Pages tagged experts: » Blog Archive » Social Media “Experts” are the Cancer of Twitter (and Must Be Stopped)

"Like drugs, social media can be a good thing in the right hands. But there are too many people out there who don’t know what they’re doing and just get carried away. Sadly most people just lack the good old fashioned discipline to keep their worse instincts in check." (Via Danny Sanchez)
Os especialistas em mídias sociais são zumbis. E estão estragando o twitter. Porém, eles só falam com eles mesmos. Acho que vou apagar uns feeds, unfollow algumas pessoas, e ganhar tempo este ano.
There is something deely ironic about this, possibly the fact that he is a Dr Who / Battlestar Galactica fan - however, despite me being an "SEO" bloke - I would say he might have a point ?
Nearly a day goes by on Twitter without yet another social media “expert” choosing to stalk me. At first it started innocently — back in the day (about a year ago) various techie friends started to declare themselves social media gurus because they decided to hang out on Twitter and Facebook all day.
Horribly true and I'm one of the people it targets...
Sometimes the social media and SEO zombies can mate to produce a marketing strategy monster:
This is quite funny. But sadly true.
RT @JesseNewhart: Why 'Social Media Experts' are The Cancer of Twitter and Need to Be Stopped:
10 Must-Follow Usability Experts on Twitter
Directory: 100 technology experts on Twitter | Between the Lines |
Larry Dignan, Sam Diaz and other IT industry experts, blogging at the intersection of business and technology, deliver daily news and analysis on vital enterprise trends.
One the most important — and most difficult — things to do when you first start using Twitter is to develop a good list of people to follow. You can check your friends’ lists of followers, watch for interesting people that come up in @replies, and look for personalities and brands who promote their Twitter addresses. But, it can take several months to build up a good list. For technology professionals, I’m going to give you a big head start.