Pages tagged fakestevejobs:

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective

For that matter, look at Linux. Correct me if I'm wrong -- and I'm sure you fucking freetards will find something to correct -- but I think Linus Tordalv started working on Linux back in 1991 when he was a high school student in his native Denmark. That's nearly twenty years ago, and the shit still doesn't run right.
Ich finde immer mehr lustige posts über Chrome OS. Hier ist der von Fake Steve Jobs. Moneyquote: "First of all, nobody seems to appreciate how goddamn hard it is to make an operating system. You don't just wake up one day and fall out of bed and make one. Not even the smarty pants kiddies at Google can do that. These things take years"
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : A not-so-brief chat with Randall Stephenson of AT&T
"You, Randall Stephenson, and your lazy stupid company — you are the problem. You are what’s wrong with this country."
Brilliant take on AT
Fake Steve Jobs has a fake conversation with AT&T's CEO, hitting close to home in a real way.
A glorious FSJ rant: "And now here we are. Right here in your own backyard, an American company creates a brilliant phone, and that company hands it to you, and gives you an exclusive deal to carry it — and all you guys can do is complain about how much people want to use it. You, Randall Stephenson, and your lazy stupid company — you are the problem. You are what’s wrong with this country." (via @gruber)