L'ambition de est de devenir l'un des principaux lieux en France d'analyses et de débats dans les domaines politiques, économiques, technologiques et culturels
Un site d'analyse et de commentaires de l'actualité, fondé par l'ancien président du journal Le Monde.Tous les programmes tv des chaînes télé à revoir gratuitement sur le Net - TV à revoir
Tous les programmes tv des chaînes télé à revoir gratuitement sur le Net
Un site super utile si vous avez loupé votre émission préféré, un film etc...
Un site qui se veut le premier guide de la télévision de rattrapage. Ce site répertorie en temps réel toutes les émissions TV disponibles légalement (séries, divertissements, documentaires, magazines, animations, sports et JT) et mises en ligne gratuitement par les chaînes.Préparer la rentrée avec les cours d'été de l'académie en ligne. Du CP à la terminale en accès gratuit
Préparer la rentrée avec les cours d'été de l'académie en ligne. Du CP à la terminale en accès gratuit
L’Académie en ligne, annoncée par Xavier Darcos, ministre de l’éducation nationale, le 22 janvier dernier, prend aujourd’hui forme avec l’ouverture de ce site. C’est un nouveau service proposé par le Cned. L’Académie en ligne ( est un site de ressources gratuites pour aider les jeunes dans leur scolarité et permettre aux parents de mieux les accompagner sur la voie de la réussite. Dès à présent, il propose des cours d’été, aux élèves du CP à la terminale, pour réviser les notions essentielles de l’année écoulée et préparer la rentrée.
Service de cours d’été accessibles gratuitement en ligne de la CP à la TerminaleFrugal Pleasures of Paris in Summer -
portail du gouvernement
« Informations utiles pour s'orienter dans les formations mais aussi dans les filières d’emploi nouveaux créés par l’Internet. Le Portail des Métiers de l’Internet [...] intègre un référentiel qui met en lumière les métiers des technologies de l’information et de la communication parmi lesquels des métiers émergents à forte valeur ajoutée que le public n'identifie pas toujours aisément. »2009 Tour de France - The Big Picture -
Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse. Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God.
Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.
A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush
"Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God."
Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.
Si Vous le Répétez, Je DémentiraiJobFact - La première communauté anonyme où les employés parlent aux employés
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Laisser l'emploi venir à vous. Exister anonymement sur votre marché d'emploi. Surveiller les recrutements, les salaires et les évaluations sociales des sociétés.
Plateforme globale d'emploi proposant des jobs ciblés, des mises en relations ciblées avec des recruteurs, des rapports sur la qualité de l'environnement professionel et des informations détaillées sur les salaires, entreprise par entreprise, poste par poste. Ce service est totalement anonyme et gratuit.This French Life: Learn French
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **BBC NEWS | Europe | Paris liberation made 'whites only' colonial soldiers - who made up around two-thirds of Free French forces - were deliberately removed from the unit that led the Allied advance into the French capital.
Papers unearthed by the BBC reveal that British and American commanders ensured that the liberation of Paris on 25 August 1944 was seen as a "whites only" victory. Many who fought Nazi Germany during World War II did so to defeat the vicious racism that left millions of Jews dead. Yet the BBC's Document programme has seen evidence that black colonial soldiers - who made up around two-thirds of Free French forces - were deliberately removed from the unit that led the Allied advance into the French capital. By the time France fell in June 1940, 17,000 of its black, mainly West African colonial troops, known as the Tirailleurs Senegalais, lay dead.
Allied High Command agreed, but only on one condition: De Gaulle's division must not contain any black soldiers.
"We were colonised by the French. We were forced to go to war. Forced to follow the orders that said, do this, do that, and we did. France has not been grateful. Not at all."
WWIIMeilleursAgents - Carte des prix immobiliers, Comparateur des agences
Prix de l'immobilier en FranceThe "blueprints" of Monsieur Eiffel
These designs are reproductions of Eiffel's original designs included in his book "The 300 Meter Tower", Lemercier publications, Paris 1900.
para HistouristTour de France 2009
photos a montrer
A set on Flickr
ingekleurde zwart-wit foto's
In 1900, Goodyear traveled to the Paris Exposition with photographer Joseph Hawkes. They brought back numerous images from the exposition including street life, vistas, pavilions, statues, and other structures and decorative details.
William Henry Goodyear (1846–1923), whose image collections are presented here, was the Brooklyn Museum's first curator of fine arts (1899–1923) and a renowned art and architectural historian. In addition to being a vital force in the early years of the Museum's fine arts department, Goodyear did extensive research in art history and architectural theory. In 1900, Goodyear traveled to the Paris Exposition with photographer Joseph Hawkes. They brought back numerous images from the exposition including street life, vistas, pavilions, statues, and other structures and decorative details.
Flickr set of photography of the Paris Exposition. William Henry Goodyear (1846–1923), whose image collections are presented here, was the Brooklyn Museum's first curator of fine arts (1899–1923) and a renowned art and architectural historian. In addition to being a vital force in the early years of the Museum's fine arts department, Goodyear did extensive research in art history and architectural theory. In 1900, Goodyear traveled to the Paris Exposition with photographer Joseph Hawkes. They brought back numerous images from the exposition including street life, vistas, pavilions, statues, and other structures and decorative details.
Series fotográficas que nos muestran la vida en el pasado de las gran ciudad de ParisParis 26 Gigapixels - Interactive virtual tour of the most beautiful monuments of Paris
Paris em 26 gigapixeis!!!
Amazing! Paris 26 Gigapixel Panorama #autopano #gigapan #photography #parisParis en images - stock images online paris collection pictures Paris
La Parisienne de Photographie offers you an interactive way to explore the photograph collections of the City of Paris on the Paris en Images site: 25000 pictures
Over 25,000 photographs of the city of Paris online. With French and English interface. The pictures shown on the Paris en Images site may be subject to literary and artistic property rights, industrial property rights, performing rights, rights of publicity, moral rights, property rights or any other right belonging to a third party. Their reproduction by Paris en Image users is authorised for private use only, or to illustrate an educational or research project not commercialised in any form (for example, classes, lectures, theses). Paris en Images offers a free, unlimited-access, interactive way to explore a selection of 25,000 pictures from the photography collections of the City of Paris.How We Became the United States of France - TIME
"They work, what, 27 hours in a good week" , "19 holidays a month" Huuuuu, 41 hours a week and 11 holidays a year:
Viewpoint: As Washington rushes to nationalize troubled parts of the economy, the inescapable reality is that we're all French now
Viewpoint: As Washington rushes to nationalize troubled parts of the economy, the inescapable reality is that we\'re all French now
Article discusses how socialist the US has become, despite conservative's contempt for the concept.Décryptage : Sarkozy et son oeuvre de contrôle du net - Numerama
(no description)
Artigo sobre o programa de controle da Internet no governo do Sarkozy
"Le président de la République actuel a un plan". C'est la première phrase du livre de François Bayrou, Abus de Pouvoir, et l'on peut la vérifier au moins en ce qui concerne le contrôle du net. Depuis la loi DADVSI où il était président de l'UMP et ministre de l'intérieur, Nicolas Sarkozy a déployé son plan pour contrôler le net. Il a commencé à l'appliquer avant-même la loi Hadopi, et prévoit de le parachever avec la Loppsi.
Le meilleur papier sur Hadopi
RT @t_de_baillon: RT @fmeichel: French [digital] dictature is on the way (in French) [from]BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | New lingua franca upsets French
Article on Globish (to go with podcast)
Meray sent me this!
New lingua franca upsets French
This article demonstrates the new trend in specialized English classes for business. The term 'globisch' reflects the globalization of business since the terms that are used are not an exact English. It is considered a dialect, which some of us may find ourselves teaching or interpreting at some point.
Globish has only 1,500 words and users must avoid humour, metaphor, abbreviation and anything else that can cause cross-cultural confusion.They must speak slowly and in short sentences.
Bernstein manifestoBrick, A Literary Journal: Issue 85: The Lizard, the Catacombs, and the Clock
Parisians call it a gruyère. For hundreds of years, the catacombs under the city have been a conduit, sanctuary, and birthplace for its secrets. The Phantom of the Opera and Les Misérables’ Jean Valjean both haunted these tunnels, striking students descended in 1968, as did patriots during the Second World War. The Nazis visited too, building a bunker in the maze below the 6th arrondissement. Honeycombed across 1,900 acres of the city, the vast majority of the tunnels are not strictly speaking “catacombs.” They house no bones. Limestone (and, to the north of the city, gypsum) quarries, these are the mines that built Paris. The oldest date back two thousand years to Roman settlers, but most were excavated in the construction boom of the late Middle Ages. Riddling the Left Bank, these tunnels were at first beyond the city’s southern limits. But as Paris’s population grew, so did the city—and soon whole neighbourhoods were built on this infirm ground.
this is really, really cool. On August 23, 2004, they discovered a cinema sixty feet beneath Paris.
RT @ebertchicago: The Lizard, the Catacombs, and the Clock: The Secret City Beneath Paris.
crazy french secret society does cool things in the catacombs, doesn't want publicity, fame, attention