How to Bypass Firewalls & Get into Blocked Websites in School or at Work with FreeProxy (Windows) |
GitHub Firewall Install
"GitHub Firewall Install is a version of the GitHub web application that you install within your own corporate firewall. With your own internal GitHub you can combine the best aspects of social code management with the security of your private network."Lifehacker - FreeProxy Helps You Circumvent Restrictive Firewalls - Proxy
Recommended by Lifehacker
Windows only: Corporate firewall got you down? No Facebook behind your school's filter? FreeProxy is a simple proxy tool for routing your browsing through your home computer.OpenDPI - The Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Engine
OpenDPI - The Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Engine
OpenDPI is a software library designed to classify Internet traffic according to network protocols. For this purpose mainly deep packet inspection (DPI) is used. OpenDPI is derived from PACE, the traffic classification engine of ipoque, a provider of carrier!grade DPI and bandwidth management solutions. In contrast to ipoque's PACE engine, OpenDPI does not support the detection of encrypted protocols and it does not use any heuristic and behavioral analysis for classification.
OpenDPI is a software component for traffic classification based on deep packet inspection.窓の杜 - 【NEWS】フリーの統合セキュリティソフト「COMODO Internet Security」が日本語化
米Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.は13日(現地時間)、フリーの統合セキュリティソフト「COMODO Internet Security」v3.9.95478.509を公開した。本バージョンでは、有志らによるメニューなどの翻訳が行われ、新たに日本語をはじめとする19カ国語に対応した。編集部にて試用したところ、メイン画面の一部の説明文やヘルプファイルが英語表記であるほかは、ほぼすべての項目が日本語化されており、利用の際の敷居が非常に低くなっている。
Vista 64 bit 対応のフリーの統合セキュリティソフト。
ウイルス 日本語Never Installed a Firewall on Ubuntu? Try Firestarter - The Community's Center for Security
Firestarter is a friendly graphical interface that allows you to configure a software firewall in Linux using the built-in IPtables/IPchains utilities. It is an open source GUI firewall program. The software aims to combine ease of use with powerful features, therefore serving both Linux desktop users and system administrators.
firewall10 iptables rules to help secure your Linux box | 10 Things |
allow you to actually work normally on your desktop. All network traffic going out of your machine will be allowed out, but all TCP/IP traffic coming into your m
Mastering iptables could take a while, but if you have a few rules to cover the basic security needs, you’ll be well on your way to protecting your Linux system. Jack Wallen explains some key rules to get you started.