BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Arts & Culture | Banksy in secret exhibition stunt
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Arts & Culture | Banksy in secret exhibition stunt
Banksy in secret exhibition stuntMagnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art - Stephen Walter's The Island
Killer hand-drawn map of London, slightly bird's-eye viewish.
RT @cunabula: Amazingly detailed map of london, completely handcrafted and beautifully illustrated. via @martin_isa ...
The Island satirises the London-centric view of the English capital and its commuter towns as independent from the rest of the country. The artist, a Londoner with a love of his native city, offers up a huge range of local and personal information in words and symbols. Walter speaks in the dialect of today, focusing on what he deems interesting or mundane.LOST ART > OSGEMEOS > VERTIGEM > CCBB RJ
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