Find ‘Em On Twitter: 15 Twitter Directories Compared
Searching for people or applications on Twitter? Good luck with that. Since Twitter offers little in the way of people search features (though they now have a suggestion tool), your search for interesting and dynamic people to follow and applications to use could be a giant time suck. Thankfully there are more than a few third-party resources that you can turn to for finding new people to follow, and new tools to help you do what Twitter won’t let you. We’ll shed a little light on these 15 directories by separating them into four categories: applications, people, politics, and strictly business.Mommy, I found it! — 15 Practical Linux Find Command Examples
find / -name passwd
Usi del comando find
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find . -empty
定期的に上がるねfindネタ10 Ways to Find People on Twitter
TwitterTwitterTwitter is all about facilitating conversations, but until you’re following some people, it’s just a blank page. Once you find people to follow and talk to, however, Twitter becomes exceptionally useful. You can share thoughts, ask questions, get updates about news, music, brands, and businesses, and discover helpful links and information. Finding good people to follow, especially for new users staring at a blank page the first time they log in, can be a bit daunting, though.
10 formas de encontrar gente en TwitterAdd power to Word searches with regular expressions - Help and How-to - Microsoft Office Online
Recommended by LifehackerHow to Find the Person behind an Email Address - Reverse Email Search
Find the Person Behind an Email Address
Reverse Email SearchSimilarity - find and remove similar, duplicate MP3,WMA,OGG,FLAC,APE,WV files by content or ID3 tags, Organize your music collection
Duplicate Music Files Scanner Similarity If you are like me you probably have a big music collection on your PC. Mine was created by ripping music CDs, recording streaming Internet radio and downloading music from the Internet, all perfectly legal of course. It is likely that duplicate music files exist in large music collections that have been build from different sources. A duplicate file scanner like Similarity can aid in the detection of duplicates to free up disk space and make the music collection more accessible.twitFlink, find a link!
Encuentra enlaces perdidos
Buscador de twits en el timeline de algun usuario en especifico.
twitFlink - Find a link!
Find a link!
RT @TweetSmarter: See all links tweeted by any user, filtered by keyword: /via @nirmaltv
buscar links que pasó un usuario
See all links tweeted by any user, filtered by keyword: /via @nirmaltv – TweetSmarter (TweetSmarter)
neato! RT @TweetSmarter: See all links tweeted by any user, filtered by keyword: /via @nirmaltvtwitFlink, find a link!
App to search links from any Twitter account.
It´s a very simple searching tools that allows anyone (do not need authentication) to find link from any Twitter account.
Encuentra enlaces perdidos
Buscador de twits en el timeline de algun usuario en especifico.
twitFlink - Find a link!
Find a link!twitFlink, find a link!
App to search links from any Twitter account.
It´s a very simple searching tools that allows anyone (do not need authentication) to find link from any Twitter account.
Encuentra enlaces perdidos
Buscador de twits en el timeline de algun usuario en especifico.
twitFlink - Find a link!
Find a link!