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The UK Film Council is launching a search engine that will help British movie goers track down their favourite films, from the mainstream to the obscure.
Búsqueda de películasTop 100 films of all time, according to Les Cahiers du Cinema - Telegraph
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top 100 films of all time!!ТурбоФильм!
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Проект ТурбоФильм — удобное место, где вы можете смотреть сериалы онлайн. Мы постарались сделать качественное видео, которое можно смотреть при скорости от 500 Кбит/с в режиме потокового воспроизведения. На данный момент у нас находится 716 серий ваших любимых сериалов!A/V Geeks » Our Films Online
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Finally someone put up all those ridiculous old things people had to watch. Plus, they are in creative commons now. I might have to have some editing fun with these!
Have over 22,000 films. Will travel. For more than a decade, we’ve been rescuing old 16mm school films from dumpsters and obscurity and showing them to folks like you.
tons of cool ephemeral filmsNot Again: 24 Great Films Too Painful To Watch Twice | Film | A.V. Club
After watching the trailer, this has to be one of the highest quality fan-films ever made.
fan dedicationAMC » B-Movies
While great sci-fi movies have made their presence and influenced movies of all genres to this day, a lot of science fiction films over the years have gone quite unnoticed, even by today’s standards, with the Internet making it possible to spread word about independent “thinking man’s sci-fi” like Moon, Primer and, to some extent, Sunshine. Here are ten movies that are virtually not present in any “top 10 sci-fi ________ list” (fill in the blank).Top 10 Anime movies that surpass Disney by light years - Movies, Reviews and More.
Where to watch free movies online? Here's a list that will get you started. We've listed 20 sites that feature a wide range of films. Classics, international, film noir, documentaries, indies -- they're all here. Most of these films should be availabPrinter Friendly
The 100 Best Films of the Decade
Damn, jeg mangler at se MANGE film på den liste
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What's Hot | Watch Free Documentaries OnlineWorld Cinema Foundation
Watch restored films online. Clips available directly, but by the look of it, you have to register to see the whole movie
The World Cinema Foundation is a natural expansion of my love for movies. Seventeen years ago, together with my fellow filmmakers, we created The Film Foundation to help preserve American cinema. Much has been accomplished and much work remains to be done, but The Film Foundation has created a base upon which we can build. There is now, I believe, a film preservation consciousness.25 Fantastic Indie Gems Made for Less Than $1 Million |
Lista de filmes marcantes feitos com menos de 1 milhão de dólares
Behind every outstanding Hollywood blockbuster, there’s a film director who had to work their ass off to helm that project. And though their early work is not often seen by the public eye, that doesn’t mean it’s not accessible to those who are interested in seeking it out. The following movies all had budgets under $1 million, some of them reaching as low as $7,000. Let this act as a reminder: you don't need to be backed by studio financing to make a great film.
would love to watch most of these some day
Pour 100 briques, ben t'as encore des trucs pas mal... 10 best indie movies of 2008 - Beyond the Multiplex -
nostalgicLas 50 películas que deberías ver antes de morir - TCM España
Las “50 películas que deberías ver antes de morir”
TCM ha seleccionado las “50 películas que deberías ver antes de morir”. En la web podrás ver íntegros los reportajes especiales dedicados a cada uno de estos míticos títulos.The Top 10 New Cult Movies | LikeMe Daily
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Grande liste de classiques et autres films noirs à voir gratuitement en ligne12 Most Watchable Foreign Flicks
12 Most Watchable Foreign Flicks