Pages tagged forms:

fecklessmind - How to create perfect form mark up and style it with CSS
Changing Form Input Styles on Focus with jQuery | Build Internet!

DatePicker - jQuery plugin
interesting for SIFE?
Date Picker - jQuery plugin
Top 10 jQuery plugins for Form Usability « Steve Reynolds
How to create interactive PDF forms to impress your clients | The Design Cubicle
Styling Buttons and Toolbars with the jQuery UI CSS Framework | Filament Group, Inc.
button, span, anchorをスタイリングするチュートリアル
Below, we create a range of button types that frequently appear in application interfaces — stand-alone buttons, toggles, and buttons grouped into multi-function toolbars — and use classes from the framework to demonstrate how you can leverage the CSS for non-jQuery elements. We tested the sample markup and the framework CSS to ensure that styles render the same whether the button markup is the actual button form element (<button>), a link (<a>), or any other tag that makes sense for your particular application.
How To Design The Perfect Form | Web Design Tuts
Custom Buttons 3.0 (demo)
Ładne buttony z zaokrąglonymi obrazkami, także kilka obok siebie w obrębie jednego wizualnie paska buttona.
"This doc attempts to show how custom buttoms with a 1px radius could be created without corner images. The gradient requires an image, but is optional. Ideally, the <button> element should be used if possible (instead of <a>) for semantic and accessibility reasons. Note that the hover state will not work on button elements for IE6 and lower without using JavaScript to detect a mouseOver event."
This doc attempts to show how custom buttoms with a 1px radius could be created without corner images. The gradient requires an image, but is optional. Ideally, the <button> element should be used if possible (instead of <a>) for semantic and accessibility reasons. Note that the hover state will not work on button elements for IE6 and lower without using JavaScript to detect a mouseOver event.
Interesting html FORM Validators for web developers
This post illustrates how to use some interesting HTML Form validators to check FORM fields writing only some lines of HTML and JavaScript code. All these proposal are lightweight, cross-browser and simple to use and customize in your web projects in few minutes.
Doculicious - Easily create Forms and Documents to embed on your Websites
f your business or organisation requires clients to print and fill-in PDF or Word forms and documents, Doculicious can simplify the form completion for your clients, and give you the tools to track and process completed forms. Doculicious lets you create online PDF documents that have a web form you can embed on your website or co-brand and access from When someone completes the web-based form, they receive the completed PDF download, and we store the entered data into your secure account.
Forms and fillable PDFs
Previous and Next Actions in Web Forms
Among designers, there are often discussions on the placement of actions in web forms that span several web pages. The quintessential question underlying this debate is: can an action that leads people to the previous step of a process be placed to the right of an action that leads users to the next step of a process?
previous next uie luke wroblewski
Prev & Next buttons... whats best and what isn't!
Ryan's Scraps: What's New in Edge Rails: Nested Object Forms
We were all teased a few months ago about the possibility of finally solving the nested model/complex forms problem in Rails, but were then cruelly notified that it wasn’t quite ready for prime time. But our day has come – the most requested feature for Rails 2.3, the ability to handle multiple models in a single form, is here.
Scheduled for Rails 2.3
How to deal with large webforms
How to Validate Forms in both sides using PHP and jQuery | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
So you want a dynamic form
super(ContactForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Google Quizes | Screencast-O-Matic
Två kul saker - dels hur man skapar quiz med hjälp av GoogleDocs, dels Screencast-o-matic!
Nice intro on how to create a quiz in Google Forms.
Video tutorial for creating self grading quizzes
fecklessmind - How to create perfect form markup and style it with CSS
Form Validation
Rails Forms microformat « Trek
Trek Rails Forms microformat This article has been updated to reflect the latest patterns in Rails 2.3 edge (based mostly on this commit) If you’ve been relying on Rails form helpers to generate forms, then you may have missed the interesting little microformat used to pass application data to and fro. In case you didn’t know, form data is passed as part of the request body as a set of key/values pairs in plain text (if you’re using get as a method for a form, it’s that url section like this: ?name=widget12&price=22). The name attribute of the form inputs are the keys (here name and price), and the value is whatever the user entered or selected (widget12 and 22). Most languages/frameworks for the web will reconstitute these pairs as objects accessible to the programmer. For example <input name='widget_name' /> is accessed with $_POST["widget_name"] in php, self.request.get("widget_name") on App Engine, and params[:widget_name] in Rails. This format can only pass a single value f
One of the most comprehensive articles on rails forms. Includes the newly added nested attributes stuff.
XHTML CSS Accessible Forms » Matt Varone
Valid, flexible, and portable form foundation with XHTML/CSS
Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe
Noupe is a design weblog created to inspire creativity by sharing innovative resources and websites to bloggers, freelancers and web designers.
Forms needs a solid visual structure, a profound hierarchy of form elements (Fields and Labels), powerful techniques and Functionality (AJAX) to make the form look and work creatively. There is a great bunch of creative, outstanding and individually designed from scratch forms.
jQuery plugin: ‘autoResize’ - James Padolsey
jQuery plugin: ‘autoResize’
I remember googling for something of this nature a while ago but all I found were countless attempts using the cols and/or rows attribute of the textarea, thus making it pretty useless if you weren’t using a fixed-width font. Inspired by Jason Frame’s method, I’ve created an animating ‘autoResize’ jQuery plugin. Although it was inspired by his plugin it has a few slight differences, most notably the way in which the off-screen "testing" takes place. In his plugin (apparently inspired by Facebook’s implementation) a DIV is created off-screen and is filled with the textarea’s value whenever it changes. The height of this DIV is retrieved and then applied to the textarea. My plugin makes use of the scrollTop DOM property to gain the true height of the text and then applies that directly (or via animation) to the textarea.
Interface Design Inspiration | 36 Beautiful Login Page/Form Designs | Dzine Blog
Login Interfaces
Interface Design Inspiration | 36 Beautiful Login Page/Form Designs | Dzine Blog -
7 jQuery Plugins to Manipulate TEXTAREAs | Steve Reynolds Blog
7 jQuery Plugins to Manipulate TEXTAREAs | Steve Reynolds Blog
Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe
Beautiful Forms - Design, Style, & make it work with PHP & Ajax | Noupe
6 jQuery snippets you can use to manipulate select inputs « Flexible Developments
Web-kreation - Nice & Clean Sliding Login Panel built with jQuery
Web-kreation - Nice & Clean Sliding Login Panel built with jQuery -
20 Useful PHP + jQuery Components & Tuts for Everyday Project | Noupe
Nolo: Law Books, Legal Forms and Legal Software
Create a Progress Bar With Javascript - Nettuts+
TextboxList « Devthought
TextboxList turns normal textboxes into a widget which can be navigated with the keyboard, effectively turning your input into a “list” of items that can be easily deleted. It comes with an official Autocomplete plugin.
Mootools multiple tags entry in input field
new TextboxList('form_tags_input
autosuggest, tags Apple Mail style
25+ jQuery Plugins that enhance and beautify HTML form elements | Queness
11 jQuery Plugins to Enhance HTML Dropdowns | Steve Reynolds Blog
JavaScript image combobox v1.5 | Marghoob Suleman
jquery image dropdown, jquery custom dropdown, customize select element, convert select element to image dropdown, image dropdown script, insert image in dropdown, image dropdown combobox
How To Use Help Elements To Improve Your Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Opensource - AJAX - Jqtransform - jQuery form plugin
Преобразование стилей html элементов ввода данных
I rolled up the autocomplete plugin (Rein + Yehuda) of my last few posts with the Facebook style text list (Guillermo) of my autobox post. We’re calling it Autobox2: click here to see the demo. Then, download it: Updated 12/11 (see comments) Although it is missing some of the behavior of autobox1, it’s a more solid and extendable implementation. It also fixes what is in my mind the most glaring problem of autobox1, the fact that it needed the entire list in the initial ajax call. Autobox2 makes AJAX calls the same way that the autocomplete one does, makes a server call with the current contents of the input box. This is the way you would expect. I will no longer be releasing any more changes to Autobox1 and you can consider it deprecated. (I’ve noted this on the main Autobox1 post.) As to the implementation, it is based on the Rein and Yehuda’s autocomplete plugin as detailed in 2 previous posts. There were a few things borrowe
How to skin HTML form elements in seconds
2 plugins to nice up HTML Forms
9lessons: jQuery and Ajax best 9lessons.
Grandes lecciones de Ajax con Jquery
15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms
15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms
Website Change Request Form
How to Implement Email Verification for New Members - Nettuts+
Have you ever created an account with a website, and were required to check your email and click through a verification link sent by the company in order to activate it? Doing so highly reduces the number of spam accounts. In this lesson, we'll learn how to do this very thing!
Web Usability - Accessible Forms using WCAG 2.0
"Accessible Forms using WCAG 2.0" is the first of a series of documents to help web professionals use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 to develop accessible websites. This document aims to provide web developers and others with practical advice about the preparation of accessible HTML forms. It compares the WCAG 1.0 accessibility requirements relating to forms with those contained in WCAG 2.0. I wish to thank Chris Bentley, Andrew Downie and Russ Weakley for their considerable knowledge and assistance in preparing this document. NB: This document is a work-in-progress. Please send feedback and any suggestions about errors and omissions to Introduction Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 1.0 (WCAG 1.0) is primarily concerned with advocating the use of W3C Technologies such as HTML and CSS to prepare accessible websites. Version 2.0 of the Guidelines is technology neutral. That is, WCAG 2.0 does not explicitly relate to the use of
"Accessible Forms using WCAG 2.0" is the first of a series of documents to help web professionals use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 to develop accessible websites. "
How to make your website accessible
Formularios accesibles
10 Intelligent Ways of using [FORM] Elements | Noupe
Ajax Fancy Captcha is a jQuery plugin that helps you protect your web pages from boys and spammers in a new, intuitive way of completing “verify humanity” tasks. In order to do that users are asked to drag and drop specified item into a circle.
45+ Really Essential Free HTML [Form] Enhancements | tripwire magazine
120+ Javascript, Ajax, jQuery Mega Toolbox | tripwire magazine
A huge Javascript, Ajax and jQuery Toolbox that I hope really really gonna make a difference in your work efficiency.
bunch of nice looking jQuery ideas
Make your forms beautiful with CSS | Web Designer - Defining the internet through beautiful design
A jQuery inline form validation, because validation is a mess « Position Absolute
e solution that works with every form. Figuring out how to display errors is not a simple task. This is something I tried to remedy with this script. When an error needs to be displayed, the script creates a div and positions it in the top right corner of the input. This way you don’t have to worry about your HTML form structure. The rounded corner and shadow are done with CSS3 and degrade well in non compliant browsers. There is no images needed. When you submit a form, it will look for inp
Web forms design guidelines: an eyetracking study | cxpartners
Provides 10 guidelines for web forms, based on eye tracking research
Guidelines 5 - Don’t use asterisks, make clear optional fields Guideline 6 - Use single field for numbers or postcode
Estudo sobre formulários online
10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web | Webdesigner Depot
Whether it’s your portfolio, a blog, a marketing web site, or a collection of games, we all want to attract visitors to our website and to ensure that they have a pleasant experience. Usability measures the level of a user’s experience and can be characterized by how easily a given task can be completed; whether it’s done with prior knowledge, or by having the user learn a new way to interact. I think Jakob Nielson probably explained it best when he said: “Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word “usability” also refers to methods for improving ease–of–use during the design process.” In this article I hope to give you some form of a usability checklist, covering topics from form design to simple navigation tips that you can apply to any Web project.
10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web
15 jQuery Plugins to enhance your HTML form elements
24 Essential Submit Button Enhancements | tripwire magazine
24 วิธีทำปุ่ม เมนู
Introduction to Google Forms | Matt Silverman
A brief tutorial on creating a Google form.. As recommended by Will Richardson, this is an excellent resource for anyone desiring to organize, collect, and analyze data -- turning the data into information
Great for PD on Google Forms
Business Forms has an inventory of over 400 FREE Excel and Word busiess forms and business templates
Business Forms has an inventory of over 500 FREE business forms and FREE business templates available in Excel and Word formats
Pixelmatrix Design – Announcing Uniform
A plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
Custom browser form controls with jQuery. Nice.
As a UI designer, I have to deal with form controls quite a bit. I hate how I can’t make selects, checkboxes, and radio buttons look consistent in all the browsers, so I wrote a plugin to solve just that. Introducing Uniform, a plugin for jQuery that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
jQuery plugin that lets you style select, radio, and checkboxes however you desire.
Styling buttons to look like links | Natalie Downe
Styling buttons to look like links
Adventures creations and musings from a girl geek.
10 Tips for Incredible Web Forms! | Design Reviver
Secure Your Forms With Form Keys - Nettuts+
this bookmark brought from the home.
Security is a hot topic. Ensuring that your websites are secure is extremely important for any web application. In fact, I spend 70% of my time securing my
Create you own surveys, collect answers and analyze
new survey tool
Create surveys to take online with anonomous feedback
Introducing iPhone-style Checkboxes
JQuery plugin to make iphone-like checkboxes
10 UI Design Patterns You Should Be Paying Attention To | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Build Your Own Captcha and Contact Form - Nettuts+
Very useful
form and captcha
Stop Password Masking (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Advice about how masking password entries can reduce usability and increase user error and frustration.
Jakob comes out against password masking
More importantly, there's usually nobody looking over your shoulder when you log in to a website. It's just you, sitting all alone in your office, suffering reduced usability to protect against a non-issue.
Got to agree with Jakob here. Seing *****'s as you type your password just leads to mistyped passwords
Can I get an Amen?
I question the overall security of an app if the input isn't masked. Logically, he makes sense, but users aren't asking for it. Leave it be.
20+ Resources and Tutorials for Creative Forms using CSS : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Creative CSS Forms
100 Outstanding Login Forms | Design Reviver
100 Outstanding Login Forms | Design Reviver
Different Examples of Login Forms
Great collection of login forms to show you & inspire you that Login Forms can look sexy
Web Form Validation: Best Practices and Tutorials | How-To | Smashing Magazine
GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo information
automatically filling form data with geo information
GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo information
iPhone-like password fields using jQuery // DECAF° blog für digitale kommunikation
Non-JS users get the common masked password fields.
iPhone-like password fields using jQuery // DECAF° blog für digitale kommunikation
Nice jQuery plugin to partially mask password fields.
Better Password Inputs, iPhone Style | CSS-Tricks
iPhone style password input. implemented by duplicating the password field to a text field to have control of the contents.
Jquery Inline Form Validation Engine
Jquery Inline Form Validation Engine
25 Inspiring Examples of Sign-Up Pages | Webdesigner Depot
Great ideas for packages.
10 great jQuery Form plugins
View 10 of my favorite jQuery plugins which i mostly use with web forms. These can enhance the functionality and look of web form elements.
jQuery is one of my favorite javascript client library. We can do more with writing minimal code. Nearly in every project I need to style up web forms or create rules for validation on form elements. Without jQuery it was very harder and longer way to do by writing a lot of lines of code. jQuery solve this as there are many useful form plugins I can use and enhance my web forms easily. Some of those plugins are reviewed as below.
20 Creative Web Forms For Design Inspiration | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
web tutorial
I know lots of you love our design inspiration, so here is another dose of it. This time I have compiled together some creative web forms from around the internet. Included are contact forms, login forms, comment forms and a few others. I hope you enjoy the collection, and if you want to add anymore you have found be sure to drop us a comment.
I know lots of you love our design inspiration, so here is another dose of it. This time I have compiled together some creative web forms from around the internet. Included are contact forms, login forms, comment forms and a few others.
jQuery UI Selectmenu: An ARIA-Accessible Plugin for Styling a Custom HTML Select Element | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
At Filament Group, we build elegant communications and interactions that help people understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of media - from web sites to wireless, to interactive exhibits and print.
Free legal documents for entrepreneurs | VentureBeat
In-Field Labels jQuery Plugin
sigh, I've been meaning to do this
This is a simple plugin that turns properly formatted HTML forms into forms with in-field label support. Labels fade when the field is focussed and disappear when text entry begins. Clearing a field and leaving brings back the label.
In-Field Labels: A Better Way + jQuery Plugin | Fuel Your Coding
Last week I was dealing with a unique problem. I needed to set focus to a username field, but the field had an in-field label. The script was set to clear out
Giva Labs - Linkselect jQuery Plug-in | Giva
Giva Labs - Linkselect jQuery Plug-in | Giva
Start-Up Forms Library - Orrick Start-Up Tool Kit
10+ JQuery tutorials for working with HTML forms
ZURB – Making Forms Convert Through Awesome Inline Labels
Nice technique to use on labels in forms.
nline labels are nothing new – in fact the easiest way to label a field is to simply set the field value up front and blow it away when the field gains focus. Easy, right? But what if the browser focuses on the first field right off the bat...what field is it? The label is gone, so to find out what we're supposed to type we have to switch out, then back...what a terrible interaction! This little jolt could be the difference between a conversion and an abandoned form. Happily, there's a better way.
Elastic - Make your textareas grow facebook style (jQuery plugin) | Unwrongest
Carsonified » The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
jQuery Inline Form Labels | Trevor Davis
Pretty checkboxes with jQuery | Aaron Weyenberg
I was working on a project recently where form checkboxes were required, but the standard UI would not do. I needed something a little more engaging. So in this short tut, I’ll show how to turn this…
20 jQuery Plugins and Tutorials to Enhance Forms : Speckyboy Design Magazine
30 Beautiful Contact Forms | - Tutorials from A to Z
A List Apart: Articles: Inline Validation in Web Forms
by LukeW, author of "Web Forms" from Rosenfeld media
Real-time inline validation can help people complete web forms more quickly and with less effort, fewer errors, and (surprise!) more satisfaction.
....en hoeveel % conversieverbetering het oplevert!
for unlnown items (is this username taken?) validate fields as the user proceeds from one field to the next
Creating a Usable Contact Form | UX Booth
There are some simple steps you can take to create the best bridge possible between you and your clients. The most obvious way to receive that feedback is through a contact form. It is an essential component for owners of websites. It creates a channel to hear feedback, suggestions, and even sell services.
20+ HTML Forms Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
How To Use Pure CSS To Style Web Form Dynamically Plus 12 Awesome JavaScript Plugins | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
css web form and jquery plugins
style your forms
91 Trendy Contact And Web Forms For Creative Inspiration | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Validació de formularis
Javascript Validation Library
Simple, intuitive yet powerful client side validation. No need for coding, easily extendable and customizable.
jQuery UI Multiselect
jQuery UI Multiselect -
Another attempt of a sortable, searchable multiple select widget It depends on jQuery 1.3 and jQuery UI 1.7. The widget is styleable using Themeroller. It works in an unobtrusive fashion, by just turning html multiple select inputs into a sexier equivalent. There's no extra markup needed. For installation instructions please have a look at the corresponding blogpost Source code is available at Github In case you are looking for the original version, it has been moved here Bleeding Edge Demo is always available here (thanks to Github Pages)
Converts html multiple select inputs into slicker interfaces. It makes searching within the options possible which is very functional for large lists & selected items can be re-ordered by drag’n drops.
Checklist For Better Forms | Mert Tol
Forms can be painless or painful for visitors. Keep in mind that visitors want to get their tasks accomplished as quickly as possible, and with the least amount of effort. Proper planning and design can maximize task efficiency.
Checklist For Better Forms
51 Form Element Resources and Tutorials Using CSS And Javascript | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
It’s hard to attract visitors attention, but this article should help to stand out and create semantically correct, good looking and accessible web forms, checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons, fieldsets – everything you can think of when you are creating contact or login page!
I featured many good looking contact forms some time ago – 91 Trendy Contact And Web Forms For Creative Inspiration, so you should know how looks good example. Now let’s take a look how to create outstanding and beautifully designed form elements from scratch ourselves. Things can get tricky even if you are experienced designer. It’s hard to attract visitors attention, but this article should help to stand out and create semantically correct, good looking and accessible web forms, checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons, fieldsets – everything you can think of when you are creating contact or login page!
Forms without tables? No way!
WordPress & jQuery Contact Form without a Plugin | Trevor Davis
#contactForm ol.forms .inputerror { border: 1px solid #0000FF; }
handy contact form
There are lots of WordPress plugins for contact forms, but wouldn&rsquo;t it be nice to have more control over the markup? In this tutorial, I am going to show how to use a custom page template to create a contact form in WordPress without a plugin. '
WordPress & jQuery Contact Form without a Plugin
How to Code a Signup Form with Email Confirmation - Nettuts+
Form di registrazione al sito
Learning jQuery: Click Event with Locked Page likes Mac | AEXT.NET
Have you ever used DeskShade in Mac? It cures boring and cluttered desktops. The feature of DeskShade that I love most is locked screen. It’s so awesome. Today, I write this tutorial to help you build the locked page for login with same feature of that DeskShade. In this tutorial, I’m using basic jQuery code. So if you’re new to jQuery, it’ll help you so much to understand Click event. Furthermore, with CSS, your login page is not gonna be boring likes before.
Suite à :
77 Inspiring Blog Comment Form Designs - Good Examples | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Inspiring Blog Comment Form Designs
excellent form examples.... how to style a form / form inspiration
A Fancy AJAX Contact Form – Tutorialzine
A Fancy AJAX Contact Form
Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery (FormToWizard plugin)
Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery (FormToWizard plugin)
Simple PHP Contact Form
Simple PHP Contact Form -
This is a very simple PHP contact form for your website. Visitors can simply send emails using this contact form to an email address. Different recipient email address’s can be added to the subject dropdown with different subject names so they can be directed to the right department. The form features a CAPTCHA security image to protect your email address’s from spam.
50+ jQuery Plugins for Form Enhancements | tripwire magazine
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submit the information you’re trying to collect. In this article I have collected a number of really essential jQuery Form Enhancements. A few cheat sheets have been added as well.
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submi
Comment Form Styling: Examples and Best Practices « Noupe
Comment Form Styling: Examples and Best Practices
Comment Form Styling: Examples and Best Practices &laquo; Noupe
jQuery Lessons Series: How to Interact with HTML Forms –
Special input formatting with live feedback
Great JS lessons
Carsonified » 10 Tips on Writing Hero-worthy Error Messages
Doh! %&^%&^%&! Another forehead-smack-worthy curse-laden moment: Ive filled out a lengthy online form and hit the submit button only to find myself staring back at an empty form peppered with red errors. Has this happened to you? Of course it has. While considering how much I really need to complete this form, I start making notes on how Id design it to be a better experience. Seriously, how many date formats am I going to have to try before I get this sucker right? Do I need to phone a friend? The lack of strong error messaging is a regular issue I encounter as both a user and UX designer. As the bearer of bad news to users, error messaging can be the element that determines whether your app gets a Sale or FAIL. Editors Note: Well be covering UX tips and strategies at The Future of Web Design NYC on Nov 16th 17th. 1. Error messaging is customer support Error messaging is a critical component of customer support. Customer support teams are experts at talking to and co
help on writing error messages for forms
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Contactable - A jQuery Plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Best of Best WordPress Cusom Login Page Designs
how to design a custom login page
Best of Best WordPress Cusom Login Page Designs -
There are so many things that you can customize in WordPress, but one of the things that does not get a lot of attention is custom login page designs. WordPress is being used as a membership site, or site where user registration is allowed. In those cases it is wise for businesses to brand the login page with their logo and other aspects to give it a unique touch that it deserves. In this article we will be showing you how you can create a custom login page design in WordPress as well as showcasing some of the best WordPress login page designs.
Validatious 2.0 - Easy form validation with unobtrusive JavaScript
Chroma-Hash Demo
Chroma-Hash is a sexy, secure visualization of password field input
Kind of pointless but cool
awesome password confirmation tool using color
<elderec> a sexy, secure visualization of password field input -
Contact Us Page Best Practices With 20+ Fabulous Showcases | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
Contact Us Page Best Practices With 20+ Fabulous Showcases
jQuery Lessons Series: Manipulating CSS Classes –
In this lesson I want to illustrate you how to use some useful jQuery methods that allow you to manipulate easily CSS classes. In particular I prepared some examples to explain the following methods: toggleClass(), hasClass(), addClass() and removeClass().
How to Achieve Painless Registration
Ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites,
Read it. Do it. Awesome advice from Tog.
I'm about to give you a number of ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites, but first, raise your hand if you personally, when surfing the web, enjoy registering to use a site.
PDFAmigo: Create interactive, fillable PDF forms in your browser
pdf generator
Log in or sign up? - Leah Culver's Blog
clever signup/login ui
For one of my side projects, Leafy Chat, we have just added the concept of user accounts. This includes the need for registration and log in (as well as log out and forgot password and so on). Leafy Chat only requires an email address and a password for both registration and log in, so it would be great to have some clever way to have both forms on the homepage.
Designing login/signup for a web server
Very smart. Stealing this idea for a current project
Interesting thoughts, but I don't like the end result. People have been trained over the years on how to do login/signup. Putting them both on the same page seems like the right idea, but there's something wrong with this implementation--it looks different from most forms.
"So after probably far too much research, I've come up with the following single register/log in form for Leafy Chat. Log in Sign up The form updates via JavaScript when the user selects a radio button. For the log in form, notice that the submit button says "Log in" and there is a link to retrieve a forgotten password. For the sign up form, the label for the password field prompts the user to "Choose a password" and "Sign up!" while also accepting the terms of service. I like this design because a user can either log in or sign up directly from the homepage and the radio buttons stand out and make the options clear to the user. I love that the page dynamically updates to provide relevant help for the chosen form. Also, the user can easily correct any errors without re-entering their email/password. What do you think?
Filament Group Lab Example Page from: Accessible, Custom Designed Checkbox and Radio Button Inputs Styled with CSS (and a dash of jQuery)
12 Excellent jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Forms | Web Design Ledger
Web Design Ledger
jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Forms
Designing CSS Buttons: Techniques and Resources - Smashing Magazine
Buttons, whatever their purpose, are important design elements. They could be the end point of a Web form or a call to action. Designers have many reasons to style buttons, including to make them more attractive and to enhance usability. One of the most important reasons, though, is that standard buttons can easily be missed by users because they often look similar to elements in their operating system. Here, we present you several techniques and tutorials to help you learn how to style buttons using CSS. We’ll also address usability.
10 Usability Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit
some best practices
This roundup of ten usability crimes highlights some of the most common mistakes in web design and provides solutions to enhance the usability of your website.
12 Useful Tutorials to Style Web Forms
yling a tableless css web form requires advanced skills in CSS. Besides that, we have to consider the form accessibility and usability as well. With all these tutorials, they will show you the right way to implement web form.
20+ Must have documents for Designers and Developers | Creative Repository
24 ways: Have a Field Day with HTML5 Forms
A List Apart: Articles: Letting Go of John Hancock
L’ultimo numero di A List Apart ospita un articolo di Biorn Enki dedicato all’uso di contratti elettronici nell’ambito di una web agency. La seconda parte dell’articolo è tecnica e mostra come creare un modulo da far compilare al cliente usando Adobe Acrobat e un pizzico di PHP. L’aspetto interessante è però anche quello della prima sezione, quello che concerne il lato legale e pratico della questione. Primo punto: quanto conta davvero, in termini di competitività rispetto alla concorrenza, consentire al cliente una forma di relazione così veloce e semplice come quella rappresentata dalla stipula di un contratto via web? L’autore, per esempio, sostiene che è uno dei tanti modi per stare un passo avanti ai concorrenti in tempi di competizione sempre più serrata. Secondo punto, quello legale: emerge che nella legislazione americana anche il semplice cliccare su un pulsante o link di accettazione rende vincolante il contratto. Non c’è pertanto la necessità della tradizionale firma.
Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3 - Smashing Magazine
Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3 (via smashingmag) - In our last article about CSS3, Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3, we talked about using new CSS3...
Awesome Inline Form Labels - ZURB Playground -
How to make labels inline!
Functioning Form - The Apple Store's Checkout Form Redesign
Though most people wouldn't consider Apple's Web site an important online destination, November saw Apple in the top ten list of US Web sites. 62 million Internet users visited Apple online during the month with an average of 1 hour and 18 minutes spent per user. By comparison, Google had 155 million unique visitors in November.
Functioning Form
10 Useful jQuery Form Validation Techniques and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Interface Design Inspiration | 30 Impressive Ways to Design Sign-Up Page/Form | Dzine Blog
In most online business the revenue of the site solely depends on the registered and active users and Making the visitor of your site to sign up isn’t easy, nobody likes to fill in forms .
Inspirational Design Sign-Up Page/Form
jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine | Web Resources | WebAppers
jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
alternate jquery validation plugin
RMSforms – A flexible CSS Forms Framework to Help Style Those Pesky Forms
jQuery Autosave
jQuery Auto Save form elements
Plugin for auto submitting (saving) a form onchange.
24 Stunning Contact Form-Page Designs - TZ
Awesome collection of contact form designs in html and css
15 Tips and Techniques for Styling the button element : Speckyboy Design Magazine
A Form of Madness - Dive Into HTML5
A Form of M
10 Useful Tips for a Captivating Contact Form | Design Shack
UX trick: display form data as tabular data | Css Globe
10 Javascript Plugins that Skin and Beautify Web Forms
10 Javascript Plugins that Skin and Beautify Web Forms -
Alright, another post regarding web form, this time, it's javascript plugins that skin and beautify web forms. As a freelance designer, I found it quite frustrating to see different browsers render form elements differently. They don't look the same. We can skin the textbox and button easily, but form elements like drop down list, checkbox, radio button and file upload are pretty hard to customize it. You would need css and javascript skill to skin it.
Design Decisions: New signup form - (37signals)
Improving a sign up form; case study with 'before' and 'after' designs by 37signals
Review of the new 37signals signup pages.
Shorter, friendlier, "more" secure, clearer
55 Spectacular Login Form Designs
Brilliant examples of elegant form designs
Login Form
Thomas Landauer: Preventing Spam in Form Submissions without Using a CAPTCHA
A smart method to prevent spam in form submissions without using a CAPTCHA
15 Resources for Easily Creating Web Forms | Vandelay Design Blog
Kolayca web formları oluşturmanız için 15 kaynak
Form Design with Sliding Labels « CSSKarma
Form, CSS
75+ Top jQuery Plugins to improve Your HTML Forms | tripwire magazine
jQuery plugin: Simplest Twitter-like dynamic character count for textareas and input fields | Css Globe
On your site you might have a comment box or contact form fields limited to certain character count. You can use this simple plugin to provide user with that useful information.
Tips for Coding and Designing Usable Web Forms - Noupe
By Louis Lazaris The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can't help it. Call-to-action functionality... The web form has been one of the most discussed elements in web design for more than ten years now. We can’t help it. Call-to-action functionality often leads users to a form; purchases are made using forms; users register or subscribe using forms — the uses for forms are endless. While it is fairly easy to slap together a form in HTML, it’s not as easy to code, style, and design your form in a manner that makes it usable and accessible to the majority of users. Since forms play such a large role in website conversions and success rates, the tips below, as well as the resources provided at the end of this article, should prove valuable for developers creating and coding web forms.
5 Fresh jQuery Plugins Make You Love Your HTML Forms More | AEXT.NET
Programming, Designing and Blogging
XHTML/CSS web forms: 5 simple techniques | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
XHTML/CSS web forms: 5 simple techniques by Judd Lyon Feb 14, 2009Filed in: Web design & development Technique 1: The Label Sandwich Wrap your inputs, selects, and textareas in the label element, and set them all as block-level. Set radio buttons and checkboxes to display inline so they'll appear on the same line. If you'd like your label and radio buttons/checkboxes on separate lines, you can either choose not to wrap it in the label, or use a hard line-break. One of each is shown below. While this may seem a little funky, the W3C actually shows this in their "implicit" label example.
25 jQuery Plugins for Working with Forms –
tdreyno/iphone-style-checkboxes @ GitHub
no/off jquri
PHP SimpleForm Script » Matt Varone » Creative Designer
Multiple Web Tutorials
t’s a nicer version of the previous one, re-written from the ground up and with a couple of new features. SimpleForm is basically meant to be an easy solution to handle one or many forms with little effort. It’s mainly foc
jQuery MultiSelect Plugin/Widget with ThemeRoller Support | Eric Hynds - Website Developer
Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus
Multiple file uploader
Gänget bakom TinyMCE har släppt en filuppladddare med massivt stöd: Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 eller Browserplus.
CSS text-indent: An Excellent Trick To Style Your HTML Form | AEXT.NET
this looks useful
CSS text-indent: An Excellent Trick To Style Your HTML Form | AEXT.NET
styling add inline label to form element
You probably know what the text-indent property does in CSS. It's a common CSS property allowing webmasters to indent paragraphs and hide text for image-based links. Text-indent does this great; however, it doesn't just hide and indent text. It does more.
Uniform - Sexy forms with jQuery
Style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs
Have you ever wished you could style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs? Ever wished you could control the look and feel of your form elements between all browsers?
Conversion Room: Improve your web-forms and increase conversions
18 Useful Wordpress Contact Form Plugins
Formularios de contacto para wordpress
Comentários sobre os principais plugins de formulários de contato para Wordpress
JQuery Form Wizard
The form wizard plugin is a jQuery plugin which can be used to create wizard like page flows for forms without having to reload the page in between wizard steps. The plugin is unobtrusive and gives the developer great freedom on how they set up the flow of the different steps in their wizards, as the plugin supports creating specific routes in the form; depending on the user input.
Creative Web Form Designs: Ideas And Realizations | webexpedition18
Creative Web Form Designs: Ideas And Realizations | webexpedition18 -
Ketchup Plugin
50 Useful Coding Techniques (CSS Layouts, Visual Effects and Forms) - Smashing Magazine
4 Terrific Tools for Creating Business Web Forms
A Better jQuery In-Field Label Plugin | Viget Inspire
Great in-field label jQuery plugin (text hints)
Uniform - Sexy forms with jQuery
34: Form design, layout, and presentation with CSS - Opera Developer Community
25 jQuery Tutorials for Creating and Working with Forms –
数週間前に、私たちは、フォームで働くためのjQueryプラグインの収集を発行しました。 それらのプラグインが非常に役に立つ場合がある間、回があなたが単にプラグインを使用するより自分でむしろ解決策をコード化する方法を学ぶ方がましであるところにあるかもしれません。 jQueryと用紙で働くのに利用可能な多くの上質のチュートリアルがあります、そして、このポストでは、私たちはそれらの25を特徴とするでしょう。
LukeW | "Mad Libs" Style Form Increases Conversion 25-40%
Best Practices for Hints and Validation in Web Forms
Design a Prettier Web Form with CSS 3 | Nettuts+
Gradient coloring
Thanks to advanced CSS properties, such as gradients and shadows, it's now quite easy to turn a dull web form into something beautiful - with minimal effort. I'll show you how in today's tutorial! - jQuery magicpreview plug-in
Muito bom JQuery para forms interativos
Excellent JQuery Plugins To Enhance Form Validation | AntsMagazine.Com
formualire d'autocompletion en jquery
Ajax Upload - ZURB Playground -
ajax 文件上传
We ditch the upload button in favor of a save button and fire the AJAX upload event as soon as a file is selected. The image is processed server side and a thumbnail is loaded onto the existing page. Dosen't that feel so much better?
30 amazing ajax css form | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Sliding Labels v2 – Patch « CSSKarma
Sliding labels in forms
nett Sliding Labels v2 #css
Sliding Labels v2 – Patch « CSSKarma -
Alignment - Formulate Information Design
Guidelines for form design.
Forms On Mobile Devices: Modern Solutions - Smashing Magazine
Mobile forms tend to have significantly more constraints than their desktop cousins: screens are smaller; connections are slower; text entry is trickier; the list
Good article on ways to design forms for mobile devices
Mobile forms tend to have significantly more constraints than their desktop cousins: screens are smaller; connections are slower; text entry is trickier; the list goes on. So, limiting the number of forms in your mobile applications and websites is generally a good idea. When you do want input from users on mobile devices, radio buttons, checkboxes, select menus and lists tend to work much better than open text fields.
ClickTale Blog » 8 Brilliant Tips That Boost Conversions
So remember: 1. Fantastic visuals grab visitors attention 2. Great headlines encourage action 3. Float your best content to the top 4. Make important content stand out 5. WIIFM 6. Fewer questions boost conversions 7. Run usability tests 8. Test, repair, and retest
Based on the feedback of many of our customers, as well as our own experiences, we have prepared a set of 8 ‘best practices’ to help you boost conversion rates and improve site usability.
Creating a Shaking Login Form | Design Shack
FAARY - Free, Online CSS Form Generator - Build Form in Easy Way!
Error Messages Design Showcase | Elements of Design
Error Messages Design Showcase
A showcase of the best designed Error Messages from around the web.
ValidForm Builder - Easy and safe XHTML 1.0 strict forms with validation!
Web forms interface gallery
Research into how Web browsers apply CSS properties/values onto form elements.
Research into how Web browsers apply CSS properties/values onto form elements. Browsers: Internet Explorer 5.5 - Internet Explorer 6 - Internet Explorer 7 - Internet Explorer 8b2 - Firefox 1.5 - Firefox 2 - Firefox 3 - Opera 8.5 - Opera 9 - Chrome1 - Netscape Navigator 7.2 Operating System: Mac OS - Windows OS CSS Properties: background-color - background-image - border: 0 - border-color - border-style - border-width - color - font-family - font-size - font-weight - height - letter-spacing - line-height - margin - padding - text-align - text-decoration - width - text-indent - word-spacing Form Elements: Input-Radio Buttons- Input-File Upload - Textarea - Input-Text - Input-Checkboxes - Select-Multiple Items - Select-Single Item - Submit Button
Formee - Fresh baked forms for your websites!
Create a nice looking form easily.
Formee - Fresh baked forms for your websites! -
Clean CSS Forms
Beautiful Contact Forms for your Inspiration | Webdesigner Depot
Beautiful Contact Forms for your Inspiration
Rethinking Forms in HTML5 | Nettuts+
by @nettuts
jQuery Plugin : jConfirmAction | - Worth Sharing Bookmarked Webstuff
Nice little popup to get a user to confirm they really want to do that bad bad things. Not to use over board we don't want to treat the people as children.
Plugin that replaces alert box-based confirmation with styled div structure.
Really cool jquery plugin
Creating Slick Forms Using Ajax, jQuery & CSS: No More Ugly Forms | DevSnippets
Building Real-Time Form Validation Using jQuery | Graphic and Web Design Blog
In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to build real-time form validation using jQuery
Beautiful CSS3 Search Form
Random Acts of Coding: Starting With jQuery - How to Write Custom Validation Rules
jQuery getting started
custom rule
crossSelect jQuery plugin demo
crossSelect jQuery plugin demo -
combo de multipla selecao
DOMLint - Test suite against HTML/DOM conflicts
php etc...: jQuery - Select elements - tips and tricks
$("#myselect option:eq(0)").after("<option value='4'>Some pears</option>");
$("#myselect").val("Some oranges").attr("selected", "selected");
django-html - Google Code
Want html form tags using a django form? This is what you need
Allows setting doctype and avoiding self-closing tags in forms, for HTML4. I'm finding Django's insistence on XHTML-style self-closing form tags quite annoying.
django html
This package represents an experimental approach to improving the way Django outputs form widgets. At the moment, widgets created using django.forms are outputted as XHTML (with self closing /> tags) even if the rest of your site uses HTML. This package solves this problem by introducing two new template tags: {% doctype %} and {% field %}.
<p>Some nice template tags for getting django forms to output valid html instead of the default xhtml. Nice for sites where you're working with html 4.</p>
jQuery Text Change Event - ZURB Playground -
Simple cross browser detection of text changes for input and textarea elements using a jQuery custom event plugin by ZURB
Sign Up form design - best practices & design review | Unmatched Style
Boas praticas de design
a new post just doesn’t seem so simple a process to me. I ha
Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery | Codrops
ทำ from เลื่อนซ้ายขวา
Today we are going to create a fancy sliding form that shows some validation feedback to the user after each step. This form saves a lot of space and is easy to access – it basically works like a slide show, just that we have fieldsets of a form instead of images.
jQuery Form
jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
The 20 year wait is over. Now you can build your forms with HTML5 and make them look and behave like you want. This completely new set of tools weighs only 5.63 Kb and you can load it from a free content delivery network.
Form Validierung dank jQuery & HTML 5.
Tero Piirainen has released jQuery Tools 1.2. Includes HTML5 form shim! – Dion Almaer (dalmaer)
LukeW | Gradual Engagement Boosts Twitter Sign-Ups by 29%
agenda2 signup
Rediseño de registro en twitter implicando más al usuario= aumento de nuevos usuarios
Gutes Praxisbeispiel für die Optimierung von Registrierungs-Prozessen. Besonders wichtig: Nutzer müssen so früh wie möglich einen Mehrwert für sich sehen, dann erst Daten eingeben. Twitter hat jetzt zwar mehr Formularschritte und längere Registrierungsdauer aber bessere Conversion
Twitter signup process walkthrough
Google Forms: how to create a quiz or a test that automatically grades itself in Google Docs--Internet--Tools
Using forms in Google docs lets anyone create forms quickly and share those forms via email, embed them into a webpage or blog. If you are a teacher, you can create formulas that allow you to have these forms graded in minutes. The formula part is a bit challenging, so I wrote this article to talk about how I recently created a final for one of my classes.
jQuery FormLabels Plugin | Andrei Zharau
jQuery.validity is an elegant and powerful jQuery plug-in you can use to setup client-side form validation. Instead of writing validation manually or balancing some unwieldy server-side framework, validity allows you to design client-side validation in a manner that feels natural and straightforward.
50 jQuery Plugins for Form Functionality, Validation, Security and Customisation - Speckyboy Design Magazine
50 jQuery Plugins for Form Functionality, Validation, Security and Customisation #jquery
Accessible Text CAPTCHAs: 157,500,799 logic questions
Weg met de captcha's met afbeeldingen #accessibility #textcaptcha
"This site provides a web service to generate text-based CAPTCHAs, based on simple logic questions."
Text Captcha is an accessible alternative to standard captcha methods and relies on logic.
55 jQuery Form Plugins To Download And Use | Design your way
Default forms are boring and that’s for certain. Styling your form with a jQuery plugin is the solution for your aesthetic issues with basic and old forms. There are here 55 jQuery plugins for forms covering everything that you would think of related to form styling with the powerful jQuery.
Default forms are boring and that’s for certain. Styling your form with a jQuery plugin is the solution for your aesthetic issues with basic and old forms.
Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form | Voosh Themes
Building stylish contact forms typically requires the use of images (and maybe some JavaScript) to create something that looks professional. However, with CSS3 it’s now much easier to create some nice effects that don’t require the use of any images, yet can still look clean and stylish. In this tutorial we’re going to look at a range of different CSS3 effects – in particular, we’ll be creating background gradients, adding shadows to elements, applying some rounded corners, and adding a couple of simple animation effects.
Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form | Voosh Themes
Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form
How to create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme
How to create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme
สอนทำแบบฟอร์มใส่ใน wp เองเลย
Many WordPress plugins can add a contact form to your blog, but a plugin is not necessary. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how you can create a built-in contact form for your WordPress theme.
Sliding Labels Official Plugin Release « CSSKarma
Sliding labels for FORM elements
13 Sexy Sign-up Forms - Web Design Blog –
When it comes to online strategies you should never overlook the design of your sign up page.  Some of the given examples are sites than many of you I'm sure are familiar with, although, I feel there are some growing gems among the group.  Take a look around! Gist
13 Sexy Sign-up Forms - [via:] – Stylesheet (stylesheet)
Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery
Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery -
cool concept form that could be use for ODF requests
Interesting sliding approach to normally boring forms.
Textarea Tricks | CSS-Tricks
textarea { overflow: auto; }
Top Collection Of JQuery Plugins | Ulancer
Great collection, published July 2010, includes plugins for jQuery 1.4
InputNotes jQuery Plugin
every day