Pages tagged facts:

20 Things You Didn't Know About... Time | Cosmology | DISCOVER Magazine

Aprenda algo todos os dias, traz considerações de forma humorísticas à fatos e personalidades da história, com um boa dose de sarcasmo e inteligência.
You'll learn something new, if useless, everyday.
frases fofas
Twenty-six Lies About H.R. 3200 |
health reform bill chain-email includes 26 lies, 18 misleading statements, 4 truths. this lists all of them.
"A notorious analysis of the House health care bill contains 48 claims. Twenty-six of them are false and the rest mostly misleading. Only four are true."
We examined each of the e-mail’s claims, finding 26 of them to be false and 18 to be misleading, only partly true or half true. Only four are accurate.
20 Things Worth Knowing About Beer - The Oatmeal
6 Random Coincidences That Created The Modern World |
The stuff they say about time travel is right. You go back in time and change one little thing, and suddenly the future is full of Nazis and dinosaurs. If you go back through history, you find that time and time again the huge changes that shape our world today all hinged on some utterly random coincidence. Change it, and the entire course of history changes with it.
BBC - Magazine Monitor: 100 things we didn't know last year
The most interesting and unexpected facts can emerge from the daily news stories and the regular Magazine documents some of them in its weekly feature, ten things we did not know last week. To kick off 2010, here's an almanac of the best from the past year.
The most interesting and crazy facts can emerge from the daily news stories and the regular Magazine documents a few of them inside its weekly feature, 10 things we did not know last week. To kick off 2010, here's an almanac of the best from the past year.
The French newborns cried with a rising "accent" while the German babies' cries had a falling inflection.
cool facts
Just so you know it now
50 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
The real FacteryLabs - Get Facts, not Links
Delivering facts instead of links, Factery Labs provides users with a simple way to find out what’s going on and what people are talking about on the web. Users can personalize their view to get real-time information that is of particular interest to them. Users can choose from pre-defined categories like “sports,” “politics,” “world,” “entertainment,” or set up their own topic of interest by typing any term into the search box. Each search will continuously refresh with the best and latest facts allowing users to stay completely up to date on what’s happening on the web. Users can then easily share facts via Facebook, Twitter or email.
Factery Labs – Transformando links em notícias
monitors popular searches across the web
Google facts and figures (massive infographic) | Royal Pingdom
Google has perhaps more than any other company become The Internet Company. It's grown hand in hand with the internet and its entire business model has from the start been totally focused on the internet as a delivery platform. => A ton of facts and figures about Google.
Another 10 Fascinating Food Facts - The List Universe
Fascinating Fact: Ketchup was originally a fish sauce originating in the orient. Two words from the Fujian region of China were used to describe a fish brine / sauce and a tomato sauce - both words bear a striking resemblance in sound to the word “ketchup”; the words are: ke-tsap and kio-chiap. Early western ketchups were made with fish and spices, or mushrooms. In fact, mushroom ketchup is still available in the United Kingdom and it is prized by some modern chefs for its natural inclusion of monosodium glutamate - the only substance known to stimulate the 5th human taste sense umami (savoury).
7-Up used to contain Lithium. Who'd have thought?
Flickr Photo Download: HumansVsAnimals2
humans versus animals
Facebook: Facts You Probably Didn't Know [INFOGRAPHIC]
Infographic with interesting information about Facebook
If you actually want to win over anyone with the information about Fb miscellanea, below will be the best cheat published as a really significant infographic. Take pleasure in!
10 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Google
#10. Google Has a Company Dinosaur.
Zehn nette Fakten über Google. Manche werden sich vielleicht noch erinnern, wie das war, damals... ;-)
N paar Google Fakten wie der erste Google Rechner... aus LEGO! :D
Google is not your average company and it's fitting that they have a history chock full of quirk. Here are 10 facts you may not have known about Google.
52 Cool Facts About Social Media - Danny Brown
Great social media stats - July 2010
Interesting Facts about Star Wars