Fancy Fast Food
Remaking of fast food into fancy foodmental_floss Blog » The Quick 10: 10 Secret Menu Items
Secret menu items from popular restaurants. My favorite, from Fatburger: The Hypocrite, a veggie burger topped with crispy strips of bacon.America's Healthiest Restaurants on Yahoo! Health
Best and Worst Restaurants
Que comer y que no en las diferentes cadenas de restaurants.24 Secret Restaurant Menus Revealed - Secret Menus and Hidden Menus for Restaurants
"Remember, not all may participate in the hidden menu. However, if you try to order something and the server looks at you with a blank look, don't give up. Describe the dish and usually they'll make it for you anyway."
If you're looking to impress a date or just like that feeling ofObesity and the Fastness of Food - Economix Blog -
On Monday, in posting some of the data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Society at a Glance report, I noted that the French spent the most time per day eating, but had one of the lowest obesity rates among developed nations. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30).
Would you expect a positive or negative correlation?
Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30). Turkey - longest time spent eating per day (nearly 3 hours) - lower end of obese population