Pages tagged espresso:

Flickr Photo Download: Coffee Drinks Illustrated

I thought you'd find this site as helpful as I did.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Finally, a visualization that will end the confusion...
Coffee Drinks Illustrated on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Side-by-side diagrams of a few common espresso drinks. Update: Source files -
mypressi TWIST: The perfectly portable espresso maker
The mypressi TWIST is the world's first truly portable espresso machine. It produces quality espresso rivaling traditional machines while giving espresso lovers unparalleled convenience and portability. The TWIST's unique pneumatic engine also ensures you can enjoy incredible coffee even where there is no external power. Just add hot water and get ready to forever change how—and where—you enjoy quality coffee.
Espresso portátil.
portable mini espresso
Startseite - Kaffee-Netz - Die Community rund ums Thema Kaffee
Press Pots: Coffee Worth the Effort - The Atlantic Food Channel
hink cleanup is easy enough. Depending on where I am, I put coffee grounds (not espresso grounds) down the sink drain. This h