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"This site presents strategies and resources for faculty members and graduate assistants who are teaching Introduction to Philosophy courses; it also includes material of interest to college faculty generally. The mission of TΦ101 is to provide free, user-friendly resources to the academic community."
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Stepping on Toes: The Delicate Art of Talking to Faculty about Questionable Assignments | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
how librarians can suggest to teachers that students not have scavenger hunt assignments in the library, especially ones that disallow online database articles
librarians talking about how to talk to help faculty write better assignments
Excellent post about talking to faculty about problem assignments, including my personal favorite: "You can't use any online or Web-based sources."
News: Tenure in a Digital Era - Inside Higher Ed
Among the "horror stories" Rosemary Feal has heard: Assistant professors who work in digital media and whose tenure review panels insist on evaluating them by printing out selected pages of their work. "It's like evaluating an Academy Award entry based on 20 film stills," said Feal, executive director of the Modern Language Association.
challenges facing using digital scholarship for p & t
MLA and humanities consortium start effort to be sure scholars up for promotion receive fair evaluations of electronic contributions -- and to give peer review a needed update.
From: Inside Higher Ed, 26 May 2009 Even as the use of electronic media has become common across fields for research and teaching, what is taken for granted among young scholars is still foreign to many of those who sit on tenure and promotion committees. In an effort to confront this problem, the MLA and a consortium called the Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Advanced Collaboratory have decided to find new ways to help departments evaluate the kinds of digital scholarship being produced today.
Question 4 of hzau09. Article about tenure in the digital era.
Tenure & digital practices.