Pages tagged foss:


The ofono project provides an infrastructure for building GSM/UMTS telephony applications. It includes a high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony applications of any license.
International Free and Open Source Software Law Review
The International Free and Open Source Software Law Review (IFOSS L. Rev.) is a collaborative legal publication aiming to increase knowledge and understanding among lawyers about Free and Open Source Software issues. Topics covered include copyright, licence implementation, licence interpretation, software patents, open standards, case law and statutory changes.
Open source law journal
Windows 7 Sins — The case against Microsoft and proprietary software
Free Software Foundation
FSF launches campaign against Windows 7 and proprietary software Windows 7 Sins: The case against Microsoft and proprietary software The new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 7, has the same problem that Vista, XP, and all previous versions have had -- it's proprietary software. Users are not permitted to share or modify the Windows software, or examine how it works inside. The fact that Windows 7 is proprietary means that Microsoft asserts legal control over its users through a combination of copyrights, contracts, and patents. Microsoft uses this power to abuse computer users. At, the Free Software Foundation lists seven examples of abuse committed by Microsoft.
Important notice regarding impending lack of privacy, freedom and security from Microsoft Corporation.
El cuarto pecado es el que más me repele de Windows!
Open Mobile Consortium
The Open Mobile Consortium aims to: * Implement joint mobile solutions in the field. * Maximize interoperability and data-sharing capabilities between our technologies. * Streamline development, deployment, and use of open source mobile technologies.
odk and dimagi
open source applications for social change
When using open source makes you an enemy of the state | Technology |
Jeg har altid gerne villet være pirat.
The US copyright lobby has long argued against open source software - now Indonesia's in the firing line for encouraging the idea in government departments
BBC NEWS | Technology | UK government backs open source
Licences for the use of open source software are generally free of charge and embrace open standards, and the code that powers the programs can be modified without fear of trampling on intellectual property or copyright.
The UK government says it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services.
The UK government has said it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services. The shift from proprietary standards could save the government £600m a year.
Larry Augustin's Weblog: Commercial Open Source in Europe Verses the US
Commercial Open Source in Europe Versus the US
We just finished the first Europe Open Source Think Tank (OSTT). Andrew Aitken of Olliance and Alexandre Zapolsky of Linagora hosted a fantastic event. I highly recommend it to anyone who can attend. During the course of the two days... Releases Open Source Code | The White House
drupal open source code at whitehouse
RT @robpierson: opensourcing of @whitehouse website = 1 step closer to @timoreilly's vision of gov as platform: http://www.whitehouse.go ...