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Distribution of the name in the US -
Surname map of US, geneologyDad at 13 | Boy Alfie Patten, 13, becomes father of baby girl Maisie with girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15 | The Sun |News
this article is not only disturbing because he looks 8 and she looks 25, but because apparently all poor british slobs fuck like rabbits. the boy's dad has nine kids. the girl's dad (unemployed) has at least six.
What a shame. She at least might have had a better understanding of what the implications were, but he clearly wouldn't have had a clue at 12...
his name is alfie hahaWelcome to the official 1911 Census website
The 1911 census is a record of everyone who lived in England and Wales in 1911. It provides a unique snapshot of the lives of your ancestors. brings this vast resource to you online, so that you can search the census simply and quickly to discover how your family lived in the past.
Welcome to the official 1911 Census website
The 1911 census is a record of everyone who lived in England and Wales in 1911. It provides a unique snapshot of the lives of your ancestors. brings this vast resource to you online, so that you can search the census simply and quickly to discover how your family lived in the past. Search through the census index to find an ancestor, or to find out who lived in your house.
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"But what if I were killed or incapacitated before I managed to hand the passphrase over to an executor or solicitor who could use them to unlock all this stuff that will be critical to winding down my affairs – or keeping them going, in the event that I'm incapacitated? I don't want to simply hand the passphrase over to my wife, or my lawyer. Partly that's because the secrecy of a passphrase known only to one person and never written down is vastly superior to the secrecy of a passphrase that has been written down and stored in more than one place. Further, many countries's laws make it difficult or impossible for a court to order you to turn over your keys; once the passphrase is known by a third party, its security from legal attack is greatly undermined, as the law generally protects your knowledge of someone else's keys to a lesser extent than it protects your own."Playful Learning Experiences
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** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **The Referendum - Happy Days Blog -
very well-written article by Tim Kreider on using alternate life paths as a way of gauging and judging the choices we have made.
Most of my married friends now have children, the rewards of which appear to be exclusively intangible and, like the mysteries of some gnostic sect, incommunicable to outsiders. In fact it seems from the outside as if these people have joined a dubious cult: they claim to be much happier and more fulfilled than ever before, even though they live in conditions of appalling filth and degradation, deprived of the most basic freedoms and dignity, and owe unquestioning obedience to a capricious and demented master.
on how people judge others out of jealousy or fear, and on the different choices we all make, and on how one choice cancels out other choices and on how that's hard. See comments for great discussion.Kid activities, family friendly hotels, travel reviews-Trekaroo
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UGC platform (blog / foto / video ..) for new parent ... with some social network elements added ...Family Tree Magazine - 101 Best Web Sites 2009
We’re marking the occasion by honoring 10 categories of 10 noteworthy sites each (plus one to make 101, of course). With this 10th roundup of meritorious sites, we’ve also sought to break the mold a bit and encompass more of the “Web 2.0″ sites that are paving the way for changes in online genealogy over the next 10 years. Something had to give, however, to keep our count at a manageable 101, so we’ve omitted some old favorites—still worth bookmarking, nonetheless—and several excellent foreign research sites of interest to genealogists with that particular ancestry. Sites that are mostly free but where you might still wind up pulling out your credit card for some purchase or other are marked with a $. Subscription-only sites and those where you have to pay for any meaningful results are indicated with $$
Best in 10 areas for searching family history (many free sites includes but also includes $$$ subscribed resources)
Family Tree Magazine - 101 Best Web Sites 2009My Tree and Me — Custom Genealogy Charts
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from tomProject GRE²AT: Photo Tour
scientific road trip with kids, amazing, time dilation, Project GRE²AT: Photo Tour [from]
"Does gravity really alter time and can this weird phenomenon be detected with a family road trip experiment?" -- via Jed Parsons
"we were able to detect and measure the effects of relativistic time dilation compared to atomic clocks we left at home." [via kenglass]
n September 2005 (for the 50th anniversary of the atomic clock and 100th anniversary of the theory of relativity) we took several cesium clocks on a road trip to Mt Rainier; a family science experiment unlike anything you've seen before. By keeping the clocks at altitude for a weekend we were able to detect and measure the effects of relativistic time dilation compared to atomic clocks we left at home. The amazing thing is that the experiment worked! The predicted and measured effect was just over 20 nanoseconds.
Experimentally proving relativity by taking atomic clocks up higher in elevation (to increase speed due to Earth's spin being different). A family vacation with three kids.Why It's Better To Pretend You Don't Know Anything About Computers - The Oatmeal
Happens at least once in a week a start-up and having a family life: It’s possible! | VentureBeat
Here are the some of the rules that evolved that seemed to work for our family.
"This life isn’t practice for the next one" "What will your epitaph say?"notakeout
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THE SKINNY: No more mediocre meals cobbled together last minute. No more trolling recipe websites to figure out what side dish might work with steamed halibut. No more shopping fiascos — like when you arrived home without eggplant for the ratatouille. helps you plan, prep and cook an entire meal, not just one dish. We provide a complete menu, a shopping list and a game plan – basically, we help you organize to go from kitchen to table with ease.Evolution of the Household -
Evolution of the Household - by decade from the 1950s thru 2000
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dados sobre hábitos familiares ao longo do tempoFamily Portraits Do’s and Don’ts
n’t be afraid to let Mom, DaDating Advice: Top 10 Relationship Tips -- Yahoo! Personals
Making a connection when you first start dating is generally easy compared to maintaining the connection in the long term. Here, the country's top love experts offer up their best advice -- for free!Top 10 Free Genealogy Websites to Find Ancestors
A few years ago, during a family reunion, I learned for the first time that my granduncle on my father's side had fought and died in World War II. The story ofBBC NEWS | UK | Education | Warning over narcissistic pupils
"The growing expectation placed on schools and parents to boost pupils' self-esteem is breeding a generation of narcissists, an expert has warned."
We've been telling children they are unique and special for over a decade.The American Family’s Financial Turmoil
AR: Very sad indeed.
The average American family has more debt than they know what to do with. Here's a look at that debt and all the financial troubles they face.
Wow! Top site!
The average American family has more debt than they know what to do with. Here’s a look at that debt and all the financial troubles they face.
Retirement, The Economy, and What You Should Do About It All
"The American Family’s Financial Turmoil"What iPads Did To My Family - Chuck's Blog
Apparently they all ditched their other computers within a day. willnotgetanipadwillnotgetinanipod
y wife asserted her rightful place in the hierarchy later that evening, and took it upstairs to the bedroom to relax while watching TV. Tap, tap, tap. Occasionally, she showed me something interesting she found online. And smiling.
l the PCs and laptops are basically not being used. All the Macs are not being used. All have been powered off. Everyone in the family is waiting for their turn at theOp-Ed Columnist - How to Raise Our I.Q. -
Another indication of malleability is that I.Q. has risen sharply over time. Indeed, the average I.Q. of a person in 1917 would amount to only 73 on today’s I.Q. test. Half the population of 1917 would be considered mentally retarded by today’s measurements, Professor Nisbett says. Another proven intervention is to tell junior-high-school students that I.Q. is expandable, and that their intelligence is something they can help shape. Students exposed to that idea work harder and get better grades. That’s particularly true of girls and math, apparently because some girls assume that they are genetically disadvantaged at numbers; deprived of an excuse for failure, they excel.
Poor people have I.Q.’s significantly lower than those of rich people, and the awkward conventional wisdom has been that this is in large part a function of genetics.
Good mythbuster and eye-opener on I.Q. Recommended.
"Intelligence does seem to be highly inherited in middle-class households, and that’s the reason for the findings of the twins studies: very few impoverished kids were included in those studies. But Eric Turkheimer of the University of Virginia has conducted further research demonstrating that in poor and chaotic households, I.Q. is minimally the result of genetics — because everybody is held back. "
praise effort more than achievement, teach delayed gratification, limit reprimands and use praise to stimulate - Family History and Genealogy Records
Beta program to digitize records.National Journal Magazine - Do 'Family Values' Weaken Families?
Whether Cahn and Carbone are right will take time and subsequent scholarship to learn; but their story is both plausible and sobering. Plausible, because it brings so many aspects of the culture wars into sharper focus. Sobering, because the economic and cultural forces battering traditional family norms show no signs of abating -- but the new, education-centered pathway to adulthood is often least accessible to those who need it most.
In red America, families form adults
"New norms arise for this environment, norms geared to prevent premature family formation. The new paradigm prizes responsible childbearing and child-rearing far above the traditional linkage of sex, marriage, and procreation. Instead of emphasizing abstinence until marriage, it enjoins: Don't form a family until after you have finished your education and are equipped for responsibility. In other words, *adults form families*. Family life marks the end of the transition to adulthood, not the beginning. Red America still prefers the traditional model."
RT @brainpicker: Do "family values" weaken families? Very compelling read from National Journal [from]
Can it be? One of the oddest paradoxes of modern cultural politics may at last be resolved. The paradox is this: Cultural conservatives revel in condemning the loose moral values and louche lifestyles of "San Francisco liberals." But if you want to find two-parent families with stable marriages and coddled kids, your best bet is to bypass Sarah Palin country and go to Nancy Pelosi territory: the liberal, bicoastal, predominantly Democratic places that cultural conservatives love to hate.OpenDNS > FamilyShield
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The single easiest way to keep your kids safe online — and away from adult websites — on your home Internet for free. No software to install.
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free to block adult web content and phishing sitesAll Joy and No Fun
All Joy and No Fun | Why parents hate parenting (parents are more depressed than nonparents no matter what their...
read this when I have time...
particularly those of us who find moment-to-moment happiness a bit elusive to begin with.
Via Ben. Fascinating analysis of parenting, expectations, happiness, the history of parenting, etc.
"From the perspective of the species, it’s perfectly unmysterious why people have children. From the perspective of the individual, however, it’s more of a mystery than one might think. Most people assume that having children will make them happier. Yet a wide variety of academic research shows that parents are not happier than their childless peers, and in many cases are less so. This finding is surprisingly consistent, showing up across a range of disciplines."
Why parents hate parenting.
oh dear,
All Joy and No Fun