Pages tagged enterprise2_0:

» Using Web 2.0 to reinvent your business for the economic downturn | Enterprise Web 2.0 |

s like Hadoop. All of these are mature, high capable, and new ways of tackling the enormous challenges that large-scale co
business for the economic
While some might look at the social aspects of things like Web 2.0 as marginal subjects when things get tough, nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to the deeper implications of Web 2.0 in the enterprise. Many of the more transformational aspects of the 2.0 era now have extensive groundwork laid for them, are available in genuinely enterprise-ready solutions/pilots, and many have just been waiting for the right situation; the driving need for businesses to change and transform in the face of radically different business conditions.
Six ways to make Web 2.0 work - The McKinsey Quarterly - Six ways Web 2.0 work - Business Technology - Application Management
Web 2.0 tools present a vast array of opportunities—for companies that know how to use them.
Six ways to make Web 2.0 work - The McKinsey Quarterly - Six ways Web 2.0 work - Business Technology - Application Management
Found on Delicious with Ultimate How-To: Grow your social media network
i like it
make Web 2.0 work
reference about 2.0
Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers - The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Google首席经济学家:I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. ... The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades, not only at the professional level but even at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high school kids, for college kids. I think statisticians are part of it, but it’s just a part. You also want to be able to visualize the data, communicate the data, and utilize it effectively.
The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Hal Varian, professor of information sciences, business, and economics at the University of California at Berkeley, says it’s imperative for managers to gain a keener understanding of the potential for technology to reconfigure their industries. Varian, currently serving as Google's chief economist, compares the current period to previous times of industrialization when new technologies combined to create ever more complex and valuable systems—and thus reshaped the economy.
The ROI of being social at work | The AppGap
Decades of psycho-social research on team work suggests that effective teams have both strong task-based behaviour as well as good social cohesion.
Decades of psycho-social research on team work suggests that effective teams have both strong task-based behaviour as well as good social cohesion. “A high-performance team works together to achieve mutual goals, recognizes that each member is accountable and committed to achieving team goals, communicates effectively with each other, shares the joy of achievement and the pain of not meeting goals, shares information, helps each other, and recognizes that the success of the group is dependent upon each individual”
4 Ways Companies Use Twitter for Business - ReadWriteWeb
Gartner released a report today that highlights the different ways that companies are adopting Twitter for business use. Although Twitter was originally intended for communication among individuals, a number of organizations have begun to actively participate on the platform. However, not all companies are using Twitter in the same way. Some are tweeting, some are just listening, and some really savvy companies are doing both.
SharePoint 2007: Gateway Drug to Enterprise Social Tools :: Personal InfoCloud
Via Adriana
Sharepoint and Enterprise 2.0: The good, the bad, and the ugly | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Useful article highlighting Sharepoint and Enterprise 2.0
The technology landscape of the enterprise environment fits SharePoint well; the business requirements to a lesser extent.
These concerns about SharePoint’s ability to be an effective Enterprise 2.0 platform is one I hear echoed a lot with practitioners I talk to. In spite of this, I correspondingly hear that SharePoint is in fact what most organizations are planning on using when it comes to 2.0-style collaboration and knowledge management.
Determining the ROI of Enterprise 2.0 | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
ROI Interprise
Enterprise: List of 40 Social Media Staff Guidelines | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy
This list also includes policies called; Staff blogging policies, enterprise social network guidelines, Employee Blogging Policies, Staff engagement in online communities, and so on.
Managing staff who participate in social networks. This list also includes policies called; Staff blogging policies, enterprise social network guidelines,
Gartner Highlights Four Ways in Which Enterprises Are Using Twitter
As businesses struggle to consider the uses of microblogging platforms such as Twitter in the workplace, Gartner, Inc. has highlighted the four ways in which organizations are using Twitter.
As businesses struggle to consider the uses of microblogging platforms such as Twitter in the workplace, Gartner, Inc. has highlighted the four ways in which organizations are using Twitter. "Despite the fact that Twitter is primarily aimed at individual users in the consumer market, many of those individuals work for companies and 'tweet' about business issues, leading businesses to explore how they could best use it," said Jeffrey Mann, research vice president at Gartner.
Welcome to CubeTree
With CubeTree, employees can: share ideas across their organization get feedback from people with whom they wouldn't normally interact find thought leaders form ad hoc groups that cut across organizational boundaries
Email Address
Ilmainen facebook yrityksille
How to Save the World
a look at intranets and social net tools within an organization
leaf trust your instincts
Great overall look at tools and how to use them
environment economics politics stories business innovation knowledge management entrepreneurship eco blog
el futuro de la web 2.0
Twitter on your intranet: 17 microblogging tools for business | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
The enterprise is a mini-world of rules in its own right and the freewheeling environment of the Web has to be combined in some workable way with the tighter constraints of the workplace.
Usare il microbloggng tra dipendenti in intranet: consigli e utilizzi possibili by Dion Hinchcliffe
Dion writes about enterprise microblogging tools, showing that there are some issues to solve if we want to use this for "real business" (tm) One of the things is Filtering, i.e. how to dig out the tweets that are relevant to your work and current context. This will in my mind make out hte difference - enabling microblogging to become the tool for knowledge workers, not only in communication with peers, but also for exploring and searching information.
Twitter on your intranet: 17 microblogging tools for business
analiza 17 herramientas twitter para entornos empresariales
Debunking Social Media Myths - Conversation Starter -
"I was selling in the idea that social media is free, until the community manager headcount came in."
Social media involvement means having live people who actively participate in your initiatives. It requires people - therefore it's not free.
seeding, feeding, and weeding.
12 Rules For Bringing 'Social' To Your Business |
Breakdown: The Five Ways Companies Let Employees Participate in the Social Web « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
"Consider this a supplement to my latest report on “How Companies Should Organize for Social Computing“. I continue to get questions from clients, and have spent time with more large brands are connecting with customers. Diving in further, I’ve noticed that there are five ways that companies allow employees to participate."
Social Networking on Intranets (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox - a good source for Social Networking on Intranets
Social software is not a trend that can be ignored. It's affecting fundamental change in how people expect to communicate, both with each other and the companies they do business with. And companies can't just draw a line in the sand and say it's okay for employees to use Web 2.0 to communicate with customers, but it's not okay to use it when communicating with each other; Philips case study...
uccessful social media initiatives at many companies emerged from underground, grassroots efforts
"Perhaps more than any other corporate intranet innovation, social software technologies are exposing the holes in corporate communication and collaboration — and at times filling them before the (usually slow-moving) enterprise can fully grasp (and control) the flow." Also as I've said main times "But in truth, social software isn't really about the tools. It's about what the tools let users do and the business problems the tools address."
14 Reasons Why Enterprise 2.0 Projects Fail | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Printed 30/8
It’s a classic adage that we usually learn more from our failures than from our successes. I’ve find this line of reasoning with Enterprise 2.0 failures to be fascinating because of how very different it’s often turning out to be from traditional IT projects. For one, IT doesn’t seem to be in the driver’s seat nearly as much with Enterprise 2.0. In fact, the initiative is frequently coming from the business side. Two, as the latest case studies emerge and are analyzed, it is grassroots efforts that often end up being the most successful, bubbling up and then across the organization, only then to be formally adopted later. And three, many so-called Enterprise 2.0 projects are local, unblessed, informal uses of social computing software which — by their very nature — are less compliant with enterprise technology standards, legal/HR guidelines, and corporate policy. The point here is that many Enterprise 2.0 tools are often used widely in organizations without tacit approval.
IT doesn’t seem to be in the driver’s seat ...the initiative is frequently coming from the business side. Two, as the latest case studies emerge and are analyzed, it is grassroots efforts that often end up being the most successful, bubbling up and then across the organization, only then to be formally adopted later. And three, many so-called Enterprise 2.0 projects are local, unblessed, informal uses of social computing software which are less compliant with enterprise technology standards, legal/HR guidelines, and corporate policy. So, this seems to mean projects are more likely to fail due to seeming larger than usual lack of alignment and organizational backing. .... ...they were missing one or more ingredients to succeed. Occasionally some of them will hit on the right formula, reach a critical mass of participation, break out of their team or department, and begin drawing in the rest of the organization.
the smart strategy now appears to be to find and build upon the early successes stories; namely the internal but local efforts that are rising and have already hit upon the right mix of tools, participants, motivation, and content.
14 Reasons Why Enterprise 2.0 Projects Fail
How companies are benefiting from Web 2.0 - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy
Muy completo
The heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business.
"The heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business."
heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business.
How the Web OS has begun to reshape IT and business | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Where is da Blank Applciation?
Dion Hinchcliffe on leveraging the convergence of IT and the next generation of the Web.
These days in the halls of IT departments around the world there is a growing realization that the next wave of outsourcing, things like cloud computing and crowdsourcing, are going to require responses that will forever change the trajectory of their current relationship with the business, or finally cause them to be relegated as a primarily administrative, keep-the-lights-on function.
Community management: The 'essential' capability of successful Enterprise 2.0 efforts | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
ommunity management: The 'essential' capability of successful Enterprise 2.0 efforts
It’s not a skill that’s been widely understood until quite recently, however community management has begun to move to the forefront of discussions about enterprise social computing as the use of social tools begins to climb the maturity curve. Now community management is increasingly proving not just useful but a critical component of Enterprise 2.0 efforts despite an often vague understanding of what it is and where it should be situated in the org chart.
McKinsey: What Matters: Using technology to improve workforce collaboration
Good article of collaboration
by James Manyika, Kara Sprague and Lareina Yee: Knowledge workers fuel innovation and growth, yet the nature of knowledge work remains poorly understood—as do the ways to improve its effectiveness. The heart of what knowledge workers do on the job is collaborate, which in the broadest terms means they interact to solve problems, serve customers, engage with partners, and nurture new ideas. Technology and workflow processes support knowledge worker success and are increasingly sources of comparative differentiation. Those able to use new technologies to reshape how they work are finding significant productivity gains. This article shares our research on how technology can improve the quality and output of knowledge workers.
Using technology to improve workforce collaboration
Why Google Wave Sucks, And Why You Will Use It Anyway
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
# Lack of social media literacy amongst workers. Anecdotally, the farther a business is from the technology industry, the less likely that line workers will be familiar with the latest software innovations.
social computing adoption curve dion hinchcliffe
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing [from]
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Microblogging Will Marginalize Corporate Email « I’m Not Actually a Geek
great post, badly laid out, awesome content
This is an excellent post. Great to link the emergence of microblogging to the theory of Christensen on disruptive innovations! Reading his books are the best way to truely understand the business impact of web 2.0 technologies.
Will Microblogging overtake email? [from]
CubeTree Launches As A Facebook + FriendFeed + Twitter For Enterprise
CubeTree places a large emphasis on the micro-updates, just like Twitter. The rationale behind this is that there are often things people maybe want others to know, but don’t want to send out an email to everyone in the company, as Fubini notes. With status updates, employees can give passive updates to coworkers which show up in their stream throughout the day. But that’s not all that goes into the feed, like FriendFeed (and now Facebook), CubeTree can import elements from other social services such as Google Reader shared items, TripIt trips, Salesforce data and others. And just like FriendFeed (and again, now Facebook), anyone can now comment on these items in the feed.
CubeTree artikkeli
CubeTree’s new enterprise collaboration suite, which is opening to the public tomorrow, has a familiar look: It looks like a cross between Facebook and FriendFeed (more-so before they were both recently redesigned). And that familiarity is part of the idea to getting this to work on the enterprise level. As with other social networks, there are two main components to CubeTree: The Feed and the Profile. But on CubeTree’s feed, instead of seeing updates from everyone in your social graph, you see updates from coworkers. And on your profile page, rather than highlighting pictures or videos of yourself, there is an emphasis on information and documents.
Shocking News: Scientists Say Workplace Social Networking Increases Productivity! - ReadWriteWeb
Can you believe that using social networking sites at work can increase your workplace productivity? A new study just published by Australian scientists found that taking time to visit websites of personal interest, including news sites and YouTube, provided workers a mental break that ultimately increased their ability to concentrate and was correlated with a 9% increase in total productivity.
Reading: Scientists Say Workplace Social Networking Increases Productivity [from]
Shocking News: Scientists Say Workplace Social Networking Increases Productivity! [from]
Top 10 Enterprise Web Products of 2008 - ReadWriteWeb
Enterprise adoption of cloud computing, SaaS, and social media (whatever you want to call it) is accelerating. This is a healthy market, in which vendors are doing well in a tough economy. As we near the end of a year that will go down in history with the words "meltdown," "panic," "crisis," and "depression" attached, it is time to celebrate the winners in this market, enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009. And if these products excite you, we invite you to subscribe to the ReadWriteWeb Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Επιχειρηματικότητα
top 10 best for enterprise web product
Nice to see that AWS and LinkedIn both made this list...
enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009.
Forget Gen Y: Gen X is Making Real Change - ReadWriteEnterprise
Forget Gen Y: Gen X is Making Real Change: (via @RWW) [from]
Qui amène les technologies 2.0 en entreprise Gen X ou Gen Y? Annotated link
Read: Forget Gen Y: Gen X is Making Real Change [from]
Sometimes even the best researchers forget that the answer you get depends entirely on who you ask. A new Forrester survey of 2,000 information workers has revealed that ...
@Literatenmelu Seit bk09 komm ich mir vor, wie #Vader #Abraham. Aber irgendwer muß die Kaputzen ja führen .... [from]
Will Microblogging at Work Make You More Productive? - Bits Blog -
On Tuesday, The Times published an article I wrote about Twitter and Yammer, two microblogging services that let users blast short messages to a group of virtual followers. Twitter has gotten a lot of buzz since it was created in 2006. Yammer is new on the scene, just six weeks old, with a different goal: to be Twitter for businesses. Yammer was created for employees of Geni, a family tree Web site. When they discovered how useful it was for them, David Sacks, the founder of Geni, decided to spin Yammer off into its own company with $1 million of Geni’s venture funding. Mr. Sacks, a PayPal co-founder, now runs both start-ups and is raising a new round of funding for Yammer. On Twitter, people write about the important and the mundane, like, “At school and debating whether I should have more coffee.” With a workplace focus, Yammer will not deal in such trivialities, Mr. Sacks said. “People don’t want to hear from their friends five times a day about what they’re doing. But they do wan
Yammer, similar to Twitter, asks, "What are you working on?" Can this be helpful for work?
"E-mail no longer serves its proper purpose, which is to request an active response... All the rest of the stuff that clogs in-boxes — mass e-mails sharing a link to an article, for example, or notifications of company events — makes e-mail less efficient." —, October 21, 2008
Describes the successes of Yammer: the Twitter for work.
Ten emerging Enterprise 2.0 technologies to watch | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Some interesting BPM aspects to this: #5 is "enterprise platforms gaining a social layer", which is what I've been seeing (and presenting on) happening in BPMS for a couple of years. Also, #8, "enterprise social media workflow" is an opportunity for current BPMS vendors to get into the social space, or social media vendors to get into the BPM space.
Cloud computing and the return of the platform wars | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - BusinessWeek
Quittner, Jeremy. Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet. BusinessWeek (April 3, 2009).
RT @c_blazquez: RT @tewfiq Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - BusinessWeek [from]
Entrepreneurs are finding the fast-rising microblogging site to be a useful tool for reaching out to customers.
fr. Business Week - Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - [from]
While this exchange may seem a bit cryptic, Savage is one of a growing number of business owners to whom it makes an awful lot of sense. Savage frequently trolls Twitter looking for sales leads for his five-person, $1 million company, which makes software that facilitates video sharing through a private network.
Best Buy's "Enterprise Twitter" - ReadWriteWeb
IBM’s got BlueTwit. Oracle’s testing OraTweets. SAP’s experiments include ESME, SAP Talk (, ShoutIt and apparently others. Yammer has an ad-hoc base at thousands of companies. But so ...
Internal microblogging/sharing at Best Buy.
Enterprise Microsharing Matrix: Yammer and 14 Rivals Compared - Mashable
Laura Fitton presents a side-by-side comparison of 15 enterprise microsharing applications.
A comparison of 15 internal "enterprise 2.0" tools similar to Twitter
the first side-by-side comparison of 15 enterprise microsharing applications:
Twitter (Twitter)’s “water cooler” collaboration, support and problem-solving qualities have led to much discussion about a similar application for internal “Enterprise 2.0″ collaboration and communication. Yammer’s success touched off a spate of announcements about similar applications, and Jeremiah Owyang and I have been tracking the growing list.
Reversing the Enterprise 2.0 Pricing Model - ReadWriteWeb
Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
by Julien le Nestour: Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
Volume-discount pricing structures are simple, tried, and true. So, why aren't they efficient? The reason is because of where returns on investment (ROIs) are located. Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.
Report: Enterprise 2.0 Apps Will Dramatically Fall in Price - ReadWriteWeb
Commoditization of the technology opens the door for adding value through better implementation strategies.
A new report by Forrester Research states that the market for collaboration and productivity web apps in the enterprise (a.k.a. enterprise 2.0) is set for a shake-up...
A new report by Forrester Research states that the market for collaboration and productivity web apps in the enterprise (a.k.a. enterprise 2.0) is set for a shake-up, with prices to fall in some cases by over half. Price drops will be especially sharp in blog, wikis, social networking and widgets. The only exception is mashups, which will increase in price over the next 5 years.
Awareness, Inc. | Social Marketing Software