Pages tagged flight:

Aeroseek: Real-Time Flight Tracking

Flight tracking
Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets, Cheap Airfare & Discount Travel Deals -
Billige Fluege nach DE...
Find and book cheap airline tickets with Search hundreds of travel sites, compare results, and buy direct.
TripChill Mobile Travel Assistant
TripChill Mobile Travel Assistant web applicaton
mobile trip assisntant, similar to
Travel: Use Codeshares To Find Cheap Summer Flights Abroad
how do you find codeshares? First, find your desired flight number and punch it into a flight tracking service like Flight Stats. Look for a section breaking out specific codeshares and the flight numbers associated with the other airlines. Then, go to each airline listed and search for the codeshared flight number to compare the price. Once you've found the lowest fare, book it and start packing!
Before locking in your summer fare to Europe, see if you can't find a better deal by searching an airline's codeshare partners.
Cheap Flights, Hotels, Destinations | Bing Travel
From Bing search engine
SR-71 Break-Up
Among professional aviators, there's a well-worn saying: Flying is simply hours of boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror. And yet, I don't recall too many periods of boredom during my 30-year career with Lockheed, most of which was spent as a test pilot.
"My aircraft disintegrated around me at Mach3, 78,000ft" (hat tip to Dan Kuper for the link)
Air France 447 - AFR447 - A detailed meteorological analysis - Satellite and weather data
for the data junkies - very nice seeming piece of work [h/t james fallows' blog]
V. dense and technical. The feedback from pilots and meteorologists is particularly interesting.
flight delay prediction, way better than what the airlines tell you
In flight - The Big Picture -
Wu Zhongyuan
Amazing high resolution flight pictures
Just beautiful pictures.
Fold Your Own Sky King Paper Airplane - Wired How-To Wiki
The Recession and the American Airline Industry
(has fees chart)
Interact: Watch 24 Brilliant Hours of U.S. Flights
Very cool xray like looking map of flight lines
Flight patterns information visualization for the US in a 24 hour period. Where the flights are going and what their altitude is (altitude is mapped with color, darker is higher, lighter is lower)
Map showing bright spots at airports 8/12/08
Google Maps parnership
Looks like connecting neurons in the brain.. - Parrot AR.Drone
Booking a Flight the Frugal Way - Frugal Traveler Blog -
SteamBirds | Armor Games
Jogo porreta de avião
combattimenti aerei a turni
Watch Air Traffic - LIVE! shows live aircraft traffic in the airspace above Europe.
Airspace Rebooted on Vimeo
La explosión del volcán Eyjafjallajökull hace 2 semanas hizo que el tráfico aéreo de media europa quedara suspendido por unos días. En ésta llamativa animación se ve la vuelta a la normalidad (especialmente en lo que afecta a UK).
A visualisation of the northern European airspace returning to use after being closed due to volcanic ash. Due to varying ash density across Europe, the first flights can be seen in some areas on the 18th and by the 20th everywhere is open.
origami hang glider
Build and Surf an Origami Hang Glider on a Wave of Air
Kayak Explore
Kayak's Explore will narrow down all the places in the world to your specific criteria. Powered by Google Maps, Kayak's Explore filters places based on flight duration, ticket price (from your home airport), activities, season, temperature, and even languages spoken. If you're planning a trip with others, you can share results with others via a link.
Find where you can go based upon an airport, a general time frame (summer, fall, spring, etc) and a price range. Tool is visual in that it shows you flights by the location with the price overlaid.
Kayak's "Explore" feature is an awesome way to figure out where you can go in the world for a certain amount of money. Just give it an interval, and it will show you what airports are in reach of your budget
Descubra para onde ir dizendo quanto quer pagar.
Nettes GMaps Mashup RT @misterburton: best google maps mashup site i've ever seen. #byeByeSavingsAccount
John Graham-Cumming: How to sleep on a long haul flight
... But the flight was over ten hours. The right thing to think is: oh, 10 hours of sleep, that'll do me good. But do not look at your watch and think about the flight time left. Just close your eyes, put on the blindfold, shut out the noise and relax. Of course, relaxing is hard, but I find that something simple like alternate nostril breathing works wonders to calm me down. The yogi probably won't tell you but the beer also helps. PS It's important to know how to unblock your ears because blocked ears can be painful. Here's a good description.