Pages tagged fotograf_a:

Bitácora de jEsuSdA: TUTORIAL GIMP: Retoque facial profesional

"Vamos a retocar una imagen de una chica para potenciar su belleza… y tal vez acomplejar al resto de chicas normales que aún se creen que las famosas de las revistas son así como las pintan (sin arrugas, sin lunares, sin celulitis…)."
tutorial de retoque de fotos con gimp
Looks like it's en espanol, but I'll bet I can figure it out well enough to get some good ideas on retouching photos.
Welcome to the World Press Photo Contest Archive
Archivo de los Premios World Press Photo desde 1955 a hoy.
For over fifty years the World Press Photo contest has captured images of our times. Our archive of winning photos is not only a record of more than half a century of human history, but a showcase of successive styles in photography and reportage. The archive gallery comprises some 10,000 images. It includes photos that have become icons, by some of the leading names in the profession. World Press Photo has put them online with the aim of sharing our knowledge, resources and experience with the widest possible network. This site was made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Foundation and VSB Foundation.
PRESENTACION Sin la mayor pretensión que la de compartir todos los conocimientos sobre fotografía nocturna que he adquirido en unos cuantos años de