Pages tagged federal:

Land-a-Government-Job-Now: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Personal Finance, career-work
Government 2.0: Connect with Government -- RSS feeds, blogs, videos, podcasts, social networking, and much more...
This page lists all the ways the US government is on the social web.
US government on the (social) web (via @levyj413)
Site do Governo dos EUA com diversas ferramentas de web2.0 para interação com o cidadão americano.
Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO - O'Reilly Radar
Reading: Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO [feedly] [from]
@timoreilly makes an excellent case for "Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO": [from]
"The news has now been leaked that President Obama intends to nominate Aneesh Chopra as the nation's first Chief Technology Officer."
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Health Care
A federal government Website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201 is a new online portal where anyone can go to find insurance options in their state, went live. It's a very handy resource for information that used to be difficult to find. It's available to help millions who need insurance find it, and as a resource for those who want to shop around for new options or find out their new benefits under the new law. (a federal government Website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
neutral reference on health insurance under new laws