Pages tagged fluff:

You look like an angel - [Fic] Anniversary (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)

All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday and Arthur wants to do something special for him.
Anniversary Fandom: Merlin Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Rating: PG Spoilers: Takes place before 1x10. Notes: This fic is for [info]rageprufrock -- happy birthday! Beta by the fabulous [info]shayheyred. Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
. They're a plain, peaceful folk. And the only thing Merlin's expressed any great desire for are those late winter plums -- I think one of the kitchen maids passed him one last week." "Plums," Arthur said with great concentration, and then strode out without another word.
Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday, or the time about when he approximates his birthday to be, and Arthur is having trouble figuring out what a suitable gift would be.
Still, it was a fact that Merlin was looking a bit mopey. And when Arthur had demanded to know why, Merlin had a faraway look in his eyes, and softly admitted, "I'm just used to spending this time of year with my mother, that's all. Homesick, I suppose." And Arthur's brow furrowed at that, because he'd never quite considered that Merlin had come from somewhere. (Arthur gets a present for Merlin).
"For me?" Merlin repeated, sounding absolutely shocked, and really, it was only fruit. Arthur huffed. "Look, Gaius said you liked them, so congratulations on the anniversary of your birth and all that." "For me?" Merlin said again, and his tone was so sweet with wonder that Arthur was forced to look at his face. He looked as astonished as he sounded, and Arthur wondered for a split second what he would have done if Arthur had thrown in a new pair of trousers, too.
by thehoyden (PG) All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
franticsga: There Are No Legible Signs, Arthur/Merlin, G.
They could do this thing together. He was sure of it. || pre-slash, sweet, in-character, lovely.
If Merlin could move, he'd hit him. He really would this time, and Arthur would be surprised because Merlin had been practicing. Sort of. [No i another one z gatunku "zwykłe i całkiem fajne"...]
"I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you."
Description: "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you." **||** [2.334 words] Merlin has stiffened up terribly after the skirmish in Ealdor and Arthur's somewhere between amused and exasperated.
Description: "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you." >Arthur gives a massage to Merlin and the boys have a bromance conversation about present and future. Warm and pleasant.
[merlin. g. preslash m/a.] "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you."
Absconding With The Tontine Funds - Merlin fic: Fools of Us All [1/2]
Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
Arthur/Merlin, NC-17. Author's Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
The one where Arthur gets THIS close to punching his feelings in the face.
Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
merle_p: Lend me your ears, and I'll sing you a song, Arthur/Merlin, PG-13
Arthur likes Merlin's ears.
Arthur likes Merlin's ears
Summary: Arthur likes Merlin's ears.
arthur likes merlin's ears.sophie is a bitch. i cry for will. i die from the cute.
The first time they meet, it’s on the playground, when Arthur abandons his half-finished sandcastle to crawl over and pull Merlin’s ear. | Arthur really likes Merlin's ears.
Lemon Meringue
Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.
I have sent you a cat, said Merlin's scrawl. "I see you have also gone insane," Arthur said. || (jkdshg this fic made me laugh so hard i cried.)
Adorable and sweet.
(3300 words) Arthur squinted. On further inspection, it might have said Love, Merlin, but love and Merlin resolutely did not go together, especially not with the letter 'I' in front of them, so Arthur made himself settle on the meringue. Perhaps Merlin had been feeling peckish at the time.
[Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.] Sweet sweet sweet. But not really schmoop or smarm. Like the title, perfect and light on the palate. And of course Merlin has execrable penmanship.
Summary: Arthur exiles Merlin for his own safety, but even from afar Merlin manages to make his presence felt anyway.
Sweet fluff.
grabi_hands: 16 Things Jim Kirk Is Allowed To Do In Private: a chronological list compiled by First Officer Spock
WORDS: 2758 A chronological list compiled by First Officer Spock.
as the title says
Of course Spock would compile a list of t hings Jim's allowed to do, cause list are tp Spock as pushing boundaries are to Jim.
exactly what it sounds like
1- he is allowed to initiate a kiss on the mouth.
It was a sudden move - illogical and unpredictable, as it always was. He had gone to the captain's quarters without knowing what he was getting himself into, apparently, and while he had only expected to have a little companionship in his suddenly-empty evenings, he did not expect this. Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/Spock. R.
12- he is allowed to speak of illogical, unimportant matters, on the condition that he does not expect and will not receive a response. he is not, however, allowed to attempt to produce musical sounds using his vocal chords. this activity will always result in his untimely expurgation from the first officer's quarters, or even his own.
See title. XD
What it says on the label.
In relation to this fic, because someone asked for a list and I had way too much fun thinking about it. Also, jesuschrist fluff. I am full of sap. Sequel to Spiccato
In relation to "Spiccato"
fiddleyoumust: Fic - The Meaning of My Life Is... (Brendon/Spencer)
Brendon wants a baby. It's not something he thinks about or plans. He just wakes up one morning and drinks the last of Spencer's pot of coffee. He takes Dylan for a walk. He takes a shower and smokes a cigarette. He sits down next to Spencer and pulls the newspaper out of his hands. It won't fold right, and eventually Brendon gets frustrated with it, placing it in a messy pile on the coffee table. achy and then beautiful and I just love the way they are portrayed with so much depth
Brendon and Spencer have a baby via a surrogate. Really sweet.
Brendon and Spencer have a baby.
"I want a baby," Brendon says. Spencer, to his credit, doesn't even blink. He looks at his crumpled paper, his brow wrinkled up so that Brendon knows he's annoyed. He looks at his hands. He looks at his feet. He looks out the sliding glass door, his skin crinkling when he squints his eyes against the sun. "I don't think," Spencer starts. "I'm not ready for a baby," he says. Spencer holds his shoulders tight when he's ready to fight. Brendon wraps his hand over one of them and squeezes and kneads. He digs his fingers in hard until he feels the muscles loosen under his fingers. Spencer doesn't turn around. He keeps his focus on whatever -- on the grass or the sky or the dog sniffing around in the flower bed. Brendon says, "Okay," and Spencer doesn't turn around.
"I want a baby," Brendon says. Spencer, to his credit, doesn't even blink. He looks at his crumpled paper, his brow wrinkled up so that Brendon knows he's annoyed. He looks at his hands. He looks at his feet. He looks out the sliding glass door, his skin crinkling when he squints his eyes against the sun. "I don't think," Spencer starts. "I'm not ready for a baby," he says.
Sometimes it feels like he's doing his own thing, dragging Spencer along for the ride, even if Spencer's never really made him feel that way.