make up its cost, despite higher pay, and the employer who requires a degree puts faith in a system whose standards are slipping. Too many professors who are bound to degree teaching can't truly profess; they don't proclaim loudly the things they know but instead whisper them to a chosen few, whom they must then accommodate with inflated grades. Worst of all, bright citizens spend their lives not knowing the things they ought to know, because they've been granted liberal-arts degrees for something far short of a liberal-arts education."
HOW TO: Learn and Practice Languages Using Social Media
I hop this web page will help me learn japanese, english, italian and french properly. thank, delicious
Laura I. Gómez is an online media executive and former college language instructor. You can follow her on and on Twitter @lauraigomez.
How maths killed Lehman Brothers
You can in fact calculate it, easily. The 100 customers each have a 3% chance of defaulting, so you expect three customers to default next year. That is, you will need to pay $3 million next year. Assuming the interest rate is about 3% each year, next year's $3 million would be worth 3/(3/100+1)=3/1.03=2.91 million now. Therefore HSBC will have to pay you at least $2.91 million for the insurance. Obviously Lehman Brothers wasn't a charity and so, to make money, they would double the price to $5.82 million and expect to make $2.91 million out of each of these deals on average. This kind of insurance is called a credit derivative swap (CDS).
Musical Mysteries
100 Helpful Websites for New Teachers | Teaching
You’ve been preparing for teaching for years, and now you finally get your chance to have a class of your own. With so much to learn as you get started, it can be overwhelming keeping it all straight. The following websites are loaded with helpful information that new teachers will appreciate.
Journalism Grads: 30 Things You Should Do This Summer :: 10,000 Words :: multimedia, online journalism news and reviews
comments have more ideas
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy [Fine Structure Constant] [Schrödinger's cat] [Frequency]
video science curious
50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom | Teaching
Skype is a free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom. Read below to learn how you can take advantage of the power of Skype in your classroom.
take advantage of the power of Skype in your classroom.
Préparer la rentrée avec les cours d'été de l'académie en ligne. Du CP à la terminale en accès gratuit
Préparer la rentrée avec les cours d'été de l'académie en ligne. Du CP à la terminale en accès gratuit
L’Académie en ligne, annoncée par Xavier Darcos, ministre de l’éducation nationale, le 22 janvier dernier, prend aujourd’hui forme avec l’ouverture de ce site. C’est un nouveau service proposé par le Cned. L’Académie en ligne ( est un site de ressources gratuites pour aider les jeunes dans leur scolarité et permettre aux parents de mieux les accompagner sur la voie de la réussite. Dès à présent, il propose des cours d’été, aux élèves du CP à la terminale, pour réviser les notions essentielles de l’année écoulée et préparer la rentrée.
Service de cours d’été accessibles gratuitement en ligne de la CP à la Terminale
a poop-torial
One way scientists learn about animals is by studying their poop -- also called “scat” or "dung." Let’s look at some animal poop and see if you can guess who left it behind.
50 Terrific Open Courseware Classes for Innovative Educators - Learn-gasm
# build, and program functioning robots using Lego robotics, then take your knowledge back to share with your students. [MIT] # Introduction to Robotics. Find out what the class at MIT built, then learn to design and build your own robotic system in this class. [MIT]
100 Terrific Cheat Sheets for K-12 Teachers | Teaching
Cheat sheets have a bad rap as a way for students to succeed on tests without actually knowing the information, but now it’s time for them to have a more positive place in education. Cheat sheets can offer a succinct way for students to study their lessons and provide an excellent boost to what you are already teaching them in class. Cheat sheets can provide helpful information for teachers too. Browse through this selection to find cheat sheets for a variety of subjects.
VocabSushi: The better way to build your vocabulary | Contextual Examples From the Daily News
The better way to build your vocabulary | Contextual Examples From the Daily News
70 Designers that Shaped the World
Introduction to Social Thinking
Teen thinking. Social Problems, workshop listings and gathering for Teachers
Social thinking is required before the development of social skills and successful social interaction.
Social Thinking -Michelle Garcia Winner
News: The Evidence on Online Education - Inside Higher Ed
Timely information for our group! The learning time issue in particular is an important finding that points to a cost effective way to increase student learning time without tackling the issue of a longer school day head on. We know that more time on meaningful tasks is crucial, but the physical cost of attending a bricks and mortar classrooms is prohibitive.
It is superior in student learning to face-to-face instruction, says new meta-analysis from Education Department. And
WASHINGTON -- Online learning has definite advantages over face-to-face instruction when it comes to teaching and learning, according to a new meta-analysis released Friday by the U.S. Department of Education
online learning success research
What Is a Master’s Degree Worth? - Room for Debate Blog -
A professor, university president, personal finance columnist, and economist debate...
Students: Free Apps To Help You Excel at School [Mac only]
Has practice application
Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers
to use humor in presentations and classroom material
Comics in the classroom
Understand how comics are beneficial in schools and ways they can be used.
45 Websites For Students To Create Original Artwork Online | art, creativity, student art | Making Teachers Nerdy
More and more websites are coming online to give students the ability to unleash their creativity in new and innovative ways. From abstract art to pointillism, students now can click and draw their way into original works of art, and today’s freebie gives you a great list of places to begin.
Playing History
Access to the California State University IMAGE Project. It contains almost 75,000 images
75,000 free pictures, mostly Art
25 Incredible TED Talks for Educators - Learn-gasm
good links to other education sites
George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior @ Foundations Magazine
Presented entirely unironically, but these are hilarious (random caps make everything funnier, obviously). I especially like #2: When in Company, put not your Hands to any Part of the Body, not usually Discovered.
100 Best Blogs for School Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
seznam (kategorie např: nástroje a technologie, obecné blogy, projekty a nápady, tématické: čtení)
7 Excellent Open Courseware Collections for Digital Photographers
Digital photographers are always looking to improve their skills behind the lens. Anyone can point and click, but what does it take to take a picture with real depth, meaning, and intrigue? What does it take to move from taking a vacation photo to capturing a moment in time? The following open courseware collections aim to help students move from just playing around with a digital camera to creating works of art
Op-Ed Columnist - The Best Kids’ Books Ever - - Educational Certificates, Sports Certificates, Special Occasion Certificates, Custom certificate templates
online games re ecology, recycling, oceans, etc.
Environment Games
games to help Oscar the otter protect his environment
SMART Board Games | PBS KIDS
Collection of interactive SMART Board games for educators on PBS KIDS. Students will enjoy participating in these collaborative, fun and engaging experiences, while exploring curriculum from trusted programs such as Curious George, Super Why and Arthur. Like our programs, all of our games are age-appropriate and vetted by educators.
this is a very good tol to have in your classroom.
SOS Classroom
Great resources for grades K-8
These resources have been collected by students, parents, and educators and organized by students in a USC writing course.
SOS Classroom offers a directory of free online educational resources for K-8 Language Arts and Math. These sites are submitted by parents and teachers, and they are all reviewed and organized by members of the SOS Classroom team.
Computer Science Books Online
free computer science books online in PDF format
Project Tuva: Enhanced Video Player Home - Microsoft Research
Classic lectures on physics. Bill Gates funded. Now available for free with captions, notes, etc.
100 Geeky Places to Take Your Kids This Summer | GeekDad |
There is plenty of summer vacation season left on the calendar, and boredom may already be settling in around the house. So what are some fun, geeky places to take your geeklets? Even better, what are some fun, geeky places that kids and adults will all enjoy? I was sitting down making some plans for my geeklets this summer. The list of places we wanted to go kept getting longer, and eventually turned into a wishlist, which I then put up for the GeekDads to add to. But this list is by no means complete. Please feel free to add your favorite places in the comments, and we’ll try to add them to the map, too.
10 Ways Universities Share Information Using Social Media
Como usan algunas universidades al social media
Universities are constantly exploring new ways to use social media to fulfill their missions of engaging and sharing knowledge with their constituents. Below are just 10 highlights of how universities are using social media for public affairs. As always, please share other examples you have used or come across in the comments below.
We Make Stories
Here you can create your own story, share it with friends and visit the gallery to see what other Storymakers have made.
Fer històries
oh wow - this is fun;)
mi piace la grafica
Enables digital stories to be made and shared with friends.
Book publishers Penguin have developed a website where children can write, illustrate (and add sounds) and publish their own stories.
A Calculus Analogy: Integrals as Multiplication | BetterExplained
hen we want to use regular multiplication, but can’t, we bring out the big guns and integrate. Area is just a visualization technique, don’t get too caught up in it. Now go learn calculus!”
The Messenger Series - Microsoft Research
Feynman lectures series at Microsoft's Project Tuva
Richard Feynman lectures
Teaching with Technology / Index
An large directory of online software and services useful for teaching. Catagorized by function. The site is also a wiki so it can be improved by many persons.
50 Tools and Tricks to Revolutionize Your Notetaking | Distance Learning Net
Prise de notes sur Internet
Whether you’re a high school or college student, a small business owner looking to set up a new business plan, or someone who wants to be better organized with your errands, goals and regular to-do lists, there are a variety of tools to keep your notes and tasks safe and filed away online. These 50 tools and tricks will revolutionize your note-taking by introducing you to techniques and websites that let you share ideas, store your thoughts directly on a web page and more.
The Human's Development :: we ain't plastic
Alternative content Get Adobe Flash player
human's development
Tom Wujec on 3 ways the brain creates meaning | Video on
25 Free Apps And Websites For Tech-Loving Teachers | Blogging & Technology | So You Want To Teach?
Using FLIP Cameras in Your Classroom | Escobedo MS Tech Talk
Ideas for using the Flip Video camera
Video camera ideas
scroll down .. nice posts for projects which can be adapted to younger students
Techy Tips for not so techy teachers
Study Hacks » Blog Archive » The Pyramid Method: A Simple Strategy For Becoming Exceptionally Good
Pick one measurable definition of success and work on it relentlessly.
To succeed, focus on one small, entry-level venue. Succeed at that over and over until you master then. Only then move up to big leagues - you'll be too good to be ignored.
read it
mental_floss Blog » 10 Ways to Learn Stuff While Procrastinating Online
It’s Monday. You’ve had a nice, long, idle weekend, and—what’s this? Someone who says they’re your boss wants you to do work?! Well, we’ll have none of that, will we? Of course not – this is the internet. Frittering away hours in front of mental_floss’ Amazing Fact Generator is always an option. But here are 10 other easy ways to put off whatever you’re supposed to be doing while also getting your knowledge fix
Royalty free stuff | Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
Royalty free stuff - Collections of free photos, sounds, music, gifs, clipart, fonts, icons, satellite images, cartoons, graphics, animations, etc.
Royalty free stuff
Collections of free photos, sounds, music, gifs, clipart, fonts, icons, satellite images, cartoons, graphics, animations, etc.
Design Ignites Change
Design Ignites Change challenges students to use design thinking to explore and create solutions for pressing social problems.
Creativity holds enormous power for fostering positive social change. Instilling this ideal in the next generation of creative professionals is core to Design Ignites Change, a collaboration between Adobe Youth Voices and Worldstudio (click here for additional Partners ). Design Ignites Change promotes and encourages talented high school and college students across the country to use design thinking and innovation to create messages for, and solutions to, pressing social problems. Each year, participating colleges, universities and high schools engage with their students to create work that addresses powerful social topics ranging from issues of diversity, homelessness, hunger and gun violence to scarce water resources, sustainability and endangered species. The students are encouraged to develop actual projects that are visible in, and beneficial to, their local communities; projects that stimulate thought, dialog, action and ultimately change.
design social change pro bono difference non-profit green sustainable inspiration
Perk Up Your Projects with Web 2.0 - home
For Bunny
Tired of assigning the same old boring PowerPoint presentations again and again? Want to challenge your students a bit more than the traditional tri-fold or poster project? Come learn a whole host of new tools to spice up your students' projects and your lessons. Explore and experiment with a variety of Web 2.0 tools including animated avatars, comic creators, digital scrapbooks, image creators, interactive timelines, logo generators, slideshows, streaming video, and the web resources that will serve as "containers" for the different elements. Check out the pages to the left to navigate through the different elements to learn how you can re-invent your teaching and your students' learning with the use of a few engaging, motivating, and fun resources.
wiki with a lot of ways to integrate tech in the classroom
Moserware: Just Enough MBA to Be a Programmer
Do You Have These 11 Traits of Highly Creative People? | Copyblogger
Would you like to be more creative in your copy and blogging? It’s really not as hard or mysterious as you might think.
Are willing to TEST new ideas and compete with others based on results. Isn’t that what they mean by the “market of ideas”? Isn’t that what business competition is about? If you’re afraid of being wrong or losing, your creativity will suffer.
Think of creativity as a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. To increase your creativity, you simply need to “act” like a creative person. Not surprisingly, people recognized as creative tend to share common traits.
Unraveling how children become bilingual so easily - Yahoo! News
Bi-lingualism and learning new languages
language children
The 100 Best Open Education Resources on the Web | MasterDegreeOnline
With these open education resources, you can take all the classes you want — not for credit, of course — without paying a dime.
Take classes in criminal justice, health sciences, IT, legal studies and more from educational pioneer Kaplan.
Online Resources for Math - Algebra, Trigonometric, Geometry, Calculus, Boolean Algebra, Probability, Decimal, Fraction, Permutations and Combinations
A great source for any engineer who want's to trim past times knowledge
Math for all levels, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle school and High School. Downloadable tutorials explaining concepts, interactive online content as well.
10 Ways to Use Social Media to Pick a College
Here are 10 social media resources for high school students (and their parents) to use in order to find out more about what college life is really like at the school they plan to attend.
Seven e-Learning and Teaching Resources
While the down economy continues to hurt funding to our schools, more and more teachers are looking to web-based services to help educate their students. Whether it's through ...
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Learn How your students can create and share with Scratch
Top 10 DIY Projects that Harness the Power of the Sun - Solar Power - Lifehacker
18 Great Sites To Learn A New Language
useful for my long term Mandarin / Spanish plans
City Brights: Howard Rheingold : Crap Detection 101
Excellent advice on thinking critically abt media & how to teach your children to do so from @hrheingold #homeschool [from]
legitimate websites
Annotated link
"The first thing we all need to know about information online is how to detect crap, a technical term I use for information tainted by ignorance, inept communication, or deliberate deception. Learning to be a critical consumer of Webinfo is not rocket science. It's not even algebra. Becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables. The hard part, as always, is the exercise of flabby think-for-yourself muscles."
100 Serious Twitter Tips for Academics | Best Colleges Online
The following tips will help you know just how to get started using Twitter in academia, teach you etiquette, offer strategies and benefits, provide suggestions for specific ways to use Twitter, list tools to use with Twitter, and more.
ALA | AASL Best Web sites for Teaching and Learning Award
American Association of School Librarian
7 Very fun games that are actually good for your brain
10 Ways Universities Are Engaging Alumni Using Social Media
Arthur Benjamin's formula for changing math education | Video on
TED Talks Someone always asks the math teacher, "Am I going to use calculus in real life?" And for most of us, says Arthur Benjamin, the answer is no. He offers a bold proposal on how to make math education relevant in the digital age.
In the Future, the Cost of Education will be Zero
However, social media can drastically reduce much of the overhead involved with higher education — such as administrative costs and even the campus itself — and open source or reusable and adaptive learning materials can drive costs down even further.
the nature of information is such that it can be created once at cost and distributed and consumed over and over again for free.
Listening to Themselves: Podcasting Takes Lessons Beyond the Classroom | Edutopia
Specific examples of how student produced podcasts enhance knowledge and communication skills.
good links to other sites - take a deeper look here
Edutopia article on podcasting
googletools - home
Google tools for the classroom
Wiki dedicated to Google tools
cool google stuff
eLit - e:lit– home page
PETA website; great teaching tips
PETA ; english resource
literacy development
English resource
Study Search Australia
search engine ; lessons
google filtered ; lesson plans ; resources ; age aapropriate
google serach for kids
primary schools search engine
google custom search only for educational purposes
Summer Teacher Institute Lesson Plans
Lesson plans using the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame and music.
Do You Have These Core Human Skills?
Human Skills
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” – Robert A. Heinlein
iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » 20 iTunes Feeds for the 2.0 Teacher
Some useful iTunes podcasts for Educators...
Teachers.Net - TEACHER CHATBOARDS - Teachers.Net Chatboards provide 24 hour mentoring for teachers around the world. Early childhood chatboard primary elementary chatboard upper elementary chat middle school high school administrator chatboard student tea
Chapter 6
Resources for professional educators
Top 7 Places to Watch Great Minds in Action
Home ‎(Google Apps Education Community)‎
Welcome to the Google Apps Education Community, a site to share, connect & learn This site is brought to you by Google – especially for Google Apps educators and students. Come join and help us build it!
23 steps or less in how to become a Twitter Teacher
How to become Twitter Teacher(TT) in 23 steps or less ? | Kapil Bhatia
Nice collection of videos and tips for getting started with Twitter.
Wow! This really has an amazing list of things to do with my twitter! I should come back to this when I'm ready to focus on twitter.
Documentary Heaven :: Food For Your Brain
DocumentaryHeaven is a site filled with hundreds of free online documenteries just waiting to be seen. So come on in!
Listing and display of various documentary films ... extensive.
ree documentary website that provides a handpicked collection of documentary films. All films can be watched online and there is no sign up. You can search for documentaries and browse them by categories such as activist, celebrity, conspiracy, mystery, war, technology…
Grades K-12 + Lesson Plans + Activities + videos + current events | SchooNoodle
An online social bookmarking community made exclusively for K-12 educators. Find lesson plans, activities, current events, videos, and images, correlated to state standards, for elementary school, middle school and high school subjects.
'Teach Naked' Effort Strips Computers From Classrooms - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Good arguments against PPT
jose bowen suggests teachers teach naked, without computers, so that students are engaged in the discussion and not passively taking in powerpoint slides.
59 percent of students in a new survey reported that at least half of their lectures were boring, and that PowerPoint was one of the dullest methods they saw.
a dean at Southern Methodist University is proudly removing computers from lecture halls. José A. Bowen, dean of the Meadows School of the Arts, has challenged his colleagues to "teach naked"—by which he means, sans machines.
Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes
Playful Learning Experiences
playful learning ideas
50 Useful Mind-Mapping Tools for College Students | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
By Emily Thomas As a hardworking student, you've got a lot to organize, including essays, exams, deadlines, and class schedules, not to mention your social and
As a hardworking student, you’ve got a lot to organize, including essays, exams, deadlines, and class schedules, not to mention your social and personal life–plus any part-time jobs you may have taken on. In an effort to keep you more organized, we’ve generated this list of 50 useful mind-mapping tools that are designed to help you see your ideas more clearly, analyze and outline research papers, become more efficient when you study, and get inspired to be more creative in your work.
100 Free Open Courseware Classes on Journalism, Blogging and New Media | Online Degree World
here was a time when writers and artists were at the mercy of a few decision-makers who said what was published and what was cast aside. The ease of getting your work online has made those days a distant memory. Blogging about your world, reporting what goes on around you, and even publishing your own art is as easy as setting up a blog or purchasing a domain name and creating your own website. The following free open courseware classes will help you learn about new media, writing, reporting, or even just understanding the culture or your rights as an online publisher.
the memory palace
Much like This American LIfe, but with a historical focus.
Remember to subscribe to this in Zune.
The Differentiator
inspire the pupils to study
This is a really neat tool that helps you come up with some DI type activities using a generator to help you make objectives. Very clever.
Chinese menu approach: choose one from column A, one from column B ...
A learning environment for Python suitable for beginners and children, inspired by Logo.
A logo like environment for learning python
Eight Ways To Use School Wikis
Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Resources for Creating and Hosting Podcasts
recursos de podcast per fer i penjar
Resources reviews
100 Best Blogs for Teachers of the Future | Clear View Education Blog
100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future - Learn-gasm
LOTS of tools are collected into one list . . .
50 Excellent Open Courses for Techie Librarians | Best Colleges Online
Best Colleges Online
"Techie librarians have lots of great resources available to them online, and open courses are some of the best tools for your professional development."
頭のよさがすべてではない。成功者がもっている特質「Grit」とは何か? |
"個人の中に挑戦的な課題を「やり抜く力」があるというのが Grit の考え方"
Classroom Web Tools
Classroom Web Tools is a collection of nine years research into Internet resources to assist in the learning process, not only in the classroom but also at home. Sites have been selected on the basis of quality, reliability, interactivity, ease of use and, of course, free of charge. New tech tools and features are e-published to Havre Public School Teachers as they become available. This site lists the teacher tech tool publications for the last eight years. Suggestions of web site resources are always welcome!
A Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with Education | Edutopia
A former schoolbook editor parses the politics of educational publishing.
K-12 textbooks; influence of Texas on the process; influence of Texas 'conservative Christian activists' on the selection process; "A former schoolbook editor parses the politics of educational publishing."
Mourning the Death of Handwriting - TIME,9171,1912419,00.html
Via ... someone's Twitter feed. The history of handwriting and the death of it. Does it matter that we are no longer tested for penmanship?
Don't blame computers for my chicken scratch. A shift in educational priorities has left an entire generation of Americans with embarrassingly bad penmanship. How much does it matter?
Don\'t blame computers for my chicken scratch. A shift in educational priorities has left an entire generation of Americans with embarrassingly bad penmanship. How much does it matter?
People born after 1980 tend to have a distinctive style of handwriting: a little bit sloppy, a little bit childish and almost never in cursive.
Presentation Zen: 11 ways to use images poorly in slides
<div><p style="color:#111111;font-family:Arial"><a href="" style="float:right"><img alt="Slides" src="" style="margin:0px 0px 5px 5px;width:200px"></a> As digital cameras have become ubiquitous, and cheap (or free) photo websites plentiful, more people than ever are using images in presentations. Images are not appropriate for every kind of talk, but even when images are appropriate (such as keynote/ballroom style presentations), people are still making the same common mistakes. So here are some things to keep in mind if you use images in your next talk. <em>(Get a larger version of the "slides" image <a href="">here.</a>)</em><br><br><strong><span style="color:#111111;font-family:Arial">Case study: a single slide</span></strong><br>Let's imagine you are preparing a prese
o/ [from]
Examples of how photographs are poorly used in PowerPoint presentations. Students do #6 and #7 the most and it is one of my biggest pet peeves!
Twenty-Five Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom - community powered learning
really nice open learning platform. needs paypal or credit card billing to really go anywhere though, methinks.
Backward Design
What is "Backward Design?" A process by which constructivist and inquiry theories support student learning. Using the principles of backward design, teachers focus first on learning goals (understanding goals). These are based on the transferable big Ideas that give the content meaning and connect skills and facts. And this is what educators want their students to have developed at the completion of the learning process.
Backward design begins with the end in mind: What enduring understandings do I want my students to develop? How will my students demonstrate their understanding when the unit is completed? How will I ensure that students have the skills and understand the concepts required on the summative assessment?
excellent site, steps, FAQ
Much information about reading and writing, includes ideas for thematic units and essential questions.
Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes « Derren Brown Blog
Cover the basics of speed reading fast!
This post is a condensed overview of principles I taught to undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998 at a seminar called the “PX Project”. The below was written several years ago, so it’s worded like Ivy-Leaguer pompous-ass prose, but the results are substantial. In fact, while on an airplane in China two weeks ago, I helped Glenn McElhose increase his reading speed 34% in less than 5 minutes. I have never seen the method fail. Here’s how it works…
Web 2.0 Guru - Web 2.0 Resources
Table of Contents WEB 2.0 RESOURCES FOR 21st CENTURY INSTRUCTION NEW! - View all resources on your mobile phone - Animation Assessment and Evaluation Blogging Charts and Spreadsheets Collaboration Communication Conversion Tools Celebration of Success - Award and Certificate Makers Desktop Publishing Dictionaries/Glossaries/Data Digital Storytelling Disposable Email Accounts for Site Registration Ebooks or Audio Books Games for Education Virtual Games in Education Global Connections in the Classroom Keyboarding Mobile Tools Multimedia Networking and Online Communities Note Taking, Concept Mapping and Flow Chart Tools Online Interactive Classroom Environments Personalized Web Browser Pages Podcasting Polls/Surveys Presentations Professional Networks Research RSS Aggregators Search Engines Social Bookmarking Storage - online storage and for files Studying and Help Text <>Speech The "Tubes" Virtual Field Trips Virtual Worlds in Education Vodcasting - Video Broadca
A collection of web 2.0 tools for 21st Century classrooms.
A GREAT resource of 2.0 websites, tools, etc. grouped by categories ****
Getting Things Done Explained for Students - Getting Things Done - Lifehacker
Bill Maher: New Rule: Smart President ≠ Smart Country
s thinking
"Yes, I want decisions made by an elite group of people who know what they're talking about." So, Bill Maher wants an aristocratic oligarchy. A pretty funny read except for that section. Some really pathetic statistics in there. Yet, the idea that while many accomplished economists and doctors argue against national healthcare, that the only people against it are retarded, is a complete fallacy, and seems to be the only way the Dems are fighting against criticism at the moment. It just makes them look bad.
I.Q. Tests for everyone! As I have stated before, your well thought out, chosen vote, usually gets negated by a fucking moron.
How To Write When You Think You Can’t - Dumb Little Man
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practical tips for writing when you think you can't really write
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
Exceptions for Instructors U.S. Copyright Law
Copyright law information
Under certain conditions,U.S. Copyright Law provides for the educational use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder. To find out if your intended use meets the requirements set out in the law, use this free, online tool.
teacher copyright law exceptions
Under certain conditions,U.S. Copyright Law provides for the educational use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder. To find out if your intended use meets the requirements set out in the law, use this free, online tool
good tutorial on copyright law for educational purposes
50 Fun iPhone Apps to Get Kids Reading and Learning
Do you own an iPhone? Do you also have toddlers or kids who are about to enter school? Put the iPhone and the kids together with some of the apps listed below to keep the kids busy as they prepare themselves for school.
FSI Language Courses - Home
Public domain versions of language courses from the Foreign Service Institute.
Five Classic Ways to Boost Your Note-Taking - Note-taking - Lifehacker
"If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire." via Lifehacker
If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire.
15 Free Online Collaboration Tools and Apps
Being in the same room to collaborate on a project is no longer necessary thanks to the many different applications that are available over the web. There are free tools for online conferencing, collaborative writing and editing, file sharing, private communication, and desktop sharing. Here are 15 free online collaboration tools and apps to try today:
Collaboration is central to learning on the social Web. This guest post from Karen Schweitzer highlights some great free tools for connecting and sharing with others.
DiscoverEd from ccLearn
description needed- test too if the description can be pasted into the library's account
Discover the universe of open educational resources
Attempting to assist searching for educational resources on the web.
OAi en recherches sur la pédagogie
Wikispaces for Web 2.0
Chris O'Neal's wiki on all sorts of web tools
from Chris: tools (incl Wikis, blogs, maps, and how-to tutorials)
Look into Voice Threads
Chris & Karen's workshop wiki.
Resources for educator's interested in Web 2.0
Chris O'Neals's wiki for web 2.0 tools.
Youtubeで学べる、英語のレッスンビデオ・厳選7チャンネル | 口コミ発信!モノ人
Learn to Play the Guitar Online - Music - Lifehacker
Essay: Dumb-dumb bullets - July 2009 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy
Why PowerPoint kills decision making
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool
Sub-hed: "As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool"
"Unfortunately, by using PowerPoint inappropriately, we have created a thought process centered on bullets and complex charts. This has a number of impacts. First, it reduces clarity since a bullet is essentially an outline for a sentence and a series of bullets outline a paragraph. They fail to provide the details essential to understanding the ideas being expressed. While this helps immensely with compromise, since the readers can create their own narrative paragraphs from the bullets, it creates problems when people discover what they agreed to is not what they thought they had agreed to. Worse, it creates a belief that complex issues can, and should, be reduced to bullets. It has reached the point where some decision-makers actually refuse to read a two-page briefing paper and instead insist PowerPoint be used."
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool By T. X. Hammes
Alberta Assessment Consortium - everyday assessment tools for teachers
email tom for password
ID: Alberta PW: assessment
Assesssment resource site
chinook - user name wind - assword
username: teachers password: master
Google Apps
Free email and collaboration tools for your school. Get Apps for your school! Imagine how valuable it would be if your entire campus community — students, faculty, and staff — could share information and ideas more easily. With Google Apps Education Edition, you can start bringing that vision to life. Google Apps Education Edition is a free suite of hosted communication
Ready to use lesson plans for Google Docs or Google Apps
Lesson plan archive for google apps products - you can even submit your own lesson plan.
Excuses, Excuses: An Excerpt from Teacher Man | Book Excerpts | Reader's Digest
An example of a great educator seizing and idea and putting it into practice.
Frank McCourt
45 Free Online Computer Science Courses | ProgrammerFish - Everything that's programmed!
Total Recall: The Woman Who Can't Forget
hyperthymestic syndrome,
This piece blew my mind.
Researchers had never found a subject with a perfect memory — then along came Jill Price.
a mulher que não esquece nada
The woman remembers dates to the day. Amazing. But know few quizzers who can do the same.
Recession-Proof Graduate
Great presentation - great ideas
25 Great Thinkers Every College Student Should Read - Learn-gasm
25 Great Thinkers Every College Student Should Read August 6th, 2009 By Donna Scott College is for expanding one’s intellectual horizons. Unfortunately, drinking and having fun can distract from learning about history’s great thinkers. From Mark Twain to Confucius, an educated individual should posses some knowledge of certain philosophers, artists and thinkers. Here are 25 great thinkers every college student should read, even if professors don’t assign them.
College is for expanding one’s intellectual horizons. Unfortunately, drinking and having fun can distract from learning about history’s great thinkers. From Mark Twain to Confucius, an educated individual should posses some knowledge of certain philosophers, artists and thinkers. Here are 25 great thinkers every college student should read, even if professors don’t assign them.
10 Must-Dos for the First Week of College - College - Lifehacker
With the start of the academic year, it's time to switch out of vacation mode&mdash;pronto. What you do the first week of classes can majorly impact your grades four months from now, so don't skip these first week must-dos.
TeachPaperless: Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)
Technology is not a monolith. Technology doesn’t tell you what to do and it doesn’t force you to behave in ways you’d rather not. Technology -- particularly social technology -- is whatever you make it. Use what you want, leave the rest. Mash it up, alter it to fit your needs, customize it, and own it. If you can’t do that with your technology, then you are using the wrong technology.
Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)
How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming American Higher Education | Fast Company
Fast Company Magazine
"The Internet disrupts any industry whose core product can be reduced to ones and zeros," says Jose Ferreira, founder and CEO of education startup Knewton. Education, he says, "is the biggest virgin forest out there." Ferreira is among a loose-knit band of education 2.0 architects sharpening their saws for that forest. Their first foray was at MIT in 2001, when the school agreed to put coursework online for free. [agreed ?
Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
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100 Best Blogs for Library Science Students – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
If you're studying library science online, you're in luck. There is a world of information available to you online, much of it in blogs. Follow this list, and
Best Science Visualization Videos of 2009 | Wired Science |
best science visualization video os 2009
Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom - Bits Blog -
A recent 93-page report on online education, conducted by SRI International for the Department of Education, has a starchy academic title, but a most intriguing conclusion: “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.”
Provocative article
Une étude montre que des élèves de 12 ans obtiennent de meilleures performance avec l'apprentissage en ligne qu'en classe.
Seth's Blog: Education at the crossroads
Education at the crossroads
here are three choices that anyone offering higher education is going to have to make. MIT and Stanford are starting to make classes available for free online. The marginal cost of this is pretty close to zero, so it's easy for them to share. Abundant education is easy to access and offers motivated individuals a chance to learn. Scarcity comes from things like accreditation, admissions policies or small classrooms. Should this be free or expensive? Should this be about school or about learning? If I were going to wager, I'd say that the free, abundant learning combination is the one that's going to change the world.
Actually, there isn't one, there are three choices that anyone offering higher education is going to have to make.
101 Tools to Learn ANY Foreign Language for Free | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Here, you’ll find 101 tools that can help you learn a new language without spending a dime on tuition.
In today's global economy, it's more important than ever for students to be fluent in more than one language.
Lincoln Bicentennial | 1809-2009 | Live the Legacy
Abraham Lincoln information
Welcome to the Frontpage
A resource for US History teachers
Interactive animations about historical events.
8 Free Online Entrepreneurial Finance Classes from MIT | College Mogul
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Teaching the Civil War with Technology
Animated Battles
201 activity
history-civil war blog
Dr. Fifer's latest blog posting about technology to be used in teaching of the Civil War. "....encourage you to make a $25 donation to the company and purchase a copy of the CD. As part of the CD, you get all of the material available via the website, plus additional materials and a special Teacher’s Edition of the animations....."
Blogs, links, and other activities for elementary and secondary students.
Great blog with lots of resources about teaching the Civil War using technology tools. Uses lots of videos and Google Earth.
Oxygen on Vimeo
This is Oxygen, produced at the Ringling College of Art + Design as my thesis for the department of Computer Animation. As a recent graduate, I am hoping this film along with a number of effects I have done for other students will help me get a job doing vfx for film, tv, or games. Visit my website at to see my reel and (not quite so fantastic as this) other work!
fun cartoon about oxygen - tells difft properties of elements
50 Ways To Create Digital Stories With Students | The Edublogger
A good summary of digital storytelling
Creating stories using web tools is fun and engaging for student while also teaching them new skills. Best of all you can embed them in blog posts to grab readers; including something a bit different makes reading posts more interesting.
ART && CODE Symposium: Hackety Hack, why the lucky stiff on Vimeo
i love the "dueling sword" ascii art
Free Mathsframe Interactive Whiteboard Teacher Resources
Free resources for teaching maths using primary framework objectives
Games for IWB or Pcs
grades 3-6
Great math resource for grade 3-6.
Interaktív táblán jól alkalmazható matematika változtatható tartalmú és nehézségű gyakorló animációk.
100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers - Classroom 2.0
Technology help
Free Kids Games, Coloring & Jigsaw Puzzles for Children
PreK-Kindergarten reading and math games
Tell Laura about this site good primary
BBC - Schools - Primary History
Ancient Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxon, Vikings, Children in Victorian Britain, Children of WW2
BBC Primary History - Study Ancient Greeks, Anglo-Saxons, Romans, Children of Victorian Britain, Vikings and Children of World War 2
All about History
Explore the distant to the very recent past, with the Primary History timeline.
for sociall studies
Although aimed at Primary some very useful resources,including videos, on Greeks, romans, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Children of Victorian Britain, Industrial Revolution, Children of WW2
Clive Thompson on the New Literacy
interesting study on how tech effects reading
Bases on a Stanford study there is evidence students are writing more than ever and they want to have an audience and purpose. Annotated link
fascinating take on the ongoing trends in literacy. Study by Stanford concludes that today's youth are MORE proficient in writing because they've lived a life of writing for an audience. "We think of writing as either good or bad. What today's young people know is that knowing who you're writing for and why you're writing might be the most crucial factor of all."
<<I think we're in the midst of a literacy revolution the likes of which we haven't seen since Greek civilization"...For Lunsford, technology isn't killing our ability to write. It's reviving it—& pushing our literacy in bold new directions...The fact that students today almost always write for an audience gives them a different sense of what constitutes good writing. In interviews, they defined good prose as something that had an effect on the world. For them, writing is about persuading & organizing & debating, even if it's over something as quotidian as what movie to go see. The Stanford students were almost always less enthusiastic about their in-class writing because it had no audience but the professor: It didn't serve any purpose other than to get them a grade. As for those texting short-forms & smileys defiling serious academic writing? Another myth. When Lunsford examined the work of first-year students, she didn't find a single example of texting speak in an academic paper.>>
Aprenda algo todos os dias, traz considerações de forma humorísticas à fatos e personalidades da história, com um boa dose de sarcasmo e inteligência.
You'll learn something new, if useless, everyday.
frases fofas
Beloit College Mindset List
If the entering college class of 2013 had been more alert back in 1991 when most of them were born, they would now be experiencing a severe case of déjà vu.
If the entering college class of 2013 had been more alert back in 1991 when most of them were born, they would now be experiencing a severe case of déjà vu. The headlines that year railed about government interventions, bailouts, bad loans, unemployment and greater regulation of the finance industry. The Tonight Show changed hosts for the first time in decades, and the nation asked “was Iraq worth a war?”
A site for English instructors and English teachers working with ESL and EFL students.
some good games
Images and worksheets designed to help ESL-ELL students
How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class | Edutopia
Mõned head mõtted klassiruumi manageerimiseks
Ten smart ways to increase classroom participation. Article from Edutopia
When students let their minds drift off, they're losing valuable learning time. Here are ten smart ways to increase classroom participation.
Windows 7 Sins — The case against Microsoft and proprietary software
Free Software Foundation
FSF launches campaign against Windows 7 and proprietary software Windows 7 Sins: The case against Microsoft and proprietary software The new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 7, has the same problem that Vista, XP, and all previous versions have had -- it's proprietary software. Users are not permitted to share or modify the Windows software, or examine how it works inside. The fact that Windows 7 is proprietary means that Microsoft asserts legal control over its users through a combination of copyrights, contracts, and patents. Microsoft uses this power to abuse computer users. At, the Free Software Foundation lists seven examples of abuse committed by Microsoft.
Important notice regarding impending lack of privacy, freedom and security from Microsoft Corporation.
El cuarto pecado es el que más me repele de Windows!
Teachers Love SMART Boards - Your Home for Everything SMARTBoard
smart activities, see jeopardy
resource for teachers who use smartboards
Ben Hazzard recommendation
P2PU - Peer 2 Peer University / FrontPage
Free university level courses. The mission of P2PU is to leverage the power of the Internet and social software to enable communities of people to support learning for each other. P2PU combines open educational resources, structured courses, and recognition of knowledge/learning in order to offer high-quality low-cost education opportunities. It is run and governed by volunteers.
The Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses. Think of it as online book clubs for open educational resources. The P2PU helps you navigate the wealth of open education materials that are out there, creates small groups of motivated learners, and supports the design and facilitation of courses. Students and tutors get recognition for their work, and we are building pathways to formal credit as well.
Learning agents and open education
An interesting peer to peer university drawing upon freely available resources.
Digital Literacy
You need an up to date version of Flash player to view this content. Get Adobe Flash player
Great quiz- many topics. Good for ethics
A fantastic resource on digital literacy... very well thought out with some thought provoking questions/analysis
The Twitter Experiment at UT Dallas
informal summary by Monica Rankin of her use of Twitter in the classroom
Beyond space and time: Fractals, hyperspace and more - New Scientist
multiple dimensions 10D
The 3D world of solid objects and limitless space is something we accept with scarcely a second thought. Time, the fourth dimension, gets a little trickier. But it's when we start to explore worlds that embody more – or indeed fewer – dimensions that things get really tough.
like the ten dimensions video...but words!
Thinking about dimensions other than the three we're used to can rattle one's mind. That's why it's usually left to stoned conversationalists and theoretical physicists. To help the rest of us navigate flatland, fractal landscapes, and hyperspace, New Scientist put together a concise and fun tour titled "Beyond Space and Time."
We don't have any trouble coping with three dimensions – or four at a pinch. The 3D world of solid objects and limitless space is something we accept with scarcely a second thought. Time, the fourth dimension, gets a little trickier. But it's when we start to explore worlds that embody more – or indeed fewer – dimensions that things get really tough.
Back to School: Top 10 iPhone Apps for Students
It's time to head back to school, so here's a list of 10 iPhone apps that will make your life much easier on campus this year.
How to speed read - Boing Boing
Explain how to read books quickly.
100 Fabulous Social Networks and Communities for Lifelong Learners | Rated Colleges
Joe Wood Online PBWiki / Google Earth in the Classroom
Ideas for using Google earth
Educator Joe Wood's wiki on using Google Earth in the classroom.
Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction -
Lists website resources that can be used to meet different multiple intelligence profiles
Education Needs to Be Turned on Its Head
Unfortunately, this isn’t a great model. Mostly because it’s based on the idea that there is a small group of people in authority, who will tell you what to do and what you need to know, and you must follow this obediently, like robots. And you must not think for yourself, or try to do what you want to do. This will be met with severe punishment.
100 Terrific Twitter Feeds for Teaching Advice | Online
teacher advice.
RT @TeachaKidd 100 Terrific Twitter Feeds for Teaching Advice [from]
Great list of people to follow on Twitter.
Education folks to follow on Twitter
100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
Good for learners
Herramientas muy útiles para la docencia.
What is the Future of Teaching?
Datos importantes sobre el futuro de la enseñanza. Enlaces interesantes
Teaching on-line
According to the New York Times Bits blog, a recent study funded by the US Department of Education (PDF) found that on the whole, online learning environments actually led to higher tested performance than face-to-face learning environments. “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction,” concluded the report’s authors in their key findings.
As online learning becomes used more and more, what will happen to teachers?
ONLINE. But teachers matter: According to the New York Times Bits blog, a recent study funded by the US Department of Education (PDF) found that on the whole, online learning environments actually led to higher tested performance than face-to-face learning environments. “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction,” concluded the report’s authors in their key findings.
SchoolNotes 2.0
Educational Networking - List of Networks
from BScullin
some links to education sites
A listing of social networks used in educational environments or for educational purposes. Please add to this list (alphabetical by category and within categories).
Back to School: 15 Essential Web Tools for Students
Open-source camera could revolutionize photography
Stanford photo scientists are out to reinvent digital photography with the introduction of an open-source digital camera, which will give programmers around the world the chance to create software that will teach cameras new tricks.
100 Totally Fun and Weird College Courses You Can Now Take for Free | Online Find the Right Online Class Match
100 fun and weird college courses are now available for free online.
Part of the fun of being a college student is taking all kinds of weird and fun classes that you'd never dream of.
TEDTalks as of 09.02.09
Thought of opml as I saw this spreadsheet.
Interesting talks about interesting things by interesting people
Home - U Tech Tips
A wiki of software for educators by educators
place for software recommendations for educators.
Blooms Taxonomy Tutorial FLASH - CCCS Faculty Wiki
Tutorial FLASH - CCCS Faculty Wiki
A site explaining Bloom's taxonomy with tutorials.
Software Carpentry: Index
Software Carpentry is an intensive introduction to basic software development practices for scientists and engineers
Some notes on software carpentry
Google Wave: 5 Ways It Could Change the Web
Google Wave arrives on September 30th. On that day, Google will start sending out 100,000 invites to non-developers to its much-anticipated real-time communication platform.
Teachers Working
humour - lessonplans
A company that .
Humorous lesson plans for every level
College for $99 a Month by Kevin Carey | Washington Monthly
StraighterLine is the brainchild of a man named Burck Smith, an Internet entrepreneur bent on altering the DNA of higher education as we have known it for the better part of 500 years. Rather than students being tethered to ivy-covered quads or an anonymous commuter campus, Smith envisions a world where they can seamlessly assemble credits and degrees from multiple online providers, each specializing in certain subjects and—most importantly—fiercely competing on price. Smith himself may be the person who revolutionizes the university, or he may not be. But someone with the means and vision to fundamentally reorder the way students experience and pay for higher education is bound to emerge
Luckily for Solvig, there were new options available. She went online looking for something that fit her wallet and her time horizon, and an ad caught her eye: a company called StraighterLine was offering online courses in subjects like accounting, statistics, and math. This was hardly unusual—hundreds of institutions are online hawking degrees. But one thing about StraighterLine stood out: it offered as many courses as she wanted for a flat rate of $99 a month. “It sounds like a scam,” Solvig thought—she’d run into a lot of shady companies and hard-sell tactics on the Internet. But for $99, why not take a risk?
This seems very interesting.. but its only basic math, writing, and econ.. bah...
The next generation of online education could be great for students—and catastrophic for universities.
Media Resources Prepared School Remarks
actually a really good speech encouraging the kids to be proactive about their education. "Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future."
Text of Barack Obama's Speech to America's Schoolchildren
Click here to go to the White House website to see the remarks the President will make to schoolchildren on Tuesday, Sept. 8th. is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.
Back to School: 10 Terrific Web Apps for Teachers
From keeping track of grades to sharing lesson plans, from helping students collaborate to communicating with parents, teachers now have a host of web-based tools at their disposal to help them stay organized and make their jobs easier.
Web apps are helping teachers to save time and focus less on administrative tasks and more on teaching students. Here are 10 terrific apps that make the grade.
50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom
Handwriting Tips Penmanship -
Open Learning Initiative
Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Student Blogging Guidelines | always learning
Easy to follow
Cross-posted on the Tech Learning Advisors Blog Only one month into the new school year and almost every middle school student has their own blog hosted at
Teaches students how to blog.
Open & Free Courses
isb21 - home
Johns Hopkins Magazine – The Autodidact Course Catalog
A great, lengthy piece on cool things to read online to learn more about the world
One would be hard-pressed to disapprove of autodidacticism. Consider a list of notable alumni from the academy of the self-taught: René Descartes, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, William Blake.
Back to School: 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions for Students
Back to School: 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions for Students
Firefox has a vast library of user created add-ons and extensions that can be used to customize the browser and make it perfectly suited to the needs of a student. Below we’ve collected a list of 10 essential Firefox extensions that no student should be without.
Teaching with
Smartboard tutorial I think
Great video blogs on how to better use the SMARTBoard. Lots of lesson ideas and much more - explore!
This Video Podcast explores SMARTBoard teaching techniques to 6-12 Math Teachers. Each episode lasts from 10-20 minutes. Our emphasis and purpose is to create lessons that are engaging for students. The lessons we will present will focus on getting students up to the smartboard and out of their desks. We will be covering template lessons that the viewer will be able to download off our website. Although we will be focusing on Math topics, most lessons can be applied to any subject.
A blog of ideas for using the smartboard
Science Podcast: Free Science Podcasts from Scientific American
60 second science podcasting. Discusses current science issues in just 1 minute. A great conversation starter!
The Power of Educational Technology: 10 Tips for Teaching Technology to Teachers
Blog of Liz Davis author of 21st Century Technology Tools
RailsBridge : Teaching Kids Project : Blog : Teaching Ruby to High School Girls
pedagogical notes, interesting and useful
Teaching Ruby to High School Girls
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment -- A Syllabus
Transmedia storytelling Henry Jenkins
lots of interesting looking links and articles
Prof. Hacker | Tips & Tutorials for higher ed: productivity & pedagogy in a digital age.
" ProfHacker delivers tips, tutorials, and commentary on pedagogy, productivity, and technology in higher education, Monday through Friday.
Teaching and technology ~ presentations and resources for educators
Textos y presentaciones educativos sobre tecnología
During the last six or so years I have created a number of 'how-to' documents and presentations for a variety of web based and related technologies. They are available from the various workshop web pages however I thought it might prove helpful to link to all the documents from a single page. Some of my workshop participants have referred to these documents as 'cheat sheets'.
Materials (Google Teacher Academy Resources)
This is an amazing collection of Google "cheat sheets" and resources for all Google tools!
Provided By Google Certified Teachers
Sheets to explain how to use every Google tool in the classroom from Google Teacher Academy
cribsheets for Google apps
Want to know what a phrase or idiom means?
traductor frases diccionario inglés
100 Best Blogs for Tech-Savvy Teachers - Online Courses
these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves
While there are still some educators who dispute the importance of technology in the classroom, there is no dispute over the fact that technology is here to stay in schools. Whether you are one of those tech-savvy teachers who can’t get enough of technology news and ideas or you are a teacher just learning to embrace technology in the classroom, these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves.
Welcome to BetterLesson
Create, Organize and Share your complete curriculum.
Helping teachers organize and share their curricula.
Florida Department of Education l Standards
Sunshine State Standards
Pick your standard
50 Fascinating Lectures All About Your Brain | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Free Books for Download |
Descarga de libros gratis
Livros grátis
Buscador de libors online
Noticias de última generación.
news from research universities
What Should Colleges Teach? - Stanley Fish Blog -
A few years ago, when I was grading papers for a graduate literature course, I became alarmed at the inability of my students to write a clean English sentence. They could manage for about six words and then, almost invariably, the syntax (and everything else) fell apart. I became even more alarmed when I remembered that these same students were instructors in the college’s composition program. What, I wondered, could possibly be going on in their courses?
similar to a related article suggested by Carter Wiseman
stanley fish
A library without the books - The Boston Globe
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. ... We’re not discouraging students from reading. We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center,’’ though that is only one of the names in contention for the new space. In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine. And to replace those old pulpy devices that have transmitted information since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1400s, they have spent $10,000 to buy 18 electronic readers made by and Sony.
There are rolling hills and ivy-covered brick buildings. There are small classrooms, high-tech labs, and well-manicured fields. There&#8217;s even a clock tower with a massive bell that rings for special events.
Cushing Academy has all the hallmarks of a New England prep school, with one exception. This year, after having amassed a collection of more than 20,000 books, officials at the pristine campus about 90 minutes west of Boston have decided the 144-year-old school no longer needs a traditional library.
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. “ We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center" . In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine.
Welcome to the library. Say goodbye to the books
Makes sense to me. Its the content not the transmission medium.
25 Twitter Projects for the College Classroom | Online Colleges
Much has been written about how Twitter is making its way into the halls of higher education. Go beyond the usual tips and strategies of using Twitter with these 25 projects that can be done in a college classroom. Part of the allure of Twitter is that it lends itself well to online classes, so many of these projects can be done without needing a physical classroom at all
these ideas could also be used in a plurk classroom
Part of the allure of Twitter is that it lends itself well to online classes, so many of these projects can be done without needing a physical classroom at all.
Guidelines for Educators Using Social Networking Sites - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
draft of this revision
- Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
Tech Director Jen Hegna over in the Byron (MN) schools developed this set of guidelines for the staff in her district. (She was motivated, she said, partially by posts here and here on the Blue Skunk. Cool!) Anyway she's given permission for me to share her work here and says readers are welcome to use and adopt as well:
Guidelines for teachers when posting to social network sites such as Facebook.
100 Useful Tools for Special Needs Students & Educators
Useful Tools for Special Needs Students & Educators
Educational Games Online - Free Games from The Problem Site
Juegos educativos en linea.
Free Online Games; two player games and solitaire games online at The Problem Site. Games with educational value, including vocabulary development and strategy planning.
Fun games for students to play that reinforce basic skills
This one seems VERY comprehensive and is possibly a very rich source of free teaching widgets for use on the white board, in starters and plenaries, and mini tasks. LZ
There are a number of free online educational games on this site.
There are a number of free online games of educational value on this site.
Great site providing free online games categorized by subject!
Smokescreen § Homepage
Awesome online game
A new, Serious ARG (SARG?), from the people who brought you Perplex City. This time, commissioned by Channel 4 and aimed at teens. '...its goal is to illustrate the threats, dangers and opportunities of life online'. It doesn't have any offline activity, as far as I can tell, which makes sense with this demographic, the fact that Channel 4 is involved and the subject matter. It's a little to leading in the interactivity though, and not at really transmedia, so not strictly within the realms of what has come to be known as ARG. Still, interesting to see a current, non-commercial example of a participation drama.
Game supposedly teaching how to behave "responsibly" on social networking websites (and alike).
Nuorisolle suunnattu peli nettiturvallisuudesta
Би-би-си | Learn English | Видеокурсы для тех, кто учит английский (Часть I)
Тесты, конкурсы и викторины
5 Great Sites with Free Video Lectures from Top Colleges
check these out
Learning is a pursuit which can only be positive for us. Even if we learn something that we don't think we need to know, it may serve you in an unexpected way
10 free Educational Game sites
10 free Educational Game sites These free sites provide students an opportunity to learn in a fun, interactive environment.
Copyright Alliance Education Foundation
The issues surrounding copyright have never been more visible. But the classroom presents its own copyright-related challenges, for students and teachers alike. How is an educator to know what the rules are? How do those rules apply in the classroom? And how can we make sure that students know the rules as well? To help educators answer these questions, the Copyright Alliance has established the Copyright Alliance Education Foundation
Free curriculum for classrooms AND program for prof. development for teachers.
Has a video clip
videos and resources for teaching copyright
Half an Hour: An Operating System for the Mind
21st century skills are, in short, an operating system for the mind.
10 Sites to Learn Something New in 10 Minutes a Day
This list of web-based resources will point you toward web sites that will help you learn how to do new things, stay on top of current events, and learn about topics where your current knowledge may be lacking.
47 Ways to Fine Tune Your Brain - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
A Virtual Revolution Is Brewing for Colleges -
Students starting school this year may be part of the last generation for which "going to college" means packing up, getting a dorm room and listening to tenured professors. Undergraduate education is on the verge of a radical reordering. Colleges, like newspapers, will be torn apart by new ways of sharing information enabled by the Internet. The business model that sustained private U.S. colleges cannot survive.
This article proposes that many traditional universities are going to change as online, cheap education gets better and better.
Leo's Chronicle: ぜひ押さえておきたいコンピューターサイエンスの教科書
Full Circle Associates » How I use social media
More goodness from Nancy White, who is probably one of the most adept users of social media out there. "When the door to connection is open, watch who walks through and follow them, not those who stand at the doorway and naysay! And I'm not just talking about social media early adopters. I'm talking about people passionate about getting something done." That shouldn't (I would say) be taken as an endorsement of a non-critical stance. But if someone naysays, they ought to at least have ventured into the technology (and its community) to have some grounds for their criticism. Nancy White, Full Circle Associates, August 5, 2009.
Annotated link
"My practices have been radically changed and shaped - yes, even transformed - by social software."
Erfahrungsbericht zum Einsatz von Social Media
How Nancy White uses social media
Math Apprentice
An online, interactive math game. Allows students to understand how math applies to all careers.
awesome flash site that shows kids how math is used in the real world, with real world jobs. Describes how they use math and provides a fun interactive activity that gives students a chance to practice using the math
Math Apprentice answers the question that nearly every student will ask during his or her math career: When are we ever going to use this stuff in the real world? Sure, there are some obvious real world connections. Money, time, and measurement are all very relevant concepts. Other areas of math, such as number theory and functions, are more cryptic and can seem disconnected from real life. Math Apprentice reveals the connections by showing students how math is used in a variety of interesting professions.
What it is: Math Apprentice is an awesome flash site that shows kids how math is used in the real world, with real world jobs. Students can explore math through games that feature bicycle designers, biologists, artists, mechanics, inventors, doctors, engineers, astronomers, game designers, programmers, chefs, veterinarians, sportscasters, and meteorologists. Students can explore the math of these jobs as a math apprentice by selecting a character and cruising around a virtual world where they can visit places of business where math happens. The character describes how they use math and provides a fun interactive activity that gives students a chance to practice using the math.
Great interactive games
Upper elementary and middle school level, shows kids how math is used in the real world, with real world jobs
50 Terrific Twitter Tutorials for Teachers
Web-Based Projects, University of Richmond
This page contains web-based projects created by students at the University of Richmond in partial fulfillment of the requirements for teacher licensure in the state of Virginia. For more than 12 years we have been creating, revising and maintaining these materials as educational resources for teachers across the United States and the world. On this page you will find links to WebQuests and WebUnits. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. A WebUnit is a series of topical pages written specifically for elementary age students. Each title is followed by the date of the project's creation or significant revision. They are categorized by subject and grade level.
From the University of Richmond.
Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner:Popular Videos
stanford video
Justice with Michael Sandel - Home
Philosophy class online from Harvard University.
<<Justice is one of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history. Nearly one thousand students pack Harvard’s historic Sanders Theatre to hear Professor Sandel talk about justice, equality, democracy, and citizenship. Now it’s your turn to take the same journey in moral reflection that has captivated more than 14,000 students, as Harvard opens its classroom to the world. This course aims to help viewers become more critically minded thinkers about the moral decisions we all face in our everyday lives. In this 12-part series, Sandel challenges us with difficult moral dilemmas and asks our opinion about the right thing to do.>>
A community of educators striving to gather the collective intelligence of teachers to improve student achievement. Here you'll find lesson plans, complete units, presentations, how-to videos, etc.
Clark County School District website. Lesson plans, videos, etc.
Wiki-Teacher is a forum for teachers to share their collective intelligence through their resources, insights, and practices.
'Reading Rainbow' Reaches Its Final Chapter
Series coming to an end. Children no longer presumed literate.
26 years! Wow! Not as long as Sesame Street, but WOW!
For 26 years, Reading Rainbow host LeVar Burton shepherded kids through the exciting world of books. The show, which fostered a love of reading, was the third longest-running program in PBS history, outlasted only by Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
I recommend this article for those of you who grew up with Reading Rainbow and who value children's literature.
After 26 years, the beloved children's show hosted by LeVar Burton will disappear from the airwaves. Today, educational funding favors programs that teach kids how to read, rather than why to read.
Even if you can't remember a specific Reading Rainbow episode, chances are, the theme song is still lodged somewhere in your head: Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high, Take a look, it's in a book — Reading Rainbow ... Remember now? Reading Rainbow comes to the end of its 26-year run on Friday; it has won more than two-dozen Emmys, and is the third longest-running children's show in PBS history — outlasted only by Sesame Street and Mister Rogers.
"Research has directed programming toward phonics and reading fundamentals as the front line of the literacy fight. Reading Rainbow occupied a more luxurious space — the show operated on the assumption that kids already had basic reading skills and instead focused on fostering a love of books."
"Grant says that PBS, CPB and the Department of Education put significant funding toward programming that would teach kids how to read — but that's not what Reading Rainbow was trying to do."
日本に居ながら、ナマの英語に触れる工夫 - 化学者のつぶやき -Chem-Station-
This French Life: Learn French
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Graphic Organizer Templates
Large selection
se graphic organizers can be used for instruction or assessment purposes. They can be adapted for your needs and re-saved. Examples are provided to demonstrate ways that the graphic organizers can be used to frame assessment tasks. The sample questions are provided as an illustrative example, only. It is not intended for use with the 2005-2007 Albert
graphic organizer
Digital Foundations
Learn to use the Adobe Creative Suite using the design principles of the Bauhaus school
opensource graphic design book
Generation www.Y: Washington Middle School | Edutopia
Teachers using tech video
Week 4
dy/dan » Blog Archive » What I Would Do With This: Groceries
"The express lane isn't faster. The manager backed me up on this one. You attract more people holding fewer total items, but as the data shows above, when you add one person to the line, you're adding 48 extra seconds to the line length (that's "tender time" added to "other time") without even considering the items in her cart. Meanwhile, an extra item only costs you an extra 2.8 seconds. Therefore, you'd rather add 17 more items to the line than one extra person! I can't believe I'm dropping exclamation points in an essay on grocery shopping but that's how this stuff makes me feel."
less helpful
All other things being equal, which lane is the fastest?
Free Websites For Teachers!
Free Teacher Websites, A place where teacher and students can interact with each other.
Create your very own teacher or classroom website completely free! It's the fastest way to share important information with all of your students and parents. Post open house dates, conference hours, homework assignments, newsletters and many other things.
Possibly a good alternative to wikis
Interactive community for teachers and students
Free Websites For Teachers
free hosted website building system for teachers
People who know a lot about a lot have long been an exclusive club, but now they are an endangered species. Edward Carr tracks some down ... &nbsp;read&nbsp;more&nbsp;&raquo;
That is why modern institutions tend to exclude polymaths, he says. “It’s very hard to show yourself as a polymath in the current academic climate. If you’ve got someone interested in going across departments, spending part of the time in physics and part of the time elsewhere, their colleagues are going to kick them out. They’re not contributing fully to any single department. OK, every so often you’re going to get a huge benefit, but from day to day, where the universities are making appointments, they want the focus in one field.”
People who know a lot about a lot have long been an exclusive club, but now they are an endangered species.
“Nowadays people that are called polymaths are dabblers—are dabblers in many different areas,” he says. “I aspire to be an intellectual polygamist. And I deliberately use that metaphor to provoke with its sexual allusion and to point out the real difference to me between polygamy and promiscuity."
"People who know a lot about a lot have long been an exclusive club, but now they are an endangered species..."
100 Best Blogs for New Media Students | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
New Media students are on the verge of an exciting and evolving field of study. With topics ranging from social networking to innovative art forms to gaming to Internet policy and politics falling under this umbrella, there is plenty for students to learn about and stay connected with. Adding these blogs to your favorite reader will help you keep current on all that is happening in the world of New Media.
Here is a list blogs that cover new literacies and how they relate to a variety of topics including education, business, politics, and culture. I ended up here looking for a link to post, but I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I'm posting the list instead.
New Media students are on the verge of an exciting and evolving field of study.
Lots of great people to follow and keep track of.
99 Awesome Firefox Add-ons for Educators - Online Courses
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload.
shortcuts, calendars and timers, research, writing, lesson planners, calculators, video and images, dictionaries and translators, games and miscellaneous
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload. (like that opening Paragraph :-))
the ragbag - arial & helvetica on friday, i hosted a screening...
arial & helvetica
On friday, i hosted a screening of helvetica for some buddies of mine that didn’t know that there were other typefaces besides times new roman. it turns out, there ARE other typefaces and one of them is helvetica (and another of them is papyrus.)
overlay of the minor differences between the two faces
Arial and Helvetica overlaid.
supplement illustrating the key differences in letterform
The most important chart of your font-nerd life.
Free Computer Science Courses - Free Science and Video Lectures Online!
Free Computer Science Courses - Free Science and Video Lectures Online!
Shamong Township moodle
I enjoy this website beacause it's good 4 cyber bulling and writing. You'll always have backup 4 homework!!!!
good site
This is a good website if you forget your homework assignments.
School site
Free Programming Classes
User 'carlh' posting a series of lectures.
Reddit lessons on programming C - with discussions!
A course written entirely on reddit.
After Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
About damn time, too; catalog search results have been crappy for years.
Good article about college usage of innovative catalogs and search overlays (like Aquabrowser) that make searching catalogs more effective and attractive for users.
After Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software Chronicle of Higher Education 9/28/09
7 Widely-Used And Open Source E-Learning Applications
«There are various open source e-learning applications that can be installed easily, have a wide user community & offers a complete system. Here are 7 of them which you will like:»
TED University: 100 Websites You Should Know and Use - TED Talks
The Web is constantly turning out new and extraordinary services many of us are unfamiliar with. During TED University at this spring's TED2007 in Monterey, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, offered an ultra-fast-moving ride through sites in many different areas, from art, design and illustration, to daily news, blogs and curiosity. Now, by popular demand, here's his list of 100 websites you should know and use.
YouTube - Education - YouTube EDU
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
100 Twitter Feeds To Make You a Better Teacher - Online Courses
Twitter Feeds Need to Update
100 Twitter Feeds To Make You a Better Teacher - Online Courses
100 twitter feeds to make you a better teacher
The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education — 2009 | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
A list of new (and some not so new) web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom. It's amazing how the list just keeps growing.
w web tool that very,very easily lets you create a simple online invita
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers | Online Universities Weblog
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers
100 Free Cutting-Edge Courses for Web Developers & Designers | Online Universities Weblog
10 useful video sites to teach you new tech skills | News | TechRadar UK
10 useful video sites to teach you new tech skills
Forum Network | Free Online Lectures from PBS and NPR
Exchange ideas with the world’s leading scientists, educators, policymakers, artists, and authors. Presented by WGBH Boston with PBS, NPR, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and The Lowell Institute.
BrainFlips | Home of the world's smartest flashcards
Learn anything with flashcards at Create and study flashcards and share them with your friends and classmates.
login required
BrainFlips | Home of the world's smartest flashcards
50 Awesome Open Courses for Web Writers |
With the popularity and ubiquity of writing online, there’s a new demand for web writers. If you’re studying to become a web writer, blogger, or copywriter, there are lots of courses that can offer you the education you need. Read on, and you’ll learn about 50 awesome open courses for web writers.
50 siti per imparare a scrivere, gratis
A free book on how statisticians think about data. Uses R programming language.
The book is intended as an upper level undergraduate or introductory graduate textbook in statistical thinking with a likelihood emphasis for students with a good knowledge of calculus and the ability to think abstractly. By "statistical thinking" is meant a focus on ideas that statisticians care about as opposed to technical details of how to put those ideas into practice. The book does contain technical details, but they are not the focus. By "likelihood emphasis" is meant that the likelihood function and likelihood principle are unifying ideas throughout the text.
20 Free Web Apps to Use in the Classroom
20 Free Web Apps to Use in the Classroom [from]
Teachers who are looking to transform their classroom with new technology can find many free resources online. Many of these resources are web-based and do not require any download. This list provides 20 free web apps that work particularly well in the classroom:
via @tomwhitby @tomshepp
Liberty's Kids
There is a wonderful Liberty's Kids website that has a segment from the show called Now and Then which is great fun.
Welcome to the companion site for Liberty's Kids, an animated adventure television series for children ages 8-14, about three kids who, by working as reporters for Ben Franklin, bring to life the american revolution.
Activities and resources for the American Revolution
This is a site directed at kids about the american revolution.
Open-ended activities and interactive games that motivate students to explore American history. Explore the Revolutionary Archive of historical information and images that they can use
Link for biographies, Franklin, his inventions, government, etc.
YouTube - Lec 1 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
MIT programming 101. Very basic python intro
Lecture 1: Goals of the course; what is computation; introduction to data types, operators, and variablesInstructors: Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag V...
Sync up with the new generation of connected learners. The Digital Generation Project presents video portraits of the lives of young students from around the country who are using digital media to learn, communicate, and socialize in new and exciting ways.
Click here to get into course DED318
Ideas to Inspire
Lots of practical ways to use twitter in the classroom immediately
Ideas for interactive and engaging lesson activities in a range of curriculum areas. Contributed by teachers from all around the world.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Making the Case for Cell Phones in Schools
This is a site that is pro cell phone use.
Vicki Davis makes a strong, logical case for cell phone uses in schools.
10 Reasons Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In Schools
Teaching Online Journalism » Now printable! Reporter’s Guide to Multimedia Proficiency
Compiled by multimedia instructor Mindy McAdams
NEW SITE: Notes and observations from a longtime teacher of online journalism.
PDF from the Teaching Online Journalism website - looks very interesting
15 posts on multimedia gathered in a pdf with techniques, notes and how to's on visual journalism
15 posts on multimedia and visual journalism and howto techniques and notes.
Reporters guide to multimedia proficiency
Hand Book : Educating the Net Generation : The University of Melbourne
The publication Educating the Net Generation: A Handbook of Findings for Practice and Policy is now available to download. The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings.
The publication Educating the Net Generation: A Handbook of Findings for Practice and Policy is now available to download. The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings.
The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings. # Cover, acknowledgments, table of contents # Executive Summary # Section 1: Brief Project Outline # Section 2: Background Literature # Section 3: Investigating the Net Generation # Section 4: Implementing Emerging Technologies # Section 5: Guidelines for Practice # Section 6: Guidelines for Policy
The Handbook is the main outcome of the Educating the Net Generation project. It provides a set of practice and policy guidelines developed from the project findings. A PDF version of the entire Handbook or individual sections can be downloaded
How to Write More Clearly, Think More Clearly, and Learn Complex Material More Easily
"Time taken to process an n-word sentence is proportional to n^3, or more." :)
Course managment systems each contain their own inherent pedagogy, and for most systems these pedagogies are traditional in nature. As with all technologies, the design of the product is a result of its perceived use. Today’s enterprise–scale systems were created to manage traditional teaching tasks as if they were business processes. They were originally designed to focus on instructor efficiency for administrative functions such as grade posting, test creation, and enrollment management. Pedagogical considerations were thus either not considered, or were considered to be embodied in such managerial tasks.
Interesting article re. PLE/VLE debate
Course management systems, like any other technology, have an inherent purpose implied in their design, and therefore a built–in pedagogy. Although these pedagogies are based on instructivist principles, today’s large CMSs have many features suitable for applying more constructivist pedagogies. Yet few faculty use these features, or even adapt their CMS very much, despite the several customization options. This is because most college instructors do not work or play much on the Web, and thus utilize Web–based systems primarily at their basic level. The defaults of the CMS therefore tend to determine the way Web–novice faculty teach online, encouraging methods based on posting of material and engendering usage that focuses on administrative tasks. A solution to this underutilization of the CMS is to focus on pedagogy for Web–novice faculty and allow a choice of CMS.
Impact of VLEs etc on pedagogy
How default settings in Blackboard can influence how newbies teach online
She argues that Content management Systems (CMSs) "are not pedagogically neutral shells for course content." Indeed, "a CMS may not only influence, but control, instructional approaches." And "Few instructors are consciously aware that CMS design is influencing their pedagogy." This is a good paper, well-argued, and I agree with the conclusion.
LMS and learning
Teaching College Math » Blog Archive » Technology Skills We Should Be Teaching in College
A list of the tech skills that students should learn before they leave college. Ideally, these are skills that would be integrated throughout K-12 and college curricula (USA). Interesting
A blog that attempts to lists the current technology skills that should be taught in College. Food for thought!
Plagiarism Checkers: 5 Free Websites To Catch The Copycats
Rausfinden, wo die Kopien sind.
TEDTalks as of 10.09.09 - Google Docs
teacherlibrarianwiki / Copyright Friendly Image Sources
In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions. Check out this cool video for an explanation of new, alternate forms of licensing: Creative Commons Video Most of the images in the collections below include images with a variety of less restrictive licensing. Though students may not need to ask permission to use them when publishing on the Web for educational purposes, they should cite these images unless otherwise notified! Important: Any copyright notices on these pages, should be read carefully and heeded!
"In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions. Check out this cool video for an explanation of new, alternate forms of licensing: Creative Commons Video Most of the images in the collections below include images with a variety of less restrictive licensing. Though students may not need to ask permission to use them when publishing on the Web for educational purposes, they should cite these images unless otherwise notified! Important: Any copyright notices on these pages, should be read carefully and heeded!"
In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions.
100 Must-Read Blog Posts on the Future of Learning | Online School
learrning blog posts.
With a struggling economy and a president with a keen eye on education, it will be interesting to see what happens to the future of learning with such opposing forces. Plenty of experts and lay-people alike have kicked around their ideas through their blogs. This collection offers 100 of these blog posts speculating on the future of learning.
This is a great collection of blog posts, references, reports, prognostications, (100 in total) speculating on the future of learning and education. I've read a couple but now have a real task ahead of me to take in the rest, wish me luck.
50 Excellent Online Communities for Lifelong Learners - Learn-gasm
Apple Learning Interchange - iPod touch. Touching student lives in the classroom.
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students. This exhibit is a collection of stories by some educators who have joined together to share in this vision. Using the techniques here, they have aimed to model these techniques to show what is possible. Please enjoy the exhibit and put it to good use. Together we can make mobile learning come to life and change the world of education one pocket and set of earbuds at a time!
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creativel
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students.
iPod uses
100 Free Tools to Tutor Yourself in Anything | Online Find the Right Online Class Match
Whether you want to learn how to renovate your kitchen or the intricacies of calculus, you'll find the assistance you need through these resources.
Includes the following categories: general, language, music, life skills, around the house, technology, general academia, business, health and fitness, math and science, liberal arts, fine arts.
50 Must-Listen-to Lectures for Tech Lovers | Online
The Journalist's Guide to YouTube
When you think of YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, you probably think of viral videos such as choreographed wedding procession dances and sneezing pandas. But YouTube’s content load is massive — 20 hours of video are uploaded every minute — and it has a lot more to offer than just silly, viral videos. One area of YouTube that is currently growing like a weed is news.
The Journalist’s Guide to YouTube
News videos fall into three categories: rebroadcasts of current material; original videos and distribution of news; and archive of older video footage. Media companies, indie news organizations, and even citizen journalists are putting YouTube’s voluminous video database to work in all three ways, and the lines between these three uses tend to blur and overlap.
WebTools4u2use - Finding the Right Tool
Examples of service that can be used. Classified by task, by cognitive level, by learning style.
100 Best Professors Who Blog | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 Blogging Professors
Prof's that Blog
ipodclassroom - home
Annotated link
Wiki on using iPods in the classroom.
10 Puzzle Websites to Sharpen Your Programming Skills
check these out
programming puzzles site to upskill porg skills
HowStuffWorks "Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Memory"
Whether you're a college student studying for an important test or an aging baby boomer concerned about forgetting a recent doctor's appointment, there are a few things everyone can do to optimize the storage and checkouts in our private libraries of memories.
Here are 10 simple ways to improve your memory. Read our list of ways to improve your memory and learn to make those memories stick. :教育 - いじめられている君へ
From Andragogy to Heutagogy
This paper suggests there is benefit in moving from andragogy towards truly self-determined learning. The concept of truly self-determined learning, called heutagogy, builds on humanistic theory and approaches to learning described in the 1950s. It is suggested that heutagogy is appropriate to the needs of learners in the twenty-first century, particularly in the development of individual capability.
In something of a landmark for education Knowles (1970) suggested an important change in the way in which educational experiences for adults should be designed. The approach, known as andragogy, contrasts quite sharply with pedagogy which is the teaching of children. This paper suggests there is benefit in moving from andragogy towards truly self-determined learning. The concept of truly self-determined learning, called heutagogy, builds on humanistic theory and approaches to learning described in the 1950s. It is suggested that heutagogy is appropriate to the needs of learners in the twenty-first century, particularly in the development of individual capability. A number of implications of heutagogy for higher education and vocational education are discussed
Programmers should know math.. just not all of it - Invisible to the eye
I have made a breakdown of the main arguments taught in high school and university which are utilized in computer science. I divided this list in a basic section and specific applications one.
googlewaveeducators - home
Google Wave for Educators--Put your name on the list
Lessons by Grade Level
Social Networking Online Behavior Safety
Create Web 2.0 Flashcards in a Flash!
I must admit I have a bit of an aversion to drill-type activities, but I realize there are times that students need to practice and memorize certain concepts in order to succeed. Certainly we all know that studying makes for more successful learners. Abraham Lincoln clearly knew the value of studying when he said, “I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.” I doubt that Abraham could have imagined the neat Web 2.0 flashcard-type applications that our students can now use to help them with their studies.
various free websites for flash cards and quiz reviews
NOVA | Interactives Archive | PBS
RT @NMHS_Principal: Hotscience interactive activities from NOVA Cool stuff! [from]
nova interactives archive
World History For Kids - By
A free online world history textbook. Brought to you by the KidsKnowIt Network, the Totally Free Children's Learning Network.
제목그대로 아이를 위한 세계역사 근데 왜 외국의 어린이 사이트는 저런 진한 이상한 색으로 되어있을까...
10 More Puzzle Websites to Sharpen Your Programming Skills | Coderholic
Cheat Sheets - Packet Life
System Administrator Cheat Sheet
.:: eGlossary Terms ::.
The McGraw Hill Mathematics eGlossary provides written and verbal definitions and explanations of mathematics terms. The glossary is divided by grade level. Select your grade level then the first letter of the term for which you need an explanation. The explanation is offered in text form as well as verbal (click the speaker icon to listen). The eGlossary is also available in other languages including Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.
Multilingual glossary with hundreds of math terms defined in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, English, Hmong, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese. Just select a letter of the alphabet to get a list of mathematical terms beginning with that letter, choose a language, and click on a term. The response will be a chart listing the term in English, the term in whatever language you chose, and the definition in your chosen language. Many definitions are accompanied by illustrations.
This site was kind of neat because it listed all the key mathematical terms starting with 6th grade. It makes the terms easily accessible.
ISTE | NETS for Teachers
National Educational Technology Standarts
This site is awesome, it even gives the teacher the standards. This site would be useful for the teacher due to the fact it is easy to log on to, very easy to navigate and it provides tons of useful information.
Getting It Wrong: Surprising Tips on How to Learn: Scientific American
"People remember things better, longer, if they are given very challenging tests on the material, tests at which they are bound to fail. In a series of experiments, they showed that if students make an unsuccessful attempt to retrieve information before receiving an answer, they remember the information better than in a control condition in which they simply study the information."
People remember things better, longer, if they are given very challenging tests on the material, tests at which they are bound to fail. In a series of experiments, they showed that if students make an unsuccessful attempt to retrieve information before receiving an answer, they remember the information better than in a control condition in which they simply study the information. Trying and failing to retrieve the answer is actually helpful to learning.
"People remember things better, longer, if they are given very challenging tests on the material, tests at which they are bound to fail. In a series of experiments, they showed that if students make an unsuccessful attempt to retrieve information before receiving an answer, they remember the information better than in a control condition in which they simply study the information. Trying and failing to retrieve the answer is actually helpful to learning. It’s an idea that has obvious applications for education, but could be useful for anyone who is trying to learn new material of any kind."
Reminded me that asking questions BEFORE reading the chapter is a better way to prepare students for learning.
Free Technology for Teachers: 35+ Educational Games and Games Resources
Jack Cough on Software: Teaching Functional Programming To Kids
Make: Online: Make: Science Room Home
Greetings citizen scientists, budding biohackers, and backyard explorers! We think you'll find the Make: Science Room a fun and useful resource. We hope you'll use it as your DIY science classroom, virtual laboratory, and a place to share your projects, hacks, and laboratory tips with other amateur scientists. Your Make: Science Room host is Robert Bruce Thompson, author of Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture. (Make: Books, 2008) and Illustrated Guide to Forensics Investigations: Uncover Evidence in Your Home, Lab, or Basement (not yet published). We'll be drawing material from these titles first, but will soon branch out into biology, astrononmy, Earth sciences, and other disciplines. We'll be adding lots of material on a regular basis, so check back often. For more info on the site, see Introducing the Make: Science Room.
Make Magazine
Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China | ChinaHush
October 14, 2009, the 30th annual awards ceremony of the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund took place at the Asia Society in New York City. Lu Guang (卢广) from
"Shanxi Province is the most polluted areas of China. It is also the province with the highest rate of birth defects. This loving farmer couple adopted 17 disabled children. April 15, 2009 “In Some areas of China people’s lives were threatened because of the environmental pollution. Residents suffering from all kinds of obscured diseases, the cancer villages, increase of deformed babies, these were the results of sacrificing environment and blindly seeking economical gain.”"
Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China
A Teacher's Guide To Web 2.0 at School
Several presentations on Slideshare including one by Diig. And Sacha Chua writing on slides w inkscape
iThinkMedia - Exploring the worlds of new media, social networking, learning and open source.
Top educators to follow on Twitter
100 Educators to Follow on Twitter!
# 65. Milton Ramirez - @tonnet
One of those lists, this time of educators who are on Twitter. Quite a pot pourri the list is heavily US centric. To assist in making a decision to follow there is a brief bio attached to each name though according to the author of the list there are only five K-12 teachers on the list. The list also features some education related organisations. Worth a quick look at least.
10 Tools for (20)10
Once again this year, there are a number of tools appearing for the first time on the list, so in this article I am going to highlight briefly 10 of these new tools that I think are useful, innovative, cost effective and certainly worth considering for 2010.
Free Programming Classes : Learn How to Program
Free Programming Classes : Learn How to Program
A comprehensive real-time course on programming for everyone from total beginner to experienced programmer. Read each lesson, one at a time. Start at lesson one. Master the material in each lesson before proceeding to the next one. Do not worry about falling behind. Take as much time as you need on each lesson. Do not skim. Ask questions and read the discussions on each lesson. All lessons are actively monitored for questions. This is set so that only I can create posts, so that I can keep everything organized. See also the "Learning Programming" Community on Reddit: which was started by 6553321.
The 10 best educational websites - Times Online
Times Online from the UK suggests 10 great educational web sites.
100 Blogs Every New Teacher Should Read | Online Schools
Artopia is an interactive website that lets students learn more about and interact with different mediums of art virtually. “Students can closely examine important works of art and take part in activities that teach about styles, principles and processes of each art form. They can write about the artworks online, collect art cards in a virtual portfolio and view videos of professional artists at work. Teachers may exhibit their students’ artwork in a virtual gallery and both students and teachers can communicate with other artists in an online message board.” Artopia teaches students about dance, media arts, music, painting, sculpture, and theater. Artopia is a nice addition to any classroom. The site can be used to develop a greater appreciation for the arts. Artopia introduces students to important works of art and teaches them how to think about art. This site would be wonderful for working on critical thinking skills, creativity, and innovation.
On the educational website Artopia, students are active learners as they explore the theater, sculpture, dance, music, painting, and mass media. In each area, they meet artists, watch video clips, participate in interactive activities, and critique work
Artopia is a comprehensive Web-based arts experience designed for middle school students, covering the visual and performing arts. Students can closely examine important works of art and take part in activities that teach about styles, principles and processes of each art form. They can write about the artworks online, collect art cards in a virtual portfolio and view videos of professional artists at work. Teachers may exhibit their students’ artwork in a virtual gallery and both students and teachers can communicate with other artists in an online message board.
from iteach
Left vs Right | Information Is Beautiful
Infrographic on the dividing politics of the world
[US or World version]
100 Best Blogs for Econ Students
Here, you’ll find the 100 best blogs for economics students to read.
Grade and Course-Level Expectations and Resources
Missouri Department of Education's standards. While not Massachusetts, certainly worth checking this clean and informative presentation of standards and activities.
100 Incredible Open Lectures for Math Geeks | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Lalala, math, some of these I should watch sometime.
While many math geeks out there may have been teased for their love of numbers, it’s math that makes the world go round, defining everything from the economy to how the universe itself operates. You can indulge your love of mathematics in these great lectures and lecture series. Some are meant to review the basics and others will keep you on the cutting edge of what renowned researchers are doing in the field, but all will help you expand your knowledge and spend a few hours enjoying a topic you love.
100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School | Online Colleges
100 Incredible YouTube Channels for History Buffs | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 youtube clips about various points and events in history
Renaissance Art, ...
If you love history, or just want to learn more about it, YouTube has exactly what you need. Always up to the challege of providing thorough, accurate information, YouTube delivers channels from leading names in historical studies, from The Smithsonian to the Discovery Channel. You’re sure to find just the right information you need for your lecture, lesson plan, or perhaps just your personal viewing pleasure.
HOW TO: Become an Expert in Your Industry
100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings.
Tap Into The World Of Comics
presentation on how to use comics in the classroom
20 uses for comics in the classroom
Twenty ways to use comics in your classroom
Using comics in the classroom.
Google Wave Use Cases: Education
100 Incredible Open Courses for the Ultimate Tech Geek - Online Courses
New evidence that bullet-points don’t work : Speaking about Presenting - образовательное видео – это открытый образовательный портал! Здесь вы можете: посмотреть образовательные фильмы на различные темы; побывать на лекциях в ведущих российских и зарубежных вузах; посетить престижную научную конференцию или научно-популярную лекцию по интересующему вас вопросу; в разделе «Школа» – увидеть лучшие образцы преподавания сложных школьных тем.
Cutthroat Capitalism: The Game
Fun to play if you're bored. You get to be a pirate!!
Wired Magazine's game about the business of Somali pirating; see related article published in Wired, "An Economic Analysis of the Somali Pirate Business Model." Commentary at
"You are a pirate commander staked with $50,000 from local tribal leaders and other investors. Your job is to guide your pirate crew through raids in and around the Gulf of Aden, attack and capture a ship, and successfully negotiate a ransom."
See the latest multimedia and applications including videos, animations, podcasts, photos, and slideshows on
You are a pirate commander staked with $50,000 from local tribal leaders and other investors. Your job is to guide your pirate crew through raids in and around the Gulf of Aden, attack and capture a ship, and successfully negotiate a ransom.
英単語学習ソフト P-Study System 公式サイト
英単語学習ソフト P-Study System などを配布しています.例文表示やネイティブ音声対応など、英単語をスムーズに暗記するための様々な機能を搭載しています.英検や大学受験対策,TOEIC対策に便利な問題集も無料で配布しています.
iPod Educational Content - 10 Killer Sources
10 great sites for podcast learning
10 Killer Content Sources for Your iPod Learning Mix
you ipod learning mix | LitCharts Study Guides | The faster, downloadable alternative to SparkNotes
"Everything you need from a SparkNote - in just 10 pages" #delicious
study notes for books like Animal Farm, Jane Eyre, The Giver, etc.
LitCharts Study Guides The faster, downloadable alternative to SparkNotes | Teachers: Write It
Find step-by-step help through the writing process and see how master writers craft their work. Publish your writing online.
Step by step writing help
Scholar Spot - Free Educational Videos, Ebooks, Podcasts
Free videos from Bob Marley to Albert Einstein on topics from Arts and Archaeology to Quantum Physics and Zoology
Coming soon a free university. We are currently in development enter your email address below to be notified when we enter open beta.
Free Technology for Teachers: Beyond Google - Improve Your Search Results
this short guide to 15 tools and strategies for helping your students (and your colleagues) improve their Internet search results
Library 101
Internet librarian conference?
Community for læring og vidensdeling mellem biblioteksfolk. Består bla. af video og 2 sider: 101 Resources & Things to Know (RTK)og Essays on Library 101.
Professionalization in the academy | Harvard Magazine Nov-Dec 2009
Louis Menand outlines the changes afoot with regard to graduate education (and education in general?) and notes the danger of losing academia's contributions to social criticism and reflection.
The following excerpts, from the third and fourth chapters and his conclusion, probe the professionalization of a research-oriented professoriate and the practice and consequences of contemporary doctoral education, and the resulting implications for liberal-arts colleges, universities, and the wider society.
Quote: "A college student who has some interest in further education, but who is unsure whether she wants a career as a professor, is not going to risk investing eight or more years finding out"
Twitter Links @ Educators
Twitter Links
A good set of links to useful tips on using Twitter for teachers and groups to join or follow
twitter help for educators
Top 20 Teacher Blogs |
20 "parasta" englanninkielistä opetusblogia.
Top Blogs for Teachers for almost anything!
Relação de 20 blogs que tratam de vários aspectos da educação, desde relatos de alunos e professores até dicas de atividades.
Education blogs
from Scholastic, Fall 2009
iPod Touch Project
iPod Touch Project
In 2007 Epsom Primary trialed the use of the iPod nano and the Nike sensor kit as a motivator for student physical activity and fitness development. The trial, the ICTchase, was successful in both areas with the students being motivated to run and becoming fitter through the use of the iPods and Nike sensors. This was evident by the increase in the distance ran and times of the runs by the children. Students could run further and in shorter times by the end of the trial period. The iPod Touch was seen as the next step and with the extra features of Movie playing and internet access we were very willing to accept the offer by the eLearning Department to participate in this iPod Touch project. We have been considering the idea that today’s students are digital learners and we intend to find out if the iPod Touch can assist children to learn through digital delivery of content .
Details on a move from a pilot program to full use at a K-8 school.
A school's interdisciplinary research project into using iPod Touch with kids
Start-up studies: A pop quiz | VentureBeat
There’s a classroom exercise that’s a part of the Stanford technology venture program hits its students with each year: If you had five dollars and two hours, what would you do to make as much money as possible?
Selling presentation time is clutch. Lesson Learned: Think outside the box. No, actually, there is no fucking box.
Bicycle tires pump up
Six minute video of Stanford professor describing her 'make as much money as you can with $5 and 2 hours' assignment.
50 Educational Apps for the iPod Touch | U Tech Tips
I have been getting a lot of questions about the Apps we have on our iPod Touches at school, so here you are:
Uncovering Steve Jobs' Presentation Secrets - BusinessWeek
For his new book, communications coach Carmine Gallo watched hours of Jobs' keynotes. Here he identifies the five elements of every presentation by the Apple CEO
Apple - iPhone - Apps for Students
iPhone has apps to help with every subject. If you’re headed to Chemistry, Periodic gives you a complete, pocket-size reference to the periodic table of elements that you can organize by name, atomic number, chemical series, symbol, or phase. Bring the New Oxford American Dictionary to English class, and you’ll never be at a loss for words. Or download Grafly and impress your math class with amazing 2D and 3D interactive graphs of equations you can view from any angle.
Download iPhone applications made for students. Available now on iTunes.
Purdue University Adds Twitter and Facebook to Class Participation
Purdue y Facebook hotseat
Students at Purdue University are experimenting with a new application developed at the school called Hotseat that integrates Facebook, Twitter, and text messaging to help students “backchannel” during class.
100 Essential Reads for the Lifelong Learner | Online School
"Whether you are just starting out in college or are a more experience learner with years under your belt, there is always more knowledge waiting to be discovered. One great way to do that is to read."
100 livros que precisam ser lidos antes de morrer
There is always more knowledge waiting to be discovered.
Free Technology for Teachers: 9 Resources for Website Evaluation Lessons
Here are nine resources that teachers can use as part of lesson plan about evaluating the quality and reliability of a website.
cybersmart very good for specific grade levels and Bary library for hints for middle school kids #2
Make Your Own Academic Sentence
Capstone projects and time management - Joel on Software
It is amazing how easy it is to sail through a Computer Science degree from a top university without ever learning the basic tools of software developers, without ever working on a team, and without ever taking a course for which you don’t get an automatic F for collaborating. Many CS departments are trapped in the 1980s, teaching the same old curriculum that has by now become completely divorced from the reality of modern software development.
To learn to program effectively you need to work collaboratively on projects with other people.
Home page - Science of Scams
Notable site!
Some interesting videos and camera tricks explored.
Series of Six videos on people who abuse science by calling it paranormal because they don't know the difference. Or often used by scammers who pretend to have "powers".

Compulsive must watch video. Recorded for mainstream British TV and now released on the Internet.
SMART Board Resources / FrontPage
Wiki of interactive whiteboard links
SMART Board Resources
Great smartboard resources--including Magnetic Board
Download Videos to Enrich the Learning Experience | Edutopia
How teachers can bring the best of YouTube to your students. by Jennifer Hillner
You tube download rules
using youtube videos in the classroom
iLearn No. 2
magazines and books
Using iPods in the classroom
iPod in classroom magazine
articles publication on use of ipod-touch etc. in education K-12
Op-Ed Columnist - Genius - The Modern View -
Nature vs Nurture
David Brooks on why genius is created through deliberate practice.
"The key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not a divine spark. It’s not I.Q., a generally bad predictor of success, even in realms like chess. Instead, it’s deliberate practice. Top performers spend more hours (many more hours) rigorously practicing their craft."
A List Apart: Articles: You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
The Steve Irwin approach to discovery on the web—“I’m going to click this here link…just to see what happens!”
From A List Apart: "Content-rich" is not enough. Most websites are not learner-friendly. As an industry, we haven’t done our best to make our content-rich websites suitable for learning and exploration. Learners require more from us than keywords and killer headlines. They need an environment that is narrative, interactive, and discoverable. Amber Simmons tells how to begin creating rich content sites that invite and repay exploration and discovery.
What we find changes who we become
"But just as important as the narrative consciously built into a website is the narrative readers create for themselves. Readers build their own narrative as they work their way through a website, moving from one content object to another. This narrative emerges from interrelationships between content items and helps readers turn fragmentary pieces of information into knowledge. The more clearly a reader can discern these relationships, the clearer and more meaningful the narrative he’ll be able to construct."
DMLcentral is the online presence for the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub located at the systemwide University of California Humanities Research Institute and hosted at the UC Irvine campus. We think digital media practices are fundamentally reshaping society in far-reaching ways, especially in how people all around the world are learning and connecting with one another.
"Digital Media and Learning"
digital media and learning: the power of participation
oday, at the forum on Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age, being hosted by the Sesame Workshop at Google headquarters, we are announcing the launch of a major new research initiative in digital media and learning (DML) and its associated website. Based at the University of California Humanities Research Institute in Irvine, California, the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Media and Learning Initiative. The Research Hub, for which I serve as Executive Director and Mimi Ito the Research Director, intersects work promoting and networking collaborative efforts to understand and assess the participatory ways in which digital media are transforming youth learning practices and lifelong learning opportunities.…
This site is about collaboration, conversation and exploration in Digital Media and Learning. Join the conversation.
The Jobless Rate for People Like You - Interactive Graphic -
really interesting interactive visualization of unemployment by race, gender, age, and education
Impresionante gráfica del NYTimes sobre el desempleo por grupos de población. Vía
Great infographic, great data
Unemployment rate data visualisation from NYTimes
"Not all groups have felt the recession equally."
Illuminations: Dynamic Paper
Can create specific type of paper like graph, spinners, etc
Social Media in Learning examples
muitos sites social
UK site
Specific examples of how web 2.0 tools can be used for learning - compiled from the comments of the contributors to 'Top Tools for Learning'
100+ ways to use social media for learning
Web 2.0 Literacy Tools Master List Fall
web2.0 sites collection
100 Open Courses to Learn Any New Language | Online Universities
icon1 Posted by Site Administrator in Features, Online Education on 11 4th, 2009 | no responses Learning a new language can be a great way to challenge your mind, meet people from different cultures and even add a valuable asset to your resume and hireability. While traditional courses can be great, there are a number of free courses on the web that can help teach you the basics of language learning and get you on the path to fluency without having to spend a fortune. Here are 100 resources we’ve found that will help you become multilingual in your choice of languages.
Learn new languages Online Universities
اگر میخواهید زبانهای مختلف را اصولی آموزش ببینید، از این فهرست کمک بگیرید
SMART - SMART Ideas concept-mapping software
7 Things You Should Know About Google Wave | EDUCAUSE
From the abstract: "The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning technologies. Each brief focuses on a single technology and describes what it is, where it is going, and why it matters to teaching and learning. Use these briefs for a no-jargon, quick overview of a topic and share them with time-pressed colleagues."
Summary of all the MIT Introduction to Algorithms lectures - good coders code, great reuse
"As you all may know, I watched and posted my lecture notes of the whole MIT Introduction to Algorithms course. In this post I want to summarize all the topics that were covered in the lectures and point out some of the most interesting things in them."
USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO)
100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators |
But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
Kesmit-ing: The Twitter Experiment - Bringing Twitter to the Classroom at UT Dallas
Twitter in the classroom.
Usin Twitter in History class
Reflection on the use of twitter in college lecture course at UT Dallas
Twitter in the clssroom
Donald Clark Plan B: 10 facts about learning that are scientifically proven and interesting for teachers
50 Serious Games for Social Change
Unmasking the Digital Truth / FrontPage
Wiki with info about - why schools block sites and supporting facts
Alternatives to school systems who are blocking so much Web20
Checklist de Competencias, habilidades digitales básicas | El caparazon
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio "de campo" que os presento, que su autor denomina La enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la Era digital, sobr
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio de campo que
BBC NEWS | Africa | Malawi windmill boy with big fans
William Kamkwamba educated himself in his local library
RT @GREENTOWNREV: One of the best examples of the spirit of the #ENTREPRENEUR. What an inspiration! [from]
Why MIT switched from Scheme to Python | Wisdom and Wonder
* Why MIT switched from Scheme to Python
Novel Games - Flash Game Linking Codes
link these games to a website or blog
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link , Pop Up , Embedded Game , HTML codes will be provided for all these 3 ways so that you can simply copy and paste the codes into your HTML pages.You must not embed more than one game on the same page (if you use Embedded Game) Most of the games are simple logic games, basic mathematics games, and spelling games like hangman. Novel Games also offers Sudoku and Mahjongg games.
You can link to our flash games from your web site for FREE. We offer 3 ways for you to link to our games: Ordinary Link Pop Up Embedded Game
Web 2.0 Tools for Educators Home - Web 2.0 Tools for Educators
wiki for web 2.0 educators
How To Keep Track Of What You’ve Learnt – Freestyle Mind
kes sense to you, the best thing you can do now is creating your learning log. It doesn’t need to be perfect, a
Learn how to remember things you learn.
SPIEGEL Interview with Umberto Eco: 'We Like Lists Because We Don't Want to Die' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International,1518,659577,00.html
""in cultural history, the list has prevailed over and over again. It is by no means merely an expression of primitive cultures. A very clear image of the universe existed in the Middle Ages, and there were lists. A new worldview based on astronomy predominated in the Renaissance and the Baroque era. And there were lists. And the list is certainly prevalent in the postmodern age. It has an irresistible magic. … We have a limit, a very discouraging, humiliating limit: death. That's why we like all the things that we assume have no limits and, therefore, no end. It's a way of escaping thoughts about death. We like lists because we don't want to die. … we believe that we are able to see more in them. A person contemplating a painting feels a need to open the frame and see what things look like to the left and to the right of the painting. This sort of painting is truly like a list, a cutout of infinity.""
via damon/jeff s
"The Vertigo of Lists"
Italian polymath Umberto Eco: "I like lists for the same reason other people like football or pedophilia."
", as a human being, does one face infinity? How does one attempt to grasp the incomprehensible? Through lists, through catalogs, through collections in museums and through encyclopedias and dictionaries."
100 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Education journals
Can this Video get Teachers Started? | Future of Education
Interesting comment discussion about my Brave New World Wide Web Video
A Brave New World World Wide Web; Education Blog; Can this video get teachers started?
Koofers - Exams, Rate/Pick Professors, Ratings/Evaluations, Notes
Do Speedy Math in Your Head - Wired How-To Wiki
(1+8 = 9) 8 If it is a double digit number like 88, where it's:
100 Free Audio Books You Should Have Read By Now – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
Books you want to read
downloads de audio book
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
なぜ新人は聞きに来ないのか? - teruyastarはかく語りき
ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ãã­ã°ã©ãã§ãçãã¦ãã: ã°ã°ããªå±éº ããããæ°äººãæ¤ç´¢ã«é ¼ã£ã¦ãã¾ããã¨ãå±éºè¦ããã®ã¯ãã³ããã®å¯ãéãã§ããªãã¨ãªãåãã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã¡ãã£ã¦ãããã§èªåã¯ä»äºãéæããã¨ããé¯è¦ã«é¥ã£ã¦ãã¾ãããã§ãã ããã¦ãã®å ´åãæ°äººãã­ã°ã©ãã«ã¯ããã¡ãã¨ããã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã... ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ - ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ã«è¿½å  reima reima ä»äº, 読ã¿ç©
Programmer 101: Teach Yourself How to Code - Teach Yourself - Lifehacker
Programmer 101
BBC - Drama - 60 Second Shakespeare - Homepage
NOTE: The page is no longer updated but is still useful. Create your own interpretation of Shakespeare in one minute - make a film or audio, take a scene or whole play - keep it classic or make it modern, it's up to you. It also has links to other resources on Shakespeare, including newspaper articles telling shakespeare's stories...
Creating your own interpretation of Shakespeare in one minute - make a film or audio, take a scene or whole play, keep it classic or make it modern, it's up to you.
BBC Drama 60 Second Shakespeare - take on the challenge of producing a 60 second audio or film based on Shakespeare's work
Английский без дураков: Уроки онлайн бесплатно, вживую, для всех -
The World’s 50 Best Open Courseware Collections
Do you ever wonder why the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) might be more memorable than other technological schools? To become memorable, a school must reach out to people in ways that seem beneficial. Alumni organizations can help spread the word about their alma mater. Great sports teams and debate teams also can help boost a school’s standing. But, another fork to take in the marketing path is through the Internet, as MIT and other schools have done in sharing courses online and without charge.
Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Fixed-Schedule Productivity: How I Accomplish a Large Amount of Work in a Small Number of Work Hours
Fixed-Schedule Productivity. The system work as follows:1. Choose a schedule of work hours that you think provides the ideal balance of effort and relaxation. 2. Do whatever it takes to avoid violating this schedule.
Fixed-Schedule Productivity: How I Accomplish a Large Amount of Work in a Small Number of Work Hours
Refuse. Hmmmm.
Welcome to Cartography 2.0
Animated and interactive maps
Surgeons send 'tweets' from operating room -
For some reason, twittering during surgery does not make me feel comfortable: [from]
# For the second known time, surgeons "Twittered" last week during surgery # Doctors used social-networking site Twitter to give updates about the procedure # Following along online were other doctors, medical students and the merely curious # Surgeons hope twittering will help educate other doctors and the public
Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day: Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009: The Final List
Top Tools 2009
Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Monday Master Class: How to Schedule Your Writing Like a Professional Writer
Professional writers spend most days of their adult lives writing. For those among them who specialize on long form non-fiction, their writing is not that different from the types of research papers that plague college students. Assuming that these writers do not want to spend most of the days of their adult lives hating what they are doing, it stands to reason that, over time, they have figured the least painful possible way to schedule a large amount of writing.
I wonder if same can be applied to coding?
7 Keys to Reading Faster | Think Simple Now » 7 Keys to Reading Faster
7 Keys to Reading Faster | Think Simple Now » 7 Keys to Reading Faster
Candidly written lifestyle blog on finding clarity, motivation, creativity and personal happiness. The writing blends abstract spirituality and practical personal productivity.
The Child Trap: Books: The New Yorker
The rise of overparenting. Insightful and amusing.
The literature on overparenting raises a number of sticky questions. For example, is it really wrong for us to push our children to excel in areas where they are talented?
“Young people have a marvelous faculty of either dying or adapting themselves to circumstances.” The article reviews books about the new "crisis" of overparenting. There are some helpful comments, but it is nice that the author acknowledges the pendulum swings in pop psychology and in parenting. Would be nice to follow some of the implications of these movements. The article briefly touches on the implications of the selfishness of current parents, but it is only hypothesis. I'd be intersted in a thorough analysis of implications from a historical perspective. Every generation seems to believe the next generation is spoiled and lazy, which seems to be the real critique behind the overparenting books.
The rise of overparenting.
Workshop Handouts
Texas Computer Education Asso 2009 Convention & Exposition...many, many handouts all varied topics
rec. web20classroom; credit original source
20+ Must-Read Education Technology Blogs for Teachers, Students, and e-Learners | Online Schools and Degree Programs
20+ Must-Read Education Technology Blogs | - Online Education
Look through and choose some blogs to follow
20 oktatási technológiákkal foglalkozó blog ajánlója. Nem néztem végig mindet még, és nem is iratkoztam fel rájuk.
Google Tools for Schools - Home (Google Tools for Schools)
Todo sobre Google
This Google Site hosts training and implementation resources for using Google applications in schools.
Google Bootcamp for teachers
This hands-on workshop will focus on all the free applications from Google that support teaching and learning. Click on the links below to explore the applications we will learn in this workshop.
Explaining Google resources and their application in schools
Lesson Plans and Student Activity Sheets
"CyberSmart! original, nonsequential standards-based lesson plans and student activity sheets actively engage students in making good search decisions and in evaluating the resources they encounter online. "
Original, nonsequential standards-based lesson plans and student activity sheets that actively engage students in making good search decisions and in evaluating the resources they encounter online.
Lesson plans and activites for grade k-12.
Cybersmart lessons...a number of high school lessons are "in development" but look very useful once completed.
Provides educational movies for K-3 students. Homework Help, leveled quizzes, games and activities for kids. Exceptional resource for teachers and homeschools.
eLearning Blog // Don't Waste Your Time » Google Wave in education
My Favorite Liar | Zen Moments
I’ve had many instructors before and since, but few that I remember with as much fondness – and why my favorite professor was a chronic liar.
great idea
Between today until the class right before finals, it is my intention to work into each of my lectures … one lie. Your job, as students, among other things, is to try and catch me in the Lie of the Day.”
101 Things I Learned in Interaction Design School
101 Things I Learned in Interaction Design School
A set of short, easily digested learnings from the world of Interaction Design, inspired by "101 Things I Learned in Architecture School", by Matthew Frederick.
How to Learn About Everything
Weird. This was my advice to undergrads, although not in science...
Approach to getting broad understanding of topics you don't understand that well
Blog post/article on how to set your self up to be able to improve your learning ability.
yeah, amen in so many ways. It's harder and takes longer (the biggest problem), but immersion (in combination with good memory) is by far the only way to learn things. It's how I learnt to spell (and that's now slipping: the other aphorism is "use it or lose it")
Note that the title above isn’t “how to learn everything”, but “how to learn about everything”. The distinction I have in mind is between knowing the inside of a topic in deep detail — many facts and problem-solving skills — and knowing the structure and context of a topic: essential facts, what problems can be solved by the skilled, and how the topic fits with others. This knowledge isn’t superficial in a survey-course sense: It is about both deep structure and practical applications. Knowing about, in this sense, is crucial to understanding a new problem and what must be learned in more depth in order to solve it. The cross-disciplinary reach of nanotechnology almost demands this as a condition of competence.
ISTE | NETS for Administrators 2009
Administrators play a pivotal role in determining how well technology is used in our schools. The NETS for Administrators enable us to define what administrators need to know and be able to do in order to discharge their responsibility as leaders in the effective use of technology in our schools.
Tutorials Search Engine
varios tutos
Designing Websites for Kids: Trends and Best Practices - Smashing Magazine
Engage, Expand and Encompass through Technology. Macomb ISD's Universal Design for Learning Initiative
The Innovative Educator: 21st Century Educators Don’t Say, “Hand It In.” They say, “Publish It!
Don’t Say, “Hand It In.” They say, “Publish It!
Educators who ask students to, "Hand it in" rather than, "Publish it" are stuck in the past and not preparing 21st century students.” The Innovative Educato
“Educators who ask students to, "Hand it in" rather than, "Publish it" are stuck in the past and not preparing 21st century students.” The Innovative Educator:
Excelente post sobre como pasar del entregar al docente al PUBLICAR!!!!
E-learning and Web 2.0 tools for schools
This is a collection of usefull web 2.0 and social media applications for anyone in education. I have tried them all and I have seen the potential in them. Now it is up to you and your imagination to use them in your teaching or when studying! I add new tools often so check back for new additions to this ever growing map of what the web has to offer. Follow me on and pay a visit to my blog at or Jesper - Video - Fun With Letters
phonics phonemic awareness language arts
Excellent collection elementary school
apophenia: I want my cyborg life
My colleagues aren't that much older than me but they come from a different set of traditions. They aren't used to speaking to a room full of blue-glow faces. And they think it's utterly fascinating that I poll my twitterverse about constructs of fairness while hearing a speaker talk about game theory. Am I learning what the speaker wants me to learn? Perhaps not. But I am learning and thinking and engaging. I'm 31 years old. I've been online since I was a teen. I've grown up with this medium and I embrace each new device that brings me closer to being a cyborg. I want information at my fingertips now and always. There's no doubt that I'm not mainstream. But I also feel really badly for the info-driven teens and college students out there being told that learning can only happen when they pay attention to an audio-driven lecture in a classroom setting. I read books during my classroom (blatantly not paying attention).
None of my colleagues brings a laptop. I do. And occasionally my interns do (although they often feel like they're misbehaving when they do so they often don't... I'm more stubborn than they are). My colleagues interrupt the talk with questions. (One admits that he asks questions because he's more interested in talking to the speaker than listening... he also asks questions to stay awake.) I find the interruptions to the speaker to be weirdly inappropriate. I much much prefer to ask questions to Twitter, Wikipedia, and IRC/IM. Let the speaker do her/his thing... let me talk with the audience who is present and those who are not but might have thoughtful feedback. When I'm inspired, I ask questions. When I'm not, I zone out, computer or not.
"danah boyd is a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society. She recently completed her PhD in the School of Information at the University of California-Berkeley."
What will it take for us to see technology as a tool for information enhancement? At the very least, how can we embrace those who learn best when they have an outlet for their questions and thoughts? How I long for being connected to be an acceptable part of engagement.
Danah Boyd on the discussion of using a notebook in a conference (or lecture)
"I desperately, desperately want my colleagues to be on IM or IRC or some channel of real-time conversation during meetings. While I will fully admit that there are times when the only thing I have to contribute to such dialogue is snark, there are many more times when I really want clarifications, a quick question answered, or the ability to ask someone in the room to put the mic closer to the speaker without interrupting the speaker in the process. I have become a "bad student." I can no longer wander an art museum without asking a bazillion questions that the docent doesn't know or won't answer or desperately wanting access to information that goes beyond what's on the brochure (like did you know that Rafael died from having too much sex!?!?!). I can't pay attention in a lecture without looking up relevant content. And, in my world, every meeting and talk is enhanced through a backchannel of communication."
Danah blogs about who "began his question by highlight that, unlike most of the audience who seemed more invested in the internet than scholarly conversations, HE had been paying attention. It's not very often that I feel like I've been publicly bitchslapped but boy did that sting. .... Of course, I haven't become that much of an adult because here I am blogging the details of said encounter. There's no doubt that I barely understood what the speaker was talking about. But during the talk, I had looked up six different concepts he had introduced (thank you Wikipedia), scanned two of the speakers' papers to try to grok what on earth he was talking about, and used Babelfish to translate the Italian conversations taking place on Twitter and FriendFeed in attempt to understand what was being said. Of course, I had also looked up half the people in the room (including the condescending man next to me) and posted a tweet of my own.
Had multiple conversations about iPhones / laptops in meetings last week. Agree that it's helpful to be connected during a meeting / presentation, but I wonder sometimes if we could cut meeting time in half if everyone was paying attention for the entire thing. Half of the onus is on the presenters IMHO: get better at presentations.
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 2009 MILE Guide: Milestones for Improving Learning & Education
Nearly six years ago, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills released its signature toolkit, the MILE Guide for 21st Century Skills: Milestones for Improving Learning and Education. Today, this toolkit has been revised and updated to reflect new realities and the P21 Framework for Education.
Includes: The MILE Guide Self-Assessment Tool, Implementation Guiding Recommendations, and P21 Framework Definitions (... that spell out expectations for 21st century student outcomes and the necessary support systems at the state and local levels).
2009 MILE Guide: Milestones for Improving Learning
85+ Resources: Educator Guide for Integrating Social Media « emergent by design
From the Emergent by Design blog an overview on using social media in education.
"This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material."
"I hope this post will be a handy reference guide, especially for those teachers new to social media technologies and how to integrate them into the classroom. This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material. Enjoy."
The Only Way to Become Amazingly Great at Something
“Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.” - Albert Einstein
A year and a half ago, I was largely an amateur at what I do, but I had a passion for it. My passion has led me on some interesting journeys.
18 cool sites and apps that teach you about space | Webware - CNET
Listattuna hyviä avaruuteen liittyviä saitteja.
Few topics interest me more than space. Though I'll admit that I don't know nearly as much as I would like, it has always been my goal to learn about the universe. I bet I'm not alone. That's why I'm sharing this list of 18 space sites. They all offer something neat. And they're all informative.
Royal Society
3.5 centuries of science in an interactive timeline
A brit tudományos akadémia 2010-ben ünnepli alapításának 350. évfordulóját, ebből az alkalomból egy időszalagon elhelyezve számos történelmi jelentőségű publikációját hozta nyilvánosságra. - *
Interactive Science TimeLine
TekPub: Top-quality screencasts and tutorials for web developers and geeks in general.
Contains popular paid series of videos on topics ranging from NHibernate to DDD.
10 Digital Writing Opportunities You Probably Know and 10 You Probably Don't |
Images for Education | Images, for education
Free online image index
An unrivalled online image library, comprising over 500 hours of film and 56,000 photos, will be available free of charge for at least 25 years to UK higher and further education institutions from Summer 2010.
"An unrivalled online image library, comprising over 500 hours of film and 56,000 photos, will be available free of charge for at least 25 years to UK higher and further education institutions from Summer 2010."
20 Free Online Finance Courses - Take Money Classes From the Comfort of Your Home : Generation X Finance
College and University Admissions Process - Organize Your College Admissions Instantly -
what to do and how to do it
Scheduling the Countdown to college
Wolfram|Alpha Blog : Step-by-Step Math
10 Power Tools for Lifelong Learners | Open Culture
These collections are all free, and can be downloaded to your computers and mp3 players. When you add it all together, you will find thousands of hours of free educational content here from quality sources.
Every now and then, we like to remind readers of the audio/video resources that Open Culture makes available to lifelong learners. These collections are all
Bill the Lizard: Six Visual Proofs
10 Web trends to watch in 2010 -
From Pete Cashmore, founder of Mashable
There's no speed limit. (The lessons that changed my life.) | Derek Sivers
Whether you're a student, teacher, or parent, I think you'll appreciate this story of how one teacher can completely and permanently change someone's life in only a few lessons.
SchoolWAX TV
Concerned with what you might find on other media sharing sites? SchoolWAX TV was designed with schools, students, teachers, and parents in mind. You will only find educator approved videos on SchoolWAX TV so everyone can learn in a safe and comfortable environment. SchoolWAX TV is the perfect resource for students who are working on their homework or just need a little extra help on any given subject. Teachers can use the animations and videos to capture their students’ attention and enrich classroom lessons! Watch, share, and upload.
SchoolWAX TV was designed with schools, students, teachers, and parents in mind. You will only find educator approved videos on SchoolWAX TV so everyone can learn in a safe and comfortable environment. SchoolWAX TV is the perfect resource for students who are working on their homework or just need a little extra help on any given subject. Teachers can use the animations and videos to capture their students’ attention and enrich classroom lessons!
Great videos site for students and teachers. Good ideas for projects!
online video sharing site designed for school use
videos that teach students, parents and even teachers
great! videos on it
Gigagalaxy Zoom
Melkweg panoramafoto (C) ESODe Europese Zuidelijke Sterrenwacht (ESO) heeft de eerste foto gepubliceerd binnen het GigaGalaxy Zoom project. Het is een panoramafoto, 800-miljoen pixels groot, van de sterrenhemel zoals die te zien is vanaf de grote ESO-telescopen in Chili. Het samengestelde panorama van de sterrenhemel bestaat uit 1200 afzonderlijke opnamen. Op de GigaGalaxy Zoom website kun je inzoomen op de foto. De Melkweg staat in het midden. Het GigaGalaxy Project is opgezet in het kader van het Internationaal Jaar van de Sterrenkunde (IYA2009). De komende weken worden nog twee panoramafoto's online gezet.
"reveals the full sky as it appears with the unaided eye from one of the darkest deserts on Earth, then zooms in on a rich region of the Milky Way to reveal three amazing, ultra-high-resolution images of the night sky that online stargazers can zoom in on and explore in an incredible level of detail."
天の川全景のパノラマ via WIRED VISION
The Last Psychiatrist: The Difference Between An Amateur, A Scientist, And A Genius
May 26, 2009 The Difference Between An Amateur, A Scientist, And A Genius
"An amateur is full of wonder and speculation, tinkering towards the truth but suffering from a lack of knowledge and idleness; he's not even sure if someone else has already made these discoveries. "Is this a worthwhile pursuit?" A scientist performs experiments to confirm or disprove a hypothesis, and in that way he grinds out the truth. A genius has three abilities, which are actually the union of amateur and scientist: 1. to know the state of the art, what is known and what is not known. 2. To be able to think "out of the box". 3. To be disciplined enough to concentrate on the tedium of a formal investigation of his wondrous speculations."
The old sayings "success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration" or "90% of anything is just showing up" really speak not to the necessity of work, but to the point that most ideas are mediocre and it doesn't matter. Diligent application can make almost anything a success.
An amateur is full of wonder and speculation, tinkering towards the truth but suffering from a lack of knowledge and idleness; he's not even sure if someone else has already made these discoveries. "Is this a worthwhile pursuit?" A scientist performs experiments to confirm or disprove a hypothesis, and in that way he grinds out the truth. A genius has three abilities, which are actually the union of amateur and scientist: 1. to know the state of the art, what is known and what is not known. 2. To be able to think "out of the box". 3. To be disciplined enough to concentrate on the tedium of a formal investigation of his wondrous speculations.
"A genius has three abilities, which are actually the union of amateur and scientist: 1. to know the state of the art, what is known and what is not known. 2. To be able to think "out of the box". 3. To be disciplined enough to concentrate on the tedium of a formal investigation of his wondrous speculations."
Gazette » 50 Web Applications for Teachers
50 Web Applications for Teachers – 50 web tools to help teachers with lesson planning, research and productivity!
50 Web Applications for Teachers – 50 web tools to help teachers with lesson planning, research and productivity! Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up-to-date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use
Learning Tools
Exhaustive directory of all kinds of tools that can be used in teaching/learning contexts - from authoring to microblogging
web based learning tools (similar to 21 things) - great resource!
Directory of Learning Tools Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Excellent technology in ed site
The best web 2.0 resources for relevant educational technology integration
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells as illustrated below.
site for Web 2.0 tools and idea - all for the 21st C learner
education web2.0 edtech
Enhance educational experiences! Enrich curriculum and instructional practices! Engage "ALL" learners! Empower every child with critical 21st Century Skills! Envision and build highly advanced quality schools that better prepare our children for the future success!
BBC News - Children who use technology are 'better writers'
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust. A survey of 3,001 children aged nine to 16 found that 24% had their own blog and 82% sent text messages at least once a month. In addition 73% used instant messaging services to chat online with friends. However, 77% still put real pen to paper to write notes in class or do their school homework. Of the children who neither blogged nor used social network sites, 47% rated their writing as "good" or "very good", while 61% of the bloggers and 56% of the social networkers said the same. "Our research suggests a strong correlation between kids using technology and wider patterns of reading and writing," Jonathan Douglas, director of the National Literacy Trust, told BBC News. "Engagement with online technology drives their enthusiasm for writing short stories, letters, song lyrics or diaries." Mr Douglas dismissed criticisms about the inf
Children who use technology are 'better writers'
Children who blog, text or use social networking websites are more confident about their writing skills, according to the National Literacy Trust.
12.02.2008 - EEGs show brain differences between poor and rich kids
News from UC Berkeley
In a study recently accepted for publication by the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, scientists at UC Berkeley's Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute and the School of Public Health report that normal 9- and 10-year-olds differing only in socioeconomic status have detectable differences in the response of their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is critical for problem solving and creativity.
EEGs show brain differences between poor and rich kids
By Robert Sanders, Media Relations | 02 December 2008
Free Online Calculator
Need to calculate the area of a circle, volume of cube quick? Check here to find a cacluator.
School Library Journal’s 10 Best Digital Resources for 2009 - 6/1/2009 - School Library Journal
Our second annual “best of” list looks at products reviewed between June 2008 and the present. The past year saw many excellent and innovative projects—and narrowing them down to a top-10 list wasn’t easy. As we prepare for the next school year—or as public libraries develop the budget for a new fiscal year—these are the products for children and teens you sh...
includes subscription stuff as well as free
many resources for use in school libraries, some of which I've never heard.
Tax Information for Students
Practical Money Skills - Financial Literacy for Everyone
Financial Literacy for Everyone
Science: [So what? So everything] - Homepage
Science for parents of primary kids - UK government website.
Half an Hour: What Not To Build
Some interesting views on trends in technology
Things not to build: New social networks, Operating Systems, and Java apps.
Hea lugemine, võiks ju võtta kui ennustust, kuhu veeb liigub
Home Page | Learn Language Vocabulary with Mnemonics @
Learn Language Vocabulary with Mnemonics
learn spanish, other languages
Memorista currently offers learning tools for 5 languages—French, German, Italian, Polish, and Spanish. Choose from several flashcard packs for each language, like People, Basic Expressions, or Food and Drink. Each word or phrase is presented in flashcard format, and accompanied by a mnemonic to help you associate the words. When you think you've mastered a category, Memorista tests you to check your progress.
8 Must-Have Traits of Tomorrow's Journalist
The multi-faceted role of the online journalist is rapidly evolving. These 8 skills will be essential for landing the journalism jobs of tomorrow.
8 Must-Have Traits of Tomorrow's Journalist
Kevin: "The multi-faceted role of the online journalist is rapidly evolving. These 8 skills will be essential for landing the journalism jobs of tomorrow." Jay Rosen suggests a ninth skill: 'flexible ideas of what "journalism" is.'
Universities and Economic Growth
via kedrosky .... greenspun is right of course but that doesn't mean i've stopped thinking he's kind of an asshole
I don't agree with all of his points, but I do like some of his proposals as to how to restructure pedagogy to make classes far more practical.
"This article is about why educational performance is critical to a society's wealth, how the modern university is not appreciably improved over the template established in 1088, and proposes some simple changes that should greatly improve the effectiveness of undergraduate education."
What universities need to change to improve society
This article is about why educational performance is critical to a society's wealth, how the modern university is not appreciably improved over the template established in 1088, and proposes some simple changes that should greatly improve the effectiveness of undergraduate education.
How the iPhone Could Reboot Education | Gadget Lab |
Recommended by PT
Abilene Christian University, Texas, has just finished its first year of a pilot program, in which 1,000 freshman students were given iPhones - they like the results so far.
50 Essential Free Open Courseware Classes for Web Designers | Designer City, USA
Web design is an increasingly important aspect of media and business. Because the Internet has become essential to the way we do business, find information and accomplish a number of other tasks, Web design truly is vital. And someone who understands Web design and can do a good job with it is valuable in a number of ways. If you are interested in improving your web design skills, here are 50 great open courseware classes for web designers:
50 Essential Free Open Courseware Classes for Web Designers | Designer City, USA
The Facts About Bottled Water
Far too many countries purchase bottled water instead of just taking it from the tap. Not only is this common practice wasteful, the water consumed is frequently less safe than what comes out of your faucet. Read more about the truth of bottled water in this graphic.
I've heard some of these statistics before, but find it more digestible in infographic form. Really though, stop buying bottled water if you can help it.
Only Collect « a historian’s craft
The work is: Only Collect; that is to say, collect everything, indiscriminately. You're five years old. Don't presume too much to know what’s important and what isn’t. Photocopy journal articles, photograph archives; create bibliographies, buy books; make notes on every article or book you read, even if it's just one line saying "Never read this again"; collect newspaper clippings and email them to yourself; collect quotes; save your ideas for future papers, future projects, future conferences, even if they seem wildly implausible now. Hoarding must become instinctual, it must be an uncontrollable, primal urge. And the higher, civilizing impulse that kicks in after the fact is organization, or librarianship.
his should be a fledgling historian’s maxim & I wish someone had told me this earlier. When you start out studying history — when you begin as a graduate historian, you are nothing; you are not even the history books you’ve already read, because you’ve probably misunderstood or not appreciated some fundamental aspect of them.
I've long held this philosophy. "You’re five years old. Don’t presume too much to know what’s important and what isn’t. Photocopy journal articles, photograph archives; create bibliographies, buy books; make notes on every article or book you read, even if it’s just one line saying “Never read this again”; collect newspaper clippings and email them to yourself; collect quotes; save your ideas for future papers, future projects, future conferences, even if they seem wildly implausible now. Hoarding must become instinctual, it must be an uncontrollable, primal urge."
"Here, there’s one more point I could make: time fine-tunes your collecting habits. You are a predator of sources. Over time, things will start to jump out at you. For a lionness in the savannah on the hunt, the merest movement in the grass is a stimulus to action, but she has learned to distinguish between the random twitches of the landscape and the presence of prey. In the library and the archive, the hunt is as much a matter of skill as of instinct. In short, until you’re an adult lion, jump at everything"
The idea was born out of a simple necessity - to share thoughts, insights or quotes on Twitter, and follow interesting thoughts from other people. But due to other noise available on the Twitter, these thoughtful tweets were getting buried, and were hard to discover. Now using Tweeght, it's easy to discover thoughtful tweets and hence interesting people to follow.
Tweeght is not only a Tweet, but also a Thought.
not only a tweet, but also a thought. Post a thoughtful tweet. Someone may like to quote or retweet you.
Is it OK to run an illegal library from my locker at school? - Yahoo! Answers;_ylt=AoCt3NHGwM8BxD2H1669H3_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090305151758AA7dWwd
Let me explain. I go to a private school that …
I go to a private school that is rather strict. Recently, the principal and school teacher council released a (very long) list of books we're not allowed to read. I was absolutely appalled, because a large number of the books were classics and others that are my favorites. One of my personal favorites, The Catcher in the Rye, was on the list, so I decided to bring it to school to see if I would really get in trouble. Well... I did but not too much. Then (surprise!) a boy in my English class asked if he could borrow the book, because he heard it was very good AND it was banned! This happened a lot and my locker got to overflowing with the banned books, so I decided to put the unoccupied locker next to me to a good use. I now have 62 books in that locker, about half of what was on the list. I took care only to bring the books with literary quality.
Anyway, I now operate a little mini-library that no one has access to but myself. Practically a real library, because I keep an inventory log and give people due dates and everything. I would be in so much trouble if I got caught, but I think it's the right thing to do because before I started, almost no kid at school but myself took an active interest in reading! Now not only are all the kids reading the banned books, but go out of their way to read anything they can get their hands on. So I'm doing a good thing, right? ... I think that people should have open minds. Most of the books were banned because they contained information that opposed Catholisism.
Dievča, ktoré sa nezmierilo so zoznamom zakázanej literatúry na súkromnej škole a v skrinke na oblečenie spravila ilegálnu knižnicu. Spolužiaci sa na to tak namotali, že čítajú jak draci. Rešpekt najväčší.
was all over the lib blogs a few months ago
Digital Youth Project: If you care about kids and want to understand how they use technology and why, this is a must-read - Boing Boing
The conclusions are sane, compassionate, and compelling: in a nutshell, the "serious" stuff we all hope kids will do online (researching papers and so on) are only possible within a framework of "hanging out, messing around and geeking out." That is to say, all the "time-wasting" social stuff kids do online are key to their explorations and education online.
"hanging out, messing around and geeking out."
Comment from Cory Doctorow on the Digital Youth Project, publishing results of the ethnographic study of kids use on Internet.
A Day in the Internet
Some of us never realize how huge the internet really is.
Take a look at these numbers and you may be shocked at how enormous the Internet is on an average day.
Lesson Guide
ICT Lessons. Very useful
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
It is hard to moderate a conversation of 40 people and there are times when several people want to make a point but one gets the opportunity. I started to notice that the others would simply post their thought to twitter instead which allowed the rest of the room to see what they wanted to say in parallel with the point that was being made live.
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
I tend not to write too much about Twitter these days. God knows enough gets written about it elsewhere. But we had such a great experience with Twitter at Hacking Education on Friday that I feel compelled to share it with everyone.
Hacking Education was what we call a "Union Square Sessions" event. We've done a number of sessions events now and we use the same format for all of them. We find a nice venue here in NYC, we put together a big table where everyone faces each other, and we talk for five or six hours about a single topic. There are no presentations, no panels, just discussion that is lightly moderated by the Union Square Ventures team. We record, transcribe, and photograph the event so its easily bloggable. And there have been some terrific blog posts that have come out of these events in prior years. This year we added Twitter to the mix.
Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 - Photography - Lifehacker
Back to the Land - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog -
A pictorial essay about food in America.
MathConnections - home
Do you have students who wonder... * When will I ever use this in my life? * Will I really use math outside of school? * Do I really use it my everyday life? * Who really uses math in their jobs? * What kind of math is needed for different kinds of jobs? * Does math really make a difference?
ICTAC MEMO iPhone Apps for Education
Hotseat at Purdue University
Enabling collaborative micro-discussion in and out of the classroom Hotseat, a social networking-powered mobile Web application, creates a collaborative classroom, allowing students to provide near real-time feedback during class and enabling professors to adjust the course content and improve the learning experience. Students can post messages to Hotseat using their Facebook or Twitter accounts, sending text messages, or logging in to the Hotseat Web site.
An app developed by Purdue University. Something All schools should be ding
Hotseat, a social networking-powered mobile Web application, creates a collaborative classroom, allowing students to provide near real-time feedback during class and enabling professors to adjust the course content and improve the learning experience. Students can post messages to Hotseat using their Facebook or Twitter accounts, sending text messages, or logging in to the Hotseat Web site.
10 Twitter users that every journalism student should follow? | Online Journalism Blog
Online Journalism Blog
College Crunch - School Research, Degree Options, Career Planning, University & College Reviews
f you are like most college students, you want to have a second set of eyes look over…
School Research, Degree Options, Career Planning, University & College Reviews
like the layout
The best college resource online ever -- according to the website.
Unique way to use wordpress recommended by Randa Clay
About - Indiana Standards & Resources
Includes Lesson Plans for grade levels K-8, including assessments, for all subjects.
Indiana Academic Standards
This is the Indiana Department of Education standards page. This page can be very useful if you ever need to find the state's standards in a flash.
Westmont Hilltop School District
Good Site for checking homework
westmont homepage
Telstra's 3Rs of Social Media Engagement
The Australian telecom Telstra recently released to the web the social media guide they designed for their employees. It's an animated graphic novel! I think they score points for both attributes (using visuals effectively and releasing it publicly).
Telstra - Austrian telecom - published social media guide for their employees
Telstras multimediale Schiene ... sehr gute Lösung!
This has the largest collection of virtual field trips I have ever found. They look pretty fun^_^
tons of virtual field trips
ideals of courtly love, the writing process
Lots to choose from here including several zoos
keyword searchable database
Southern Regional Education Board
Wikispaces Blog » Blog Archive » “Cool Tools for Schools” and “Getting Tricky with Wikis” - Two Exceptional Resources
resources and guide to educating with web 2.0
info. on online tools
How to change your wiki
Wikis for Everyone
Wiki resources for educators
ALA | AASL Learning4Life
This implementation plan was created to support states, school systems, and individual schools preparing to implement the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs. The plan will also increase awareness and understanding of the learning standards and guidelines and create a committed group of stakeholders with a shared voice.
21st cent skill initiative
The top seven social networking sites for kids - Times Online
The top seven social networking sites for kids [from]
From the UK: A new study has found that young people are turning their backs on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, the number of 35 to 54-year-olds using such sites has rocketed by 25 per cent in the last year. So what can you do if you don’t want to be poked by your mum or added by your gran? Here’s a round up of the coolest sites and virtual worlds for children
Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: Audio
Learning: YouTube EDU Brings Free Education to the Masses
A report of findings from 2,318 respondents to a survey carried out among college students on six campuses distributed across the U.S. in the spring of 2009, as part of Project Information Literacy
How college students seek information in the digital ageis a report of findings from 2318 US students, surveyed in spring 2009 that seeks to understand how students search for information and approach research-type activities.
A report of findings from 2,318 respondents to a survey carried out among college students on six campuses distributed across the U.S. in the spring of 2009, as part of Project Information Literacy. Respondents, while curious in the beginning stages of research, employed a consistent and predictable research strategy fwere conducting course-related or everyday life research.
A report of findings from 2,318 respondents to a survey carried out among college students on six campuses distributed across the U.S. in the spring of 2009, as part of Project Information Literacy. Respondents, while curious in the beginning stages of research, employed a consistent and predictable research strategy for finding information, whether they were conducting course-related or everyday life research. Almost all of the respondents turned to the same set of tried and true information resources in the initial stages of research, regardless of their information goals. Almost all students used course readings and Google first for course-related research and Google and Wikipedia for everyday life research. Most students used library resources, especially scholarly databases for course-related research and far fewer, in comparison, used library services that required interacting with librarians.
Learn a new language online
Site para aprender novos idiomas.
Globetrotter XL - Puzzles
Game did not load.
geography game
Intelligent Viewing: 100 Most Informative Video Collections on the Web | Online Universities
Free Technology for Teachers: 15 TED Talks for Teachers to Watch Before 2010
BBC NEWS | South Asia | The 'youngest headmaster in the world'
BBC's Hunger to Learn series
BBC Hungry to Learn series
teaching kids in india
ps fall as the children
interesting watching. What an inspiration
Изучение английского через видео
Изучение английского через видео
Изучение английского с помощью видео. Эффективный метод интерактивного изучения английского.
Learning via Primary Historical Sources
This is a Phase II expansion grant from the National Science Foundation (2008-2011). The goal of the project is to develop, classroom test, evaluate and disseminate projects based on primary historical sources in Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Logic and Computer Science courses.
This is a Phase II expansion grant from the National Science Foundation (2008-2011). The goal of the project is to develop, classroom test, evaluate and disseminate projects based on primary historical sources in Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Logic and Computer Science courses. This is a collaborative project between Mathematics (Math) and Computer Science (CS) faculty at New Mexico State University (NMSU) and Colorado State University at Pueblo (CSU-P).
Learning Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science via Primary Historical Sources
The goal of the project is to develop, classroom test, evaluate and disseminate projects based on primary historical sources in Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Logic and Computer Science courses.
How to Succeed at Anything « Aran at Grad School
How to Succeed at Programming
まとめ:2009年を人生のターニングポイントにするための英語学習Tips17選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
まとめ:2009年を人生のターニングポイントにするための英語学習Tips17選 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
Education Innovation: New Classroom Rules
Offline classroom compared to an online classroom
Scratch | Gallery | UFEdTech
scratch projects from EME 4401- all projects labeled with WendyDG
What Should We Teach New Software Developers? Why? | January 2010 | Communications of the ACM
by Bjarne Stroustrup
What Should We Teach New Software Developers? Why? | January 2010 | Communications of the ACM
Annotated link
Story Something: Create personalized children's stories instantly.
Create personalized children's stories instantly.
100 Featured Learning Professionals Online
selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
RT @c4lpt 100 Featured Learning Professionals Online #edchat #education [from]
100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
Here is a selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world
プレゼンテーションに悩むすべての人達のために:プレゼンテーションの世界標準「構造的プレゼンテーション」 - 加藤 和彦のブログ
まずアウトラインを作る::アウトラインのキャプション(タイトル)を考え,順番をよく考える ;; アウトライン作成の三大ゴールデンルール(これが一番重要!) * 「構造的であること」:全体のアウトラインも,スライドの中も,すべて構造化されていなくてはならない. * 「物語的であること」:水が流れるように,物語が語られるように,最初のスライドから最後のスライドまで,スムーズにつながっていなくてはならない. * 「すべて定義済みであること」:未定義の言葉,概念が出現してはいけない.未定義の語,概念はゴミとして,ゴミ集め(garbage collection)されていなくてはならない.;; 背景 * 研究を始めるに至った動機,問題意識,過去の経験.何が問題なのかを説明する * 背景は基本的に誰もが納得出来るようにする.問題意識を共有できないと,聴衆は以後の話を聞く興味を失う.勝手な思い込みのようなこと,議論を巻き起こすようなことをここで書いたり,言うのはよくない 聴衆の目,顔を見ながらしゃべるのが原則
Classroom Resources to Counter Cyber Bullying - Portal Page
Cyberbullying can be much more severe in its effects than offline bullying because the targets feel they have no escape. Also, given the wide scope of the Web, there can be many more witnesses to the bullying. School administrators and teachers are struggling to address this issue with students. When real-world bullying occurs in a schoolyard or classroom, teachers are often able to intervene, but online bullying takes place off the radar screen of adults, making it difficult to detect in schools and impossible to monitor off school property. Despite this, schools are increasingly being expected to address issues relating to cyberbullying. Dr. Shaheen Shariff of McGill University emphasizes that schools have a responsibility “to adapt to a rapidly evolving technological society, address emerging challenges, and guide children to become civic-minded individuals”[3].
Lessons on cyberbullying to use in middle school
Resources for teachers to support them address the issues of Cyberbullying.
Canadian website offering resources and ideas for teaching about cyberbullying.
Media awareness Network-Online bullying. gr. 5-12
Lost in the Meritocracy - The Atlantic (January/February 2005)
This was the system's great flaw, and it enraged us. A pure meritocracy, we'd discovered, can only promote; it can't legitimize. It can confer success but can't grant knighthood. For that it needs a class beyond itself: the high-born genealogical peerage that aptitude testing was created to supplant with a cast of brainy up-and-comers. But we still needed to impress them: the wasp New Englanders with weekend coke habits, well-worn deck shoes, and vaguely leftish politics devised in reaction to their parents' conservatism, to which they'd slowly return as they aged. They didn't have our test scores, but they had style, a charismatic aura of entitlement, and V and I were desperate for a piece of it.
A pure meritocracy, we'd discovered, can only promote; it can't legitimize. It can confer success but can't grant knighthood. For that it needs a class beyond itself: the high-born genealogical peerage that aptitude testing was created to supplant with a cast of brainy up-and-comers. But we still needed to impress them: the wasp New Englanders with weekend coke habits, well-worn deck shoes, and vaguely leftish politics devised in reaction to their parents' conservatism, to which they'd slowly return as they aged. They didn't have our test scores, but they had style, a charismatic aura of entitlement, and V and I were desperate for a piece of it.
Percentile is destiny in America. That's why we're here: we all showed aptitude. Aptitude for showing aptitude, mainly. That's what they wanted, so that's what we delivered. A talent for nothing, but a knack for everything. Nobody told us it wouldn't be enough. I'd never bothered to contemplate the moment when the quest for trophies would end and the game of trading on them would begin. Once, I'd had nowhere to go but up. Now, it seemed, I had nowhere to go at all.
50 Fantastic Bing Tricks for Students & Librarians | Online Colleges
I've ignored Bing because my first experiences were really lame, but some of these tricks are kinda cool. Most of them work on Google, too.
60 Educational Game Sites That You’ve Probably Never Seen « Tech:-)Happy
Accept Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up | Magazine
Screw ups, disasters, misfires, flops. Why losing big can be a winning strategy.
"There are advantages to thinking on the margin. When we look at a problem from the outside, we’re more likely to notice what doesn’t work. Instead of suppressing the unexpected, shunting it aside with our 'Oh shit!' circuit and Delete key, we can take the mistake seriously. A new theory emerges from the ashes of our surprise."
"This is why other people are so helpful: They shock us out of our cognitive box."
Over the past few decades, psychologists have dismantled the myth of objectivity. The fact is, we carefully edit our reality, searching for evidence that confirms what we already believe. Although we pretend we’re empiricists — our views dictated by nothing but the facts — we’re actually blinkered, especially when it comes to information that contradicts our theories. The problem with science, then, isn’t that most experiments fail — it’s that most failures are ignored.
Article about the messiness of science, its failures and how an “in vivo” investigation that attempted to learn from the messiness of real experiments -
Review of 2009: 100 great articles
100 nettilähdettä sosiaalisen median opetuskäytöstä vuodelta 2009
"Review of 2009: 100 great resources At the end of 2008 I produced my review of the year by listing 100 resources I enjoyed during the year. This proved quite popular, so I have done it again this year. I have selected 100 resources - articles postings, PDFs, presentations, videos etc - about (workplace and academic) learning, tools or technologies that I found of interest or practical use or made me think! The 100 resources are listed below, chronologically by the month in which they appeared. "
Jane Knight's elearning review
Creative Educator - Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum
Great site on digital storytelling and how it relates to 21st century learning
article by Bernajean Porter
Cursive writing may be fading skill, but so what? - Yahoo! News
Charleston resident Kelli Davis was in for a surprise when her daughter brought home some routine paperwork at the start of school this fall. Davis signed the form and then handed it to her daughter for the eighth-grader's signature. - Home is an on-line service with authoring tools allowing authors to create professionally looking interactive content easily. preview release
Outil de création de contenu en ligne. Très bien fait. is an on-line service with authoring tools allowing authors to create professionally looking interactive content easily.
professionally looking interactive content
101 Lectures for Your Open Source Education | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
By Amber Hensley As a college student, open source philosophy has a lot to offer you. You can not only take advantage of the great resources open source has, but also become a part of a movement that shares more freedom of ideas. In these lectures, you’ll learn more about the open source philosophy and what it can be used for.
As a college student, open source philosophy has a lot to offer you. You can not only take advantage of the great resources open source has, but also become a part of a movement that shares more freedom of ideas. In these lectures, you’ll learn more about the open source philosophy and what it can be used for.
100 All-Time Best Productivity Tips for Working & Learning from Home | Best Universities
Adult Learning - Neuroscience - How to Train the Aging Brain -
Recently, researchers have found even more positive news. The brain, as it traverses middle age, gets better at recognizing the central idea, the big picture. If kept in good shape, the brain can continue to build pathways that help its owner recognize patterns and, as a consequence, see significance and even solutions much faster than a young person can. The trick is finding ways to keep brain connections in good condition and to grow more of them. “The brain is plastic and continues to change, not in getting bigger but allowing for greater complexity and deeper understanding,” says Kathleen Taylor, a professor at St. Mary’s College of California, who has studied ways to teach adults effectively. “As adults we may not always learn quite as fast, but we are set up for this next developmental step.” [via xeks]
“As adults we have these well-trodden paths in our synapses,” Dr. Taylor says. “We have to crack the cognitive egg and scramble it up. And if you learn something this way, when you think of it again you’ll have an overlay of complexity you didn’t have before — and help your brain keep developing as well.”
Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010
DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms
"Teachers have always spent their own money on classroom supplies. With costs rising each year how can teachers add technology and software to the classroom without going broke? One answer is Freeware and/or Open Source software."
Teachers have always spent their own money on classroom supplies. With costs rising each year how can teachers add technology and software to the classroom without going broke? One answer is Freeware and/or Open Source software. This short article provides descriptions and links to some of the best Freeware and Open Source programs for the K-12 Educator.
supposedly free software
Variety of free tools for all levels.
25 BEST Sites for Free Educational Videos
RefSeek's guide to the 25 best online resources for finding and viewing educational videos. With the exception of BrainPOP and Cosmeo, all listed sites offer their extensive video libraries for free and without registration.
Adult Learning - Neuroscience - How to Train the Aging Brain -
Annotated link
Jack Mezirow, a professor emeritus at Columbia Teachers College, has proposed that adults learn best if presented with what he calls a “disorienting dilemma,” or something that “helps you critically reflect on the assumptions you’ve acquired.”
Memory tips
100+ Sites for Learning about Business
Lista , Sites Grátis para Aprender sobre Negócios
Are You a 'Digital Native?' | Newsweek Tech and Business |
Are you a digital native?
article about iBrain book - changes in brain due to technology
leading neuroscientist says processing digital information can rewire your circuits. But is it evolution?
Technology Use and Our Brains
英会話 オンライン英会話ならレアジョブ
Brain Games: Play Free Puzzle Games Online, Free Puzzles
Brain Games: Play Free Puzzle Games Online, Free Puzzles
Blogean txertatzeko joku desberdinak, sudokuak, zopa letrak...
Crear tus propios puzzles y otros juegos personalizados para incrustar en tu blog/web.
Proprofs – Juegos para ejercitar la memoria y la agilidad mental
Zinn Education Project
Download free teaching activities for middle- and high- school classrooms to bring a people's history to the classroom. Sponsored by Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change.
The Zinn Education Project is a website designed to help teachers use A People's History of the United States in their classrooms. The Zinn Education Project provides complete lesson plans for use in elementary school, middle school, and high school settings. In some cases the lesson plans include document excerpts and references to A People's History of the United States. You can search for lesson plans by time period, theme, or by student reading levels.
Lots of teaching resources identified by time period and theme. - not dependent on any text. The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the use of Howard Zinn’s best-selling book A People’s History of the United States and other materials for teaching a people’s history in middle and high school classrooms across the country. The Zinn Education Project is coordinated by two non-profit organizations, Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change.
Howard Zinn is known for telling US History from various perspectives. This would be a great tool for you if you ever talk about US History in your classroom.
Education News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers
triky pro vyhledávání, využívání aplikací (kalendář, dokument, books atd.), speciální aplikace pro vzdělávání
From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time.
Google Apps für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer
"From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time."
Wiki:Participatory Media Teaching and Learning Resources | Social Media CoLab
Recursos Wiki
Howard Rheingold
A repository of resources is growing on the Social Media Classroom wiki.
all kinds of links to resources
Participatory media include (but aren't limited to) blogs, wikis, RSS, tagging and social bookmarking, music-photo-video sharing, mashups, podcasts, video commentsand videoblogs. - The Flashcard Wiki
Copyright for Educators
Great Slideshare presentation (about 50min) by Wes Fryer outlining copyright issues that educators need to know
OpenCourseWare: Bienvenido al Portal de Cursos Abiertos de la UNED — OCW UNED
"Los Cursos publicados en el OCW de la UNED son Cursos que los equipos docentes de la UNED ponen a disposición de cualquier usuario para que se forme libremente en ese área de conocimiento."
Cursos abiertos en la UNED
openchemistry | Openchemistry makes chemistry learning content free, open and available to the world.
Maybe, in some alternate universe, I paid attention in chemistry class...
Openchemistry makes chemistry learning content free, open and available to the world.
The Top 5 Google Alternatives and Why You Should Use Them
Franc - Blogs for Teachers and Students
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. "
" is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs. "
Free blogs for students; can be set up by classroom teachers; no e-mail address required for students. is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog.
Use Better Tools to Be a Better Student in 2010 - Note Taking - Lifehacker
Interesting article
using tech for school
Google SketchUp
Children with autism express their creativity in 3D. Follow Project Spectrum by Google. [from]
Project Spectrum was created to give people with autism the opportunity to express their creativity and develop a life skill using Google SketchUp 3D modeling software.
100 Incredible & Educational Virtual Tours You Don’t Want to Miss | Online Universities
Graduate School in the Humanities: Just Don't Go - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Why you should stick to the sciences.
"If you cannot find a tenure-track position, your university will no longer court you; it will pretend you do not exist and will act as if your unemployability is entirely your fault."
"As things stand, I can only identify a few circumstances under which one might reasonably consider going to graduate school in the humanities: [1] You are independently wealthy, and you have no need to earn a living for yourself or provide for anyone else.... It's hard to tell young people that universities recognize that their idealism and energy — and lack of information — are an exploitable resource. For universities, the impact of graduate programs on the lives of those students is an acceptable externality, like dumping toxins into a river. If you cannot find a tenure-track position, your university will no longer court you; it will pretend you do not exist and will act as if your unemployability is entirely your fault. It will make you feel ashamed, and you will probably just disappear, convinced it's right rather than that the game was rigged from the beginning."
A Photo Student › Photo Writings
A Photo Student › Photo Writings - essays by Benjamin, Barthes, Sontag, Foucault, etc.
The Adventures of James Pomerantz in Photo MFA Land
How Social Media Has Changed Us
Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen social media galvanize thousands over politics, create as many industries as it has destroyed, and offer an abundance of visual and audio entertainment. But has all this incredible change actually changed us, or just the world we live in? ...
Below are some areas in which social media has had lasting, and arguably permanent effects on the ways in which we live. The question is, are these changes all for the better?
Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen social media galvanize thousands over politics, create as many industries as it has destroyed, and offer an abundance of visual and audio entertainment. But has all this incredible change actually changed us, or just the world we live in? Below are some areas in which social media has had lasting, and arguably permanent effects on the ways in which we live. The question is, are these changes all for the better? Child Literacy
University of West Alabama
Seven things that don't make sense about gravity - New Scientist
Gravity keeps our feet on the ground and our planet circling the sun, but we know remarkably little about it. New Scientist investigates the force's greatest mysteries.
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students : October 2008 : THE Journal
Blogging with students
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students - Good article on blogging in the classroom.
Includes 5 common mistakes instructors can avoid to make bloggin an effective tool.
Annals of Education: Most Likely to Succeed: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Hanushek recently did a back-of-the-envelope calculation about what even a rudimentary focus on teacher quality could mean for the United States. If you rank the countries of the world in terms of the academic performance of their schoolchildren, the U.S. is just below average, half a standard deviation below a clump of relatively high-performing countries like Canada and Belgium. According to Hanushek, the U.S. could close that gap simply by replacing the bottom six per cent to ten per cent of public-school teachers with teachers of average quality.
Macomb Intermediate School District
Macomb Intermediate School District
BBC NEWS | Science/Environment | Audio slideshow: The art of mathematics
nifty slide show of mathematical works (fractals, etc.), with explanation by mathematician
Fractal amazingness
for students
Schoonheid in beeld en wiskunde!
Show-Me Standards Homepage
What Makes a Great Teacher? - The Atlantic (January/February 2010)
Scientific Method Web Page
Scientific Method Web Page [from]
web quest from @jackiegerstein & kjarrett
Learn about the scientific method using a webquest
5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies
Are we really still at a point in time where we need to be convinced of this? I hope not!
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What's in it for you as an instructor, and what's in it for your students?
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
Annotated link
Klavarog γ
Touch Typing Training
results are characters per minute
3 Ways Educators Are Embracing Social Technology
Skype, Phones, Twitter
See how Skype, Twitter and Mobile / Cell Phones are used for student learning.
wellicht interessant voor jouw werkveld?
Letters of Note: Your pal, John K.
Wonderful letter to fan from Ren and Stimpy guy
"In 1998, aged just 14, aspiring young cartoonist Amir Avni decided to get in touch with the creator of Ren & Stimpy, John Kricfalusi. Being a hardcore fan of Kricfalusi's work, Amir sent him an introductory letter along with a few cartoons he'd drawn, some of which contained relatively unknown characters of John's. To call Kricfalusi's response 'generous' would be an understatement."
Biology Animation Library :: Dolan DNA Learning Center
Animations can be viewed within your web browser (the Macromedia Flash plugin is required) or downloaded for play from your computer.
The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's learning center has a nice library of animations demonstrating various biology concepts. Some of the concepts covered in the animations library include DNA restriction and transformation, DNA arrays, and model organisms. The animations can be viewed online or downloaded. In addition to the animations library, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has a library of 3D models. Highlighting the list of 3D models is a model of the human brain. Like the other animations, the 3D models can be viewed online or downloaded for use on your local hard drive.
100 Best (Free) Science Documentaries Online | Online Universities
"Documentales de ciencia"
Mixed bag of science documentaries.
The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20s -
My daughter’s worldview and life will be shaped in very deliberate ways by technologies like the Kindle and the new magical high-tech gadgets coming out this year — Google’s Nexus One phone and Apple’s impending tablet among them. She’ll know nothing other than a world with digital books, Skype video chats with faraway relatives, and toddler-friendly video games on the iPhone. She’ll see the world a lot differently from her parents.
“People two, three or four years apart are having completely different experiences with technology,” said Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. “College students scratch their heads at what their high school siblings are doing, and they scratch their heads at their younger siblings. It has sped up generational differences.”
MDX (Materials Docents en Xarxa): MDX Principal
Material docente de universidades catalanas totalmente gratis
Materials docents en xarxa
55 Tips to Instantly Make Your Brain Stronger and Faster
You know how important it is to boost your brain power. Increasingly, the world requires more smarts. If you can think fast, think well and remember things, you have an edge, whether it’s in the job market or just staying on top of your game. If you want to make your brain stronger and faster, though, you have to give it a good workout. Just like everything else, how you use your brain can make a big difference in the results you get. Here are 55 tips that can make your brain stronger and faster:
KODU Game Lab
Kodu is a visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone.
Programming as a Creative Medium The core of the Kodu project is the programming user interface. The language is simple and entirely icon-based. Programs are composed of pages, which are broken down into rules, which are further divided into conditions and actions. Conditions are evaluated simultaneously. The Kodu language is designed specifically for game development and provides specialized primitives derived from gaming scenarios. Programs are expressed in physical terms, using concepts like vision, hearing, and time to control character behavior. While not as general-purpose as classical programming languages, Kodu can express advanced game design concepts in a simple, direct, and intuitive manner.
50 Free Sources for Business Plans, Templates and Models
very good site
50 Free Sources for Business Plans, Templates and Models
Writing Good English: A talk by William Zinsser to foreign students at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism | The American Scholar
"The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the florid language of ancient Rome. The other is Anglo-Saxon, the plain languages of England and northern Europe. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free."
good writing models
digitalteachingtools » home
This is a great list maintained in a wiki, so it grows and morphs as users contribute/remove links.
An excellent set of resources about Digital Teaching Tools. There is also a section for Web 2.0 tools as well.
digital teaching tools
Your keys to improved instruction.
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서울교육대학교 홈페이지입니다.
세계제일의 교육대학
where i am
초등교육의 요람
나의 학교
초등교육의 메카~!!!
Comer School Development Program
Textbook Price Comparison
Search by ISBN, Author, Title, Keywords.
Map the Project - Explore 1
PBL online, strategies and activities that support Constructivist Learning
helps to plan for project based learning
Great Site
Great ideas for PLB projects
templates for projects
Project management- Click on PBL Planning Resources, project planning tools, and project management tools. Guides and checklist to aid in PBL.
cooltoolsforschools » Tools at a glance
Index of Cool Tools included in this site and the categories under which they are listed.
tools for teachers
Top 50 Blogs for e-Learning Tools and Tips
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010.
Top Teaching Tools
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010. The following links are listed alphabetically by blog title under each category. We use this method to show that we do not favor one blog over another.
Khan Academy
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere. We have 1000+ videos on YouTube covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, chemistry, biology and finance which have been recorded by Salman Khan.
East Bay Express : Print This Story
Rich, Black, Flunking Cal Professor John Ogbu thinks he knows why rich black kids are failing in school. Nobody wants to hear it. By Susan Goldsmith May 21, 2003 Chris Duffey John Ogbu has been compared to Clarence Thomas, denounced by the Urban League, and criticized in The New York Times. Amy Weiser It wasn’t socioeconomics, school funding, or racism that accounted for the students' poor performance, Ogbu says; it was their own attitudes, and those of their parents. Chris Duffey Lionel Fluker John McWhorter believes academia too readily blames white people. The black parents wanted an explanation. Doctors, lawyers, judges, and insurance brokers, many had come to the upscale Cleveland suburb of Shaker Heights specifically because of its stellar school district. They expected their children to succeed academically, but most were performing poorly. African-American students were lagging far behind their white classmates in every measure of academic success: grade-point average, stand
John Ogbu attributes more of the responsibility for the achievement gap to Black people than other academics do.
Ogbu's work on the black middle class in Shaker Heights OH
Welcome to Virtlab!
Simulador de un laboratorio de química
A virtual chemistry lab.
virtual labs
laboratorio virtuale di scienze
virtual science lab for kids - sam
Memorize Now - Home
Memorize Now - a free tool to memorizing information
What's Hot | Watch Free Documentaries Online | SnagFilms
What's Hot | Watch Free Documentaries Online
100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) by Ozge Karaoglu
100 Web 2.0 Tools
It is easy to collaborate with your colleagues around you. What about other people in your PLN? Can you collaborate with 50, 100, 1000 people? "Collaborate", "Collaborative", "Collaboration" were the most frequent words I heard last year and I believe it will be more important and popular in this new decade. Here is my first 20 web tools to enhance collaboration among us!
Accept Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up | Magazine
"Science is a deeply frustrating pursuit." ... "This is why other people are so helpful: They shock us out of our cognitive box."
Recomm. by Francois R.
The 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now -
In December, Facebook made a series of bold and controversial changes regarding the nature of its users' privacy on the social networking site. The company once known for protecting privacy to the point of exclusivity (it began its days as a network for college kids only - no one else even had access), now seemingly wants to compete with more open social networks like the microblogging media darling Twitter.
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis - Home
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis
Innovative course at NYU-Poly that discusses Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis . The course is split into six 2 week modules where an industry expert comes in and teachers a portion of the course. The website has all the course materials and even some of the lectures in video format.
Virtual Libraries Are Teaching Treasures | Edutopia
This gives information about a wealth of resources available from online libraries.
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Places to Find Free eBooks
Every year schools around the world spend thousands of dollars on textbooks that are often outdated by the end of their first year in the classroom. Ebooks, many of them free, can represent huge savings for schools over purchasing textbooks. Here are seven places that you can find free ebooks.
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Places to Find Free eBooks Annotated link
Free Technology for Teachers: lists 7 places to find free ebooks for downloading.
100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers
100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up–to–date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech–savvy teachers: Annotated link
Random Thoughts and Articles
Web and IPhone apps
Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up–to–date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech–savvy teachers:
100 tools for teachers
Dept. of Disputation: Red Sex, Blue Sex: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Teen pregnancy. October/November 2008.
Why do so many evangelical teen-agers become pregnant?
Social liberals in the country’s “blue states” tend to support sex education and are not particularly troubled by the idea that many teen-agers have sex before marriage, but would regard a teen-age daughter’s pregnancy as devastating news. And the social conservatives in “red states” generally advocate abstinence-only education and denounce sex before marriage, but are relatively unruffled if a teen-ager becomes pregnant, as long as she doesn’t choose to have an abortion.
If Your Kids Are Awake, They’re Probably Online -
Teens and media use.
The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | What Makes a Great Teacher? | Amanda Ripley
awesome article!
This tale of two boys, and of the millions of kids just like them, embodies the most stunning finding to come out of education research in the past decade: more than any other variable in education—more than schools or curriculum—teachers matter.
After his two years were up, Farr went to law school, as planned.,
Worth having every staff read and debate this article.
National Lab Day
Share your ideas for transforming learning through the Digital Media and Learning Competition in coordination with National Lab Day — where designers, entrepreneurs and educators compete to create 21st century learning labs — digital media experiences that help young people learn, play, tinker, participate and grow through hands on work
hands on learning ideas/projects
matches students with professionals
Featured content |
redhat community service
We want to shine a light on the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort, even beyond technology. We believe that will be a gathering place for many of the open source stories we'd like to share--through articles, audio, web presentations, video, or open discussion.
2 Minute Moodles on Vimeo
Short video-based instruction on various Moodle features.
This is a collection of 2 Minute Moodles - an attempt to simplify and show how to use a range of Moodle features to a busy teacher. The tutorials try not to assume too much previous knowledge and are presented for the pragmatical and not necessarily tech-savy users (Moodle purists please excuse). They are a bit like that product I got the pun from - something quick and simple to get you going. If you don't know where to start, see the entire 'progression' list at Enjoy & feel free to contact. You can also follow me on Twitter at
2 minute videos explaining aspects of Moodle., by Tom Lasic WA
Digital Directors Guild
designed to help teachers develop digital storytelling projects for their classrooms.
Welcome to the K-State College of Education
KSU College of Education Main Page
K-State COE main webpage
Kansas State University
Kansas State University Main Site
K-State home webpage
Timeline: The evolution of life - life - 14 July 2009 - New Scientist
Evolution explained
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms.
Annotated link
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms. There are problems with each of these methods. The fossil record is like a movie with most of the frames cut out. Because it is so incomplete, it can be difficult to establish exactly when particular evolutionary changes happened
10 ways library schools should be teaching social media • Blog Archive • socialibrarian
A few days ago I came across a wonderful article on Mashable entitled "10 Ways Journalism Schools are teaching social media." The thought struck me about 30 seconds in: all these concepts should apply to library school, but why aren't they being pushed and taught in the same way? I thought since I wasn't being explicitly instructed on how social media can increase the quality and relevance of the library school curriculum, that I would break them down for us and attempt to explain the urgency with which librarians (and our schools' faculty) need to be catching up in this area.
Daniel Hooker appropriates the traits of a networked journalist to a social librarian. According to Hooker, the key to offseting the signal-to-noise ratio is leveraging social media for quality information retrieval. Just as in proprietary database research, an online community of valuable information sharers can improve findability. Opportunities for additional research include privacy issues.
Discusses the Web 2.0 tools that library schools need to teach to prepare 21st century librarians
ways education schools should be teaching social media
engagethem / FrontPage
Wiki w/resources to engage students in the classroom.
It's certainly a challenge to engage today's students. Learning theory shows that one of the keys to successful learning is engagement. Using Philip Schlechty's "Qualities the Affect Engagement" as a framework, Tony Vincent outlines 21 technology tools, strategies, and tips educators can use to increase authentic engagement. Learn ways to motivate learners using online tools that are freely available. Examples include polling students, illustrating concepts with crazy cartoons, creating jazzy slide shows, and touring some of the newest coolest sites the web has to offer.
K-12 Student Center - UEN
Utah Education Network's well-designed teacher resource site
Student Online Publishing
This website provides links to articles and other websites related to student online publishing.
ただ、分析をしっかりしすぎた結果、簿記ちょっと難しくね?という印象を持たれかねないと思ったので、 シンプルにこれだけやれば受かりますよという間口として分かりやすさが必要と思い、別のものを書かせてもらった。
Trends - March - ASTD
twitter in education "Jane Hart, a social media and learning consultant, classifies Twitter and other micro-blogs as tools for personal and informal learning. “The point of social media is to turn learning into a more participatory activity,” she says. Learners use social media tools to ask and answer each other’s questions, and as Hart maintains, “Micro-blogs can support collaboration and understanding.”
about Twitter and other micro-blogging techniques for informal learning in the enterprise
15 Must-Have Web Apps for Students - The 2.0 Life
Free aps college student need
Simulación del sistema solar. Puedes poner a cualquier planeta como centro del sistema, y ver cómo son las órbitas de los demás vistas desde él
The Web Way to Learn a Language -
MinyanLand - Main
peterturtle, turtle try at home
A virtual town where you play games and make friends, while learning about earning, saving, spending and giving. You start out with $50,000 in MinyanMoney and a Condo worth $50,000. You can spend your money, invest your money, and earn more MinyanMoney by playing games or doing real-life chores your parents assign you.
MinyanLand is a virtual community designed to engage kids and families in games and interaction that are entertaining and educational. Appropriate for 3-8. Accessible to deaf students.
Virtual world for learning about economics and finances.
The Power of Project Learning |
Here’s a riddle: Imagine there is a learning technique proven effective through 100 years of use that is now enhanced by the power of today’s technology. Imagine it can excite learners to continue their work well past the parameters of the school day. What is it, and would every school in the country do it? It is project-based learning, and the answer is yes, and no. Project-based learning can be traced back to John Dewey and it has come and gone since the early 20th century.
Gary Stager, the executive director at the Constructivist Consortium and an adjunct professor of education at Pepperdine, says the elements of a good project should include relevance for students, ample time to plan, change, and complete the project, and enough complexity to inspire intense work. There should also be a way to connect the project with people across the hall, on the other side of town, or across the world, an opportunity for students to collaborate with peers, international experts, and anybody in between, and a way for students to share their completed work.
Why new schools are choosing an old model to bring students into the 21st century.
Top News - iPods help ESL students achieve success
about ipod and apple. 310110
news article
As school leaders ponder the implications of new technologies for their classrooms, one dedicated New Jersey educator has turned theory into practice, using the iPod to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) students. During an International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) webinar titled "iPods as Teaching Tools for Language Learners," Grace Poli, media specialist at Jose Marti Middle School in Union City, N.J., and an Apple distinguished educator, discussed how the iPod is transforming learning in her school.
iPods are no longer simply used for listening to your favorite songs. Providing "anytime, anywhere learning", iPods can accommodate different learning styles with children learning English. You can even use songs for grammar exercises and figurative language activities.
IPOD to help ESL student learn English
This site is for the ESL population. It is an article discussing how Ipods can be used to teach ESL students English. Plus it includes links to other sites that could be of interest to the topic. Music is important in almost all cultures. It can be used to reach students in understanding meanings of words that otherwise might have been difficult to explain. Not just music can be downloaded to Ipods but audio stories too. This device can be used in the classroom as a personal guide to the English language. Teachers can pick particular songs to demonstrate grammar or vocabulary. The student will be motivated to learn because this technique makes it about them.
15 Must-Have Web Apps for Students | Digitizd
items to keep up with on an as needed basis
KOL - Kids Online, AOL Web Site for Kids
The Aol search engine for kids is a dream come true for teachers and parents. It is completly safe for chiildren to use. It offers children many things including homwork help!
Play online at this Web site for kids with games, music, cartoons, books, movies, animals and celebrities. The Internet has never been so much fun!
Search Engine- children
65 Open Source Downloads That Could Change Your Life — - The website
product guides - taps, showers, gutters, tanks etc
Sito con trucchi per risparmiare acqua, giochi interattivi. molto bello, molto interattivo
how can we save water?
Tips on saving water. Great resource for secondary students
Technophilia: Get a free college education online - Back To School - Lifehacker
by Wendy Boswell
Wild Music
A Traveling Exhibition about the Sounds and Songs of Life
50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders | Online Universities
From Fish to Infinity - Opinionator Blog -
A debut column on math features an introduction to numbers, from upsides (they're efficient) to down (they're ethereal).
I’ll be writing about the elements of mathematics, from pre-school to grad school, for anyone out there who’d like to have a second chance at the subject — but this time from an adult perspective. It’s not intended to be remedial. The goal is to give you a better feeling for what math is all about and why it’s so enthralling to those who get it.
STEVEN STROGATZ - Opinionator Blog -
Welcome to NBC Learn
In cooperation with the National Science Foundation, NBC Learn explores the physics, biology, chemistry, and math behind the winter games.
NBC Learn is the education arm of NBC News. We are making the global resources of NBC News and the historic film and video archive available to teachers, students, schools and universities.
online videos capitalize on students’ interest in the Vancouver Olympics to make science more accessible to them by illustrating how scientific principles apply to competitive sports. Narrated by NBC News anchor Lester Holt, the series is available to educators free of charge on the NBC Learn web site as a timely way to incorporate the Olympics into their classroom teaching.
The Science behind the winter olympics
NBC Learn interviews athletes, coaches, and scientists in this original 16-part series, and unravels the physics, biology, chemistry, and materials engineering behind the Olympic Winter Games. The Science of the Olympic Winter Games is made possible through a partnership with the National Science Foundation.
FRONTLINE: digital nation: watch the full program | PBS
M.I.T. students are among the world's smartest and most wired. They constantly multitask with their tech tools.
Digital Nation | Life on the virtual frontier. A documentary from PBS
Lifehacker - TypingWeb Offers Free Typing Lessons - Typing
2010-Horizon-Report.pdf (application/pdf Object)
The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the New Media Consortiums Horizon Project, a qualitative research project established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative inquiry on college and university campuses within the next five years. The 2010 Horizon Report is the seventh in the series and is produced as part of an ongoing collaboration between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), an EDUCAUSE program.
Horizon Report, six emerging technologies or practices are described that are likely to enter mainstream use on campuses within three adoption horizons spread over the next one to five years.
Math Run - how fast is your brain? A simple Brain Training Game for everyone
Math Run - how fast is your brain? A simple Brain Training Game for everyone
foliotek::Home - Creative Tools for the Creative Age
The Games Factory provides everything you need to manufacture Arcade games, Platform games, Adventures, Screen Savers, and much, much, more. You simply click on an object, drag it to the play field, and click on the action it should perform. We supply all the heroes, monsters, powerups, and other objects you need, plus the sound and music for your games. Of course, you can easily add your own, custom items if you choose.
A great programming software program for kids
Academic Earth Is The Hulu For Education
Lots of free adult education. Kind of a crowded field. Wonder how much of it is can help people get jobs or help create new kinds of work. "This isn’t a radically new idea. Fora.TV and BigThink both offer intellectual video content online. iTunes U hosts a lot of university content as well (as does Youtube Edu). Unlike Big Think, Academic Earth isn’t creating original content, it’s just repurposing existing academic content. And Fora.TV seems to focus more on speeches and public lectures. But Academic Earth has the right plan around providing free course lectures. You can watch an entire semester’s worth of lectures in a few days (if your brain can handle it). My one complaint is that for an academic site, it doesn’t seem to engage the user via forums, comments, social networking features, or ads. Ludlow says that all of these features and applications will be introduced slowly."
Academic Earth is "a user-friendly platform for educational video that would let anyone be able to freely access instruction from the scholars and guest lecturers at the leading academic universities. The site offers 60 full courses and 2,395 total lectures (almost 1300 hours of video) from Yale, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Princeton that can be browsed by subject, university, or instructor through a user-friendly interface."
A user-friendly platform for educational video that lets anyone freely access instruction from the scholars and guest lecturers at the leading academic universities. The site offers 60 full courses and 2,395 total lectures (almost 1300 hours of video) from Yale, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Princeton that can be browsed by subject, university, or instructor through a user-friendly interface.
50 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Childnet International
Welcome to Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”.
Internet safety website
Internet Safety
Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children.
Study Tips: Cramberry Does Clean and Simple Online Flash Cards
Online flash card web application Cramberry creates simple flash cards in an easy to use, clean interface—great for memorizing boring study terms.
Something to use with the kids?
creatingaPLN » home
Personal Learning Networks: The Power of the Human Network
Herramientas para la creación de un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje. PLE.
Judith Epcke (@jepcke) and Scott Meech (@smeech)
Wiki site with information on how to create and build your own Personal Learning Network
RTI Tools : a response to intervention directory
The Posse Foundation
organized, clean, good use of white space, two distinctive yet subtle (not overpowering) colors, good use of typography.
Welcome to Knowledge Forum
Recomendado DPyV
Knowledge Forum is an electronic group workspace designed to support the process of knowledge building. With Knowledge Forum, any number of individuals and groups can share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas…together
Knowledge Forum is an electronic group workspace designed to support the process of knowledge building. With Knowledge Forum, any number of individuals and groups can share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas…together.
Knowledge Forum is a collaborate space to work and build on ideas and information. It is based on over 15 years of research at the University of Toronto Cognitive Science Department.
Top 12 Sites To Watch Videos That Are Better Than YouTube
Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
RT @estherschindler: I wrote: "Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss" - I disagree with some of it. [from] Online Manners Matter | Edutopia
on e-mail netiquette and much more
From email to social networking to classroom blogs, today's students are online, both in and out of school -- a lot. Edutopia
Forget iTunes U: Students Now Getting College Credit via YouTube - ReadWriteWeb
Story in RWW about RB on UNSW YouTube channel
A computer science professor at an Australian University is doing something revolutionary with YouTube - he's offering students who can't attend his classes college credit for watching his videos. The fact that Buckland is not charging the high school students who are remotely attending his courses but is still giving them college credit is what makes what he's doing so different...and perhaps groundbreaking.
A 2009 article about institutions putting their lectures on YouTube to share lectures. Tells about an instructor offering credit for students watching his lectures on YouTube.
Although several universities use YouTube as repository for lectures, generally offered as supplementary material for enrolled students. Public nature of videos allows people from around world to view educational material that once took thousands of dollars to access. Duke, Stanford, MIT, Univ. of California etcalready post videos online to YouTube/iTunes U (audio/video podcasts). However, UNSW is unique, providing college credit to those watching the YouTube recordings. Really little difference between physically showing up in classroom to sit and listen to a lecture and viewing video of same lecture, few universities allow this type of unstructured remote learning to count as college credit for those who are not already enrolled in university. Instead, colleges that support distance learning initiatives usually require students to apply for admission and pay tuition, just as any other student attending classes on campus would have to.
A computer science professor at an Australian University is doing something revolutionary with YouTube - he's offering students who can't attend his classes college credit for watching his videos.
Why You Need to Fail - Peter Bregman -
Blog article by Peter Bregman - July 2009
Why we need to fail
JK Rowling: The fringe benefits of failure | Video on
i love this.
JK Rowling
inspirational commencement speech
Jane's Learning Pick of the Day: 25 places to find instructional videos
Recently I have received a number of emails asking about places that offer free instructional videos (on all subjects), so I thought I would put together a posting of the main ones that I know about:
Recently I have received a number of emails asking about places that offer free instructional videos (on all subjects), so I thought I would put together a posting of the main ones that I know about: 5min Life Videopedia - instructional and how-to videos Academic Earth - Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars - next generation TV network Google Video - videos on all topics Graspr - The instructional video network Howcast - How-to videos iCue...
How Social Gaming is Improving Education
RT @thomasjhardy: How Social Gaming is Improving Education - [from]
How Social Gaming is Improving Education
Enter social video games as a solution — immersive environments that simulate real-world problems. Today, technologically eager schools are replacing textbook learning with social video games, and improving learning outcomes in the process. Here’s how they’re doing it.
Between the Lions . Synonym Sam's Lab | PBS KIDS!
simple game with audio. good for gr. 3 or so
Between The Lions. Synonym Sam Lab. (Ruby In Her Own Time Unit) 3.2
Fun game for the little ones! Educational too!
game to identify synonyms of words
100 Coolest Science Experiments on YouTube - X-Ray Technician Schools
While few of the scientific offerings formally follow the scientific method or test an explicitly stated hypothesis, even those videos veering more towards demonstrating various principles, theories, and laws still offer visitors a chance to learn something about how the world around them operates. By this point, it should go without saying that many of the following videos contain procedures that may be dangerous to perform at home or without the proper equipment and/or training. Please do not duplicate any of these experiments unless assured that they are entirely safe for amateurs.
TypingMaster Intra
good for learning how to type
ohs typing master
typing thing for ohs
to get better at typing use typing master
the olds high school typing
Olds High School Website Top 50 University Open Courseware Collections
Sammanställnig av öppna & gratis kurser från många stora universitet etc.
We’ve scoured the internet to bring you the top 50 university courseware collections. If you’re interested in learning more about a particular subject, or seeing if you like what a particular university has to offer in terms of courses, then this is the list for you.
for a life filled with learning
try ruby! (in your browser)
A backup of whys poignant guide to Ruby. Try Ruby online
Ruby tutorials
Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students
Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students.
Very useful for students who don't know electronics.
Electronics tutorials, including ohm's law, resistor color codes power law, breadboards
complete learning material for beginning electronics
Do School Libraries Need Books? - Room for Debate Blog -
Do schools need to maintain traditional libraries? What are the educational consequences of having students read less on the printed page and more on the Web?
Pro and con essays
A blog discussion about books in school libraries re Cushing Academy.
at this point, the real question is, don't school libraries need more consistent federal funding so they exist period
By reconceptualizing our library, our teachers and students now have better access to vast digital resources for research and learning. But they need more help from librarians to navigate these resources, so we have also increased our library staff by 25 percent.
article do school libraries need books?
The seven secrets behind great teaching - Features - TES
interesting summary of effective teaching
Analysis of the personalities, motivations and behavior of 15 award-winning teachers uncovers the seven habits that make them successful in the classroom.
"The TES magazine teamed up with business psychologists Crelos to analyse the personalities, motivations and behaviour of 15 award-winning teachers to uncover the seven habits that make them successful in the classroom."
28 Questions You Wish You Asked the Manager During the Job Interview | JavaWorld's Daily Brew
# What will I be expected to accomplish the first three months? # What projects will I work on? How will I be transitioned to new projects after existing projects are over? # How much overtime has this team been doing in the last three months? What's typical? What's acceptable? How does the company respond after a time-crunch is over? (If you ask directly, "Do you encourage work/life balance?" naturally they'll respond "Sure!" Instead, ask a specific question to find out if that "Sure
Preguntas que hacer en una entrevista y cosas que no hacer en una entrevista de trabajo
No One Knows What the F*** They're Doing (or "The 3 Types of Knowledge")
Smithsonian Education - American Indian Heritage Month 2008
Stanford Course On How To Build iPhone Apps Will Soon Be Available On The iPhone
Want to learn how to create an iPhone app? Later this week, aspiring app creators will be able to start watching a popular Stanford computer science course on developing iPhone apps right on their iPhones. Stanford will start distributing the course for free as a video podcast throughiTunes U. (The podcasts can also be watched on iPods and computers, obviously). With more than 25,000 apps out there, which have been downloaded more than 800 million times, the competition is fierce for making the best apps. Apple itself provides a wealth of information for developers about its SDK, but for those who need a little more guidance or a refresher in the basics, watching these videos is like continuing education. The videos are not on iTunes yet, but the first one should appear within the next few days.
iPhone tutorials online soon Does anyone want my 3D educational games on the iPhone? [from]
Copyright Toolkit home page
There are many legal textbooks on the subject of intellectual property, or, more specifically, copyright. Briefing documents have also been produced which aim to make senior university managers and others in the field of education aware of the need to manage copyright so as to reduce institutional liability. This toolkit is not aimed specifically at these audiences. Instead, it provides practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Covers the copyright clearance of content across all media, together with sample contracts.
Practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Practical tool for understanding copyright.
MIT Students Take Pictures from Space on $150 Budget. -
Bericht im CNN iReport
Two MIT students have photographed the earth from 18 miles in space on a $148 budget using components available off-the-shelf, including a helium-filled latex balloon and $50 GPS-equipped camera-cell phone....
Interesting article about MIT students 100 Free and Useful Portable Apps for College Students | Online College Degree 100 Free and Useful Portable Apps for College Students | Online College Degree -
er is full-featured, yet is a portable app that allows you to save clipboard items as well as share them across a network.
The following portable apps cover everything from documents to note-taking to organization to security to helpful tools and more, are all small enough to go anywhere, and cost absolutely nothing.
Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food | Video on
This is great speech about obesity
Sharing powerful stories from his anti-obesity project in Huntington, W. Va., TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver makes the case for an all-out assault on our ignorance of food.
Open Educational Resources Center for California | Learn to share ... share to learn
The OER Center for California provides support for community college educators to find, create, remix, use, and share openly licensed learning content. Together, as knowledge workers, we can learn to share...and share to learn.
"A new Web site, Open Educational Resources Center for California, brings together information on free and open textbooks and course materials in one location. Though the Web site was designed for California's community-college faculty members, it could be a useful resource for anyone trying to find learning materials in the public domain."
Science and Technology of WWII
for schools
The National WWII Museum presents this website with information, lessons, and actiities about the science an technology of World War II. You can use this site to to provide your students the opportunity to broaden their understanding of WWII history.
mathematics support for students - mathcentre
web support estudiants de matematiques
This is a UK-based site with leaflets and booklets to download, revision exercises with answers, maths video tutorials, and other resources, for students needing maths help in Bioscience, Business, Economics, Engineering, Heath Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Mathematics and Statistics.
We are a group of people who run university maths support centres, who teach maths, and who design new media products for learning. We come from the Universities of Loughborough, Leeds and Coventry, from the Educational Broadcasting Services Trust, and from UK Learning and Teaching Support Networks. We have setup mathcentre to deliver mathematics support materials, free of charge, to students, teachers, lecturers and everyone looking for post-16 maths help. mathcentre gives you the opportunity to study important areas of pre-university mathematics, which you may have studied before or may be new to you - the maths you know you'll need for your course.
Smithsonian Education - Podcasting with Your Students
Presents podcasting as inquiry-based, learner-centerd education
A Thin Line :
Do you have digital drama? Take our quiz to find out whether you're asleep at the keyboard, on top of your game, or even creating drama for others.
MIT Photography Courses Online
Understanding Students Who Were 'Born Digital' :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
It would also help if institutions stopped relying on old, useless systems. ::coughwebctcoughgroupwisecough::
Inside Higher Ed article looking at the subject of the digital native. The student who is "born digital" and technologically engaging these students in the classroom.
Wikispaces Blog » Blog Archive » Best Educational Wikis of 2009
This is a link to the best educational Wikis of 2009.
Lists a number of award winning educational wikis plus also has tips and tricks on getting the best out of your Wikispaces wiki.
Best educational wikis 2009
The best educational wikis of 2009 from Wikispaces.
Group Interview: Expert Advice For Students and Young Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
Our readers have requested that Smashing Magazine conduct an interview with industry leaders on issues that are relevant to students and those just starting off in...
your portfolio. Do free websites for your mates’ bands or your Mum’s friend’s wool shop. It might not be glamorous work, but doing as much as you can builds up your portfolio, and you’ll learn loads on every project. When I left university and got my first job, my portfolio was made up almost entirely of stuff I’d done on an extracurricular basis, not really the course work itself. But also don’t forget that it’s about quality, not quantity, and a good portfolio strikes a balance between variety (showing that you’re versatile) and continuity (showing that you have your own identity as a designer).
Student Online Publishing
Resource for various online publishing websites
Links for students to publish their writing online
Digital Storytelling Teacher Guide
500 Internal Server Error
Inspiration Software, Inc.
Your school has to have the software Kidspiration
web site on different sites for children and activities.
graphic organizers
Make graphic organizers
Software application from Inspiration that provides a webbing tool with reading capabilities.
100 Free Open Courseware Classes About Open Source Everything
Making Stopmotion Movies
Salisbury University - A Maryland University of National Distinction
School related information found here.
Salisbury University's Homepage
School Website
Salisbury's main page
9 Tactics for Rapid Learning (That Most People Have Never Heard Of) « Scott H Young
The Mariana Trench To Scale [Pic] | I Am Bored
Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really fucking deep.
Learning Styles - Learning Effectively by Understanding Your Learning Preferences
Learning Styles
Learn Effectively by Understanding Your Learning Preferences
How I Was Able to Ace Exams Without Studying | Zen Habits
Zen Habits
Background Briefing - 29 March 2009 - MBA: Mostly bloody awful
Something happened to management culture decades ago and now being a Master of Business Administration, especially from Harvard, is rather on the nose. MBA, it's being said, can also stand for 'Mediocre but Arrogant', or 'Management by Accident'. Reporter, Stephen Crittenden.
" makes shipping so fast and easy, even an MBA can do it " (sweet ad) - education shaping culture, heritages squandered - Transcript of Henry Mintzberg, Phillip Delves Broughton, Russell Ackoff, Rakesh Khurana, Will Hooper et al on MBA's, admittance, arrogance, attitudes, best-and-brightest, compensation, elites, quantity over quality, risk averse people taking risks, syndromes, Taylorism and scientism, professions (over practices) - "educating for hubris" - Warren Buffet turned down by HBS, unlike Dubya who "was certainly decisive, let alone divisive, and he was decisive in utter ignorance. The case study method does that" - Leadership? "That's a disease in the United States. Everything is going to be cured by leadership. Look, every time you talk leadership, you're talking followership" - failed models, over-confidence that we have the right-answer - fast tracks (when there is no short cut), credentials over merit
The failure of business schools.
100 Video Sites Every Educator Should Bookmark |
lecture video sites
Svær link-liste til masse video som både kan brukes nyttig, semi-nyttig og totalt unyttig! ;-)
10 Technology Enhanced Alternatives to Book Reports -
This site has tips on how to make book reports more fun for students.
How to make a Voicethread - home
Wiki with tutorials on how to make a voicethread and different educational examples
TED: Eat, Pray, Love Author on How We Kill Geniuses | Epicenter from
ABCya! Word Clouds
Saves to JPEG
Word Clouds R-5
Bjarne Stroustrup on Educating Software Developers
other essential aspect was the range o
Class sessions — Open Yale Courses
Video lectures. There is one thing I can be sure of: I am going to die. But what am I to make of that fact?
Audio, video, and course materials.
PHIL 176: Death
Yele lections
SocratED - Startup 3.0: How to Build a Better Web Startup Course
Excelente curso para starup 3.0
Free Certificates -
Important Message MyAwardMaker is now Certificate Street! Same free certificates but with a brand new name. Dear Friends, As you might have noticed, "MyAwardMaker" is now "Certificate Street." Please know that nothing else has changed and we're still the same website, just with a different name. Please be sure to update your bookmarks and let your friends know too! Printing out award certificates has never been easier! Just download, fill out & print. 100% Free. No registration required!
Nice group of certificate/award templates for free download!
Certificate Street, formerly My Award Maker, provides an abundance of free templates for creating award certificates. There are six categories of awards templates offered on Certificate Street; Sports, School, Special Occasion, Business, Blank, and Relationships. Certificate Street also offers a gallery of newsletter templates. All the templates are available as free editable PDFs.
Free templates for certificates.
I've seen teachers printing certificates from other poorly made sites. Here's one to consider.
Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano in Education & Language
Suggested by TCEA Tweet
guide was written especially for educators, who want to teach 21st century skills, such as collaborating, communicating, and connecting, through digital storytelling
This guide was written especially for educators, who want to teach 21st century skills, such as collaborating, communicating, and connecting, through digital storytelling
YouTube Blog
Youtube is also testing an option that gives video owners the ability to permit downloading of their videos from YouTube. Partners could choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout. In an effort to promote the sharing of information, we are testing free downloads of YouTube videos from Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV (broadcasting programs from throughout the UC system). YouTube users who are traveling or teachers who want to show these videos in classrooms with limited or no connectivity should find this particularly useful.
Date YouTube adopted CC
Announcement from YouTube about the "Download Video" link now available on select videos in the public domain or with Creative Commons Licenses. First of the groups do do this was Obama's organization that posted all his transition speeches on YouTube. Announcement also includes links to several universities who are posting lectures and other videos for download.
勉強会に否定的な上司の横っ面を札束でぶっ叩くための助成金案内 | Kousyoublog
How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement
How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement
Pre-Grade Your Paper: Free Online Grammar Checker and More | a.k.a. Paper Grader
a website that you can check your spelling and grammar.
check for plagiarism
Kid Safe Search Sites
Knowledge Innovation For Technology In Education
creating databases
Very off topic: Why I won't be at my high school reunion : Good Math, Bad Math
Now it's twenty five years since I got out of that miserable fucking hell-hole. And people from my high school class are suddenly getting in touch, sending me email, trying to friend me on Facebook, and trying to convince me to bring my family to the reunion. (It's a picnic reunion, full family invited.) Even some of the people who used to beat the crap out of me on a regular basis are getting in touch as if we're old friends. My reaction to them... What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why would you think that I would want to have anything to do with you? How do you have the chutzpah to act as if we're old friends? How dare you? I see the RSVP list that one of you sent me, and I literally feel nauseous just remembering your names.
Very off topic: Why I won't be at my high school reunion
The Kidlink Project
Comunitat educativa virtual gratuïta i sense publicitat per a treballar col·laborativament amb altres professors i alumnes de tot el món. Entorn segur, projectes en diferents idiomes, ...
Project Site
kids drawing interaction
Student Interactives - ReadWriteThink
All sorts of cool activities with words - postcards, build a comic, and lots of other games
This website allows kids to learn aout reading and writing. It has a variety of links on it's dite. Each link is a bit different. They are all interactive tools, though.
Graphic organizers and resources for teaching language arts
Pre-Grade Your Paper
controllo dello stile
Pre-Grade Your Paper
School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Boing Boing
The laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all students issued with these machines.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all students issued with these machines. If true, these allegations are about as creepy as they come. I don't know about you, but I often have the laptop in the room while I'm getting dressed, having private discussions with my family, and so on. The idea that a school district would not only spy on its students' clickstreams and emails (bad enough), but also use these machines as AV bugs is purely horrifying.
School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Boing Boing
if you borrow a laptop from your school or government, double check they're not spying on you. Scary post from Boing Boing about how one school in Philadelphia has been turning on the students' web cameras remotely to monitor "student behaviour". via stephen downes.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. Creepy!
See also /. discussion
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BigBlueButton is an open source video conferencing application which is specifically built for remote learning but can be used for standard meetings as well. The application enables multiple users to login & share their webcam or communicate via VOIP at the same time. It is a very ideal application for presentations as users can upload PDF or office documents & keep everyone in sync with their current page, zoom, pan, mouse pointer etc.
Open source web conferencing software.
BigBlueButton is an open source project that is built on over fourteen open source components to create an integrated web conferencing system that runs on mac, unix, or PC computers.
100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists | Rated Colleges
important research document
Rated Colleges Top Rated Online Colleges and Universities 100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists Posted By Site Administrator You don’t have to be a professional economist to do some really great research on the web. Whether you’re looking into historical trends, modern buying patterns or the latest stats on the global financial market you won’t find any shortage of information to keep you interested. Here are 100 great resources to utilize that can help you find, organize and understand your economic research. General Tools These tools offer some great general research material, help getting it all organized and some essential search capabilities. Internet Resources for Economists: This extensive list will direct you towards journals, economic research institutions, software and more that can be helpful in your search for information. American Economic Association: Here you’ll find a wealth of resources including journals, papers and links to members who may be able to he
Nasdaq Day Trading Simulator - Practice Makes Perfect -
Cool tool to practice what day trading is like before you actually do it and bankrupt yourself!
The Worlds First Web Based Day Trading Simulator. Practice trading US equities with our stock trading simulator tool. Become a master day trader before you committ your capital
Op-Ed Contributor - End the University as We Know It -
The dirty secret of higher education is that without underpaid graduate students to help in laboratories and with teaching, universities couldn’t conduct research or even instruct their growing undergraduate populations. That’s one of the main reasons we still encourage people to enroll in doctoral programs. It is simply cheaper to provide graduate students with modest stipends and adjuncts with as little as $5,000 a course — with no benefits — than it is to hire full-time professors. In other words, young people enroll in graduate programs, work hard for subsistence pay and assume huge debt burdens, all because of the illusory promise of faculty appointments. But their economical presence, coupled with the intransigence of tenure, ensures that there will always be too many candidates for too few openings.
Our graduate system has been in crisis for decades, and the seeds of this crisis go as far back as the formation of modern universities. Kant wrote that universities should “handle the entire content of learning by mass production, so to speak, by a division of labor, so that for every branch of the sciences there would be a public teacher or professor appointed as its trustee.” Unfortunately this mass-production university model has led to separation where there ought to be collaboration and to ever-increasing specialization.
Research and publication has become more and more about less and less. Each academic becomes the trustee not of a branch of the sciences, but of limited knowledge that all too often is irrelevant for genuinely important problems. The emphasis on narrow scholarship also encourages faculty members to cultivate those students whose futures they envision as identical to their own pasts, even though their tenures will stand in the way of these students having futures as full professors.
Building a Better Teacher -
This is awzzzzom
Lemov himself pushed for data-driven programs that would diagnose individual students’ strengths and weaknesses. But as he went from school to school that winter, he was getting the sinking feeling that there was something deeper he wasn’t reaching. On that particular day, he made a depressing visit to a school in Syracuse, N.Y., that was like so many he’d seen before: “a dispiriting exercise in good people failing,” as he described it to me recently. Sometimes Lemov could diagnose problems as soon as he walked in the door. But not here. Student test scores had dipped so low that administrators worried the state might close down the school. But the teachers seemed to care about their students.
There are more than three million teachers in the United States, and Doug Lemov is trying to prove that he can teach them to be better.
Top 50 Education Technology Blogs
How to Give a Presentation Part I: It's Not About You | Psychology Today
Headmagnet | Get stuff in your head and keep it there!
Headmagnet creates a model of what's going on in your head. It predicts what memories have faded away, and what memories are still inside, allowing you to quickly get things in your head and keep them there. The more you use headmagnet, the better it gets at modeling what goes on in your head.
Know that you know. Create smart online flash cards that predict when you'll forget.
As you study your flashcards Headmagnet tracks the flashcard items you know or don't know. Those statistics are then used to predict how long and how often you will remember an item from a flashcard. Headmagnet provides three ways to study your flashcards; slideshow, self test, or normal test. In the slideshow you simply click through to see questions and answers on the same page. In self test you see one side of a flashcard then the other at your own pace. In the normal test the question side of your flashcards are shown and you have to type your answer.
online flashcards
Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory | Video on
Using examples from vacations to colonoscopies, Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our "experiencing selves" and our "remembering selves" perceive happiness differently. This new insight has profound implications for economics, public policy -- and our own self-awareness.
Fascinating discussion of happiness from a behavioral economics standpoint; hold on for the Q&A session afterwards, which is also interesting
Using examples from vacations to colonoscopies, Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our "experiencing selves" and our "remembering selves" perceive happiness differently
Vidéo TED : La mémoire et l'expérience par Ted Kahneman, Nobel d'Economie
"We think of our future as anticipated memories." Read about this talk on Bobulate.
TED Talks Using examples from vacations to colonoscopies, Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our "experiencing selves" and our "remembering selves" perceive happiness differently. This new insight has profound implications for economics, public policy -- and our own self-awareness.
WildCam Africa, Live Streaming Video, Botswana, Wildlife, Animals ...
National Geographic SEARCH * Subscriptions * Shop * Mobile VideoTravel & CulturesSciencePhotographyMusicMapsKidsHistoryEnvironmentGamesGreen GuideDaily NewsAnimalsHome
Live Streaming Video, Botswana, Wildlife, Animals -- National Geographic
Science for Animals.
Watch real footage of a watering hole in Africa.
100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars | Online Universities
Undergraduates and grad students alike will appreciate the usefulness of these search engines that allow them to find books, journal articles and even primary source material for whatever kind of research they’re working on and that return only serious, academic results so time isn’t wasted on unprofessional resources.
Gustavo Dudamel leads El Sistema's top youth orchestra | Video on
A couple of amazing performances by a Venezuelan youth orchestra. Something about it made me tear up a bit.
Create your own aMap | aMap
Great for critical thinking.
Página que permite crear mapas conceptuales colaborativos, iniciando una argumentación que otros visitantes pueden ir completando. Proporciona el código "embed" para insertar en tu blog y que otros usuarios lo vayan completando en el mismo espacio
Dark Roasted Blend: Medieval Suits of Armor
Sugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
OLPC OS for your USB drive.
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project (still in Beta) gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.
Teach Philosophy 101 > Home
"This site presents strategies and resources for faculty members and graduate assistants who are teaching Introduction to Philosophy courses; it also includes material of interest to college faculty generally. The mission of TΦ101 is to provide free, user-friendly resources to the academic community."
My Website
Skill activities links list. Sorted by skill.
This website provides links to interactive websites where students can go to work on their math skills. You can pick from topics like money, addition, and measurements.
Official Google Docs Blog: For Beginners: 3 Getting Started Guides
google docs for beginners
Google has provided some online guides for getting started with Google Docs.
Google docs getting started guides
Interactive Teaching & Learning
Salisbury University - Department of Teacher Education
Forget Facebook: 50 Social Sites for the Serious Student and Job Seeker - Career Overview
Forget Facebook: 50 Social Sites for the Serious Student and Job Seeker
Adobe - ColdFusion 8: Introduction and Advanced Development
The project-based introductory and advanced curriculums for Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 are designed to teach experienced web developers how to create dynamic, database-driven web applications using ColdFusion 8 software. Introduction to ColdFusion 8 This course covers the basics of ColdFusion and focuses on best practices and design, while stressing the importance of usability, optimization, and performance. Advanced ColdFusion 8 Development This course is designed to teach you how to take full advantage of ColdFusion 8 while building web applications. The course focuses on best practices and design, stressing the importance of usability, code reuse, performance, and scalability. Adobe ColdFusion 8 for Education free licensing Adobe ColdFusion 8 for Education is available free to educational customers to use for learning purposes only and not for production purposes. This includes all qualified students, faculty, and staff of eligible education institutions. Learn more
2009-07-01 - 日々是魚を蹴る
父が仕事で東京に出てきたので呑みに行った。父は教育畑の人で、あと1年少しで定年を迎える。ここ何年か県の教育庁で仕事をしていたが、今年度からはまた学校に転属になった。  その席で聞かせてくれた話がいろいろ面白かったので忘れないうちに書いておこうと思う。  父曰く……
Japanese self-thinker. A rare-find.
Scientific Journal to Authors: Publish in Wikipedia or Perish - ReadWriteWeb
Every day, hundreds of articles appear in academic journals and very little of this information is available to the public. Now, RNA Biology has decided to ask every author who submits an article to a newly created section of the journal about families of RNA molecules to also submit a Wikipedia page that summarizes the work. As Nature reports, this is the first time an academic journal has forced its authors to disseminate information this way. The initiative is a collaboration between the journal and the RNA family database (Rfam) consortium led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
Scientific Journal to Authors: Publish in Wikipedia or Perish
Every day, hundreds of articles appear in academic journals and very little of this information is available to the public. Now, RNA Biology has decided to ask every author who submits an article to a newly created section of the journal about families of RNA molecules to also submit a Wikipedia page that summarizes the work. As Nature reports, this is the first time an academic journal has forced its authors to disseminate information this way. The initiative is a collaboration between the journal and the RNA family database (Rfam) consortium led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
Mathematics Books | Math-Blog
the best math books for the subject at hand
Mathematics is wonderful!
Uncommon Schools
The Taxonomy of Effective Teaching Practices, described in the book Teach Like a Champion, is a collection of instructional techniques gleaned from years of observations of outstanding teachers in some of the highest-performing urban classrooms in the country. Developed by Uncommon Schools Managing Director Doug Lemov and Uncommon teachers, this set of specific and concrete actions, paired with a library of over 700 video clips of highly-effective teachers in action, has provided teachers nationwide with actionable tools to drive greater student achievement and a shared language to discuss and support teacher effectiveness.
At Mathalicious, our mission is to help transform the way math is taught by providing you with the best, most meaningful and most relevant math content available.  Our lessons are aligned to traditional state standards.  Unlike most math resources, though, our content emphasizes both conceptual understanding and real-world application.
website with links to myriad lesson plans to make math relevant
Answers the questions - "What does this mean?" and "when will I use this?"
Magazine Preview - Building a Better Teacher -
Needed to have a nap but read that article about "building a teacher" instead. Long yet int'resting !
The quest for the special elements that make great teachers great and how to give that to everyone else.
behaviors of successful teaching
Music - Interactive Sites for Smartboard Use – Grades K - 5 - Oak Street Elementary School - Plattsburgh City School District
Music web site with multiple resources. Reindeer noses!
Discovery - On Board The Titanic
Virtual tour of Titanic
Discovery Channel's Titanic site
take an interactive ride on the titanic.
Glitzy views of the ideas, feelings, and concerns of five passengers on the ill-fated Titanic
This virtual field trip allows students to explore the lives of people aboard the Titanic. To take the trip, students start by selecting one of five characters. Students will spend four or five virtual days learning about the ship and their selected character. On the night of April 15, 1912 they learn who their person is and if they survived. A great tool to teach students about the Titanic and 20th century history.
Google Earth for Educators: 50 Exciting Ideas for the Classroom | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Lesson Plans for K-12
UNIR: Universidad a Distancia. Grados, Postgrados y Masters online
Cátalogo de Recursos Didácticos de la web 2.0
Enlaces a herramientas clasificadas.
Merit Scholarships - Merit Awards - College and University Admissions - Merit Aid - Merit Aid - Search
search scholarships by college or other criteria
Search merit aid scholarships from schools near you, plus thousands of other schools at
Accessible search engine for college-bound seniors looking for financial aid opportunities.
Beacon Learning Center
Lesson Plans
Free Stuff - Educational Technology - ICT in Education
87 projects. 10 further resources. 52 applications. 94 contributors. The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. What were the learning outcomes? And did I mention that this is free?!
the site for leaders and managers of educational ICT
Roaring 20s and Great Depression
Many Links
Showcase of Academic and Higher Education Websites - Smashing Magazine
some very pretty websites
College and university websites have a lot of roles to fill. They need to provide information for prospective students (both new and transfer), parents of students
College and university websites have a lot of roles to fill. They need to provide information for prospective students (both new and transfer), parents of students and prospective students, current students, and alumni. In many cases, they’re also the gateway to the school’s intranet and the public face for both academics and athletics. They often need to include reams of information in a way that makes everything easy to find. It’s a huge challenge. And the truth is: most college and university websites are horribly designed. Either they look like they were designed fifteen years ago and then forgotten about, or they’re so overloaded with information that it’s almost impossible to find what you’re looking for. But not every college or university website is horrible. There are some excellent sites out there, and below are some of them. If you know others, please share them in the comments to this post!
Story Starters for Grades 1-4 |
Helps students think of cool fun new story subjects
MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lecture 16: Greedy Algorithms - good coders code, great reuse
This is the eleventh post in an article series about MIT's lecture course Introduction to Algorithms. In this post I ...
How To Get Through A Semester With Your iPhone : iSmashPhone
Sure, the semester is coming to a close, and you are probably in the midst of finals week. You are probably thinking, well, why would I read this article now? Statistically speaking, most students do not do nearly as well as they planned in a semester. Finals, being the last chance at improvement, typically only make things worse. So unless you are a young Feynman, you are probably thinking about what you did wrong, and how you can improve. While the real key to improvement lies in your approach to studying, technology must not be neglected as a means of assistance. The iPhone, your most portable computer, is an unbelievably helpful tool when it comes to educational organization, studying, note taking, staying connected, data reference, and more.
How To Get Through A Semester With Your iPhone : iSmashPhone [from]
haha, interesting article. too bad I'm already done with school. maybe I can do this in grad school.
How to use Twitter for Social Learning - Social Media In Learning
How to use Twitter for Social Learning
I had a number of requests to separate out my Guide to 140 Learning into how to use the different tools (Twitter, Facebook and Google Buzz), so my How to use Twitter for Social Learning is now available HERE at the C4LPT website. . However, I have reproduced the contents list below. About this Guide GETTING STARTED Getting started with Twitter Accessing and using Twitter THE BASICS Building Community Communicating with others Sharing links and resources Keeping up to date Problem solving Serendipitous learning Presentations, Events, Classes & Training Using the backchannel at an event Incorporating the backchannel in a...
Get Into the Rhythm: 50 Open Courseware Collections for Musicians |
Cursos de música de graça
Finding a place to take free classes can be a bonus for musicians struggling to pay the rent. The following open courseware collections include classes, entire courses, and lessons that are sure to please the musician in you. Select from college courses from some of the top-ranked universities, educational open courseware collections, music schools, and even podcasts and webcasts.
Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world | Video on
Die Welt Verbessern durch Spiele. Interessante Idee, muss ich mir aber beizeiten mal ansehen.
Programming Languages - Google Code University - Google Code
Teach Computer Science without a computer! | Computer Science Unplugged
<<Computer Science Unplugged is a series of learning activities that reveals a little-known secret: computer science isn't really about computers at all! Unplugged teaches principles of computer science such as binary numbers, algorithms and data compression through games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. Unplugged is suitable for people of all ages, from elementary school to university, and from many countries and backgrounds. >> See the PDF of all activities that teachers can download....
ongoing · The Web Curriculum
Suggested by arun
[Found via Coast to Coast Bio] Tim Bray outlines a new CS curriculum that re-focuses on the web as a platform (rather than an individual computer). Under this training, CS students would graduate prepared for the modern challenges of working with big data.
The World Wide Web as a framework for structuring much of the academic Computer Science curriculum.
Viewing the World Wide Web as a framework for structuring part of the academic Computer Science (and Computer Engineering, perhaps) curriculum. Includes a link to "The first few milliseconds of a HTTPS connection" which should be as fascinating as a read. » Blog Archive » 14 websites to make you a more intelligent person
Signed Stories Home Page - ITV Signed Stories
need to ask for videos to be opened for teachers on district...
I've seen Signed Stories bouncing around the blogosphere and Twittersphere for a few weeks now, but only recently have I had time to explore it. Signed Stories is a provider of free videos featuring children's stories accompanied by subtitles and sign language. All of the stories feature someone signing the story (in British Sign Language). In addition to sign language many of the stories also offer subtitles. The videos on Signed Stories are organized into seven themes. With the exception of the Baby and Toddler section the stories are not categorized by age. Although every video is free, because many of the stories and images are copyrighted, Signed Stories videos cannot be downloaded or embedded into other sites
Free videos featuring children's stories with subtitles and signed in British Sign Language.
a provider of free videos featuring children's stories accompanied by subtitles and sign language. All of the stories feature someone signing the story (in British Sign Language). In addition to sign language many of the stories also offer subtitles. The videos on Signed Stories are organized into seven themes. With the exception of the Baby and Toddler section the stories are not categorized by age. Although every video is free, because many of the stories and images are copyrighted, Signed Stories videos cannot be downloaded or embedded into other sites
The Story of Bottled Water
Let me just say this: any New Yorker that drinks bottled water is a fucking disgrace.
Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds | Video on
"I get satisfaction out of seeing stuff that makes real change in the real world. We need a lot more of that and a lot less abstract stuff."
TED Talks Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.
Temple Grandin's remarkable TED talk just posted (must see): – Michael Shermer (michaelshermer)
an autistic lady talks about her expereinces
Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project
Nightline Face-Off - ABC News
All my friends and family, please watch this whole program. I would very much appreciate it. It will take some time, but worth it.
The Nightline Face-Off tackles hot topics and debates issues like the existence of God, Satan and the influence of porn in the U.S., and adultery.
100 Most Educational iPhone Apps |
I think I'll have to promote this to the kids - so many of them have iPhones or iPod touches.
US Democrazy
created by Kevin "KAL" Kallaugher @ UMBC with students.
Kal's site on crazy politics
Research Tools
Teaching information access skills cannot be done in a vacuum. It must relate to the learning environment by actively engaging students to gather and process information in a meaningful way. The Big6 and WebQuest are two frameworks you can use in research. In addition, students need to know whether or not the information is reliable, how to cite resources, and understand copyright. The following guides and activities are designed to help teachers and students examine Websites and their content.
Blog the Web | Teach the Web
Leslie Jensen-Inman
Jeffrey Brown
lots of resources. wow.
Neoliberalism and Higher Education - Stanley Fish Blog -
What is neoliberalism, and what's it done to our universities?
Short-term transactions-for-profit replace long-term planning designed to produce a more just and equitable society. Everyone is always running around doing and acquiring things, but the things done and acquired provide only momentary and empty pleasures (shopping, trophy houses, designer clothing and jewelry), which in the end amount to nothing. Neoliberalism, David Harvey explains, delivers a “world of pseudo-satisfactions that is superficially exciting but hollow at its core.” (”A Brief History of Neoliberalism.”)
a good description of commodity-based thinking
As Ronald Coase put it in his classic article, “The Problem of Social Cost” (Journal of Law and Economics, 1960): “The question to be decided is: is the value of the fish lost greater or less than the value of the product which the contamination of the stream makes possible?” If the answer is more value would be lost if my factory were closed, then the principle of the maximization of wealth and efficiency directs us to a negotiated solution: you allow my factory to continue to pollute your stream and I will compensate you or underwrite the costs of your moving the stream elsewhere on your property, provided of course that the price I pay for the right to pollute is not greater than the value produced by my being permitted to continue.
Well defined article analyzing the disjointed humanism taught at institutes of higher education. NeoLiberalism.
Ning Exposed - Tech Company Ning Scams its Clients | Charting Stocks
Clients of Ning are outraged [Link disabled by Ning] over a decision that Ning made public last week. The software maker sent out an email to all of its clients, those who have created a social network on Ning, stating that they would email all members of all websites who use the Ning software to promote the newly designed
deviantART: Bobbie-the-Jean's Journal: 50 Reasons I Reject Evolution
Bobbie-the-Jean's Journal deviantART:
19.) Because I don’t understand why, if we share common ancestry with chimps, there are still chimps. And when someone with more than three brain cells in their head inevitably replies: “for the same reason Americans share common ancestry with Brits but there are still Brits, I can’t follow the logic. It’s just too big a leap. Who am I, Evil Knievel? 20.) Because my mom dropped me on my head when I was a baby. 21.) Multiple times. 22.) On purpose.
Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told | LiveScience
"If you just repeat something again and again that requires your young child to prepare for something in advance, that is not likely to be effective," Munakata said. "What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."
Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use.
Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use, a new study finds."What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."
Данный сайт адресован преподавателям, аспирантам, студентам и энтузиастам, преподающим и изучающим современные информационные технологии. Здесь размещены учебные курсы, разработанные в университетах и учебных центрах, использующих технологии Microsoft в своем учебном процессе. Представленные материалы могут быть использованы как для самостоятельного изучения, так и для постановки и внедрения собственных курсов в рамках Microsoft Curriculum License Agreement (EN). Допустимо только некоммерческое использование представленных курсов. При использовании материалов сайта ссылка на авторов обязательна.
Библиотека учебных курсов
Stepping on Toes: The Delicate Art of Talking to Faculty about Questionable Assignments | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
how librarians can suggest to teachers that students not have scavenger hunt assignments in the library, especially ones that disallow online database articles
librarians talking about how to talk to help faculty write better assignments
Excellent post about talking to faculty about problem assignments, including my personal favorite: "You can't use any online or Web-based sources."
YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See Part 1 of 8
ISEL - Język angielski
How to learn English
Strona poświęcona nauce języka angielskiego.
/ :: The Periodic Table of Periodic Tables /
Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » Participatory Media Literacy: Why it matters
Media literacy, Michael Wesch
Dr Michael Wesch at Kansas State University (history of 2.0)
"If print culture shaped the environment in which the Enlightenment blossomed and set the scene for the Industrial Revolution, participatory media might similarly shape the cognitive and social environments in which twenty first century life will take place (a shift in the way our culture operates)."
so, digital literacy is a literacy of using text (incl. visuals) for creating and nurturing dynamic fields and chain reactions of participation "Ultimately, participatory media literacy is as much about a literacy of *participation* as it is a literacy of media.
schools | Common Sense Media
The Common Sense Schools Parent and Teacher Media Education Program is a FREE program that: • Gives parents and educators positive, practical information about 21st century issues: cyberbullying, social networking, video games, online safety and more • Provides flexible, action-oriented online, print and video materials organized by grade level • Offers content that complements schools' E-Rate efforts • Is easy to implement and enhances your existing parental involvement and technology strategies
"21st century issues: cyberbullying, social networking, video games, online safety and more. Provides flexible, action-oriented online, print and video materials organized by grade level."
Common Sense Schools Parent and Teacher Media Education Program. Free program that provides positive, practical information about 21st century issues: cyberbullying, social networking, video games, online safety and more
Program for media safety and responsibilities for students - covers areas of digital citizenship. Website reviews tv, books, games, movies, music and websites - great resource for parents and teachers.
Free programme for digital safety for schools, have partnered with Google. Looks quite good.
The Future of Reading - In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update - Series -
Titled "The Future of Reading" this article is not pertinent to our future, but to our now. Many of the ideas that this librarian incorporates into her multimedia lessons are only a start in terms of what we owe our students.
The changing role of the school librarian as educator in how to access, process and analyse information.
The Future of Reading In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update By MOTOKO RICH Published: February 16, 2009 School librarians are increasingly teaching digital skills, but they often become the first casualties of budget crunches.
NY Times article on School Librarians featuring NYC SLMS Stephanie Rosalia.
Stephanie Rice on "the future ofreading: in web age, library job gets update" Stephanie Rosaila
This is the third in a series of articles looking at how the Internet and other technologies are changing the way people read. Previous articles examined the debate over the value of reading on the Internet versus reading in print and how educators are using video games as bait to lure children to read.
In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update
Newt Gingrich: Let's End Adolescence - BusinessWeek
«It's time to declare the end of adolescence. As a social institution, it's been a failure. The proof is all around us: 19% of eighth graders, 36% of tenth graders, and 47% of twelfth graders say they have used illegal drugs, according to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of Michigan. One of every four girls has a sexually transmitted disease, suggests a recent study for the Centers for Disease Control. A methamphetamine epidemic among the young is destroying lives, families, and communities. And American students are learning at a frighteningly slower rate than Chinese and Indian students.»
"Adolescence was invented in the 19th century to enable middle-class families to keep their children out of sweatshops. But it has degenerated into a process of enforced boredom and age segregation that has produced one of the most destructive social arrangements in human history: consigning 13-year-old males to learning from 15-year-old males." Good point.
an graduate a year early get the 12th year's cost of schooling as an automatic scholarship to any college or technical school they want to a
The Future of Reading - In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update - Series -
School librarians still fight the impression that they play a tangential role. Ms. Rosalia frequently has her lessons canceled at the last minute as classroom teachers scramble to fit in more standardized test preparation. Half a fifth-grade class left in the middle of a recent session on Web site evaluation because the children were performing in a talent show.
Recommend Skip to article * Get Home Delivery * Log In * Register Now * TimesPeople
The Digital Librarian This is the third in a series of articles looking at how the Internet and other technologies are changing the way people read.
In web age, library job gets update - article/video on librarian, Stephanie Roasalia
Good article for students in LIS 406
Future of librarianship
An article examining the changing role of the librarian in supporting digital literacy
News & Culture | Barack Obama and the Post-Stupid Universe
I never did suspend Max. He became one of my best students, and is now studying to be a pharmacist at UC Davis. Soon, he'll be dosing people for a living. Funny how life turns out that way.
good read~
Black Hawk College
College Web site
My blackhawk
College website to help maintain knowledge of grades, homework, & college announcement
School grades, finacial aid information, email teachers
Access to myBlackhawk.
college information site. way to keep up to date with school work
American Mensa | Top 50
American Mensa's “Top 50” Web Sites 2010
DET Portal Login
Andre is cool
Placefy - fun geography game, twitter game, travel game.
A geography game that uses pictures as questions.
Fun site!!! I could play this site all night long.
Placefy is a fun and challenging geography game that uses pictures as questions. Placefy presents players with an image of a city square, buildings, and other famous landmarks. Players then have to choose the correct answer from four answer choices. Playing the game is simple, but the images as questions make it a challenging game.
Finally, A Practical Use for Second Life - ReadWriteWeb
e benefits to working with data in this way don't really need to be touted too much - many businesses already perform data visualization, often using expensive software and powerful computers to do so. What makes what Green Phosphor does so interesting is not that they've come up with a way to visualize data - it's that they've come up with a way to leverage the platforms of virtual worlds to do so.
Second Life and real world data coming together
100 Tips and Tools for Managing Your Personal Library | PhD American History Online
PhD American History Online
Librarything volledig naar je hand zetten...
Elementary Mathematics
List of ideas for grades 1-6 on math.
worksheets and activities from kindy to year 6
A large range of lessons which are divided clearly into grades. The lesson are easy to read and are able to prepare a teacher for the lesson.
This website focuses on the content strand geometry. It has a list of lessons and activities ranging from grade 1 to 5 which teachers could use to support the learning of geometry.
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming | MIT Video Course
Free Technology for Teachers: Free 33 Page Guide - Google for Teachers
publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools. Accessible from YuDu or DocStoc.
This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools
This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools.
Interactive Physics - Home
Arizona K-12 Center 2009
Arizona K-12 Center Website for Teacher Professional Development
Technology ideas
Lots of good tech info
creativeLIVE - A Live Worldwide Creative Classroom
ldwide creative classroom
recorded classes not free
MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.189 Multicore Programming Primer, January (IAP) 2007 | Lecture Notes and Video
Board800 : Flex / Flash / Red5 based Interactive Whiteboard
Board800 es una nueva herramienta que permite a varios usuarios compartir un mismo panel de dibujo por Internet. Puede utilizarse para fines educativos, por ejemplo, ya que al fin y al cabo no deja de ser una pizarra en la que todos pueden ver el contenido al mismo tiempo que se publica.
Interactive multi-user (shared) whiteboard application.
数学ビデオ「Dimensions」をニコニコ動画にアップしました(and also BitTorrent) - MediaLab Love
Amphitheater School District Home Page
This is the link to my district homepage.
This is the link to my district homepage
This is the link to my district home page.
This is a link to the district home page
This is my district's homepage.
district home
Link to district home page
district homepage Professor makes his mark, but it costs him his job
On the first day of his fourth-year physics class, University of Ottawa professor Denis Rancourt announced to his students that he had already decided their marks: Everybody was getting an A+.
very interesting. top marks for the courage to experiment. Geddit?! :)
I hate grading...
Google Apps For Education
great site full of resources to help you decide if google apps is right for your school
Cloud Computing through Google Docs.
RETOOLING THE CLASSROOM: NEW APPROACHES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Bridging the Gap Connecting education with how young people use digital technology in their personal lives
Maine Education - Learning Results Review - Parameters for Essential Instruction and Graduation Requirements
Maine Learning Results
Maine Department of Education Regulation
THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES – The knowledge and skills described in the Maine Department of Education Regulation 132 support Maine students in achieving the goals established in Maine’s Guiding Principles. The Guiding Principles state that each Maine student must leave school as: A clear and effective communicator; A self-directed and lifelong learner; A creative and practical problem solver; A responsible and involved citizen; and An integrative and informed thinker. For the complete detail of the Guiding Principles, click on one of these links:
MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lecture 3: Divide and Conquer - good coders code, great reuse
This is the second post in an article series about MIT's lecture course Introduction to Algorithms. I changed my mind ...
Top Ten Web 2.0 Must-See Videos that Superintendents & Other School and District Leaders Must See? | innovation3
v komentářích
Infovore » Learning to Think Like A Programmer
Should journalists learn to code?
What’s really important is to not understand how to do magical things with code, but to learn what magical things are possible, what the necessary inputs for that magic are, and who to ask to do it. Identify the repetitive tasks that computers are good at. Yes, they’re good at find-and-replace, but tools like regular expressions are even handier, and I’m amazed how few people understand that find-and-replace is the beginning, not the end, of text processing. (And yes, I’m aware that regex are a quick way to give yourself two problems.)
Useful advise to anyone looking to work with online tools. I can't write a computer program but my understanding of the fundamentals has helped me no end.
"It requires you to learn to translate intent into code, to know what’s possible, to know what’s easy and what’s hard, and to know what to do when third-party things you’re glueing together don’t work." "Computers are really good at processing regular data, and they are really, really good at repetitive tasks. Every time I watched someone in an office doing a repetitive, regular task I despaired, because that’s exactly the kind of thing we have computers for." "…nowadays, computers are a sort of primary source too. You’ve got to learn to interrogate them effectively - and quote them meaningfully - too." A sibling suggestion would be ‘Learn to explore inquisitively’. One of the reasons only 20% of an application’s functionality is used by the majority of users is that their major motivation when they start using an application is ‘How do I do [x] in [y]?’, as opposed ‘What [x]s can [y] do for me?’
What’s really important is to not understand how to do magical things with code, but to learn what magical things are possible, what the necessary inputs for that magic are, and who to ask to do it.
The more I talk to academics, the more I echo the following sentiment: "I remain convinced there’s an interesting book on “doing smart stuff with computers that isn’t quite programming but isn’t far off”, because let’s face it, most people deal with data all the time now, and have the ideal tool for working with it on their desks."
How to get Started with Project Based Learning by David Andrade
Project-based learning
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators -- Score
excellent resources for teachers
Support site for presentation
Didn't see this one, but looks interesting.
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators |
For students and teachers, the Google Docs collection provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
GoogleDocs at work
12 Great Free Video Tutorial Sites To Brush Up Your Tech Skills
There are many DIY websites that offer free video tutorials. And then there are those that impart online computer lessons via video instructions. The one apparent improvement that video instructions have over the text and graphic tutorials is that you have a view of what's actually been done on the screen. With text, it's easy to get lost in the language. So, if you like to learn about computers or if you just love an obscure geeky tip 'n trick, check out these twelve free video tutorial sites. It could be an education.
"12 Great Free Video Tutorial Sites To Brush Up Your Tech Skills"
Welcome to Grammaropolis
Grammaropolis is a fresh, fun, and exciting new way to learn about the parts of speech.
Grammar website for kids
Grammaropolis is a fun find that helps students learn the parts of speech. In Grammaropolis, all of the characters are a different part of speech. Students will “meet” Adverb, Linking Verb, Pronoun, Adjective, Preposition, Slang, Noun, Conjunction, Interjection, and Action Verb.
great grammar music video. simple explanations of parts of speech
Animated personified parts of speech with stories, songs, and games to help kids learn about grammar.
This is a great way to teach grammar to students in a way that they will never forget
Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids | Video on
TED Talks Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids&#039; big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups&#039; willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.
Being childish...being normal. --- Irresponsibility and irrational thinking Ann Frank, Ruby, Charley Simpson 100,000 lbs on a bike. World needs kids thinking. Why not to do things....everything were free and Eutopia. You must dream first Kids push the boundaries of possibilities Kids don't think about limitations. Kids do a lot of learning from adults - students should teach the teachers. If you don't trust them you place restrictions on them. Regimes becomes oppressive when they become fearful of keeping control Adults underestimates kids abilities Wrote 300 short stories To show you truly care you listen. Imperative to create opportunities for children to blow you away. "You must lend an ear today, because we are the leaders of tomorrow."
Video I can use for DEP; What adults can learn from kids
TED Talks Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.
State Board of Education: State Academic Standards
Access point to all the Pennsylvania State Board of Education's "State Academic Standards" -- scroll down to find PDF and MS-Word versions of the standards for "Environment & Ecology" and "Science & Technology"
State Standards used to make lesson plans
This is a link to the PA State Standards
50+ Free Open Courseware Classes for Social Media Mavens | Best Online Colleges
50+ Free Open Courseware Classes for Social Media Mavens
NHK高校講座 | ライブラリー | 世界史
2008年度に放送した「NHK高校講座」の再放送です。 全科目・全回を各1回、2008年10月から2009年9月までの期間放送します。
NHK高校講座 | ライブラリー | 世界史 NHK High School Seminar Library - World History - Videos and class notes (in Japanese)
What Everybody Ought To Know About Podcasting: Part I | The Edublogger
"What Everybody Ought To Know About Podcasting: Part I May 26th 2009 by Sue Waters in Working With Web 2.0 Tools - 56 Comments " Good explanation of podcasts in blogs.
Education World® The Educator's Best Friend
This is a resource I use for my major field, Early Childhood Education. This website is used by teachers to collaborate and discuss issues in the classroom. The website also provides lesson plans.
Education World®. The Educator's Best Friend. The surfing is over. Here you will find the best education links and original content the Net has to offer. Dozens of other features...
Shaping a Culture of Conversation: The Discussion Board and Beyond | Academic Commons
I have been using this technology since 1995 and for the first time have really realized what it is that I have been working toward. I have always used a descriptive rubric to evaluate participation in the DF and that has helped somewhat in creating a learning community. But, now with Gallagher's "tools", the 5 Eyes, the legs, the social voice, I can really help students participate to regularly create the kind of community that has from time to time evolved serendipitously. For me, the social versus the solo voice has been the biggest challenge, but with the languaging Gallagher has shared, I am enthusiastic about my ability to raise the level of meaningful discourse a notch or two! I teach in a graduate program in Nursing, and one of the areas of my teaching is Nursing Education.
" The answers to question 13 on survey 1, for instance, revealed--quite frighteningly, actually--that these students saw themselves as passive, solitary, joyless toilers in a middle world devoid of intellectual community. "
シャドウイングの始め方 - 鰤端末鉄野菜 Brittys Wake
Value EnglishのVOAコースをやろうと決めた
"聴く能力と話す能力の両方を訓練する方法のひとつが、「シャドウイング」shadowing である。きょうはそのやり方を紹介する。"
The Educator's Reference Desk: Resource Guides
The Educator's Reference Desk builds on over a quarter century of experience providing high-quality resources and services to the education community. From the Information Institute of Syracuse, the people who created AskERIC, the Gateway to Educational Materials, and the Virtual Reference Desk, the Educator's Reference Desk brings you the resources you have come to depend on. 2,000+ lesson plans, 3,000+ links to online education information, and 200+ question archive responses.
governmental (US) databases such as Ask Eric, which provide access to over 3000 educational resources (organized by category)
language arts
Some great online activities for practising grammar, punctuation and other language skills.
interactive for use from home or school
Great source for online games
Skills activities for the US 2nd grade.
Interactive compound words resources for 2nd grade language arts, compound words, combine two words, spelling, main idea, grammar, great small actiivities for all subjects
Internet resources to use in classroom instruction, developing project ideas, reinforcing specific subject matter areas both in the class and at home and even for online technology tutorials.
2nd grade Educational Site
Links to interactive games for grammar, phonics and reading.
Udemy - Academy of You, The Best Place To Teach and Learn Online
O melhor lugar para ensinar e aprender on-line
Udemy is a website that enables anyone to teach and learn online. Udemy tries to democratize online education by making it fast, easy and free to create online courses. Udemy is an open platform, so anyone can build an online course by posting videos, presentations, writing blog posts, or hosting live virtual classroom sessions.
- Find and Create Online Courses - Teach and Learn Online
Cool: The Complete Animated History of the Internet
The complete, comprehensive history of the Internet from 1957 to 2009, in just 8 minutes.
Using Psychology To Save You From Yourself : NPR
A story done on behavior economics and it's acceptance in the Obama administration.
RT @GuyKawasaki: Great piece on behavorial economics and social psychology. Must read! [from]
Human beings don't always behave rationally. Now, policymakers are using research about human decision-making to design policies to protect humans from their own poor judgment &mdash; including everything from unwanted pregnancies to failing to save for retirement.
Economic models and how unpredictable human beings mess with them.
Digital Citizen - acceptable use agreement | Educational Origami
an example of a constructive acceptable use policy
A good example of a positive student use agreement for ICT.
mental_floss Blog » 8 Tuition-Free Colleges
Hard to believe, but you can get a degree without paying for it. Tell your students.
classroomtweets » Why Twitter
Another overview on why you should use twitter to establish a PLN.
Discussion of with video of why twitter
10 Things Teachers Should Know to Get Started with Twitter - Arizona K-12 Center Blog
great how to
Tony Vincent
RT @aliyares: If you know a non-Twittering educator, send them here: #NECC09 @johnstonsarah [from]
10 Things Teachers Should Know To Get Started With Twitter RT @phaoloo #teachers (via @TrendTracker) [from]
Video: History of the Internet - ReadWriteWeb
"If you've ever wondered how the Internet was born, but can't be bothered reading a whole book on the subject, check out this short animated documentary from Milah Bilgil. Entitled History of the internet, it does a great job explaining time-sharing, file-sharing, arpanet and internet. "
21 Things for the 21st Century Educator - Home
Another 21 things site based on NETS. Good resources and ideas
Excellent site for 21st century content
Teacher Zone - Free Library of Math Video Lessons
A library of math video lessons. It seems to go upt to grade 10.
Biblioteca Livre de Vídeo Aulas de Matemática
A comprehensive compilation of mathematical video online tutorials
the most comprehensive library of math video lessons on the planet
You will need the password to sign in. Use this: sebastian465 log in id is my email:
Math lesson videos
Free library of math lessons
Wolfram|Alpha for Educators
Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time
Browse our video gallery to learn more about how you can utilize Wolfram|Alpha in the classroom.
Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time by doing computations on its own vast internal knowledge base. Our long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. This can be valuable to educators in many ways.
contains lesson plans using wolfram alpha
"Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time by doing computations on its own vast internal knowledge base. Our long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. This can be valuable to educators in many ways. "
Students tie £56 camera to balloon and send it to edge of space to capture stunning images of Earth | Mail Online
Proving that you don't need Google's billions or the BBC weather centre's resources, the four Spanish students managed to send a camera-operated weather balloon into the stratosphere.
Measuring Measures - blog - 7 Tips for Successful Self-Learning
How To Successfully Educate Your Clients On Web Development - Smashing Magazine
A down to earth view on the reality of putting your cool web agency feelings to one side and thinking about how to communicate with clients in a language they understand.
The Last Professor - Stanley Fish Blog -
<<higher education, properly understood, is distinguished by the absence of a direct and designed relationship between its activities and measurable effects in the world.>>
"Except in a few private wealthy universities, the splendid and supported irrelevance of humanist inquiry for its own sake is already a thing of the past."
New guidelines for Fair Use! - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
More media literacy
Make books your way! Share with the world. •Free to Make & Publish books •Bookstore Quality Books, Buy One or Many •No Software, Easy Book Builder, 100% Online
Makes interactive, online books, including digpix, uploaded graphics. Start from word files, PowerPoint slides, or templates. Shared by URL. Printed copies of books can also be ordered (for a fee).
100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access « mary & mac design
Em inglês
Blog que lista 100 bibliotecas digitais universitárias com maior intensidade nos EUA. 2009
Mr. Weaver's Lounge
Mr. Weaver's website.
M. Weaver
Twitter for Learning – 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology
RT @draenews: Twitter for Learning – 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology:
Twitter notes and helpful articles
English Verb Conjugation
Conjugating verbs can be a challenge for people learning the English language. aims to help those people learning English. Type a verb into the engine generates a list of ways that verb can be conjugated. also provides examples of your chosen verb being used in a sentence. provides a widget that you can embed into your blog or website for visitors to use. To install the widget click the on your site link, copy the code provided, and paste it into your blog's template. Applications for Education could be useful for ESL/ELL students as well as native speakers of English who struggle with verb conjugation. If you have students contributing to a group blog, the widget could be a good asset to add to the group blog. - Free Technology for Teachers
English Verb Conjugation - THE ORIGINAL verb conjugation website. 15000 verbs conjugated in all modes, affirmative, interrogative, negative, in all persons, tenses, voices, and forms. Results automatically displayed for all regular verbs, irregular verbs, and modal verbs.
«Los colegios no deberían existir» / Entrevista a Roger C. Schank, presidente de Socratic Arts
cativas e inmediatamente permitir a cualquier niño del mundo participar en
ROGER SCHANK: Los colegios son guarderías, y no muy buenas.
Roger C. Schank es un crítico severo del sistema educativo actual, y no trata de suavizar sus palabras para que suenen políticamente correctas. Schank es, además, uno de los principales investigadores del mundo en Inteligencia Artificial, Teoría del Aprendizaje y en la construcción de entornos virtuales de enseñanza. Durante 35 años, fue profesor de Universidades como Standford, Yale y Northwestern. Ahora está empeñado en acabar con el actual sistema educativo, y ofrece sistemas alternativos de aprendizaje desde su compañía Socratic Arts y su organización sin ánimo de lucro, Engines for Education. KINDSEIN le ha realizado una extensa entrevista.
Controlversial entrevista que nos mueve el tapete. No faltará quien se rasgue las vestiduras al leer ésto, pero es una realidad tan grande como el Everest.
Entrevista a Roger C. Schank
100 Professors You Should Follow and Learn from on Twitter | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Gente que hay que seguir
Apple, Stanford Teaching iPhone Development for Free | Gadget Lab from
Apple and Stanford University this week will begin offering free videos and course materials on iPhone application development. Video recordings of Stanford's 10-week computer science class, taught by two Apple employees, will be freely downloadable through Apple's iTunes U educational channel. The course's syllabus and slides will be freely available on iTun
Apple and Stanford University this week will begin offering free videos and course materials on iPhone application development.
escola 2.0 - não há longe nem distância...
As Novas Tecnologias na Sociedade (e na Escola)
Construída na rede Ning.
50 Incredible, Historical Speeches You Should Watch Online | Online Universities
50 discursos históricos disponibles online – Juan Diego Polo (wwwhatsnew)
Small Basic Teaches Kids How to Program - ReadWriteWeb
Язык в 14 слов, 62 страницы инструкций
ReadWriteWeb ReadWriteTalk Enterprise Jobwire About Subscribe Contact Advertise RSS RWW Daily by Email RSS RWW Weekly Wrap-up Home Products Trends Company Index Best of RWW Archives Small Basic Teaches Kids How to Program Written by Lidija Davis / November 8, 2008 11:54 AM / 22 Comments « Prior Post Next Post » After a year in the making, and with very little fanfare, Microsoft last month launched Small Basic, a free programming language aimed at kids. Unlike Scratch and Alice, tools designed for kids to learn programming in a 'codeless' environment, Small Basic is essentially a small version of the BASIC language. Drawing inspiration from the original BASIC language, but based on the newer .Net Framework, Small Basic consists of three distinct pieces: The Language Consists of just 14 keywords, Small Basic is pure imperative code that runs on the .Net Framework. The Environment Small Basic's development environment is simple but provides features that professional developers h
Poverty Goes Straight to the Brain | Wired Science from
:| (Also, wait, poverty-influenced stress can affect... your genes? Erm, what?)
"To test their hypothesis, Evans and Schamberg analyzed the results of their earlier, long-term study of stress in 195 poor and middle-class Caucasian students, half male and half female. In that study, which found a direct link between poverty and stress, students' blood pressure and stress hormones were measured at 9 and 13 years old. At 17, their memory was tested. Given a sequence of items to remember‚ teenagers who grew up in poverty remembered an average of 8.5 items. Those who were well-off during childhood remembered an average of 9.44 items. So-called working memory is considered a reliable indicator of reading, language and problem-solving ability — capacities critical for adult success. When Evans and Schamberg controlled for birth weight, maternal education, parental marital status and parenting styles, the effect remained. When they mathematically adjusted for youthful stress levels, the difference disappeared."
Does being poor make you physically less intelligent?
Growing up poor isn't merely hard on kids. It might also be bad for their brains. A long-term study of cognitive development in lower- and middle-class students found strong links between childhood poverty, physiological stress and adult memory.
CS264: Peer-to-Peer Systems
Featured Windows Download: Small Basic Teaches Programming Fundamentals
Small Basic Teaches Programming Fundamentals
50 Fun, Free Web Games to Make Your Brain Smarter, Faster, Sharper | Online College Blog and School Reviews
Learn Web Design: Educational Resources for Beginners | Vandelay Design Blog
super completisimo
Learn Web Design: Educational Resources for Beginners | Vandelay Design Blog -
In recent weeks we have published a few posts that focused on graphic design basics: Learn Photoshop and Learn Illustrator. Both of those posts generated a lot of interest from readers, so today we’ll continue with a third post in the series, this one focusing on the basics of web design. Here you will find categorized resources and links for learning HTML, CSS, typography, the design process, and more. If you’re just getting started or looking to brush up on your skills, you may want to bookmark many of these resources.
In recent weeks we have published a few posts that focused on graphic design basics: Learn Photoshop and Learn Illustrator. Both of those posts generated a lot of interest from readers, so today we'll continue with a third post in the series, this one focusing on the basics of web design. Here you will find categorized resources and links for learning HTML, CSS, typography, the design process, and more. If you're just getting started or looking to brush up on your skills, you may want to bookmark many of these resources. Introductory Information and General Learning Resources General resources for learning web design The sites listed below are excellent places to find loads of content aimed at people who are looking to learn more about web design and front end development. Much of the content is free but some of it is available for a membership fee, which may be worth the cost to save yourself some time in tracking down the right resources. W3Schools
Jam Today? / When the Education Bubble Finally Pops
In a post published earlier today, John Robb claims that as “there is reason to believe that costs of higher education (direct costs and lost income) are now nearly equal (in net present value) to the additional lifetime income derived from having a degree…this situation has all the earmarks of a bubble. A bubble that will soon burst as median incomes are adjusted downwards to global norms over the next decade.
James Levy: Learning Is Not A Spectator Sport
"In a post published earlier today, John Robb claims that as “there is reason to believe that costs of higher education (direct costs and lost income) are now nearly equal (in net present value) to the additional lifetime income derived from having a degree…this situation has all the earmarks of a bubble. A bubble that will soon burst as median incomes are adjusted downwards to global norms over the next decade."
John Robb claims that as “there is reason to believe that costs of higher education (direct costs and lost income) are now nearly equal (in net present value) to the additional lifetime income derived from having a degree…this situation has all the earmarks of a bubble. A bubble that will soon burst as median incomes are adjusted downwards to global norms over the next decade.
The Long Decline of Reading | Mssv
Reading is declining, what's lost, and what we might do about it.
"There’s a real difference between watching a talk and reading a transcript. A transcript doesn’t convey the tone of voice, the pauses and gestures that punctuate an argument.""And yet people still read articles and essays, and they still demand transcripts. Why?" "The informational density of writing is only half the story. The other half is in the unique ability of the written word to construct and convey complex intellectual ideas.""Reading is not simply a faster form of listening; it is a qualitatively different process that involves completely different pathways in the brain. The field of language acquisition is a messy and contentious one, but few would disagree with the statement that it is much easier - for whatever reason - for children to learn how to talk than to read."
Lifehacker - Match Your Learning Style with the Proper Productivity Tools - Organization
Not everyone processes and understands information the same way. You can boost productivity by learning and matching your learning style to the proper tools and techniques, while also making it (gasp) more enjoyable.
Not everyone processes and understands information the same way. You can boost productivity by learning and matching your learning style to the proper tools and techniques, while also making it (gasp) more enjoyable. Photo by Jacob Botter. Organization blog Unclutterer digs into identifying one's own learning style, something we've discussed here before, as well as the related activities and daily habits that can increase organization and productivity. To pin your style down, you'll run through several categories and questions. Here are some sample statements from the visual category:
tigertown » Games
Games like Family Feud, Survivor, Jeopardy, etc...
Check out these game templates.
This wiki contains game show templates, music, sound clips and directions that can be used for lessons.
Microsoft Education Competencies: Humor
Via Ben Goldacre
Nice page about the use of humor within education
How to be funny. By Microsoft. (via Tweep whose name I forgot) #fb
I'm pretty sure this is not ironic: corporate education on humour, including a grading system and ideas for professional development.
60+ Open Courseware Collections to Help You Be a Better Teacher | Smart ...
iKnow Is A Social Learning Platform That Can Really Make You Smarter. Opens API.
eLearning Poetential
Although the world market for e-learning is estimated to top $52 billion in 2010 (in 2007, revenues exceeded the $17-billion mark in the ...
Article about iKnow! an intelligent social learning platform. The platform is built upon a learning engine that is supposed to free users from sorting study materials, devising study plans, measuring learning progress and self-managing knowledge on a long-term basis. Users can set personal learning goals and let the system do the heavy lifting.
Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - Language - Lifehacker
RT @lifehacker Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - ..
How do you spark off an interest in maths when the curriculum seems dreary? | Education | The Guardian
An interesting article highlighting the need to spark student interest in maths through the use of magic numbers, links to music and the creative arts and through an emphasis that, “A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas,” (cited du Sautoy, 2009). The article is a brilliant read for math teachers in the diverse classroom who need to understand that for some students, “the subject comes alive when they learn how mathematics is not an isolated subject, but runs seductively below the surface of many other subjects in the curriculum,” (du Sautoy, 2009). The article may be beneficial for those teachers aiming to engage the disengaged and may provide teachers with ideas for extension activities for gifted and talented students. Well worth a read for any teacher wanting to spice up their mathematics curriculum.
Guardian article written by Marcus du Sautoy 23/06/09 on livening up the maths curriculum with big, creative mathematical adventures. Links to gallery of useful archietectural photos. Recommended by CH. Links to other useful Guardian articles on maths by same author.
"I've never understood why education is so compartmentalised" - "... the maths we were doing in the classroom wasn't really what maths was about. It was something much more exciting, creative, imaginative. Those books provided me with a key to the secret garden of mathematics" - "In that garden I discovered that mathematics also has great stories. Unsolved mysteries like the enigma of prime numbers. Magical mathematical machines that could help you see in four dimensions. Mathematicians who had journeyed to infinity and beyond..." - lighting the fire, relating to the abstract
How do you spark off an interest in maths when the curriculum seems dreary? It's all about mystery, big stories and journeys to infinity and beyond, says Marcus du Sautoy
I've never understood why education is so compartmentalised. My son looks at his timetable: maths first lesson, history second lesson, music before lunch. The curriculum gives no hint at how integrated all these subjects are. To look at the historical evolution of mathematical ideas provides an invaluable perspective on why the mathematics was created in the first place.
great essay on encouraging a passion for math
BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Warning over narcissistic pupils
"The growing expectation placed on schools and parents to boost pupils' self-esteem is breeding a generation of narcissists, an expert has warned."
We've been telling children they are unique and special for over a decade.
How can we understand ads
Game teaching you about advertising.
a game and curriculum designed to educate preteen students about the forms and methods of advertising. Admongo's primary feature is a game in which students earn points by collecting advertisements as they move through a fictional city. As they advance through the game, students will see short videos that explain the type of advertisements they see and how those advertisements attempt to get them to take an action. Watch the video below to learn more. Applications for Education Admongo provides a curriculum for teachers to use with 5th and 6th grade students. The curriculum is designed to complement the lessons students learn by playing the game. On the Admongo curriculum page teachers will find posters, handouts, quizzes and other printable materials to use in their classrooms.
mrm rm315
Game to teach advertising techniques. Teacher's guides, lesson plans, etc.
Admongo where advertising is all around you. Online. Outside. On television. Who makes ads? How do they work? What do they want you to do? Here, you will explore, discover, and learn. Can you make it to the top
" * Home * Parents * Teachers * Text Version * About * Help * Glossary * Ad Library Spread the Word Live the Adventure - AdMongo Welcome to Admongo where advertising is all around you. Online. Outside. On television. Who makes ads? How do they work? What do they want you to do? Here, you will explore, discover, and learn. Can you make it to the top? To get there, you'll answer: Who is responsible for the ad? What is the ad actually saying? What does the ad want me to do?"
100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities
Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways. Whether you teach an elementary class, a traditional college class, or at an online university, you will find inspirational ways to incorporate social media in your classroom with this list.
Long list of inspiring ways to use social media in the classroom - much insight into informal learning.
@kynanr @willie42 100 ways to use social media in the classroom
More Tuition-Free Education Courses for Teachers
Free classes for teachers
More Tuition-Free Education Courses for Teachers
# of online education courses that are free to self-learners around the world.
50 Free Collaboration Tools That Are Awesome for Education |
Collaborative web sites
Whether you are looking for tools that can bring a distance education class together or tools to help students and teachers in traditional classrooms working on group projects, the following collaboration tools will help with any need.
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | Video on
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers -- and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.
Inspirational leadership from the question of "Why?"
Wiki:interactive media resources | Social Media CoLab
:List of diverse applications which can be used in online learning - no essential grouping or cartegorisation used
links de medias interativas, incluindo mindmaps: como é possível ter um espaço onde informação é compartilhada, além do ppt.
Discovery Education: Home
Discovery Education: Home
Explore Web 2.0 tech tools and trends for teachers for 2010 – presentation tools, video tools, mobile tools, community tools, and related links.
WEB 20.10 As our students become entrenched in tech and all things online, how can we keep up? Simple new tools make it easier than ever to plug in. From blogs and wikis to incredible presentation tools, nothing is too cool for school. This mashup of online apps will have you talking tech in no time. Presentation tools, video tools, mobile tools, community tools, related links. Parent corner, home resources, lesson plans.
100 Informative & Inspiring YouTube Videos for Educators |
100 Informative & Inspiring YouTube Videos for Educators |
As the title says
Amazing Web 2 Projects.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Web 2.0 PDF Book
Note: Free eBook Edited by Terry Freedman. * 87 projects. * 10 further resources. * 52 applications. * 94 contributors. * The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. * The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. * How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... * ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. * What were the learning outcomes?
Smories - new stories for children, read by children
Fun for spending time with grandchildren
new stories for children, read by children
8 Wonders of the Solar System, Made Interactive: Scientific American
Artist Ron Miller takes us on a journey to eight of the most breathtaking views that await explorers of our solar system. The scale of these natural wonders dwarfs anything Earth has to offer. What might we see and feel if we could travel to these distant domains? By interpreting data from probes such as NASA's Cassini, which is now exploring the Saturnian system, and MESSENGER, which goes into orbit around Mercury in March 2011, the artist's eye allows us an early visit to these unforgettable locales
What might future explorers of the solar system see? Find out by taking an interactive tour through the eyes of Hugo Award-winning artist Ron Miller. Text and narration by Ed Bell
Interactive tour - photos/video/audio
Welcome (Prezi's Education Exchange )
More and more educators and students are using Prezi in the classroom. We want to capture the ideas and experiences of our educational community by sharing, adding, and cataloging great prezis used for educating around the world.
Language Arts Activities | Interactive Whiteboard Resources |
many language arts activities for COWs or interactive whiteboard
story starters, myth generator, character scrapbook
Find easy-to-use Interactive Whiteboard teaching tips and make the most of Language Arts Online Activities on your Interactive Whiteboard.
Reading, Science, Social Studies, Math activities on line
Welcome to the SuperThinkers Website!
SuperThinkers is a fun and challenging site targeted for learners in grades 5 through 8, but also fun for learners of all levels. Our mission is to inspire creative problem solving, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and logic. We call this kind of deeper thinking - "SuperThinking."
Has a feature game regularly to get kids thinking   Google Search Tips
tips from google
Search tips for using Google. Things everyone should know.
video clip about search engines
Spicy Elephant - the quickest way to put stuff in your brain
Free online speed reading software |
Free online speed reading - interesting
Speed reading online, paste text, lets you read very quickly
6 Cool Websites To Unleash The Mad Scientist Within You |
RT @draenews: Del 6 Cool Websites To Unleash The Mad Scientist Within You |
A list of websites and prograns that let you try out crazy science experiments.
ClioWeb Blog Archive » Assigning Wikipedia in a US History Survey
fact-only writing vs analytical writing
As some of you might guess, I get mixed reactions whenever I reveal that I use Wikipedia in my history classes. And not just for reading
s some of you might guess, I get mixed reactions whenever I reveal that I use Wikipedia in my history classes. And not just for reading; I actually assign my students to research and write an article for Wikipedia. And it has consistently been one of my most successful assignments. It shows students the difference between fact-only writing and analytical writing, it provides an introduction to research methods, and it gives them more insight into the working of Wikipedia, so they understand why they should or shouldn’t use it for various situations.
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Brain decline' begins at age 27
'Brain decline' begins at age 27 Concentration Mental abilities decline at a relatively young age, experts suspect Mental powers start to dwindle at 27 after peaking at 22, marking the start of old age, US research suggests. Professor Timothy Salthouse of the University of Virginia found reasoning, spatial visualisation and speed of thought all decline in our late 20s.
Mental powers start to dwindle at 27 after peaking at 22, marking the start of old age, US research suggests.
Thought that your mental prime years were in your thirties? Think again: [from]
An overview of a study on the shape of our learning. I suppose it is no mistake that tertiary education systems follow the curve. "A seven-year study (published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging) reveals the average age at which the top performance was achieved as 22 in nine out of the 12 tests given. The first age at which there was any marked decline was at 27 in tests of brain speed, reasoning and visual puzzle-solving ability. Things like memory stayed intact until the age of 37, on average, while abilities based on accumulated knowledge, such as performance on tests of vocabulary or general information, increased until the age of 60."
Six more years to go before I get the dumb.
A DIY Web Design Education - Noupe
Great series of resources to take you through web design from soup to nuts.
User Experience
Coding Kata: Home
Improve your coding skills by playing with challenging exercises ('code katas') in Java, Groovy or Scala.
It provides automatic setups of interesting, unique exercises and immediate, build-in validation - so you can focus on programming.
100 Best Science Twitterers | Online Courses
Check out the types of tweets that can come from following these twitters
Quizinator for Teachers, Instructors, and HomeSchoolers
Create, Store, and Print worksheets, tudysheets, exams and quizzes online.
Herramienta para realizar examenes, trabajos, etc.
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover | Video on
How we can reshape the math curriculum for critical thinking.
Today's math curriculum is teaching students to expect -- and excel at -- paint-by-numbers classwork, robbing kids of a skill more important than solving problems: formulating them. At TEDxNYED, Dan Meyer shows classroom-tested math exercises that prompt students to stop and think.
Independent TED event at UBC - great talk by Allen Manser
Peter Suber, Open Access News
March 2009
News about MIT OA mandate: [from]
Peter Suber writes about and comments on MIT's decision to adopt a faculty-wide OA policy, the first of a university doing so across all its departments unanimously. As he rightfully points out, this will send out strong signals to lawmakers and other educational institutions.
0309 - Each Faculty member grants to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology nonexclusive permission to make available his or her scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles for the purpose of open dissemination. In legal terms, each Faculty member grants to MIT a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of his or her scholarly articles, in any medium, provided that the articles are not sold for a profit, and to authorize others to do the same. The policy will apply to all scholarly articles written while the person is a member of the Faculty except for any articles completed before the adoption of this policy and any articles for which the Faculty member entered into an incompatible licensing or assignment agreement before the adoption of this policy. The Provost or Provost's designate will waive application of the policy for a particular article upon written notification by...
The Google Wave Will Change Education Forever | ISTE’s NECC09 Blog
new way to collaborate on the Internet
Google Wave info: check this out later
Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Gallery View
cool site showing front pages of major newspapers
Interactive museum
BBC NEWS | Technology | Online time 'is good for teens'
News article Nov 2008. Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed. The report counters the stereotypical view held by many parents and teachers that such activity is a waste of time.
Virtual Manipulatives
Variety of virtual manipulatives for interactive whiteboards (IWB's)
Virtual Manipulatives #edtech #math – Jeff Thomas (jdthomas7)
MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lecture 15: Dynamic Programming - good coders code, great reuse
This is the tenth post in an article series about MIT's lecture course Introduction to Algorithms. In this post I ...
3 Things They Should Have Taught In My Computer Science Degree | Software, Technology and More
3 Things They Should Have Taught In My Computer Science Degree
ZA VSE FRIJEVCE <--kako bi to scodeal v btw?
Google Apps for Education Coming to Moodle : February 2009 : THE Journal
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on. Google Apps Education Edition is the widely deployed hosted application suite that includes communications tools like as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Talk; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Labs (for software code review); and various administration features and APIs for integration with existing systems. Source: THE Journal
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on.
is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on.
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on. Google Apps Education Edition is the widely deployed hosted application suite that includes communications tools like as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Talk; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Labs (for software code review); and various administration features and APIs for integration with existing systems. Through the integration, users loaded into Moodle will be automatically loaded into Google Apps Education Edition
100 Awesome Business Blogs that are Better than an MBA
collection of links to resources
Here’s Why You Need an E-Learning Portfolio - The Rapid eLearning Blog
e-Learning portfolio considerations article
guias de Tom Khulman sobre como hacer un portfolio
Free Posters -
Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills
The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills, but I figured I’d save you some time.
100 Intro Open Courses on Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Learn | Best Colleges Online
Seth's Blog: The coming melt-down in higher education (as seen by a marketer)
For 400 years, higher education in the US has been on a roll. From Harvard asking Galileo to be a guest professor in the 1600s to millions tuning in to watch a team of unpaid athletes play another team of...
Seth Godin is a marketer, not an educator, but as a marketer he predicts the downfall of higher ed. "I'm afraid," he writes, "that's about to crash and burn. Here's how I'm looking at it... Just as we're watching the disintegration of old-school marketers with mass market products, I think we're about to see significant cracks in old-school schools with mass market degrees... Accreditation isn't the solution, it's the problem."
College might be overrated.
Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on
TED Talks In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning -- creating conditions where kids' natural talents can flourish.
Bring on the learning revolution! Ken Robinsons latest short video on Should be seen by everyone in education.
Student Expectations Seen as Causing Grade Disputes -
A recent study by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, found that a third of students surveyed said that they expected B’s just for attending lectures, and 40 percent said they deserved a B for completing the required reading.
[New York Times]
“Students often confuse the level of effort with the quality of work. There is a mentality in students that ‘if I work hard, I deserve a high grade.’ “
“Many students come in with the conviction that they’ve worked hard and deserve a higher mark,” Professor Grossman said. “Some assert that they have never gotten a grade as low as this before.”
20 Places Where Bookworms Go to Read and Socialize Online --
Required Reading for Interactive Designers | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
Looks like a useful reading list for interaction design.
Required reading list for MFA interaction-design program @ School of Visual Arts, in New York
Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 9:13 AM | Fast Company |BY Cliff Kuang
Good list... need to read a few on here
Word Girl: Build Vocabulary through Word Games | Scholastic
Play vocabulary building games like Synonym Toastwith Word Girl and her buddy Captain Huggy Face, along with other word games in the Homework Hub and Teacher Online Activities.
Word Games - Synonym Toast, Rhyme Time, Funny Pages, Spelling Wizard.
Word girl website deals with reading skills in a fun way. It works with synonmys, rhyming, word games, and spelling help. This website would help with vocabulary and phonics. It is also a link to a number of great scholastic sites. k-4
University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo - Telegraph
University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo
Masters in Social Media
Reading: "University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo - Telegraph" ( ) [from]
ז'רום בורדון, שים לב. אוניברסיטת בירמינגהם פותחת מסלול ללימודי תואר שני ב... מדיה חברתית. פייסבוק, טוויטר, בלוגים ופורומים הם רק חלק מהסילבוס של המסלול הייחודי, הראשון מסוגו בעולם. הטלגרף הבריטי מדווח ששכר הלימוד יעמוד על כארבעת-אלפים וארבע-מאות פאונד. להרשמה:
Annotating and sharing links with your students using Diigo
Technology and Education Box of Tricks
a librarian's point of view on annotating web resources using Diigo. Great food for thought Annotated link
10项最佳在线免费学习工具 - 译言翻译
Sid Meier's Civilization - Official Site
Civ V announced for Sept 2010 (when for mac? ipad?) Note: site nav is all flash, so no good on ipad.
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach
using of the Internet as a reliable resource for academic information
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach David Warlick is a former history teacher and is currently an Instructional Technology Consultant
A high school junior is asked to write a report about the Holocaust, a topic that her class has not yet discussed. At home our student uses her computer with access to the Internet to research the topic and word processing software to construct the report. She spends an hour searching the Internet and examining a variety of web pages about the subject and selects three web sites that are particularly compelling because of the graphics and layout of the pages, indicating authority.
Warlick,David. (n.d.). In Evaluating Internet- based Information:A Goals Based Approach. Retrieved March 30,2010, from Information from the Internet is used by many students for research purposes but information located may not be accurate or appropraite.Students need goals for projects which would provide authentic context and enable students to assemble information located on the Internet in a more informative way. Using smaller chunks of info and interweaving them as opposed to using large chunks or paragraphs.
Article on how to go about evaluating internet-based information
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach David Warlick is a former history teacher and is currently an Instructional Technology Consultant.
Education World® : Teacher Tools & Templates
FOR CLASS (KEN's). Downloadable school template stuff, alphabet letters and graphics/geography things/etc
A wonderful site for free tools for teachers, librarians, and administrators.
Interactive Tools
SMARTBoard products. Site provides other resources concerning the SMARTBoard
Intereactive Tool research site.links
there is talk about the media world, as well as the open source world. And how businesses should "defeat" the masses. Timing, product features, and the skillful use of network effects across market segments [benefits of a business]. This is a very "odd" study
How can a business compete with a free product? It’s not easy, and it’s more than just a theoretical question. U.S. newspapers are finding it difficult to compete with free news and the commentary of bloggers and other internet sources. And in the software world, the rise of open source products, which are available for free on the internet, is reshaping the technology industry.
Ultimately, from the point of view of the buyer, free products provide an important benefit. “Even if consumers do not end up adopting the free product, it can act as a credible threat to the commercial firm, forcing it to both lower prices and invest more in product innovation,”
Businesses Can Win the Competition Against Open-Source Technology
Dan Weinreb’s blog » Blog Archive » Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python?
Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python?
The freshman software engineering course (...) is now nearly thirty years old. Engineering has changed quite a lot in thirty years. Since 1995, Gerry and his co-author Prof. Hal Abelson have advocated changing the freshman curriculum radically, not basing it on SICP. In 1980, computer engineering was based on starting with clearly-defined things (primitives or small programs) and using them to build larger things that ended up being clearly-defined. Composition of these fragments was the name of the game. However, nowadays, a real engineer is given a big software library, with a 300-page manual that’s full of errors. He’s also given a robot, whose exact behavior is extremely hard to characterize (what happens when a wheel slips?).
"In 1980, computer engineering was based on starting with clearly-defined things (primitives or small programs) and using them to build larger things that ended up being clearly-defined. Composition of these fragments was the name of the game... Nowadays, a real engineer is given a big software library, with a 300-page manual that’s full of errors. He’s also given a robot, whose exact behavior is extremely hard to characterize (what happens when a wheel slips?). The engineer must learn to perform scientific experiments to find out how the software and hardware actually work, at least enough to accomplish the job at hand. We may not like it this way (”because we’re old fogies”), but that’s the way it is..."
Dan Weinreb’s blog » Blog Archive » Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python?
Some explanation of why MIT switched from Scheme to Python.
StudyCell Home
service to put flash cards on mobile phones
Want to create your own mobile flashcards and take your homework "to go"? Make your own downloads and share them with your friends Create flashcards online you can use to study on your phone or on our website Download flashcards to your phone Share flashcard decks with your friends and study groups
cell phone studying
That Sharp Pain in your Chest
Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS) is the most common cause of recurring chest pain, sometimes known as
Rutgers Multimedia Chinese Teaching System
readings with vocab lists
brief page description here
Columbia J-School’s Existential Crisis -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
columbia revamping its curriculum
compares Columbia's attempt to move from more traditional approach to journalism education with CUNY's focus on digital journalism as "single ray of hope on an otherwise dark media horizon"
Beginning in August, Columbia will offer a revamped, digitally focused curriculum designed to make all students as capable of creating an interactive graphic as they are of pounding out 600 words on a community-board meeting. The force behind the change is former managing editor Bill Grueskin, the school’s new dean of academic affairs. Grueskin wants to make multimedia skills and storytelling mandatory via the school’s core course, RW1, shorthand for “Reporting and Writing 1,” which has, since its inception in the early seventies, stuck to very traditional lessons in beat reporting and on-deadline news writing. "But the push for modernization has also raised the ire of some professors, particularly those closely tied to Columbia’s crown jewel, RW1. “Fuck new media,” the coordinator of the RW1 program, Ari Goldman, said to his RW1 students on their first day of class, according to one student."
blah blah blah blah Columbia wants to teach beter journalis, butecause they suck right now
100+ Free Open Courseware Links for Writers
This list of 100 free open courseware links can help you improve your essay-writing, fiction, blogging, and even managing your own small business.
Who the Hell Is Enrolling in Journalism School Right Now?
RT @TechCrunch Who the Hell Is Enrolling in Journalism School Right Now?
article is trash, go straight to the comments for insight.
Who the Hell Is Enrolling in Journalism School Right Now?
the "getting an MBA look smart" video Sarah Lacy links to here may have a valid point, but again, she doesn't make a point [from]
Interesting article on the supposedly changing face of journalism. Consider the source, though: a self-professed journalist who never learned how to be a journalist. She also mocks people without jobs and those who earn less than her. What a fucking bitch.
In Search Of Answers, Teachers Turn To Clickers : NPR
Text and audio versions of story
All Things Considered, March 2, 2009 · Teachers know the blank stare. It can be hard to know what students are absorbing in class. Well, technology to the rescue. More teachers are equipping their classrooms with little keypads — often called clickers — that let students instantly, and anonymously, answer questions. Teachers say the clickers are improving the quality of education by measuring how engaged students are in the material they are learning.
In Search Of Answers, Teachers Turn To Clickers - all things considered
Technology Review: $100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software.
"What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."
$100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software. "What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."
Drawings of Scientists
From Pedro on FriendFeed:
[Found via Pedro Beltrão] "Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab."
percepcion de los científicos
Scientists - they CAN be col. Sweet before and after drawings of what kids think scientists are about
Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab. Lovely.
"Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab" AWESOME
Academic Earth's online video lectures let you go to Harvard for free. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Over the last few months, I've been trying to educate myself on our financial crisis. To that end, I dropped in on a class at Yale that examined real estate finance and the roots of the federal government's involvement in the mortgage industry. "A lot of people have the impression that home prices only go up," my professor, economist Robert Shiller, told us. But this was clearly wrong: Shiller put up a graph showing American home prices during the last 100 years. Over much of the century, the line fluctuates wildly; then, around 2000, it begins an unprecedented, inexplicable spike, even larger than the run-up in prices after World War II.* This was an eye-opener. Anyone who'd seen this graph three or four years ago should have known we were headed for trouble. Who knew school could be this useful? Perhaps Alan Greenspan should have taken this class.
Academic Earth's online video lectures - - By Farhad Manjoo -
It's like Hulu, but for nerds. Many of the professors are great teachers, and, unlike in college, I can go to class on my own time—which ensures that I'm not too sleepy to understand what's going on. Academic Earth achieves something like what Google was trying to pull off with Knol, the messy encyclopedialike project that the search engine launched last year. Both sites let you learn from recognized experts rather than from the anonymous crowds who populate Wikipedia. But Academic Earth bests Knol, because the experts here aren't just throwing up their opinions whenever the mood strikes them. Instead, they're doing their jobs—teaching in actual classrooms, at recognized universities, to real, live, students.
無料のオンラインスキルアップサイトTOP10 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
無料のオンラインスキルアップサイトTOP10 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
Multimedia overview - Administrator's Plus PDA Module
A site about PDAs from EDUC-W 200
pre-lecture activity #4, administrators can have access to PDA's
PDA video
Information about PDA systems avaliable for schools
Podstawy Fizyki
Education Week: March 26, 2009
Education Week posts Technology Counts 2009: Breaking Away From Tradition [from]
Welcome to Digital Documentaries
Digital Documentaries is a professional development program that helps teachers inspire their students to write and learn about local history and their community. Students research, direct, and produce their own video examining local issues or historical events while meeting social studies and language arts requirements for grades 5-12.
Great info explaining elements of a documentary.
Skip Journalism School: 50 Free Open Courses | Online College Tips ...
Ambitious journalists don’t have to worry about affording extra education when free open courses are available for anyone to take online. Spend some time studying and exploring the various aspects of journalism with these classes before forging your own future as a journalist. These courses will help you learn about writing, reporting, photojournalism, multimedia, and more.
--These courses will help you learn about writing, reporting, photojournalism, multimedia, and more.
Iowa AEA Online - Welcome to Iowa AEA Online
User ID: nwclel Password: ******
directions for Mac technology
How to Make Hot Ice - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Make Hot Ice.
Op-Ed Columnist - How to Raise Our I.Q. -
Another indication of malleability is that I.Q. has risen sharply over time. Indeed, the average I.Q. of a person in 1917 would amount to only 73 on today’s I.Q. test. Half the population of 1917 would be considered mentally retarded by today’s measurements, Professor Nisbett says. Another proven intervention is to tell junior-high-school students that I.Q. is expandable, and that their intelligence is something they can help shape. Students exposed to that idea work harder and get better grades. That’s particularly true of girls and math, apparently because some girls assume that they are genetically disadvantaged at numbers; deprived of an excuse for failure, they excel.
Poor people have I.Q.’s significantly lower than those of rich people, and the awkward conventional wisdom has been that this is in large part a function of genetics.
Good mythbuster and eye-opener on I.Q. Recommended.
"Intelligence does seem to be highly inherited in middle-class households, and that’s the reason for the findings of the twins studies: very few impoverished kids were included in those studies. But Eric Turkheimer of the University of Virginia has conducted further research demonstrating that in poor and chaotic households, I.Q. is minimally the result of genetics — because everybody is held back. "
praise effort more than achievement, teach delayed gratification, limit reprimands and use praise to stimulate curiosity
open thinking » 80+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy
great for presentations
Over the past few years, I have been collecting interesting Internet videos that would be appropriate for lessons and presentations, or personal research, related to technological and media literacy. Here are 70 videos organized into various sub-categories. These videos are of varying quality, cross several genres, and are of varied suitability for classroom us
Key to Hallucinations Found | LiveScience
What a long, strange trip it's been!
The professionals who become presidents | There was a lawyer, an engineer and a politician... | The Economist
8% wereldwijd is econoom; de meerderheid jurist
The presence of so many engineer-politicians in China goes hand in hand with a certain way of thinking.
ter, Wen Jiabao, specialised in g
Economist article on the prevalence of lawyers in U.S. and U.K. politics.
Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine
Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains
The book excerpt: the Shallows
Does the Internet Make You Smarter? -
We are now witnessing the rapid stress of older institutions accompanied by the slow and fitful development of cultural alternatives. Just as required education was a response to print, using the Internet well will require new cultural institutions as well, not just new technologies. It is tempting to want PatientsLikeMe without the dumb videos, just as we might want scientific journals without the erotic novels, but that's not how media works. Increased freedom to create means increased freedom to create throwaway material, as well as freedom to indulge in the experimentation that eventually makes the good new stuff possible. There is no easy way to get through a media revolution of this magnitude; the task before us now is to experiment with new ways of using a medium that is social, ubiquitous and cheap, a medium that changes the landscape by distributing freedom of the press and freedom of assembly as widely as freedom of speech.
So... does the internet make us smarter?
Einztein - Find free online courses
Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench
RT @Pogue: Just how deep is BP's nasty oil rig? This'll give you some idea... (via @armenoush)
Правила русского языка
правила русского языка
Очередной ресурс-находка. С правилами у меня ведётся постоянная война с переменным успехом. С Грамотой.Ру я так и не подружился по причине крайне убогого интерфейса, попробуем воспользоваться этим источником в борьбе за чистоту языка.
cloudcourse - Project Hosting on Google Code
CloudCourse is a course scheduling system. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Cloudcourse: • provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services • demonstrate what it takes to built an application using App Engine
Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
'Thirst for knowledge' may be opium craving
ation of an imag
RT @HoagiesGifted: 'Thirst for knowledge' may be opium craving [from]
Collection of Free Programming and Technology Related Books
This post contains the list of sites offering Programming, Information Technology and Computer books which are provided by Publishers and Authors legally and free. You can bookmark this post for future use.
Tools for the 21st Century Teacher
RT @draenews: Del Tools for the 21st Century Teacher:
BBC News - Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'
BBC News | Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.
Article on creativity and how the minds mimic schizophrenia. Interesting about education and the mind.
That thin line between genius and madness is now verified by science.
What the Hex?
They give you a hexadecimal number and you have to guess which of five colours it applies to.
Gissa färgen! :)
Teachers Pet - Free downloadable PDF teaching resources. - Home
resources for English and CLIL, done for you!
lots of downloadable, free stuff
Free downloadable PDF teaching resources
This website has free downloadable PDF files for teachers. It also has many great resources for teachers including ideas for interactive white boards and other activities.
great site with downloadable attractive resources, well organised. UK site
Create Twitter and Facebook connected networks for courses. Messages can be publicly or privately displayed.
Chat with students through Facebook or Twitter
Online platform for classrooms.
50 Ways to Anchor Technology (Ways to Anchor Technology in Your Classroom Tomorrow)
lots of great tech ideas for the classroom
Using free websites as learning and teaching tools
"50 Ways to Anchor Technology Using Free Websites as Learning
12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American
Eventi che cambieranno il mondo
This Web-only article is a special rich-media presentation of the feature, " 12 Events That Will Change Everything ," which appears in the June 2010 issue of Scientific American . The presentation was created by  Zemi Media . Find all our other interactive offerings here .
Op-Ed Contributor - Mind Over Mass Media -
Mind Over Mass Media
Steven Pinker - Accomplished people don’t bulk up their brains with intellectual calisthenics; they immerse themselves in their fields. Novelists read lots of novels, scientists read lots of science.
Mind Over Mass Media | Twitter, e-mail and PowerPoint are far from making us stupid — they are keeping us smart.
The effects of consuming electronic media are also likely to be far more limited than the panic implies. Media critics write as if the brain takes on the qualities of whatever it consumes, the informational equivalent of “you are what you eat.”
RT @kenanmalik: The Internet does not make you stupid any more than an encyclopaedia makes you smart:
Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas
RT @draenews: Del Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas:
at a glance poster guide for teachers
Brilliant poster Moodle Tool Guide!
Moodle tool guide for teachers
Awesome guide for social media/moodle
A few weeks ago, a Social Media Cheat Sheet was doing the round. A nice visualization of the pro’s & cons of each social media channel, but with a business/marketing focus. I thought I should do one for social media use in education. However for most of the teachers I work with, our Moodle (EIT Online) is still their primary online teaching environment. So instead I set out to create this poster size guide for teachers, allowing them to compare the functionality and pedagogical advantages of some standard Moodle tools, adding a column to indicate how tricky the tool is to set up.
Nice pdf table that shows which Moodle resource/activity is best for a given educational goal.
実用的な英語を習得する方法 : 目次  « The Wisdom of Crowds – JP
OCW Search
OCW Search is a search engine dedicated to helping you find the best free university courses online. Several universities publish their course materials for free online, under the OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiative. OCW Search is an independent search engine that indexes all these courses so you can find these courses faster. Universities in OCW Search Currently, the following universities' OpenCourseWare are included in OCW Search: 1. School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins (institution:jhsph) 2. MIT (institution:mit) 3. Notre Dame (institution:nd) 4. The Open University UK (institution: openuniversity) 5. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (institution:politecnicamadrid), Spanish courses 6. Stanford Engineering Everywhere (institution:stanford) 7. Delft University of Technology (institution:tudelft), English and Dutch courses 8. UMass Boston (institution:umass) 9. The University of Tokyo (institution:utokyo), both English and Japanese OCW collections 10. Y
OCW Search is a search engine dedicated to helping you find the best free university courses online. Several universities publish their course materials for free online, under the OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiative. OCW Search is an independent search engine that indexes all these courses so you can find these courses faster.
YouTube - Lecture 1: Higher Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW 2008
Richard Buckland
6 Free Websites for Learning and Teaching Science
Science education sites
Conceptua™ Math
tools designed for teacher-facilitated instruction, and include sample problems to give teachers instructional suggestions. For each tool you will find a short instructional video, standards alignment (including the recent Common Core State Standards), key vocabulary, and IEP goals
Focus on teaching fractions!
Conceptua (MeTRIC): standards-based, teacher facilitated math tools... procedural, higher-order concepts, etc.
This site provides visual math lessons. Though this site specializes in fractions, there are pieces any level math teacher can grab from here.
RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand!
RhinoSpike is an online language learning community tool that lets users around the globe connect and exchange foreign language audio files. Get any foreign language text read aloud for you by a native speaker!
4 Tips for Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom
RT @jswiatek: 4 Tips for Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom - – Steven W. Anderson (web20classroom)
RT @bdescary: Intéressera peut être @jyaire 4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
RT @nbenyounes: RT @bdescary: Intéressera peut être @jyaire 4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
RT @web20classroom: More Tips On Integrating Social Media Into The Classroom:
Why Schools are Turning to Google Apps
google apps is so good, schools are now incorporating it into the education. very similar to how first spread---- i heard about it first in school when my teacher told everyone to use "google" instead of "lycos" or "yahoo"
oregon school story
Today, the entire public school system of Oregon will embrace Google Apps. 400,000 Students, teachers, and administrators will have access to a common e-mail and chat system, cloud-based collaboration tools, and a robust multimedia streaming service. Traditionally, statewide adoptions of any kind in education are hotly contested, with the most minute details up for extended debate.
CS242: Course Readings
WEBTOOLS applied to teaching
RT @shannonmmiller: WEBTOOLS applied to teaching ...Great resource! #fhuedu642
» New York Times 50 Most Challenging Words (defined and used) - Currently Obsessed
The New York Times recently published a list of 50 fancy words that most frequently stump their readership. They are able to measure this data thanks to a nifty in-page lookup mechanism, which you can try here. Try double-clicking the word “epicenter”.
Higher Computing For Everyone - Learn Programming - Free Programming Classes Online
The course which started it all! First presented on the social news website Reddit in October, 2009, this course has grown to over 6,000 subscribers. Start here if you have little or no programming background. Even experienced programmers may find new and interesting details as well as a helpful refresher in this course. Start at Lesson One, and proceed through each lesson one at a time. If you get stuck, simply follow the "discussion" links and myself and others will be glad to help you.
Education Week's Digital Directions: Social Networking Goes to School
Education Week's Digital Directions: Educators are integrating Facebook, Ning, and other sites into K-12 life despite concerns about privacy and behavior
This article shows how a school in New Jersey is using Twitter, Ning, Facebook, etc. for educational purposes. It also features a school here in Jacksonville that is using Skype to interact with students around the world in their "Around the World with 80 Schools" project.
Great article with lots of ideas from schools using social networking in their classes.
RT @NMHS_Principal: Social Networking Goes to School
June 14, 2010
extensive article
"Social Networking Goes to School" (EdWeek via @yooEducation) – LJ Create (LJCreate)
The End of Men - Magazine - The Atlantic
Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way— and its vast cultural consequences
Daughters preferred over sons, women more successful
Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women&#8217;s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn&#8217;t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way&#8212; and its vast cultural consequences
"Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way— and its vast cultural consequences"
In his final book, The Bachelors’ Ball, published in 2007, the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu describes the changing gender dynamics of Béarn, the region in southwestern France where he grew up. The eldest sons once held the privileges of patrimonial loyalty and filial inheritance in Béarn. But over the decades, changing economic forces turned those privileges into curses. Although the land no longer produced the impressive income it once had, the men felt obligated to tend it. Meanwhile, modern women shunned farm life, lured away by jobs and adventure in the city. They occasionally returned for the traditional balls, but the men who awaited them had lost their prestige and become unmarriageable. This is the image that keeps recurring to me, one that Bourdieu describes in his book: at the bachelors’ ball, the men, self-conscious about their diminished status, stand stiffly, their hands by their sides, as the women twirl away.
As thinking and communicating have come to eclipse physical strength and stamina as the keys to economic success, women begin to have the advantage.
Steven Strogatz on the Elements of Math - Series - The New York Times
"Steven Strogatz, an award-winning professor, takes readers from the basics to the baffling in a 15-part series on mathematics. Beginning with a column on why numbers are helpful, he goes on to investigate topics including negative numbers, calculus and group theory, finishing with the mysteries of infinity."
15 articles on Maths from The New York Times. Assessment tasks perhaps?
15 artigos interessantes sobre matemática
What Will You Learn this Summer? 35 Professional Development Resources | Teacher Reboot Camp
David Byrne: How architecture helped music evolve | Video on
TED Talks As his career grew, David Byrne went from playing CBGB to Carnegie Hall. He asks: Does the venue make the music? From outdoor drumming to Wagnerian operas to arena rock, he explores how context has pushed musical innovation.
David Byrne: How architecture helped music evolve
moves head too rapidly
EduDemic » Every Teacher’s Must-Have Guide To Facebook
RT @thnorfar: RT @kylepace: Every Teacher's Must Have Guide To Facebook: #edchat
You can’t swing a stick in social media without hitting something on Facebook. Same goes for education. You can’t talk about how technology is revolutionizing education without mentioning Facebook. It’s a simple service to figure out but what about once you become a regular user? If you’re a teacher, you would be well served by spending 3 minutes to read through this must-have guide. (We timed it out and it’s a bit under 3 minutes. It’s almost summertime, you can spare it for us!)
RT @pgsimoes: Every Teacher’s Must-Have Guide To Facebook (@edudemic)
Collection of resources about Facebook from an educators perspective and some cautions about using it.
A Reading List For the Self-Taught Computer Scientist : books
100 Great Tech Talks for Educators | Best Colleges Online
"If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. In these talks, you will find essential information for educators concerned with technology."
POST - 100 Great Tech Talks for #Educators - - Learn about making #technology work in #education and more in these talks
What’s the Difference Between Viruses, Trojans, Worms, and Other Malware?
Kennt ihr den Unterschied zwischen Malware, Viren, Trojanern, Würmer? Die Aufklärung: – Sergej Müller (wpSEO)
Google Forms: how to create a quiz or a test that automatically grades itself in Google Docs--Internet--Tools
Using forms in Google docs lets anyone create forms quickly and share those forms via email, embed them into a webpage or blog. If you are a teacher, you can create formulas that allow you to have these forms graded in minutes. The formula part is a bit challenging, so I wrote this article to talk about how I recently created a final for one of my classes.
The Anosognosic’s Dilemma: Something’s Wrong but You’ll Never Know What It Is (Part 1) - Opinionator Blog -
The Anosognosic’s Dilemma: "Existence is elsewhere." — André Breton, The Surrealist Manifesto | [from]
The Anosognostic's Dilemma. Errol Morris, Dunning
CloudCourse: An Enterprise Application in the Cloud - Google Open Source Blog
To that end, we are excited to release our new internal learning platform, CloudCourse under an open source license. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. CloudCourse also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Google taking a crack at an LMS? We developed CloudCourse to provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services
new internal learning platform, CloudCourse under an open source license. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. CloudCourse also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
A Self-Appointed Teacher Runs a One-Man 'Academy' on YouTube - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The most popular educator on YouTube does not have a Ph.D. He has never taught at a college or university. And he delivers all of his lectures from a bedroom closet. This upstart is Salman Khan, a 33-year-old who quit his job as a financial analyst to spend more time making homemade lecture videos in his home studio. His unusual teaching materials started as a way to tutor his faraway cousins, but his lectures have grown into an online phenomenon—and a kind of protest against what he sees as a flawed educational system.
"No one I talked to saw Khan Academy as an alternative to traditional colleges (for one thing, it doesn't grant degrees)."
Awesome article on Salman Khan of Khan Academy
iCivics | The Democracy Lab
EduDemic » The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook For Teachers
Adopting a new communication tool is not easy. Figuring out the best way YOU can use Twitter is even harder. Luckily you are not going it alone. We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.
We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.
Differentiate-with-Technology - home
Discusses how to differentiate using Web 2.0 technology.
RT @celfoster: Awesome RT @SuzanneWhisler: Great resource! RT @shannonmmiller Differentiate-with-Technology Wiki – Steven W. Anderson (web20classroom)
differentiate with technology
Evolution Timeline - AndaBien
AndaBien - Evolution Timeline
To scale.
50 Coolest Online Tools for Word Nerds | Online Universities
Learning and using new words can be one of the great pleasures of language. While university courses can help you to build your vocabulary, seeking out words, wordplay, and information is essential to becoming a true word nerd. These online tools can help you along, making it simple to learn new words, find out where they came from and just plain play with words.
Detecting Plagiarism for Free - Learn How to Prevent Plagiarism in Your Classroom
"This comprehensive resource will tell you everything you need to know about plagiarism, from the basic facts to free detection tools to preventing it in both the physical and online classroom." "Quick Facts - Defining Plagiarism - Free Tools for Detecting Plagiarism - Examples of Plagiarism Policies - Plagiarism Tutorials - Tips for Discouraging Plagiarism - Plagiarism in the Online Classroom - Additional Plagiarism Resources"
News: No Grading, More Learning - Inside Higher Ed
In #HigherEd No Grading Might Mean More Learning: (Lots of applications to K-12) – Steven W. Anderson (web20classroom)
No grading meant students inspired to do work
"Davidson, the Ruth F. Devarney Professor of English, said that of the 16 students in the course, 15 already have earned an A and she expects the remaining student to soon finish an assignment that will earn an A as well."
今からでも間に合う!本気で勉強したい人のための英語学習ページまとめ! | nanapi[ナナピ]
Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs | Video on
@haikalis Cameron Herold: "Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs" - Video on
Bored in school, failing classes, at odds with peers: This child might be an entrepreneur, says Cameron Herold. At TEDxEdmonton, he makes the case for parenting and education that helps would-be entrepreneurs flourish -- as kids and as adults.
EduDemic » The Ultimate Teacher’s Guide To Social Media
a flipbook that briefly describes a variety of social media 'outlets' (no mention of Delicious)
Describes a book as well as listing some other ideas.
RT @edudemic: From Twitter to Diigo to Glogster and beyond...The Ultimate Teacher's Guide To Social Media helps everyone! ...
No, really, pi is wrong: The Tau Manifesto by Michael Hartl | Tau Day, 2010
quite convincing :)
Tau = 2*Pi. Revelation of the century.
The Tau Manifesto
critical-thinking - home
by Howard Reingold Moving beyond skills to literacies (skills + community)
crap detection 101- Howard Rheingold
Examples of Student Innovation - home
This is a Wiki of student examples from all over the United States. Great ideas!
Student Innovation exemplar wiki
RT @gcouros: Share great work of your students! Examples of Student Innovation - home:
As educators focusing on 21st Century Learning, it is important that we are able to share examples of powerful student work that we can share with educators around the world. It is important that we have this opportunity to not only talk about how we can empower students, but as examples of how this has ALREADY affected student learning. The Motivation? This wiki was inspired (as many things are) by a student that did a phenomenal job on discussing her PLN that was shared numerous times on Twitter
This goes directly to our CIDC goal of improving writing. Many of these student blogs in the first section are great, easy examples of what a blog can be used for.
Ideas to move from tech to teach
40 Amazingly Educational iPad Apps for Kids | Online Find the Right Online Class Match
As the title says...
suggested iphone apps for students
Home | The Smithsonian Institution: The Ocean Portal
A site full of information about the ocean. Timely--items about the current oil spill are there; just lots to see. Educator section.
The recent catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico compels all of us to turn our attention to the sea. A new website, the Smithsonian Ocean Portal offers teachers, parents and kids best-in-class educational, scientific and intellectual assets from the Smithsonian and more than 20 environmental organizations.
TimeMaps - World Map 3500 BC
Click on the timeline's icons or on the map's icons to learn more about each place represented on the map. The map changes as you progress through the timeline. For example, the 3500BC map represents only five places while the 1871AD map highlights places all over the globe.
The aim of the TimeMap of World History is to "communicate history in a truly engaging way". To do this, we use a combination of timelines, maps, and encyclopedia entries merged together to create both authoritative content and an enjoyable user experience. The result is a unique interactive guide through history, stopping at each and every civilization, empire and country along the way.
A combination of timelines, maps, and encyclopedia entries merged together to create both authoritative content and an enjoyable user experience. The result is a unique interactive guide through history, stopping at each and every civilization, empire and country along the way.
Mapa Histórico del mundo. Interactivo.
Features interactive timeline
TimeMaps is best described as a mash-up of encyclopedia, timeline, and map elements. TimeMaps' world map is designed as an overview of the development of the world's societies. The map's timeline begins in 3500BC and concludes in 2005AD. Click on the timeline's icons or on the map's icons to learn more about each place represented on the map. The map changes as you progress through the timeline. For example, the 3500BC map represents only five places while the 1871AD map highlights places all over the globe.
imeMaps is best described as a mash-up of encyclopedia, timeline, and map elements
Word Games - Play Word Search, Crossword, Puzzles and Sudoku Games
Applications for Education There is no shortage of word games and typing games on the market, but what I like about Word Games is that they've put a large collection of good games in one place. By having both word games and typing games at the same place you can have your whole class go to the same url at the beginning of a lesson, but then branch out to work at their own pace on different skill sets.
Web based word games.
A large collection of online word games and typing games. The word games range from simple word searches and crosswords to games that require players to complete sentences and phrases. The typing games are a mix of simple sentence typing for speed and games that require accuracy to "defend" a character or move a character through a scene.
Easy Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
A slideshare presentation about simple and effective tools to use for the classroom.
slideshow showing 20 tools for teachers
18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18
ISTE Learning
RT @mcarls: RT .@smack3131: RT .@kylepace: ISTE's new professional development site - #iste10
What Is ISTE Learning?ISTE Learning is an anytime, anywhere online community for professional development where educators can sample free concepts, buy cool resources and exchange creative ideas. This space provides relevant learning experiences in multiple formats to strengthen the teaching experience and grow digital literacy.
Hacking the Academy
A book crowdsourced in one week may 21-28 2010
Google Apps Education Training Center
Welcome to the Google Apps Education Training Center. This is an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.
"Google Apps Centro de Educación, Capacitación Bienvenido al Centro de Capacitación de Google Apps Education. Se trata de un aprendizaje en línea dedicada a los educadores y los estudiantes a aprender cómo utilizar con eficacia de Google Apps en el contexto educativo . El acceso a una cuenta de Google Apps para educación es muy recomendable para que usted pueda experimentar y aplicar lo que aprenden."
RT @infernaldepart: Taking a look at the Google Apps Edu training centre. Some good stuff for staff CPD!
an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.
VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos
RT @mike08: RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
RT @mike08: RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use #voicethread in education: #austl
RT @kylepace: RT @nharm: 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
RT @tenteacher: Great resource! RT @nharm 100 ways to use voicethread in education:
100 ways to use voicethread in education:
This can be used within the writing process in all aspects especially for your student publications.
voicethread it a great collaborative tool with slideshow and video capabilities
Ten Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology | Edutopia
Ten Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology - Differentiated Instruction - – nancyrubin (nancyrubin)
To challenge and support each child at his or her own level, the educators of Forest Lake Elementary deploy a powerful array of digital-technology tools. Discover what your school can learn.
Personalize learning via technology-Edutopia
This article discusses integrating technology into the classroom. As schools become more diverse it becomes more important to diversify and personalize lessons. Rubenstein (2010) discusses a South Carolina elementary school that uses a wide array of technology tools. Although having the gadgets available is the first step, using them effectively to create lessons that are productive and engage the students is critically important. Rubenstein (2010) offers 10 tips from Forest Lake's teachers on how to achieve this goal.
The Most Important Algorithms (Survey)
Social Media Parenting: Raising the Digital Generation
dang it! apparently no app for good parenting *grmbl*
from Mashable
子供にどうソーシャルメディアを使わせるべきか、という記事。企業のソーシャルメディアポリシーの考え方に通じるところがあるのが興味深い。結局、どちらも教育と信頼関係が大事ということですかね。 – 徳力 基彦 (tokuriki)
open 18 Conference
Does the Internet Make You Dumber? -
picture emerging from the research is deeply troubling, at least to anyone who values the depth, rather than just the velocity, of human thought. People who read text studded with links, the studies show, comprehend less than those who read traditional linear text. People who watch busy multimedia presentations remember less than those who take in information in a more sedate and focused manner.
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
Wikipedia - Explained By Common Craft - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation
Wikipedia description in easy to understand language
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
Wikipedia - Explained By Common Craft - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation
Wikipedia description in easy to understand language
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
sigilt - Favorite Web 2.0 Tools
Winter 2010 Newsletter a list of our members favorite Web 2.0 Tools
web 2.o sites
This is a great list of Web 2.0 tools compiled by teachers #chickenweb20tools – Mary Beth Hertz (mbteach)
Web tools- Sent by Carol Tinney LPS
Wikipedia - Explained By Common Craft - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation
Wikipedia Explained By Common Craft – Larry Ferlazzo (Larryferlazzo)
RT @Larryferlazzo: Wikipedia Explained By Common Craft
Wikipedia description in easy to understand language
cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.
Introduction to social media
RT @cristobalzamora: RT @ictlogist: Introduction to Social Media (via many people! ;)
From Nancy White
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.
50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps —
RT @TheLiB: “50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps” - – ALA_TechSource (ALA_TechSource)
10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries)
Good post on ways to use Google Books
50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps —
10 Ways to Use Google Books for Lifelong Learning and Research
The great thing about Google is that you can take any of its services and extend it to uses that are not so obvious. We have seen the uncounted ways you can use Google Search. Now, take Google Books for instance.
10 ways to use Google Books for Lifelong learning and research from – Manchester Libraries (MancLibraries)
50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps —
Free Technology for Teachers: Google for Teachers II - Free 33 Page Guide
Google para Professores II - ver com atenção
Bureau 42 | Summer School 2010.1: Quantum Physics
The onset of summer is no excuse to stop learning. In this year’s session, we will address Quantum Physics. Be here each Monday morning through July and August for a new lesson in the nine part series, covering graduate level physics concepts with grade school math, or no math at all.
Free Technology for Teachers: Google for Teachers II - Free 33 Page Guide
Google para Professores II - ver com atenção
The Creativity Crisis - Newsweek
Good read > The Creativity Crisis /RT @invisiblepilot
Back in 1958, Ted Schwarzrock was an 8-year-old third grader when he became one of the “Torrance kids,” a group of nearly 400 Minneapolis children who completed a series of creativity tasks newly designed by professor E. Paul Torrance. Schwarzrock still vividly remembers the moment when a psychologist handed him a fire truck and asked, “How could you improve this toy to make it better and more fun to play with?”
Important article detailing research that indicates that tests of creative performance by children, after rising steadily from the 1950s to 1990, have been dropping sharply since that point. Story attempts to discuss some of the reasons why, how educators (here and abroad) are attempting to inculcate innovative thinking and action in schoolchildren and what sorts of familial and societal conditions spark creativity.
The 10 Most Important Things They Didn't Teach You In School |
funny, and surprisingly apt.
6. Business: Success = Meeting the Right People All of those successful people you see around town, with their convertibles and huge televisions? Approximately 100 percent of them got where they are because they had three things. All three are absolutely essential, but one of them is almost never mentioned. They are: * Talent * Hard Work * Randomly Meeting the Right People and Not Pissing Them Off The autobiographies of famous people will do everything they can to downplay that third part, because it has the element of sheer luck. People get offended when you mention it, because they think it somehow undermines the first two. But remember, we said you need all three. For instance, let's take maybe the most successful movie actor of all time, Harrison Ford. He farted around Hollywood for nine years, taking bit parts without anything major ever coming his way. Clearly talented, very hard-working. Yet not once did anybody look at him and say, "This guy will sell several billi
Can't believe I'm linking to cracked magazine, but this is pretty good.
Welcome to Kan-ed!
Kan-ed is a program created by the Kansas Legislature and administered through the Kansas Board of Regents. The purpose of the program is to expand the collaboration capabilities of Kan-ed's member institutions, specifically K-12 schools, higher education, libraries and hospitals. Kan-ed Mission: Kan-ed will be the leader in facilitating statewide technology solutions for Higher Education Institutions, Hospitals, K-12 Schools, and Libraries. Kan-ed will provide resources that enable its members to collaborate, educate and enhance their information delivery services to ensure our members become part of the global technology environment.
user name ksucoe subscription coeksu password ksucoe
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Videos All Educators Should Watch
Seven Videos All Educators Should Watch: via @addthis
Good intros to PD
Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff –
Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff –
Nice collection of web sites for creating timelines for use by students and teachers.
Top 10 Sites for Creating
Top 10 Sites for Creating Timelines by David Kapuler
Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Film Noir, Documentaries & More | Open Culture
Grande liste de classiques et autres films noirs à voir gratuitement en ligne
A support page for the presentation "Cure What Ails You: A Dose of Twitter for Every Day of the School Year"
This presentation provides an in-depth overview of the micro-blogging tool, Twitter. The links to the tips, tricks, tools, research, and other items included in the presentation are listed below.
Online Degree The Ultimate Guide to Google Edu Apps: 100 Tips & Tricks for Teachers
HomeAbout UsAboutContactCareer Guides
Google Applications in all their myriad forms undoubtedly impacted the education system for the better. Students and teachers alike now enjoy the streamlined suites to bolster lessons and lectures with valuable visuals and tools that better underscore the subjects at hand. The internet juggernaut itself provides some fantastic tips, tricks, and lesson plans to inspire educators to take advantage of everything their services have to offer - however, the possibilities stretch far beyond the ones listed here and are limited only by imaginations and coding. Use them as a starting point to launch (and share!) other innovative strategies to apply Google Applications in the classroom.
Wow some of these dont  apply to primary but are still worth a look. Remember that all our students who have activated their email have access to Google docs.
FAQ For Librarians - Outreach Wiki
FAQ about Wikipedia for librarians. Very useful for answering frequent criticism. (via @Lankskafferiet ) – Alastair Creelman (alacre)
Info for librarians about Wikipedia -- it's background, its policies, etc. Questions include stuff like: Who owns Wikipedia, How common is vandalism, Is there material on Wikipedia that's unsuitable to children, Does Wikipedia want help from academics, etc...
Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.
Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
Under enormous pressure to reform, the nation's public schools are spending millions of dollars each year on gadgets from text-messaging devices to interactive whiteboards that technology companies promise can raise student performance.
Article about whiteboards and effectiveness in student achievement.
The Best Free Online Grammar Check
3JOJo.jpg (JPEG Image, 1370x679 pixels)
Hell Yeah Bruce Lee!!
bruce lee running story
The one thing you need to know – julien smith (julien)
" might as well be dead. Seriously, if you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else, it’ll spread over into the rest of your life. It’ll spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being. There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level.”
The one where Bruce Lee motivates you by telling you to go ahead and die.
bruce lee
cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels)
cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels) - Scaled (84%)
Blooms & verbs in concentric circle
CryptoKids™ America's Future Codemakers & Codebreakers
There are three levels of game play beginner, intermediate, and advanced. As students play games, they will learn Morse Code, complete brainteasers that involve math and logic, create their own cipher machines, crack Yardleygrams and cryptograms, and learn some words in different languages.
This site from the National Security Agency offers lots of information about ciphers and codes, and lets students test their skills at detection and code-breaking.
cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels)
cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels) - Scaled (84%)
CryptoKids™ America's Future Codemakers & Codebreakers
There are three levels of game play beginner, intermediate, and advanced. As students play games, they will learn Morse Code, complete brainteasers that involve math and logic, create their own cipher machines, crack Yardleygrams and cryptograms, and learn some words in different languages.
cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels)
CryptoKids™ America's Future Codemakers & Codebreakers
You Don’t Need a Degree: 15 College Dropouts Who Made It Big
You Don’t Need a Degree: 15 College Dropouts Who Made It Big
You Don’t Need a Degree: 15 College Dropouts Who Made It Big
Google Apps Education Training Center
Teacher resources for using Google Apps.
NIXTY - Empowering Education for Everyone
Take or create an online course, includes ePorfolios
USGS Multimedia Gallery : Home
The USGS Multimedia Gallery contains large collections of educational videos, animations, podcasts, and image galleries. You can search each collection by topic and or keyword tags.
Just #historified: USGS Multimedia Gallery : Home
Mulitmedia resources from the USGS, including videos, animations, photography, etc.
The USGS Multimedia Gallery is our one-stop collection of videos, photography, and other imagery. All items in this gallery are considered public domain.
U.S. Copyright Office - Anticircumvention Rulemaking
@jasongreen she might have mentioned it, but the rule says nothing about it – Ira Socol (irasocol)
@budtheteacher – Meredith (msstewart)
Statement of the Librarian of Congress on the Anticircumvention Rulemaking: Text
Jailbreaking and bypassing DVD CSS DRM is now legal for fair use purposes Rulemaking on Exemptions from Prohibition on Circumvention of Technological Measures that Control Access to Copyrighted Works
The Librarian of Congress has announced the classes of works subject to the exemption from the prohibition against circumvention of technological measures that control access to copyrighted works. Persons making noninfringing uses of the following six classes of works will not be subject to the prohibition against circumventing access controls (17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)) until the conclusion of the next rulemaking.
Hey @Canada_Gov I think you should read this -> DMCA exemptions now make it legal to rip DVDs for education
Learn It In 5 - Home
Learn it in 5 is a powerful library of how-to videos, produced by technology teachers, for the purpose of helping teachers and students create classroom strategies for today's 21st century's digital classroom. These step-by-step how-to videos walk teachers through Web 2.0 technology, demonstrating how to use Web 2.0 applications like blogs, social networks, podcasts, interactive videos, wikis, slidesharing and much more.
Google Apps Education Training Center
Tutoriais sobre as aplicações da Google
NIXTY - Empowering Education for Everyone
Online, apparently free, resource for e-learning
critical-thinking - Tools
The tools below can help students evaluate information they find online.
evaluate online info
Top 50 Library Websites Worth Bookmarking from Around the World
RT @Zac_eMINTS: RT @rkiker: Top 50 library sites worth bookmarking from around the world