9 Semantic Search Engines That Will Change the World of Search
Quero explorar cada um dos 9 sites, mas preciso de tempo antes disso.Ditch Google For A Day: 10 Amazing Search Engines To Try out - Dumb Little Man
Search engine alternatives to Google.
search engines galore
Click through for the links to the search enginesAnimated Engines
Opis działania różnych silnikówHow Search Engines Work - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
How search engines work, including the difference between crawler-based search engines and human-powered directories. Explanation of what a spider is and how it crawls web pages.11 interesting PHP Template Engines
For Tech.
facts about search enginesLearningXL | 100 Fun & Useful Search Engines for Writers
Created by retired Capilano College prof Kilian Crawford. A very good list, organized by types of engines, with useful notes on each. I found some useful new engines from this list.
# Mooter: Your results are categorized using a mind map to give your experience a little more variety. # ChaCha: If researching online drains your creativity and inspiration, use the personality-driven ChaCha for help. # Searchbots: This fun search engine lets you personalize your search experience. # Trooker: Browse and search for videos onEpiscopal High School of Jacksonville
To help me find what I need!
Help w/ search engines
web search hintsTips for writing your own Rails engine — GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS
Some very good advice from Thoughtbot on constructing Rails Engines. I've started using their [Clearance](http://github.com/thoughtbot/clearance/tree/master) engine for user authentication.
from GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTSCacti Search - Get Search Results from all the Major Search Engines.
Mega-search Engine
Metasearch engine
Meta-searchengine - cool!