Pages tagged emotion:

Don Norman on 3 ways good design makes you happy | Video on

In this talk from 2003, design critic Don Norman turns his incisive eye toward beauty, fun, pleasure and emotion, as he looks at design that makes people happy. He names the three emotional cues that a well-designed product must hit to succeed.
40 Captivating Photos That Depict Human Emotion | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Captivating Photos That Depict Human Emotion
40 Captivating Photos That Depict Human Emotion
fotos excelentes de pessoas e emoções
Sourcetone Interactive Radio
Streamer"radio" som spiller musikk til deg basert på hvilket humør du er i.
Mistaeks I Hav Made: What do Programmers Feel About their Software?
What do programmers feel about their software? Are they happy with they system? Disgusted? Saddened?
tool that extracts comments from source code and displays its interpretation of the programmers' emotional experience
Really cool visualisation of projects.
ynesketch follows the same train of thought. It is a software library (Java API) for sensing and creative visualization of textual emotions! Code is serving as a medium between words, emotions, and images; between poetry and painting. Gluing computers with our emotions and aesthetic experiences, it is both a software innovation and an interactive art experiment. Also, it is the first of that kind that is also a free open-source project – not just a closed academic research experiment – so that the whole community can benefit from it. The name ‘Synesketch’ is a portmanteau of ‘synesthesia’ and ‘sketch’ – where ‘sketch’ does not only refer to drawings, but also to the Processing artworks called ‘sketches’.
Main Page - Synesketch Wiki
The Grimace Project
Emotional Interface Design: The Gateway to Passionate Users | Carsonified
Nice piece detailing the importance of emotional design in interface design.
Emotional Interface Design: The Gateway to Passionate Users
We’re changing. Our relationships online and in real life are shifting as we become more public with our private lives. Online social networks have helped our real world social networks transcend time and space making it easy (and seemingly essential) to share the triumphs, tragedies, and trite moments of life. No longer do you simply tell your best friend that you’ve broken up with your boyfriend. It feels natural to many people to tell hundreds of Twitter followers, and Facebook friends. No matter how you feel about the appropriateness of over sharing, the shift towards a public private life is changing our expectations of the relationships we create online. Remember the websites of the late 1990’s and early 2000’s that used formal language to create a professional, guarded persona and brand? The trend was towards the serious, because it seemed like you couldn’t land clients or entice new users if you weren’t stuffy.