Pages tagged european: European Parliament is an independent monitoring website of EU politics. It provides detailed information about parliamentarians' voting records and formal political activities – from committee work to parliamentary reports – and includes easy-to-access information on the political coalitions that are formed around policy issues.
Hold øje med, om politikerne kommer til møderne samt hvordan de stemmer
‘ is an independent monitoring website of EU politics. It provides detailed information about parliamentarians' voting records and formal political activities.’
Voting in EU Parliament: all MEmbers, by coutnries, votes etc..
Excel·lent portal que recull de forma sistemàtica els vots dels europarlamentaris
Current State of the Euro
very good!
RT @jberrebi: Current State of the Euro | - Maiday!
Since its inception, the Euro has tried to economically link Europe through a common form of currency. Currently, however, many analysts are worried that the state of some countries’ economies might put the Euro (and its countries) into more economic peril.