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Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach

using of the Internet as a reliable resource for academic information
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach David Warlick is a former history teacher and is currently an Instructional Technology Consultant
A high school junior is asked to write a report about the Holocaust, a topic that her class has not yet discussed. At home our student uses her computer with access to the Internet to research the topic and word processing software to construct the report. She spends an hour searching the Internet and examining a variety of web pages about the subject and selects three web sites that are particularly compelling because of the graphics and layout of the pages, indicating authority.
Warlick,David. (n.d.). In Evaluating Internet- based Information:A Goals Based Approach. Retrieved March 30,2010, from Information from the Internet is used by many students for research purposes but information located may not be accurate or appropraite.Students need goals for projects which would provide authentic context and enable students to assemble information located on the Internet in a more informative way. Using smaller chunks of info and interweaving them as opposed to using large chunks or paragraphs.
Article on how to go about evaluating internet-based information
Evaluating Internet-based Information: A Goals-based Approach David Warlick is a former history teacher and is currently an Instructional Technology Consultant.