How to Fold a T Shirt in Two Seconds - wikiHow
In today's increasingly casual fashion world, the trusty t-shirt is a staple of just about every wardrobe. While t-shirts are relatively hassle-free to care for, it's still quite a chore to fold a laundry load full of them--it's no wonder so many people just stuff them in a drawer or throw them on the floor. Fortunately it's easier than you may think to keep your t-shirts wrinkle-free. Follow these steps to fold a t-shirt in two seconds.Lifehacker - Learn to Fold a Dress Shirt Effectively - Packing
People tell us that they don’t mind scrolling and the behaviour we see in user testing backs that up. We see that people are more than comfortable scrolling long, long pages to find what they are looking for. A quick snoop around the web will show you successful brands that are not worrying about the fold either:Please Scroll
The title tag reads: "Please Scroll." This is great for those bastards that didn't have anything to say early on and all of sudden they're concerned about something that is quite ambiguous like the "FOLD."
Remember it.
There is no page fold: Below 600px | I Am Paddy
Interesting article about the fold
Insight on designing websites 'below the fold'.
CUTE, AND HE'S RIGHT, I WILL SCROLL, BUT ONLY SO FAR (try to paginate me and I'll get pissed off and leave instantly)Scrolling and Attention (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
RT @kevinmarks:»@tomcoates: Nielsen on the fold: « tl;dr? 'Scrolling beats paging' 'nice morsel at the very bottom'
Guideline/Ru;e of Thumb: Web users spend 80% of their time looking at information above the page fold. Although users do scroll, they allocate only 20% of their attention below the fold.Where Is The Fold
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Wonderfully useful tool. End the debate!
Great tool