101 Absolutely Breathtaking Infrared Photographs - Tutorial9
This post highlights 101 of the most stunning infrared photographs on the web, and also suggests reading materials and equipment photographers should look through for taking infrared photos of their own.
Infrared PhotographsPhoto laboratory (Photl.com) - Free Stock Photo / photl.com
A resource for finding stock photographs
banco de imagens em alta50 Beautiful Long Exposure Photos | PXLshots.com Blog
deep collection, really makes me want to get a tripod
Below you'll find an impressive collection of 50 long exposure photos! 50 Photos taken with very slow shutterspeed. Enjoy! HDRflick.to.twitt - Post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter right away
"Ever wanted to post a photo on Flickr and announce it right away on Twitter?"
flick.to.twitt is a web tool that allows to upload a photo to Flickr and announce it on Twitter
Post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter right away
Post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter.
Web service to post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter right away.60 Examples of Beautiful Night Shots | Inspiration
Have You Ever Been So Tired?Fotoglif - One source, thousands of new photos a day, the worlds top photographers and agencies, free to view & free to use
Free and fully licensed for blogs and websites
thousands of new photos a day, the worlds top photographers and agencies, free to view & free to use30 Colorful Shots Of High Speed Bullet Photography » Digital Picture Zone
fast shutter speeds!Bitácora de jEsuSdA: TUTORIAL GIMP: Retoque facial profesional
"Vamos a retocar una imagen de una chica para potenciar su belleza… y tal vez acomplejar al resto de chicas normales que aún se creen que las famosas de las revistas son así como las pintan (sin arrugas, sin lunares, sin celulitis…)."
tutorial de retoque de fotos con gimp
Looks like it's en espanol, but I'll bet I can figure it out well enough to get some good ideas on retouching photos.Photos: Prokudin-Gorskii’s Color Photos of Russia, 1907-1915 | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com
Photos: Prokudin-Gorskii’s Color Photos of Russia, 1907-1915 . Note the Technology was revolutionary
color photos from 100 years ago
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10 bancos de imágenesWelcome to the World Press Photo Contest Archive
Archivo de los Premios World Press Photo desde 1955 a hoy.
For over fifty years the World Press Photo contest has captured images of our times. Our archive of winning photos is not only a record of more than half a century of human history, but a showcase of successive styles in photography and reportage. The archive gallery comprises some 10,000 images. It includes photos that have become icons, by some of the leading names in the profession. World Press Photo has put them online with the aim of sharing our knowledge, resources and experience with the widest possible network. This site was made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Foundation and VSB Foundation.100 Touching Photos Expressing Loneliness And Solitude | PXLshots
Hello friends! Here we are, with another wonderful collection of photography. This time we want to...The National Collection of Aerial Photography
II. világháborús légifotó-archívum. - *http://ow.ly/FBjf
Aerial wartime photographyage fotostock, Rights Managed and Royalty Free images
Fonts per a la cerca d'imatges amb drets protegits (imatges per a un cartell, il•lustracions de llibres, campanyes publicitàries, llocs web, etc.)
Age fotostock es una agencia fotográfica con oficinas en Barcelona, Madrid, París y Nueva York que principalmente se dedica a la gestión de derechos de reproducción de imágenes para uso profesional dentro del sector empresarial, editorial, publicitario y del diseño. Gestiona los derechos de reproducción de más de un centenar de colecciones de imágenes de Derechos Protegidos y Royalty Free (Libres de Derechos). Pone a disposición millones de imágenes de una gran variedad de temas y estilos.
Banc d'imatges
Buscador de fotos Age12 excelentes bancos de imágenes gratuitos
lista de bancos de imagenes gratuitos
Bancos de imagenes gratuitos
eso, imagenesFlickr: UTPL VIA Comunicaciones' Photostream
FOTO STALIN12 excelentes bancos de imagens gratuitas
Ainda que na categoria de bancos de imagens tem muitas opções para obter fotos de alta qualidade sem ter que nos preocupar por direitos autorais, sempre éMega Listas: Todos os bancos de imagens da internet | Lista10.org - Top 10 melhores e piores listas do mundo - 2010 é o ano do Lista 10
Todos os bancos de imagens da internet
Bancos de imagens
lista / links de banco de imagens
Banco de imgs free e pago.Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again
Cathie Jung
You may think that these amazing images are photoshopped. Sometimes life is even stranger than anything you can photoshop.Flickr: Secuencia de fotos de Michael Heilemann
v. cool mustang photo
had starwars pics, no longer does, still has Modesty Blaise poster, which is great.
This guy has the largest collection of Star Wars concept art I've ever seen. Check it out. This almost makes up for the Wookiee Mrs. SoloBellflower
Bellflower Home BusinessOpening weekend - 2010 World Cup - The Big Picture - Boston.com
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Schöne Bilder der laufenden WM
RT @AnswersDotCom: Stunning World Cup Snapshots: http://om.ly/mUMz More on the World Cup: http://om.ly/mUNA