Pages tagged favicons:

SitePoint » 88 Outstanding Favicons and 6 Resources to Help You Create Your Own

beware - immediately wants you to do a survey
Favicons have become a standard element in web design, and they can have a tremendous impact on brand recognition (see Matt Magain’s post, “Google Changes Favicon, Challenges You To Do Better“). If you’re not used to designing for a tiny area (just 16×16 pixels), it can be very difficult to create a distinguishable company-specific or site-branded favicon. And depending on the logo, colors, words, etc. that you’re working with, it can be a challenge to create one that actually looks good.
50 Fantastic Favicons: Episode 9 - Smashing Magazine
50 Fantastic Favicons: Episode 9 - Smashing Magazine -
すてきなFavicon いろいろ。