40 Photoshop Tutorials for Amazing Lighting Effects - Part Two | Vandelay Design Blog
Ultimate List Of 50 Quality Photoshop Tutorials For Your Inner Designer | The Theme Blog
50 Quality Photoshop TutorialsThe Coolest Text Effects on the Planet | Photoshop Tutorials
some very solid text effects...best ive seen so far in one compilation18 Photoshop Brush Sets for Creating Incredible Lighting Effects | Web Design Ledger
super simple light stroke brushes40+ Adobe After Effects Best of Tutorials & Resources | Noupe
This page contains a number of ideas on how to create various sound effects.
Check it out!
Welcome to the Guide to Sound Effects! This page contains a number of ideas on how to create various sound effects, and we hope you find it inspiring.
How to make all kinds of sounds in your studio/home. An excellent foley resource.15 Tutorials for Recreating Authentic Photo Effects | Blog.SpoonGraphics
JavaScript library
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations at Learning jQuery
Quick Tip: Add Easing to Your Animations » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials - http://www.learningjquery.com/2009/02/quick-tip-add-easing-to-your-animations50 Stunning Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
Photoshop’s text and layer tools can be used to create some really awesome effects. We’ve put together a list of 60 of the best tutorials we could find to help you stay up to date
great text tutorialsTHE DAFT PUNk'S CONSOLE by NAJLE.com
we needed this for the van last year!
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"Top" four instant sound effect sites250+ Stains Brushes for Photoshop
250+ Stains Brushes for Photoshop
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20 different quality stain brush packs for photoshop
great brushes45+ Incredible Maya Tutorials Around | Tutorials | instantShift
tal cual10+ Sites To Add Amazing Effects To Your Photos | MakeUseOf.com
Trying to make your photos more interesting? Thinking about learning Photoshop to add some creative effects to images? How about achieving similar results by
to add effects on images14 Most Impressive Photoshop Typography Effects | Web Design Ledger
In web design, there are often times that you will have text to which you want to draw extra attention. We all know the power of Photoshop. So why not use it to20+ Super Professional Photoshop Light Effects Tutorials
Not so much a how to as a page of examples.19 Tutorials for Creating Beautiful HDR (High Dynamic Range) Imagery : Speckyboy Design Magazine
glow colorsHover Effects in Web Design: Best Practices and Examples | Spoonfed Design
Spoonfed Design is a blog for designers and developers to get inspired, learn new techniques, and pick up new ideas or resources.ImageSwitch | HieuUK
The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images. Minimize the arguments you need to input and still give some decent effects.30 Text Effect Tutorials for Adobe Illustrator | Vandelay Design Blog
There a lot of space tutorials out there some are better than others, i have managed to try and select a few of what I think can allow you to get great effects that look like they belong and don’t look completely Photoshopped. I tried to be as varied as possible so there are tutorials for creating planets, stars, nebulas and atmospheric type gasses. The great thing is that they lay down the building blocks to experiment and create you own stunning universe. Gas bursts and Atmosphere This tutorial shows you how to create some great gas explosions coming from the planets atmosphere with some pretty simple tools, yet looks stunning space-atmosphere Realistic Star fields Create realistic star fields, the trick with this one is to be totally random and keep building up your layers the end result will speak for it self, with an image that looks like its evolving. realistic-starfield Simple Star fields Create simple yet affective star fields in 8 easy steps. simple-starfield Realistic
There a lot of space tutorials out there some are better than others, i have managed to try and select a few of what I think can allow you to get great effects that look like they belong and don’t look completely Photoshopped.20 More Excellent AJAX Effects You Should Know - Nettuts+
Back in October we wowed you with 20 Excellent Ajax Effects You Should Know. The post went on to become one of the most popular ever published at Nettuts+. This22 Professional Photoshop Image Enhancing Tutorials
It doesn't matter whether you are a designer, a developer, an artist or an amateur learner – at some point you need to improve the50+ Truly Useful Photoshop Tutorials For Amazing Photo Effects @ SmashingApps
50+ Truly Useful Photoshop Tutorials For Amazing Photo Effects35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design
light effects in web design
Using a light source the right way can add dimension and beauty to a website design. Strong light sources create a stark contrast between light areas and shadows in a design, making the elements look more realistic and dimensional and less flat. Some websites opt instead for a dim light source to create a soft glow around particular areas of the website, to attract the eye more subtly. Lighting can also create a mood for a website. Some websites use bright swirls of light to show energy, while others use a dim glow to create a peaceful mood. In the examples below, you will see a wide range of lighting effects used, from subtle lighting effects to bold rays of light streaking across the page20+ Photoshop Actions for Photo Editing
Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS
pliegue de hoja30 Brilliant Photoshop Lighting Effects Tutorials
A current trend in design is adding lighting effects to enhance your digital art. In this article, you’ll find 30 dazzling lighting techniques that you can use to add a bit of sparkle into your work. Expressive lighting effects Engulf photo subjects with glowing lights by following along this top-notch tutorial. Expressive lighting effects Adding Light Streaks to A Photo Add light streaks to photos using Photoshop’s Pen Tool and some simple Layer styles. Adding Light Streaks to A Photo Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects in Photoshop Enhance your photos with a surreal light effect via this excellent tutorial. Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects in Photoshop Lighting Effects in Photoshop Enhance your photos by using the Liquify and Gaussian Blur Filters to lighting effects. Lighting Effects in Photoshop How to Create Intense Light Streaks in Photoshop In this tutorial, you’ll learn how introduce light streaks around your artwork’s subjects. How to Create Intense Light Streaks iSupersized 2.0 Released - Now with Transitions & Controls | Build Internet!
Supersized 2.0 Released - Now with Transitions & Controls | Build Internet! - http://buildinternet.com/2009/05/supersized-20-full-screen-imagebackground-slideshow-jquery-plugin-w-transitions-and-controls/30 Best Photoshop Abstract Effect Tutorials
30 Best Photoshop Abstract Effect Tutorials Photoshop Lady - : Best Photoshop Tutorials Around the WorldThe Ultimate Motion Graphics Tutorials Round-Up | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
Although static graphics is obviously much easier to scan and therefore can be easily perceived, motion graphics brings dynamics and life into otherwise static content.
Huge array of tutorials, most using AE, with a mix of native plugin use and stuff that requires other plugins.How to Turn Humdrum Photos into Cinematic Portraits - Psdtuts+
The Labs showcases some of our research and development with web technologies like JavaScript and CSS. We also release tutorials and resources to help other web developers enrich the web.
Apply gradients, shadows & highlights. All without using any images!37 Cool Movie Poster and Text Effects Photoshop Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
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Fun with PhotoshopソースがダウンロードできるFlashエフェクト集 | DesignWalker
けど素敵だぉ。Create a Stunning Website Demo Presentation - Aetuts+
This set of brushes can be summed up with only 2 words “really” and “awesome”, but since this post would look rather silly if I only wrote “Really
This set of brushes can be summed up with only 2 words “really” and “awesome”, but since this post would look rather silly if I only wrote “Really Awesome” as the headline I will tell you a bit more. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with lots of new Photoshop brush-making techniques. I’ve found that the inspiration for these new techniques always comes at the strangest times so lately I’ve been keeping some odd hours.
photoshop toutorial on light burning and free photoshop brushesIllustrator swatches gradient background effect | Veerle's blog
Gradient style
!!!77 Ultimate Round-Up of Adobe After Effects Tutorials | Tutorials | instantShift
The Computer Graphics & Digital Motion Industry is once again on its historical growth trend. When it comes to visual effects and motion graphics, After , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.13 Useful Techniques for Enhancing Web Design Photography | Web Design Ledger
Photography can either make or break a web design. This starts with the photographer and the camera, but more than likely, photos coming straight from the camera will require some type of adjustments or treatment in order to match the style of it’s surrounding design. Here are 13 Photoshop techniques that you should find useful for enhancing photos to be used in your web designs.
How to enhance photos on a website; Photoshop
Photography can either make or break a web design. This starts with the photographer and the camera, but more than likely, photos coming straight from theMegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip Engine
efectos en el escritorio de Win XP
Official website of Nimi projects - which develops such great software titles like Nimi Visuals: unique effects and customization engine for Windows platform and many more.25 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating 3D Text Effects | Vandelay Design Blog
Text integrated into the design. None for just 3D sake.11 Great Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials | Design Shard
Vector composite effect.A Collection of Photo Effects - Online Picture Editor
Tuxpi.com provides a variety of browser based imaging tools and toys, that let you very easily apply a special look to your pictures.How to Create a 3D Text Photo Manipulation
illustrator 3D text on furniture
写真合成Mastering Illustrator Effects
25 Examples Of Light Effects In Web Design | Design Shard - http://www.designshard.com/inspiration/25-examples-of-light-effects-in-web-design/
Light Effects in Web Design26 Professional Photoshop Retouching Tutorials
Great selection of photo retouching tutorials
Adobe Photoshop is the go-to tool for digital artists when it comes to professionally retouching images. Enhancing and retouching photos in Photoshop is an effective way to "work with what you’ve got". There are many tips, tricks, and techniques for improving things like skin tone and imperfections, and enhancing the photo subject’s features. This article shares a huge variety of photo retouching tutorials for Photoshop users with brief descriptions of each.
photo retouching techniquesAnimate Curtains Opening with jQuery | Build Internet!
use for some promotion or mini-site?QuickFlip 2: The jQuery Flipping Plugin Made Faster and Simpler | Jon Raasch's Blog
The jQuery Flipping Plugin Made Faster and Simpler10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level | Web Designer Online
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to help distinguish your website from the rest! Use these stunning functions to add some spice to your site.How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop
How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop - Psdtuts+ - http://psd.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tutorials-effects/how-to-mold-paint-splatter-to-a-face-in-photoshop/40 Really Useful Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials
No matter you want to design a banner or logo, text effect is very important. Why? It is because a beautiful text effect on the banner or logo will attracts the visitor and also delivers a better message. There are tons of Photoshop text tutorials around us, but today we are going to pick the most 40 beautiful Photoshop text effect tutorials for our readers.
This article shares the most useful Photoshop text effect tutorials with readers. A great text effect will sure attract readers' attention and delivers a better message.Top 50 Stunning Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials
Top 50 Stunning Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop Lady - : Best Photoshop Tutorials Around the World23 jQuery Fade in Fade out Effect - Toolbox - Geek Sucks
23 jQuery Fade in Fade out EffectCreate a Realistic Hover Effect With jQuery « Blog and Web Design Portfolio of Adrian Pelletier
Myinkblog77 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters | Tutorials | instantShift
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **The Best Adobe Illustrator Text Effect Tutorials | Creative Nerds
A collection of the best adobe illustrator effect tutorials from around the web. The article features over 20 tutorials which will each show you new tips and illustrator tricks. If theirs any other awesome tutorials which have missed the list feel free to share it with us within the comments.
The Best Adobe Illustrator Text Effect Tutorials | Creative Nerds15 Tutorials that helped me grow as a Designer | GreatCreativeLinks.com
The letterpress effect is becoming hugely popular in web design, and with a couple of modern browsers now showing support for the text-shadow CSS3 property it’s now simple and easy to create the effect with pure CSS. No Photoshop trickery here!
.15 Best Examples of Free jQuery Content Sliders
collection of jquery sliders
Slider imagesCarsonified » 5 Advanced Photoshop Techniques for Web Designers
I've selected various Photoshop tutorials that I'm liking at the moment for light effects, some have quite cool techniques on how to achieve the end result that can be applied to a million different designs.25 Websites with Lighting Effects – Part III | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design and Development Blog250+ Light Effect Brushes for Photoshop
Create Vintage Traveler Diary in Photoshop
Tutorial für ein total schickes Bild mit einem Reisetagebuch und Fotos
In this reader tutorial Nikola Lazarevic aka Colaja from Nis, Serbia will show us how to create a very stylish vintage traveler diary in Photoshop. We will mix brushes with stock photos and blend modes to achieve the effect.20 jQuery Plugins/Techniques For Web Designers And Developers - Codefusion Lab
One of the brilliant things about jQuery is the ease in which you can implement animations. A few years ago anything that looked even the smallest bitManipulate Smoke to Create Hyper-Real Images - Psdtuts+
Tutorial caveira de fumaça
Learn to apply the Warp Tool effectively and a few other tricks to make smoke look like a skull. This technique has a variety of outcomes and works well with17 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Creative Advertisements | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design and Development Blog18 Fresh Photoshop Photo Manipulation Tutorials | Web Design Ledger
Photoshop Photo Manipulation Tutorials
Photo Manipulations can be a lot of fun and can produce powerful effects when well executed. There are a lot of tutorials out there that teach various photo50+ Most Amazing Adobe After Effects Tutorials You Need to Learn | Naldz Graphics
In this beginning-level design tutorial, I'll show you how to apply a beautiful and super-easy text treatment in Photoshop: the inset text effect. It's also often called the letterpress effect because it looks similar to text created by a Letterpress printer.
Awesome Typography Tutorial - Photoshop
In this beginning-level design tutorial, I’ll show you how to apply a beautiful and super-easy text treatment in Photoshop: the inset text effect. It’s also often called the letterpress effect because it looks similar to text created by a Letterpress printer.50 Time Saving Photoshop Actions for Enhancing Photos | Web Design Ledger
Built with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. Baseline starts with several files to reset the browser’s default behavior, build a basic typographic layout — including style for HTML forms and new HTML 5 elements — and build a simple grid system. Baseline was born to be a quick way to prototype a website and grew up to become a full typographic framework for the web using “real” baseline grid as it’s foundation.50+ Striking Adobe Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials | Tutorial Lounge
We offering another big deal with 50+ Striking Adobe Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials, as you know Typography is something else for creative presentation, but in text effects you Can show you skills about text effects using Adobe Photoshop techniques and tools for deliver an graphic things, in all listed tutorials we trying to present really creative stuff with Photoshop latest tips and tricks.
[ad#post-linkunit] We offering another big deal with 50+ Striking Adobe Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials, as you know Typography is something else for creative presentation, but in text effects you Can show you skills about text effects using Adob
フォトショップのテキストエフェクト50選21 Excellent 3D Text Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials | Web Design Ledger
*** great text tuts!! great for flyer n poster designs!How to Create Eroded Metal Text with Photoshop - Psdtuts+
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create an eroded metal text effect. Throughout this tutorial we'll make use of various drawing techniques, channels, and patterns.
Great tutorial - easy to follow.
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create an eroded metal text effect. Throughout this tutorial we'll make use of various drawing techniques, channels, and10 Wonderful Letterpress Type Tutorials
In this article, you'll find a collection of tutorials from various parts of the web that will teach you how to create this awesome text effect using common graphics applications (and a couple using just CSS).
The letterpress type treatment (or as I call it, inset text treatment) can be easily done in Photoshop. In this article, you’ll find a collection of tutorials from various parts of the web that will teach you how to create this awesome text effect using common graphics applications (and a couple using just CSS). Check out my own tutorial here on Six Revisions called How to Create Inset Typography in Photoshop. You may also want to peruse the Beautiful Examples of Inset Typography in Web Design collection for design inspiration and usage examples.
又见letterpressRollip - Create Polaroids from your photos!
(no description)Beautiful Examples of Kinetic Photography « Smashing Magazine
Kinetic PhotographyAbduzeedo's Text Effect Tutorials | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Yesterday talking with a friend of mine, I sent him the link for one of our Abduzeedo photoshop text tutorials. He told me he had never seen that tutorial before, and that made me realize that since we've got so many great posts, sometimes the older tutorjQuery Link Nudge Plugin
David Walsh Blog Become a complete programmer with PHP, CSS, MooTools, jQuery, and ∞.jQuery Approach by Scott Robbin
Proximity-based effects
Approach is a jQuery plugin that allows you to animate style properties based on the cursor’s proximity to an object. It works in a very similar manner to jQuery animate, however it animates over distance instead of time.40 Adobe Illustrator Text Effect Tutorials « Noupe
In this Illustrator tutorial round-up, there are over 40 text effects, or if you prefer typographic effects, to help you learn new techniques and expand your typographic repertoire.Fade colors using jQuery
Fade colors using jQuery
como dar un efecto de desvanecimiento a una lista de links
Pretty cool70 Of The Best Photoshop Actions For Enhancing Photos | Creative Nerds
The compilation consist of 70 of the best Photoshop actions collected from all around the web from photo effects to actions for even creating photo borders, An essential design resource for all designers weather your an expert or an beginner.30 Photo Effect Photoshop Tutorials Every Designer Will Love | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
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30 High Quality Photo Effects Every Designer Will Love manipulation photoshopAmazing jQuery Hover Effects | jQuery Wisdom
Amazing jQuery Hover Effects | jQuery Wisdom - http://www.jquery.wisdomplug.com/jquery-plugins/jquery-animation-effects-plugins-jquery-plugins/amazing-jquery-hover-effects/
Let hovers effects communicate and interact with the users. This collection of my handpicked amazing jQuery Hover effect plugins and tutorials will help you bring great interactivity and usability into your website.
Collection d'effets hover.30 Fresh and Useful Photoshop Actions
30 Fresh and Useful Photoshop Actions - http://designm.ag/resources/useful-photoshop-actions/20 Photoshop Actions to Add Flair to Your Photos
20 of the best Photoshop Actions that allow you to easily spice up your photos with popular effects, including HDR, Soft Focus, Lomo, Velvia and more!
These are really cool effects20+ Easy to Use jQuery Text Effects and Animations : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Pretty Useful and Cool
10 Pretty Useful and Cool jQuery Plugins
There are new jQuery plugin being released everyday. In this post, I have found 10 jQuery Plugins that are pretty useful and also pretty cool concept.
This list is pretty nice and more recent. All of the plugins seem to be pretty dialed in and compatible with all the major browsersCreating Very Cool Folded Typo | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Creating Very Cool Folded Typo
Folded text tutorial
Fuentes despegadas
In this tutorial I will show how to create a very cool folding effect to apply on your typography using photoshop, in very easy and in a couple simple steps you can transform a simple text into a text full of folded letters to give a very cool look to it, check it out.
In this tutorial I will show how to create a very cool folding effect to apply on your typography, in very easy and in a couple simple steps you can transform a simple text into a text full of folded letters to give a very cool look to it, check it out.25 Outstanding Lighting Effect Tutorials for Photoshop | Vandelay Design Blog
25 Outstanding Lighting Effect Tutorials for Photoshop
Web Design and Development Blog
Efeitos de iluminação em imagens PARTE 2Dragon Labs » Codename Rainbows
We use some JavaScript and CSS magic to apply a two-color gradient to any text. Shadows and highlights can also be applied.
Allows creating gradient texts
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Applies gradient to HTML text via JS (jQuery) and CSS.
Gradient text creationBubble Effect with CSS | AEXT.NET
Bubble Effect with CSS | AEXT.NET
Bubble Effect with CSS | AEXT.NET - http://aext.net/2009/11/bubble-effect-with-css/5 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins Were Born in November 2009 | AEXT.NET
Pennelli con effetto "scia di scintille"The “Wow” Factor in Web Design | Design Informer
Para hacer animaciones de html en jquery
Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. (And now, not just turntables, but many shapes!) In its simplest configuration, Roundabout works with ordered- and unordered-lists, however after some quick configuration, Roundabout can work with an set of nested elements.The Best 40 Photoshop Text Effects from 2009 : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Photoshop Text Effects from 2009
Photoshop Text EffectsWhat You Need To Know About Behavioral CSS - Smashing Magazine
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What You Need To Know45 Superb Light Effects | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Light-Effects are a great way to create awesome and colorful images. Also it has become a trend mostly because of the work of guys such as James White and Chuck Anderson who I think are the Light-effects Masters. So in this post I will share with you sometransm.js (javascript programmable image transitions)
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Crossprocess Effect.100+ Outstanding Photoshop Actions to Enhance your Photography | The Photo Argus - A Photographer's Resource
If your like me you enjoy enhancing your photos in Photoshop. It's a lot of fun to take your shots and experiment with them. Have you ever seen photos in
If your like me you enjoy enhancing your photos in Photoshop. It’s a lot of fun to take your shots and experiment with them. Have you ever seen photos in magazines or on the web and wondered how they achieved that look. I have collected over 100 Photoshop actions that will help you achieve some of these looks and save you a ton of time in the process. Happy post processing!How to Create a Realistic IES Lighting Effect in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a realistic IES (photometric) lighting effect. We'll be using Photoshop CS4 as well as some free plugins and
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Really cool lighting in photoshop50 Excellent Adobe After Effects Tutorials - Noupe
a ver si aprendes de una puta vez un poco de motion graphic!!!80+ Photoshop Actions for Giving Your Pictures a Vintage Look | Web Design Ledger
Shared on the twitter by @dreamworldmplsHow to Create a Cool Anaglyphic Text Effect with CSS
overlap blue and red text using cssHow To Create Depth And Nice 3D Ribbons Only Using CSS3 | PV.M Garage
No images. Just CSS & CSS3. All major browsers support the technique. Love it.350+ Smoke Brushes for Photoshop – DesignM.ag
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input, text tricks background images are coveredCustom blend modes for Flash 10 » Lost In Actionscript - Shane McCartney
FlashPlayer10で使えるカスタマイズブレンドモード。Java Image Processing - Blurring for Beginners
Abstract brush
Collection of 600+ Light Effect Photoshop Brushes
We're seeing superb lighting effects being used in design and media popping up everywhere nowadays; in print design, web design and even TV commercials - and it's only getting more popular (good or bad thing?). You could of course create your own lighting effects - but for those of us that are a little more time restricted, there are hundreds of free brushes out there. This post compiles a whopping collection of over 600 light effect Photoshop brushes!CSS Transitions 101 | Webdesigner Depot
Despite people's expectation of change and movement on the screen, CSS and HTML have few controls that allow you to design interactivity, and those that existThe New Hotness: Using CSS3 Visual Effects - Smashing Magazine
Great demo of some key CSS3 effects.
css3 is crazy35 Breathtaking Text Effects using Adobe Photoshop | Smashing Buzz
35 Breathtaking Text Effects using Adobe Photoshop | Smashing Buzz - http://www.smashingbuzz.com/2010/01/35-breathtaking-text-effects-using-adobe-photoshop/
Graphic Designers loves to draw text effect in an amazing way with step by step trainings of each tutorial which we listing from the gallery of famous designers who working hard and even sharing with everyone for giving trainings through Photoshop tools and techniques. We seen thousands of Photoshop tutorials out there, but few that are top-notch in terms of instructions, presentation and of course conclusion, when it comes to breathtaking text effects then there is no limitation of creativity in terms of presentation, instructions and most importantly final results.
Graphic Designers loves to draw text effect in an amazing way with step by step trainings of each tutorial which we listing from the gallery of famous designers who working hard and even sharing with everyone for giving trainings through Photoshop tools and techniques. We seen thousands of Photoshop tutorials out there, but few that are top-notch in terms of instructions, presentation and of course conclusion, when it comes to breathtaking text effects then there is no limitation of creativity in terms of presentation, instructions and most importantly final results. Hope you all like our effort and give your comments for our future ideas about another best Photoshop text effect tutorial roundups.Superb Jquery CSS Image Effects and Tooltips Tutorials – Designzzz
nice image effects
Great examples of jquery15 jQuery Plugins for Better Web Page Element Layouts - Speckyboy Design Magazine
33 Creative Photoshop Tutorials Text Effects for Beginners and Advanced
http://moviesvip1.blogspot.com/jQuery PhotoShoot Plugin 1.0 – Tutorialzine
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder. You can check out the demonstration above, or a nice tutorial on how to use it here.
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder.
写真撮影っぽいエフェクトがかけられるjQueryプラグイン「Photo Shoot」18 Incredible CSS3 Effects You Have Never Seen Before
By Angel Wardriver jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and
jQuery can empower a developer with the tools required to create a rich user experience. The way in which we display images, text, charts and graphs can enhance functionality for the wide range of users. Let’s take a look at 35 powerful and effective jQuery plugins and techniques for slideshows, graphs and text effects.10 jQuery Transition Effects: Moving Elements with Style | DevSnippets
Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 Brilliant techniques using some jQuery magic to grab the attention of your users with a simple, rich user experience that gets them excited about your website. 1. Fluid Navigation – How to create an informative menu-bar with jQuery & CSS Learn how to create a menu that appears like a standard menu bar in it’s default state, but which on rollover pulls down an information area that covers both the original menubar item and has an expanded section containing the text we want to display. Fluid Navigation – How to create an informative menu-bar with jQuery & CSS 2. Move Elements with Style Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. In its simplest configuration, Roundabout works with ordered- and unordered-lists, however after some quick configuratiHow to Create a Gorgeous Glassy Text Effect - Psdtuts+
How to Create a Gorgeous Glassy Text Effect | Psdtuts+ - http://psd.tutsplus.com/tutorials/text-effects-tutorials/how-to-create-a-gorgeous-glassy-text-effect/25 Excellent jQuery Tutorials for Navigation Menu « AcrisDesign – Web Design Resources and Inspiration
A very impressive demo of reflection and shaddown on iconsComputer Arts - 40 Photoshop tutorials you must see
40 Photoshop tutorials you must see Get the most from your creative work tools with our guide to 40 of the best pieces of Photoshop knowledge onlineColorburned | 29 High Resolution Light Effect Brushes for Photoshop
Have you ever wanted to add cinematic-style light effects to your designs but couldn’t figure out how to do it? Adding light effects to your designs may be80 Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials, Part III | Photoshop Tutorials
Without having to touch a piece of JavaScript code, harness the power of the jQuery. With Glimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool, easily create interactive experiences and use the tool to discover ways to add animation and other effects to your site in new and unexpected places. Glimmer is a Windows application which generates jQuery, XHTML and CSS. If jQuery is the “write less, do more” JavaScript library, then Glimmer is the “write none, do more” jQuery design tool.
An interactive design tool for jQuery.70 Photoshop Tutorials For Creating Perfect Typography | Creative Nerds
tipografía en PS
70 Photoshop Tutorials For Creating Perfect Typography http://bit.ly/dhiAgw #ps #tutorials #design #typo
The aim post was not to create an article as such bu t to create a resource, which can be used as a reference point for designers to expand their knowledge on how they can use Photoshop in order to create spectacular text effects. The article features 70 high quality Photoshop tutorials, which if the steps are follow it can to turn a Photoshop and give you an understanding on the features of Photoshop. A lot of time has been put into this roundup in order to find and collect the best Photoshop design tutorials. I hope you enjoy this article and as always your more than welcome to share thoughts and any addition comments about the article it would be welcomed and highly appreciated.Snazzy Hover Effects Using CSS
Informacion sobre imagenes con Css:hover
With all these CSS3 effects and tutorials popping up every day that show all the new and wonderful things we can make happen, we sometimes forget about poor little old CSS2.1 and the great potential it still has. With very good browser support, we can do lots of cool things that we know will work in all major browsers. In this tutorial, I will be going over creating flexible advanced hover techniques using CSS2.1 properties.Improve Your CSS Skills With Pure CSS UI Components | W3Avenue
一些常见CSSCreating a Shaking Login Form | Design Shack
做一个晃动的登录框Purely CSS Callouts - Daily Coding - daily coding tips and tricks, C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL, css callouts, css tricks, slant border
Dotted Arrows in CSS technique with border dotted
CSS Callouts. Used in the Image Annotator
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14 Fresh and Useful jQuery PluginsHTML5 Video Destruction
RT @draenews: Del HTML5 Video Destruction: http://bit.ly/9aytHu
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クリックした場所で爆発が起こって映像がばらばらに分断される、というデモ。HTML5のcanvasタグ+JavaScriptを使うとこうなるらしい21 Awesome JavaScript / Ajax Effects Every Web Developer Should Know
50 Excellent Adobe After Effect Tutorials | Graphics - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/adobe-after-effect-tutorials-beginners-intermediate-advanced-users/
50 Excellent Adobe After Effect Tutorials http://bit.ly/aBrInQPhotoshop Text Effect Tutorials
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Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom.
Zoomooz.js http://ow.ly/1JTNj // this is slick!
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une horloge en jquery
Impressively simpleSexy Interactions with CSS Transitions | Carsonified
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions - http://bit.ly/bCPGgl – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) http://twitter.com/smashingmag/statuses/13978117016
Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions http://bit.ly/bCPGglUse Over 40 Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts to Create a Reflective Timepiece - Psdtuts+
1.为了加强效果可以复制layer,set mode为overlay 2.光影效果,则用style mode 为soft light 3.滤镜.镜头光晕的应用,可以增加光效果。 4.一句话,注意观察模仿优秀作品12 Insanely Awesome Javascript Effects
Yes, it's insane, I found these javascript effects in chrome experiments website, and I think I should promote and show them to all of you. Enjoy :)25 Advanced Photo Effects and Techniques with Photoshop - Speckyboy Design Magazine
All of the tutorials in this article have been labeled advanced, simply because of the dramatic transformation on each photo after each tutorial, having said that you don’t need to be a professional photographer nor do you need to be a Photoshop expert to recreate these amazing effects.
25 Advanced Photo Effects and Techniques with Photoshop http://bit.ly/cfW0jY
All of the tutorials in this article have been labeled advanced, simply because of the dramatic transformation on each photo after each tutorial, having said35 Fresh and Excellent Photoshop Tutorials from 2010 - Noupe
35 Fresh and Excellent Photoshop Tutorials from 2010 - Noupe - http://www.noupe.com/tutorial/35-fresh-and-excellent-photoshop-tutorials-from-2010.htmlAjaxian » jQuery Glow
Ajaxian » jQuery Glow - http://ajaxian.com/archives/jquery-glow
The code above, using jQuery Glow by Pat Nakajima, gives you a nice blur error on hover.Method Art
Andrei Alexandrescu
nice open source data framework for real time video effects
a video showing some realtime techniques for computer vision30 Innovative And Creative Text Effect Tutorials | SpyreStudios
15 Fresh and Useful Photoshop Tutorials
Part of being a designer is keeping your skills sharp and up-to-date. Skills may span a broad range of tools, but probably the most used tool of all designers
photoshop40 Superb Photoshop Tutorials For Attractive Photo Effects - Noupe
You may have heard about BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico over the past few days. This is a visual representation of just how much it’s costing BP (and the rest of the world).Super Cool CSS Flip Effect with Webkit Animation
"I ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted experimenting with CSS3. ;-) So far I just knew how to make text look blurry by adding a lot of text-shadows like in this example by David. But it’s more a glow, because the text still stays in front. But what if you wanna turn text into smoke? Luckily you can set the text-fill-color to transparent and that gives your text a really nice smoky blur. color: transparent; text-shadow: #fff 0 0 100px;"
I ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted experimenting with CSS3. ;-) So far I just knew how to make text look blurry by adding a lot of text-shadows like in this example by David. But it’s more a glow, because the text still stays in front. But what if you wanna turn text into smoke? Luckily you can set the text-fill-color to transparent and that gives your text a really nice smoky blur.
color: transparent; text-shadow: #fff 0 0 100px;
Text blur using CSS - amazingly simple.30 Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials
30 Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials
Tutoriais PhotoShop, os 30 melhores. eheh30 Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials
30 Best Photoshop Text Effects TutorialsDrop Shadows with CSS3 | Nimbupani Designs
Cool drop shadows, wrapped.20+ Demos Showing Advanced jQuery Effects | Webdesigner Depot
Just a short while ago, Flash was one of the primary technologies used by web designers to add interactivity to a website. Since the introduction of theCanvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5
Reminds me of some of my favourite games :-) RT @monsieurmorris: #HTML5 8-bit colour cycling http://bit.ly/d3MLRz
#HTML5 8-bit colour cycling http://bit.ly/d3MLRzFancy Image Hover Using CSS3 | Web Designers Desk
Web Designers Desk