» Blog Archive » On File Systems
An overview of the state of Linux filesystems as of late 2008.
Article about Linux filesystemsHow to undelete any open, deleted file on linux. | final cog
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem. When a file is deleted in linux, it is simply 'unlinked'. The inode, which contains the file's data, is not deleted until all processes have finished with it. This is why processes can carry on writing to deleted files. (Incidentally, this is why linux can be upgraded without requiring a reboot. Programmes, which have shared libraries open, carry on using the old versions of shared libraries until they finish.)
There are many situations where a file has been deleted (typically by an overnight log-cleaning process), yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem.
"There are many situations where a file has been deleted, yet the inode is still held open by a process reading from, or writing to, it. Recovery of such a file is simple, regardless of whether it is on ext2, ext3, reiserfs or any other filesystem."
Si un fichier est effacé mais toujours ouvert par une application, il est très facile de le récupérer.Take the Linux Filesystem Tour | TuxRadar
Take the Linux Filesystem TourExpanDrive: Ridiculously simple SFTP and FTP drive access on your Mac
New version 2
Ridiculously simple SFTP and FTP drive access on your Mac
Always forget about this one!ignore the code » Creating New Documents
slick way to create new documents quickly
Skript, dass das Erstellen neuer Dokumente über Drag & Drop im Finder bzw. über das Dock ermöglicht
create template docs put them in folder lock folder drag folder to dock drag out new template file when necessary -- it'll be copied, not moved.
Usability analysis of various methods of creating new documents on various OSes, culminating in a remarkably elegant way of improving this in Mac OS X using currently-available features of the OS!
"There is a very basic problem with this arrangement: How do you _create_ new files? On the one hand, since you use the Finder to manage your files, it would make sense to create new files in the Finder - right where you actually want them. On the other hand, since each individual application typically has at least one unique type of file, the Finder can't create new files - only individual applications can."hawkscope - Google Code
Hawkscope ist eine kostenlose Software (Open Source) die unter den Betriebssystemen Windows, Linux und Mac OS X läuft. Nach der Installation könnt ihr mittels Hawkscope schneller auf eure Ordner / Dateien zugreifen: [caschy]
Hawkscope is a productivity tool that allows you to access your hard drive contents quickly via system tray / menubar icon with dynamic pop-up menu.A Visual Expedition Inside the Linux File Systems
In this article, we'll take a behind-the-scenes look at the design and development of btrfs on many levels - technical, political, personal - and trace it from its origins at a workshop to its current position as Linus's root file system. Knowing the background and motivation for each step will help you understand why btrfs was started, how it works, and where it's going in the future. By the end, you should be able to hand-wave your way through a description of btrfs's on-disk format.
btrfs is a b-tree based fs that is cow friendly (i.e. by removing sibling links you don't have to copy whole tree on block update). Support snapshots, checksums etc. Implementation comes out of Oracle, has some commonalities with zfs.GFS: Evolution on Fast-forward - ACM Queue
Google File System
ACM Queue, August 7, 2009XtreemFS - file systems for the masses - a replicated and distributed file system for the internet and cloud storage
) doesn’t know how to use raw flash. So if you want a few 80 gigabytes of flash in a laptop, today the only way to get it is with it attached to a SATA interface in a 2.5″ laptop disk form
Formatowanie SSDMollify
a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions. User interface is simple and intuitive, and it comes with following languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Suomi. Mollify is 100% free to use, also sources are available with EPL 1.0 license.
Cooler kostenloser online :: Automatically process new files with fsniper
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen. This makes fsniper both more immediate than an hourly cron job and more efficient.
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen.DreamMount » Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem
DreamMount is a Mac OS X application that allows you to mount DreamHost domains or users to a networked filesystem, allowing you to access it using any application.
Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystemMac OS X SSD tweaks | nullVision:blogs
[...] what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk. Of course you will use them at your own risk…
Ok, I have an Intel X-25M 160 GB SSD coming and I’m on a VERY GEEKY mood… so I decided to poke around a little on what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.nullvision.noatime</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>mount</string> <string>-vuwo</string> <string>noatime</string> <string>/</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> </dict> </plist>NILFS: A File System to Make SSDs Scream | Linux Magazine
<p>The 2.6.30 kernel is chock full of next-gen file systems. One such example is NILFS, a new log-structured file system that dramatically improves write performance. </p>
NILFSDatenrettung mit Knoppix, Themen-Special im heise Software-Verzeichnis
Erste Hilfe bei verlorenen Daten oder zerstörten Dateisystemen
Themen-Special: Datenrettung mit Knoppix: Die Gründe für Datenverluste sind vielseitig: Festplatten-Crashs, Abstürze, unbedarfte Anwender oder einfach nur Tippfehler des Administrators zerstören binnen Sekunden ganze Dateisysteme oder lassen wertvolle Daten verschwinden. Bootet das Betriebssystem nicht mehr, kann das als Live-DVD ohne Installation lauffähige Knoppix bei der Reparatur und Datenrettung helfen. Systemsoftware > Dateimanagement > Datenrettung
datenrettung knoppixPyFilesystem 0.3 released
Not sure this is worth another library
A Python module that provides a common interface to many kinds of filesystem.
Sweet, just what I needed: PyFilesystem 0.3 released -なぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? - NO!と言えるようになりたい
こういうの好き // なぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? – えふしん (fshin2000)
「Unixを使っていると,/usr が全然ユーザー用じゃなくどう見てもシステムのための物だったり,/etc が事実上設定ファイル置き場となっていたり,/var がログファイル置き場となっていたりと,名が体を現していなくて奇妙な感覚を覚える.もっと分かりやすい名前の付け方があったんじゃないかと,Unixユーザーならば誰もが思うはずだが,これに対する解答がredditに投稿されており,その内容が非常に面白かったので,軽く翻訳してみた.」