Pages tagged esl:

Pronunciation animations - Cambridge University Press English Language Teaching

english ingles language reading Cambridge pronunciation
A site for English instructors and English teachers working with ESL and EFL students.
some good games
Images and worksheets designed to help ESL-ELL students
Want to know what a phrase or idiom means?
traductor frases diccionario inglés
日本に居ながら、ナマの英語に触れる工夫 - 化学者のつぶやき -Chem-Station-
.:: eGlossary Terms ::.
The McGraw Hill Mathematics eGlossary provides written and verbal definitions and explanations of mathematics terms. The glossary is divided by grade level. Select your grade level then the first letter of the term for which you need an explanation. The explanation is offered in text form as well as verbal (click the speaker icon to listen). The eGlossary is also available in other languages including Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.
Multilingual glossary with hundreds of math terms defined in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, English, Hmong, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese. Just select a letter of the alphabet to get a list of mathematical terms beginning with that letter, choose a language, and click on a term. The response will be a chart listing the term in English, the term in whatever language you chose, and the definition in your chosen language. Many definitions are accompanied by illustrations.
This site was kind of neat because it listed all the key mathematical terms starting with 6th grade. It makes the terms easily accessible.
Top News - iPods help ESL students achieve success
about ipod and apple. 310110
news article
As school leaders ponder the implications of new technologies for their classrooms, one dedicated New Jersey educator has turned theory into practice, using the iPod to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) students. During an International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) webinar titled "iPods as Teaching Tools for Language Learners," Grace Poli, media specialist at Jose Marti Middle School in Union City, N.J., and an Apple distinguished educator, discussed how the iPod is transforming learning in her school.
iPods are no longer simply used for listening to your favorite songs. Providing "anytime, anywhere learning", iPods can accommodate different learning styles with children learning English. You can even use songs for grammar exercises and figurative language activities.
IPOD to help ESL student learn English
This site is for the ESL population. It is an article discussing how Ipods can be used to teach ESL students English. Plus it includes links to other sites that could be of interest to the topic. Music is important in almost all cultures. It can be used to reach students in understanding meanings of words that otherwise might have been difficult to explain. Not just music can be downloaded to Ipods but audio stories too. This device can be used in the classroom as a personal guide to the English language. Teachers can pick particular songs to demonstrate grammar or vocabulary. The student will be motivated to learn because this technique makes it about them.