Reduce your headache when developing for IE6 & IE7 with just one line « The CSS Blog, just CSS. (Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, Resources and more!)
The Mystery Of The CSS Float Property « Smashing Magazine
Fixed Floating Elements | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
This replicates the floating box as seen in apple's store.
Fixed Floating Elements | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts -とっても使えるoverflowプロパティ。その使い方色々。|CSS HappyLife
via.ShowjinCreate YouTube-like adaptable view using CSS and jQuery
cool way to wrap text around non-square images!
Clever jQuery plugin which allows text to wrap around irregularly shaped images, by processing the image with canvas and rewriting it as a sequence of floated horizontal bars of different widths.
text wrap
jQSlickWrap is a plugin for jQuery which enables you to easily and accurately wrap your text around the content of floated images. It's as simple as $('img').slickWrap();The New Clearfix Method • Perishable Press
Jak zarovnat obrazek pro css, aby nebyl v textu ale pekne vedle nej.
There are a loads of instances where this little technique could be employed, but I've used a list as an example because it's one of the most common. Here we have a basic unordered list (<ul>), with floated-left images where the text doesn't wrap under the images. Told you it was simple.
Using relative positioning to avoid text wrapping around an image.
floating image left and text right not using float left and rightThe Floating-Point Guide - What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Aims to provide both short and simple answers to the common recurring questions of novice programmers about floating-point numbers not 'adding up' correctly, and more in-depth information about how IEEE 754 floats work, when and how to use them correctly, and what to use instead when they are not appropriate.