Digital student |
for teaching? Blank electronic canva
interesting set of articles - maybe e-learning moving more mainstream?World Without Walls: Learning Well with Others | Edutopia
AODBecta Emerging Technologies
Emerging Technologies for Learning is an initiative from Becta that draws together news, research, analysis and views around technology developments and trends relevant to education and their use within schools and colleges. It aims to provide an environment for debate on technology futures within the education community and those serving it, encouraging dialogue and building shared understandings about the future. It includes sections on the latest technology research, software / Internet news, plus hardware, multimedia and network / wireless sections. Articles include research reports with references, from Becta and elsewhere, news updates on conferences and events, plus discussion areas for topics including information management and personalised learning. Users can interact with the site in a number of ways including leaving comments on articles and proposing new articles.
Intute abstract: Emerging Technologies for Learning is an initiative from Becta that draws together news, research, analysis and views around technology developments and trends relevant to education and their use within schools and colleges. It aims to provide an environment for debate on technology futures within the education community and those serving it, encouraging dialogue and building shared understandings about the future. It includes sections on the latest technology research, software / Internet news, plus hardware, multimedia and network / wireless sections. Articles include research reports with references, from Becta and elsewhere, news updates on conferences and events, plus discussion areas for topics including information management and personalised learning. Users can interact with the site in a number of ways including leaving comments on articles and proposing new articles.
Web sites about educational technologies and emerging trends.'iTunes university' better than the real thing - science-in-society - 18 February 2009 - New Scientist
Students that listened to podcasts of lectures got better exam results than those who attend in person, a study finds
students learning better through recorded lectures: things like being able to go back over a section you missed et cetera
New psychological research suggests that university students who download a podcast lecture achieve substantially higher exam results than those who attend the lecture in person. Source: NewScientist Digest: Academic Impressions
"New psychological research suggests that university students who download a podcast lecture achieve substantially higher exam results than those who attend the lecture in person. Podcasted lectures offer students the chance to replay difficult parts of a lecture and therefore take better notes, says Dani McKinney, a psychologist at the State University of New York in Fredonia, who led the study. ... McKinney want to now test how podcasts affect learning across an entire semester, rather than from just a single lecture. ... McKinney thinks these technologies can buttress traditional lectures, particularly for a generation that has grown up with the Internet. ... Darren Griffin, a geneticist and education researcher at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK, says podcast lectures are good for lecturers too. They free him up to spend precious class time interacting with his students, rather than just talking at them."
Researchers have found that students that listened to lectures on iTunes and did not attend class did better on the tests than students attending the lectures. It notes motivation as a caveat and may be reason behind the difference as motivated21st Century Pedagogy | 21st Century Connections
Even if you have a 21st Century classroom (flexible and adaptable); even if you are a 21st century teacher ; (an adaptor, a communicator, a leader and a learner, a visionary and a model, a collaborator and risk taker) even if your curriculum reflects the new paradigm and you have the facilities and resources that could enable 21st century learning - you will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change.
Learning management
"... communication skills. Marshalling and understanding the available evidence isn't useful unless you can effectively communicate your conclusions." "... team players. Virtually every project at Google is run by a small team. People need to work well together and perform up to the team's expectations. " will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change.'The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching' - Knowledge@Wharton
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth learning can be taught." -- Oscar WildeHandbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
This Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning (HETL) has been designed as a resource for educators planning to incorporate technologies in their teaching and learning activities.100 Tips, Apps, and Resources for Teachers on Twitter | Online College Degree
Twitter can be at first glance a strange phenomenon and many don’t understand its purpose right away. However, Twitter is a powerful tool that is growing in popularity as word spreads of its potential capabilities. The idea of writing small blog posts of 140 characters or less to a group of your followers is actually a revolutionary new way to bring communities together, learn from each other, and keep updated with all that is happening. Busy teachers may feel that taking the time to learn how to use Twitter isn’t worth the return for the students benefit, so that’s why this list of 100 tips, apps, and resources is worth browsing. Find out how to get started with Twitter, ways to use it in an educational setting, and tools to help you use it better with these resources below.
le 20 mars 09Hacking Education (continued)
Hacking Education article part 2
Last fall I wrote a post on this blog titled Hacking Education. In it, I outlined my thoughts on why the education system (broadly speaking) is failing our society and why hacking it seems like both an important and profitable endeavor.
Big takeaways on changing education
talked about hacking education for six hours.
How education is changing. Annotated link
What will education be like in the (near) future?The DaVinci Institute - The Future of Education by Thomas Frey
The pace of change is mandating that we produce a faster, smarter, better grade of human being. Current systems are preventing that from happening. Future education system will be unleashed with the advent of a standardized rapid courseware-builder and a single point global distribution system.Wired Campus: Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class -- via Twitter -
Example of in-class backchannel.
Cole W. Camplese, director of education-technology services at Pennsylvania State University at University Park, prefers to teach in classrooms with two screens — one to project his slides, and another to project a Twitter stream of notes from students. He knows he is inviting distraction — after all, he’s essentially asking students to pass notes during class. But he argues that the additional layer of communication will make for richer class discussions.
Heh. Had a chunk of my talk on Wed about why this was a bad idea. But part of how the prof is doing this makes quite a bit of sense and help alleviate my general concerns about this approach.
Twitter e lousa ao mesmo tempo? Até que ponto a inserção destas ferramentas torna o ensino mais produtivo?Twitter Handbook for Teachers
An overview of Twitter and ways of using it in education for a group of educators attending Twizza (Twitter & pizza) gathering in Perth, Western Australian on April 8, 2009. Created by Tomaz Lasic (@lasic, human edublog twitter lasic
Interesting overview and resource guide for using twitter.
uses skrbl tool to present tips for using TwitterHow to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources | Best Universities
Good referral to online sourcesTwenty-Two Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom - Google Docs
Most college students would likely concur - fifty minute lectures can be a bit much. With current research indicating that attention spans (measured in minutes) roughly mirror a students age (measured in years), it begs the question as to the rationale behind lectures of such length.
For those interested, here are Penrose’s steps to creating a one minute lecture: 1. List the key concepts you are trying to convey in the 60-minute lecture. That series of phrases will form the core of your microlecture. 2. Write a 15 to 30-second introduction and conclusion. They will provide context for your key concepts. 3. Record these three elements using a microphone and Web camera. (The college information-technology department can provide advice and facilities.) If you want to produce an audio-only lecture, no Webcam is necessary. The finished product should be 60 seconds to three minutes long. 4. Design an assignment to follow the lecture that will direct students to readings or activities that allow them to explore the key concepts. Combined with a written assignment, that should allow students to learn the material. 5. Upload the video and assignment to your course-management software.9 Free Tools That Help Me Build Better E-Learning - The Rapid eLearning Blog
In today’s post, I’ll share with your some of the free tools that I use regularly to help me be more productive. And if I’m more productive, I’m saving time and money.
. It’s another simple tool, but one that works well. It’s one of those tools that you don’t notice until you don’t have it. If you happen to be using the Articulate Video Encoder ‘09, then this is a redundant tool. But for everyone else, it’s another good one to have.Cobocards » Study flashcards and vocabulary online
Cobocards are virtually created flashcards. You can print them and study offline, edit them again and again, compare with older versions, check the status of your knowledge, upload pictures and graphs, include formula with LaTeX, share your flashcards with friends, set a deadline for exams,..
Work alone or with a team. Create a deck of cards; study them alone or with friends who are online. Print them. Supports rich text, graphics, links. After studying for awhile, cards are grouped into "not known", "half known", and "Study Levels" 1-4.Use Twitter in PowerPoint | Poll Everywhere
Your audience is tweeting - How do you draw them into your presentation? By asking for their opinion, and displaying their tweets directly in your slides. With Poll Everywhere, you can invite people to tweet a short comment directly to your slide in real-time, while still blocking inappropriate or off-topic tweets. You can also ask multiple choice questions and watch a graph evolve as people vote.
How do you draw them into your presentation? By asking for their opinion, and displaying their tweets directly in your slides. With Poll Everywhere, you can invite people to tweet a short comment directly to your slide in real-time, while still blocking inappropriate or off-topic tweets
сравнение 2.0 сервисов
When learning professionals (and others) want to create a free social network, social learning space or collaborative group for their students or employees, they often ask which platform is recommended. It is usually a matter of "horses for courses" so here is a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the three free main platforms: Facebook, Ning and Elgg.
When learning professionals (and others) want to create a free social network, social learning space or collaborative group for their students or employees, we are often asked which platform we recommend. It is usually a matter of "horses for courses" so we have drawn up this comparison of what we perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the three free main platforms: Facebook, Ning and ElggResearch Online
mobile learning in higher ed; U of Wollongong, Australia; ebook
This online book describes a study, funded by Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), that involved teachers in the Faculty of Education at the University of Wollongong implementing innovative teaching approaches to support mobile learning. Palm Smartphone and Apple iPod technologies were used by undergraduate and postgraduate students to assist their learning across a range of curriculum areas. The book outlines authentic activities, assessment strategies, and professional learning approaches that teachers across the higher education sector can easily adapt and implement within their own discipline areas. It is fully downloadable from this site either as individual chapters or as the whole book in pdf form.
KSIĄżka i mlearningu
mobile learning
New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education100 Open Technology Courses You Should Have Taken in College | Online
Listado de cursos on-line de tecnología. Muchos del MIT
technology courses for college
Cursos del MIT amb materials descarregables.LectureScribe
a program for easily producing animated "whiteboard lectures" from a tablet PC or electronic whiteboar
Free whiteboard tool.
This website serves as the current distribution point for LectureScribe, a program for easily producing animated "whiteboard lectures" from a tablet PC or electronic whiteboard. LectureScribe is written by Brian C. Dean, an assistant professor of computer science at Clemson Univeristy.
Could be useful.Score 50 Points Higher on the GMAT or Your Money Back - Knewton Test Prep
Knewton has developed the industry’s first adaptive learning engine, customizing educational content to meet the needs of each student. Whereas traditional classrooms and textbooks provide the same material to every student, Knewton dynamically addresses your performance at the atomic concept level.
Live online GMAT, LSAT, GRE, SAT prep courses customized to each student, powered by adaptive learning engine. Access free practice test, sample questions. Raise your score, target top grad schools.
Good idea, interesting implementation25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites |
Excellent resource especially for Homeschoolers
Muchas direcciones para famosos viajes virtuales a museos, ciudades, etc...10 Places To Get Cool Media Clips For PowerPoint Presentations
Whether you are on your first presentation or on your umpteenth, it’s always better to be prepared with the right resources to back up your ideas for the PowerPoint slides. So here’s looking at 10 websites for free supplies of media clips for PowerPoint.
10 Places To Get Cool Media Clips For PowerPoint PresentationsNews: The Evidence on Online Education - Inside Higher Ed
Timely information for our group! The learning time issue in particular is an important finding that points to a cost effective way to increase student learning time without tackling the issue of a longer school day head on. We know that more time on meaningful tasks is crucial, but the physical cost of attending a bricks and mortar classrooms is prohibitive.
It is superior in student learning to face-to-face instruction, says new meta-analysis from Education Department. And
WASHINGTON -- Online learning has definite advantages over face-to-face instruction when it comes to teaching and learning, according to a new meta-analysis released Friday by the U.S. Department of Education
online learning success researchScreenjelly - Home
This service allows you to tweet screencasts.
Permite capturar lo que sucede en la pantalla.
Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it as a video via Twitter or email. Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like.SOS Classroom
Great resources for grades K-8
These resources have been collected by students, parents, and educators and organized by students in a USC writing course.
SOS Classroom offers a directory of free online educational resources for K-8 Language Arts and Math. These sites are submitted by parents and teachers, and they are all reviewed and organized by members of the SOS Classroom team.The 100 Best Open Education Resources on the Web | MasterDegreeOnline
With these open education resources, you can take all the classes you want — not for credit, of course — without paying a dime.
Take classes in criminal justice, health sciences, IT, legal studies and more from educational pioneer Kaplan.Seven e-Learning and Teaching Resources
While the down economy continues to hurt funding to our schools, more and more teachers are looking to web-based services to help educate their students. Whether it's through ...'Teach Naked' Effort Strips Computers From Classrooms - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Good arguments against PPT
jose bowen suggests teachers teach naked, without computers, so that students are engaged in the discussion and not passively taking in powerpoint slides.
59 percent of students in a new survey reported that at least half of their lectures were boring, and that PowerPoint was one of the dullest methods they saw.
a dean at Southern Methodist University is proudly removing computers from lecture halls. José A. Bowen, dean of the Meadows School of the Arts, has challenged his colleagues to "teach naked"—by which he means, sans machines.100 Best Blogs for Teachers of the Future | Clear View Education Blog
Fast Company Magazine
"The Internet disrupts any industry whose core product can be reduced to ones and zeros," says Jose Ferreira, founder and CEO of education startup Knewton. Education, he says, "is the biggest virgin forest out there." Ferreira is among a loose-knit band of education 2.0 architects sharpening their saws for that forest. Their first foray was at MIT in 2001, when the school agreed to put coursework online for free. [agreed ?Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom - Bits Blog -
A recent 93-page report on online education, conducted by SRI International for the Department of Education, has a starchy academic title, but a most intriguing conclusion: “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.”
Provocative article
Une étude montre que des élèves de 12 ans obtiennent de meilleures performance avec l'apprentissage en ligne qu'en classe.P2PU - Peer 2 Peer University / FrontPage
Free university level courses. The mission of P2PU is to leverage the power of the Internet and social software to enable communities of people to support learning for each other. P2PU combines open educational resources, structured courses, and recognition of knowledge/learning in order to offer high-quality low-cost education opportunities. It is run and governed by volunteers.
The Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses. Think of it as online book clubs for open educational resources. The P2PU helps you navigate the wealth of open education materials that are out there, creates small groups of motivated learners, and supports the design and facilitation of courses. Students and tutors get recognition for their work, and we are building pathways to formal credit as well.
Learning agents and open education
An interesting peer to peer university drawing upon freely available resources.The Twitter Experiment at UT Dallas
informal summary by Monica Rankin of her use of Twitter in the classroomWhat is the Future of Teaching?
Datos importantes sobre el futuro de la enseñanza. Enlaces interesantes
Teaching on-line
According to the New York Times Bits blog, a recent study funded by the US Department of Education (PDF) found that on the whole, online learning environments actually led to higher tested performance than face-to-face learning environments. “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction,” concluded the report’s authors in their key findings.
As online learning becomes used more and more, what will happen to teachers?
ONLINE. But teachers matter: According to the New York Times Bits blog, a recent study funded by the US Department of Education (PDF) found that on the whole, online learning environments actually led to higher tested performance than face-to-face learning environments. “On average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction,” concluded the report’s authors in their key findings.100 Totally Fun and Weird College Courses You Can Now Take for Free | Online Find the Right Online Class Match
100 fun and weird college courses are now available for free online.
Part of the fun of being a college student is taking all kinds of weird and fun classes that you'd never dream of.College for $99 a Month by Kevin Carey | Washington Monthly
StraighterLine is the brainchild of a man named Burck Smith, an Internet entrepreneur bent on altering the DNA of higher education as we have known it for the better part of 500 years. Rather than students being tethered to ivy-covered quads or an anonymous commuter campus, Smith envisions a world where they can seamlessly assemble credits and degrees from multiple online providers, each specializing in certain subjects and—most importantly—fiercely competing on price. Smith himself may be the person who revolutionizes the university, or he may not be. But someone with the means and vision to fundamentally reorder the way students experience and pay for higher education is bound to emerge
Luckily for Solvig, there were new options available. She went online looking for something that fit her wallet and her time horizon, and an ad caught her eye: a company called StraighterLine was offering online courses in subjects like accounting, statistics, and math. This was hardly unusual—hundreds of institutions are online hawking degrees. But one thing about StraighterLine stood out: it offered as many courses as she wanted for a flat rate of $99 a month. “It sounds like a scam,” Solvig thought—she’d run into a lot of shady companies and hard-sell tactics on the Internet. But for $99, why not take a risk?
This seems very interesting.. but its only basic math, writing, and econ.. bah...
The next generation of online education could be great for students—and catastrophic for universities.Open & Free Courses
Create, Organize and Share your complete curriculum.
Helping teachers organize and share their curricula.25 Twitter Projects for the College Classroom | Online Colleges
Much has been written about how Twitter is making its way into the halls of higher education. Go beyond the usual tips and strategies of using Twitter with these 25 projects that can be done in a college classroom. Part of the allure of Twitter is that it lends itself well to online classes, so many of these projects can be done without needing a physical classroom at all
these ideas could also be used in a plurk classroom
Part of the allure of Twitter is that it lends itself well to online classes, so many of these projects can be done without needing a physical classroom at all.Educational Games Online - Free Games from The Problem Site
Juegos educativos en linea.
Free Online Games; two player games and solitaire games online at The Problem Site. Games with educational value, including vocabulary development and strategy planning.
Fun games for students to play that reinforce basic skills
This one seems VERY comprehensive and is possibly a very rich source of free teaching widgets for use on the white board, in starters and plenaries, and mini tasks. LZ
There are a number of free online educational games on this site.
There are a number of free online games of educational value on this site.
Great site providing free online games categorized by subject!A Virtual Revolution Is Brewing for Colleges -
Students starting school this year may be part of the last generation for which "going to college" means packing up, getting a dorm room and listening to tenured professors. Undergraduate education is on the verge of a radical reordering. Colleges, like newspapers, will be torn apart by new ways of sharing information enabled by the Internet. The business model that sustained private U.S. colleges cannot survive.
This article proposes that many traditional universities are going to change as online, cheap education gets better and better.Web-Based Projects, University of Richmond
This page contains web-based projects created by students at the University of Richmond in partial fulfillment of the requirements for teacher licensure in the state of Virginia. For more than 12 years we have been creating, revising and maintaining these materials as educational resources for teachers across the United States and the world. On this page you will find links to WebQuests and WebUnits. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. A WebUnit is a series of topical pages written specifically for elementary age students. Each title is followed by the date of the project's creation or significant revision. They are categorized by subject and grade level.
From the University of Richmond.This French Life: Learn French
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **99 Awesome Firefox Add-ons for Educators - Online Courses
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload.
shortcuts, calendars and timers, research, writing, lesson planners, calculators, video and images, dictionaries and translators, games and miscellaneous
They say today’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Luckily, the web offers tools to make your professional life more manageable and less stressful. These add-ons might not change your salary, but we’re sure they’ll ease your workload. (like that opening Paragraph :-))Shamong Township moodle
I enjoy this website beacause it's good 4 cyber bulling and writing. You'll always have backup 4 homework!!!!
good site
This is a good website if you forget your homework assignments.
School site7 Widely-Used And Open Source E-Learning Applications
«There are various open source e-learning applications that can be installed easily, have a wide user community & offers a complete system. Here are 7 of them which you will like:»Lane
Course managment systems each contain their own inherent pedagogy, and for most systems these pedagogies are traditional in nature. As with all technologies, the design of the product is a result of its perceived use. Today’s enterprise–scale systems were created to manage traditional teaching tasks as if they were business processes. They were originally designed to focus on instructor efficiency for administrative functions such as grade posting, test creation, and enrollment management. Pedagogical considerations were thus either not considered, or were considered to be embodied in such managerial tasks.
Interesting article re. PLE/VLE debate
Course management systems, like any other technology, have an inherent purpose implied in their design, and therefore a built–in pedagogy. Although these pedagogies are based on instructivist principles, today’s large CMSs have many features suitable for applying more constructivist pedagogies. Yet few faculty use these features, or even adapt their CMS very much, despite the several customization options. This is because most college instructors do not work or play much on the Web, and thus utilize Web–based systems primarily at their basic level. The defaults of the CMS therefore tend to determine the way Web–novice faculty teach online, encouraging methods based on posting of material and engendering usage that focuses on administrative tasks. A solution to this underutilization of the CMS is to focus on pedagogy for Web–novice faculty and allow a choice of CMS.
Impact of VLEs etc on pedagogy
How default settings in Blackboard can influence how newbies teach online
She argues that Content management Systems (CMSs) "are not pedagogically neutral shells for course content." Indeed, "a CMS may not only influence, but control, instructional approaches." And "Few instructors are consciously aware that CMS design is influencing their pedagogy." This is a good paper, well-argued, and I agree with the conclusion.
LMS and learning100 Must-Read Blog Posts on the Future of Learning | Online School
learrning blog posts.
With a struggling economy and a president with a keen eye on education, it will be interesting to see what happens to the future of learning with such opposing forces. Plenty of experts and lay-people alike have kicked around their ideas through their blogs. This collection offers 100 of these blog posts speculating on the future of learning.
This is a great collection of blog posts, references, reports, prognostications, (100 in total) speculating on the future of learning and education. I've read a couple but now have a real task ahead of me to take in the rest, wish me luck.Apple Learning Interchange - iPod touch. Touching student lives in the classroom.
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students. This exhibit is a collection of stories by some educators who have joined together to share in this vision. Using the techniques here, they have aimed to model these techniques to show what is possible. Please enjoy the exhibit and put it to good use. Together we can make mobile learning come to life and change the world of education one pocket and set of earbuds at a time!
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creativel
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students.
iPod usesCreate Web 2.0 Flashcards in a Flash!
I must admit I have a bit of an aversion to drill-type activities, but I realize there are times that students need to practice and memorize certain concepts in order to succeed. Certainly we all know that studying makes for more successful learners. Abraham Lincoln clearly knew the value of studying when he said, “I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.” I doubt that Abraham could have imagined the neat Web 2.0 flashcard-type applications that our students can now use to help them with their studies.
various free websites for flash cards and quiz reviews
Article10 Tools for (20)10
Once again this year, there are a number of tools appearing for the first time on the list, so in this article I am going to highlight briefly 10 of these new tools that I think are useful, innovative, cost effective and certainly worth considering for 2010.100 Incredible YouTube Channels for History Buffs | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 youtube clips about various points and events in history
Renaissance Art, ...
If you love history, or just want to learn more about it, YouTube has exactly what you need. Always up to the challege of providing thorough, accurate information, YouTube delivers channels from leading names in historical studies, from The Smithsonian to the Discovery Channel. You’re sure to find just the right information you need for your lecture, lesson plan, or perhaps just your personal viewing pleasure.100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings.New evidence that bullet-points don’t work : Speaking about Presenting
10 great sites for podcast learning
10 Killer Content Sources for Your iPod Learning Mix
you ipod learning mixiLearn No. 2
magazines and books
Using iPods in the classroom
iPod in classroom magazine
articles publication on use of ipod-touch etc. in education K-12DMLcentral is the online presence for the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub located at the systemwide University of California Humanities Research Institute and hosted at the UC Irvine campus. We think digital media practices are fundamentally reshaping society in far-reaching ways, especially in how people all around the world are learning and connecting with one another.
"Digital Media and Learning"
digital media and learning: the power of participation
oday, at the forum on Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age, being hosted by the Sesame Workshop at Google headquarters, we are announcing the launch of a major new research initiative in digital media and learning (DML) and its associated website. Based at the University of California Humanities Research Institute in Irvine, California, the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Media and Learning Initiative. The Research Hub, for which I serve as Executive Director and Mimi Ito the Research Director, intersects work promoting and networking collaborative efforts to understand and assess the participatory ways in which digital media are transforming youth learning practices and lifelong learning opportunities.…
This site is about collaboration, conversation and exploration in Digital Media and Learning. Join the conversation.Social Media in Learning examples
muitos sites social
UK site
Specific examples of how web 2.0 tools can be used for learning - compiled from the comments of the contributors to 'Top Tools for Learning'
100+ ways to use social media for learningDonald Clark Plan B: 10 facts about learning that are scientifically proven and interesting for teachers
Do you ever wonder why the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) might be more memorable than other technological schools? To become memorable, a school must reach out to people in ways that seem beneficial. Alumni organizations can help spread the word about their alma mater. Great sports teams and debate teams also can help boost a school’s standing. But, another fork to take in the marketing path is through the Internet, as MIT and other schools have done in sharing courses online and without charge.Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day: Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009: The Final List
Top Tools 2009eLearning Blog // Don't Waste Your Time » Google Wave in education
This is a collection of usefull web 2.0 and social media applications for anyone in education. I have tried them all and I have seen the potential in them. Now it is up to you and your imagination to use them in your teaching or when studying! I add new tools often so check back for new additions to this ever growing map of what the web has to offer. Follow me on and pay a visit to my blog at or JesperLearning Tools
Exhaustive directory of all kinds of tools that can be used in teaching/learning contexts - from authoring to microblogging
web based learning tools (similar to 21 things) - great resource!
Directory of Learning Tools Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Excellent technology in ed siteHow the iPhone Could Reboot Education | Gadget Lab |
Recommended by PT
Abilene Christian University, Texas, has just finished its first year of a pilot program, in which 1,000 freshman students were given iPhones - they like the results so far.Hotseat at Purdue University
Enabling collaborative micro-discussion in and out of the classroom Hotseat, a social networking-powered mobile Web application, creates a collaborative classroom, allowing students to provide near real-time feedback during class and enabling professors to adjust the course content and improve the learning experience. Students can post messages to Hotseat using their Facebook or Twitter accounts, sending text messages, or logging in to the Hotseat Web site.
An app developed by Purdue University. Something All schools should be ding
Hotseat, a social networking-powered mobile Web application, creates a collaborative classroom, allowing students to provide near real-time feedback during class and enabling professors to adjust the course content and improve the learning experience. Students can post messages to Hotseat using their Facebook or Twitter accounts, sending text messages, or logging in to the Hotseat Web site.Intelligent Viewing: 100 Most Informative Video Collections on the Web | Online Universities
Offline classroom compared to an online classroom100 Featured Learning Professionals Online
selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
RT @c4lpt 100 Featured Learning Professionals Online #edchat #education [from]
100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world - via their blog, on Twitter or on other social networks.
Here is a selection of 100 learning professionals that will provide you with information, inspiration and/or interaction on a range of educational and workplace learning topics from around the world13 More Tips to Help You Record Narration Like the Pros - The Rapid eLearning Blog
Material docente de universidades catalanas totalmente gratis
Materials docents en xarxadigitalteachingtools » home
This is a great list maintained in a wiki, so it grows and morphs as users contribute/remove links.
An excellent set of resources about Digital Teaching Tools. There is also a section for Web 2.0 tools as well.
digital teaching tools
Your keys to improved instruction.Top 50 Blogs for e-Learning Tools and Tips
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010.
Top Teaching Tools
If you want to learn a new language or if you want to know how that e-learning tool works, you have plenty of online help to reach those goals. The following list of fifty top blogs for e-learning tools and tips concentrate on technologies, resources, business strategies and more for teachers and students. We’ve even included a category that may inspire you to reach even further during 2010. The following links are listed alphabetically by blog title under each category. We use this method to show that we do not favor one blog over another.Virtual Libraries Are Teaching Treasures | Edutopia
This gives information about a wealth of resources available from online libraries.Trends - March - ASTD
twitter in education "Jane Hart, a social media and learning consultant, classifies Twitter and other micro-blogs as tools for personal and informal learning. “The point of social media is to turn learning into a more participatory activity,” she says. Learners use social media tools to ask and answer each other’s questions, and as Hart maintains, “Micro-blogs can support collaboration and understanding.”
about Twitter and other micro-blogging techniques for informal learning in the enterprise50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders | Online Universities
Story in RWW about RB on UNSW YouTube channel
A computer science professor at an Australian University is doing something revolutionary with YouTube - he's offering students who can't attend his classes college credit for watching his videos. The fact that Buckland is not charging the high school students who are remotely attending his courses but is still giving them college credit is what makes what he's doing so different...and perhaps groundbreaking.
A 2009 article about institutions putting their lectures on YouTube to share lectures. Tells about an instructor offering credit for students watching his lectures on YouTube.
Although several universities use YouTube as repository for lectures, generally offered as supplementary material for enrolled students. Public nature of videos allows people from around world to view educational material that once took thousands of dollars to access. Duke, Stanford, MIT, Univ. of California etcalready post videos online to YouTube/iTunes U (audio/video podcasts). However, UNSW is unique, providing college credit to those watching the YouTube recordings. Really little difference between physically showing up in classroom to sit and listen to a lecture and viewing video of same lecture, few universities allow this type of unstructured remote learning to count as college credit for those who are not already enrolled in university. Instead, colleges that support distance learning initiatives usually require students to apply for admission and pay tuition, just as any other student attending classes on campus would have to.
A computer science professor at an Australian University is doing something revolutionary with YouTube - he's offering students who can't attend his classes college credit for watching his videos.Copyright Toolkit home page
There are many legal textbooks on the subject of intellectual property, or, more specifically, copyright. Briefing documents have also been produced which aim to make senior university managers and others in the field of education aware of the need to manage copyright so as to reduce institutional liability. This toolkit is not aimed specifically at these audiences. Instead, it provides practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Covers the copyright clearance of content across all media, together with sample contracts.
Practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Practical tool for understanding copyright.Open Educational Resources Center for California | Learn to share ... share to learn
The OER Center for California provides support for community college educators to find, create, remix, use, and share openly licensed learning content. Together, as knowledge workers, we can learn to share...and share to learn.
"A new Web site, Open Educational Resources Center for California, brings together information on free and open textbooks and course materials in one location. Though the Web site was designed for California's community-college faculty members, it could be a useful resource for anyone trying to find learning materials in the public domain."Understanding Students Who Were 'Born Digital' :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
It would also help if institutions stopped relying on old, useless systems. ::coughwebctcoughgroupwisecough::
Inside Higher Ed article looking at the subject of the digital native. The student who is "born digital" and technologically engaging these students in the classroom.Home |
BigBlueButton is an open source video conferencing application which is specifically built for remote learning but can be used for standard meetings as well. The application enables multiple users to login & share their webcam or communicate via VOIP at the same time. It is a very ideal application for presentations as users can upload PDF or office documents & keep everyone in sync with their current page, zoom, pan, mouse pointer etc.
Open source web conferencing software.
BigBlueButton is an open source project that is built on over fourteen open source components to create an integrated web conferencing system that runs on mac, unix, or PC computers.Top 50 Education Technology Blogs
Andre is cool
UpdatedShaping a Culture of Conversation: The Discussion Board and Beyond | Academic Commons
I have been using this technology since 1995 and for the first time have really realized what it is that I have been working toward. I have always used a descriptive rubric to evaluate participation in the DF and that has helped somewhat in creating a learning community. But, now with Gallagher's "tools", the 5 Eyes, the legs, the social voice, I can really help students participate to regularly create the kind of community that has from time to time evolved serendipitously. For me, the social versus the solo voice has been the biggest challenge, but with the languaging Gallagher has shared, I am enthusiastic about my ability to raise the level of meaningful discourse a notch or two! I teach in a graduate program in Nursing, and one of the areas of my teaching is Nursing Education.
" The answers to question 13 on survey 1, for instance, revealed--quite frighteningly, actually--that these students saw themselves as passive, solitary, joyless toilers in a middle world devoid of intellectual community. "Udemy - Academy of You, The Best Place To Teach and Learn Online
O melhor lugar para ensinar e aprender on-line
Udemy is a website that enables anyone to teach and learn online. Udemy tries to democratize online education by making it fast, easy and free to create online courses. Udemy is an open platform, so anyone can build an online course by posting videos, presentations, writing blog posts, or hosting live virtual classroom sessions.
- Find and Create Online Courses - Teach and Learn OnlineDigital Citizen - acceptable use agreement | Educational Origami
an example of a constructive acceptable use policy
A good example of a positive student use agreement for ICT.Twitter for Learning – 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology
RT @draenews: Twitter for Learning – 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology:
Twitter notes and helpful articles«Los colegios no deberían existir» / Entrevista a Roger C. Schank, presidente de Socratic Arts
cativas e inmediatamente permitir a cualquier niño del mundo participar en
ROGER SCHANK: Los colegios son guarderías, y no muy buenas.
Roger C. Schank es un crítico severo del sistema educativo actual, y no trata de suavizar sus palabras para que suenen políticamente correctas. Schank es, además, uno de los principales investigadores del mundo en Inteligencia Artificial, Teoría del Aprendizaje y en la construcción de entornos virtuales de enseñanza. Durante 35 años, fue profesor de Universidades como Standford, Yale y Northwestern. Ahora está empeñado en acabar con el actual sistema educativo, y ofrece sistemas alternativos de aprendizaje desde su compañía Socratic Arts y su organización sin ánimo de lucro, Engines for Education. KINDSEIN le ha realizado una extensa entrevista.
Controlversial entrevista que nos mueve el tapete. No faltará quien se rasgue las vestiduras al leer ésto, pero es una realidad tan grande como el Everest.
Entrevista a Roger C. SchankJam Today? / When the Education Bubble Finally Pops
In a post published earlier today, John Robb claims that as “there is reason to believe that costs of higher education (direct costs and lost income) are now nearly equal (in net present value) to the additional lifetime income derived from having a degree…this situation has all the earmarks of a bubble. A bubble that will soon burst as median incomes are adjusted downwards to global norms over the next decade.
James Levy: Learning Is Not A Spectator Sport
"In a post published earlier today, John Robb claims that as “there is reason to believe that costs of higher education (direct costs and lost income) are now nearly equal (in net present value) to the additional lifetime income derived from having a degree…this situation has all the earmarks of a bubble. A bubble that will soon burst as median incomes are adjusted downwards to global norms over the next decade."
John Robb claims that as “there is reason to believe that costs of higher education (direct costs and lost income) are now nearly equal (in net present value) to the additional lifetime income derived from having a degree…this situation has all the earmarks of a bubble. A bubble that will soon burst as median incomes are adjusted downwards to global norms over the next decade.iKnow Is A Social Learning Platform That Can Really Make You Smarter. Opens API.
eLearning Poetential
Although the world market for e-learning is estimated to top $52 billion in 2010 (in 2007, revenues exceeded the $17-billion mark in the ...
Article about iKnow! an intelligent social learning platform. The platform is built upon a learning engine that is supposed to free users from sorting study materials, devising study plans, measuring learning progress and self-managing knowledge on a long-term basis. Users can set personal learning goals and let the system do the heavy lifting.Amazing Web 2 Projects.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Web 2.0 PDF Book
Note: Free eBook Edited by Terry Freedman. * 87 projects. * 10 further resources. * 52 applications. * 94 contributors. * The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. * The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. * How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... * ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. * What were the learning outcomes?Google Apps for Education Coming to Moodle : February 2009 : THE Journal
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on. Google Apps Education Edition is the widely deployed hosted application suite that includes communications tools like as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Talk; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Labs (for software code review); and various administration features and APIs for integration with existing systems. Source: THE Journal
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on.
is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on.
Google Apps Education Edition is coming to an open source learning management system near you. Moodlerooms, a Moodle partner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on. Google Apps Education Edition is the widely deployed hosted application suite that includes communications tools like as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Talk; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Labs (for software code review); and various administration features and APIs for integration with existing systems. Through the integration, users loaded into Moodle will be automatically loaded into Google Apps Education EditionHere’s Why You Need an E-Learning Portfolio - The Rapid eLearning Blog
e-Learning portfolio considerations article
guias de Tom Khulman sobre como hacer un portfolioEducation Week: March 26, 2009
Education Week posts Technology Counts 2009: Breaking Away From Tradition [from]Einztein - Find free online courses
CloudCourse is a course scheduling system. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Cloudcourse: • provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services • demonstrate what it takes to built an application using App Engine
Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.Tools for the 21st Century Teacher
RT @draenews: Del Tools for the 21st Century Teacher:
Create Twitter and Facebook connected networks for courses. Messages can be publicly or privately displayed.
Chat with students through Facebook or Twitter
Online platform for classrooms.4 Tips for Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom
RT @jswiatek: 4 Tips for Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom - – Steven W. Anderson (web20classroom)
RT @bdescary: Intéressera peut être @jyaire 4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
RT @nbenyounes: RT @bdescary: Intéressera peut être @jyaire 4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
RT @web20classroom: More Tips On Integrating Social Media Into The Classroom: Schools are Turning to Google Apps
google apps is so good, schools are now incorporating it into the education. very similar to how first spread---- i heard about it first in school when my teacher told everyone to use "google" instead of "lycos" or "yahoo"
oregon school story
Today, the entire public school system of Oregon will embrace Google Apps. 400,000 Students, teachers, and administrators will have access to a common e-mail and chat system, cloud-based collaboration tools, and a robust multimedia streaming service. Traditionally, statewide adoptions of any kind in education are hotly contested, with the most minute details up for extended debate.CloudCourse: An Enterprise Application in the Cloud - Google Open Source Blog
To that end, we are excited to release our new internal learning platform, CloudCourse under an open source license. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. CloudCourse also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.
Google taking a crack at an LMS? We developed CloudCourse to provide a course scheduling system fully integrated with Google services
new internal learning platform, CloudCourse under an open source license. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. CloudCourse also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features.A Self-Appointed Teacher Runs a One-Man 'Academy' on YouTube - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The most popular educator on YouTube does not have a Ph.D. He has never taught at a college or university. And he delivers all of his lectures from a bedroom closet. This upstart is Salman Khan, a 33-year-old who quit his job as a financial analyst to spend more time making homemade lecture videos in his home studio. His unusual teaching materials started as a way to tutor his faraway cousins, but his lectures have grown into an online phenomenon—and a kind of protest against what he sees as a flawed educational system.
"No one I talked to saw Khan Academy as an alternative to traditional colleges (for one thing, it doesn't grant degrees)."
Awesome article on Salman Khan of Khan AcademyIntroduction to social media
RT @cristobalzamora: RT @ictlogist: Introduction to Social Media (via many people! ;)
From Nancy White
C4LPTNIXTY - Empowering Education for Everyone
Take or create an online course, includes ePorfoliosNIXTY - Empowering Education for Everyone
Online, apparently free, resource for e-learning