Pages tagged freelancing:

10 Tax Deductions Freelancers Can Make - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
15 Tips for Freelancers Starting Their Own Business | Think Vitamin

So you’re a skilled developer or design freelancer who has established a handful of customers who pay your bills and provide you with an income. That’s great. You may wish to keep things just the way they are or you might want to build on this and build up your own small business. If you’re opting for the later then here are a few tips to help you ride the bumpy road from freelancer to fully-fledged small business.
Freelancing Gods: Freelancing Tips via Rails Camp 4
24 ways: Charm Clients, Win Pitches
Over the years I have picked up a number of sales techniques that have lead to us doing pretty well in the pitches we go for. Of course, up until now, these top secret practices have remained firmly locked in the company vault but now I am going to share them with you. They are cunningly hidden within the following paragraphs so I’m afraid you’re going to have to read the whole thing. Ok, so where to start? I guess a good place would be getting invited to pitch for work in the first place.
12 Points to Include in Your Design Contract - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Excellent info about freelance contracts
Briechenstein's Popular Bookmark 12 Points to Include in my Design Contract-FreelanceSwitch-The Freelance Blogs
15 Online Financial Tools for Freelance Designers | Webdesigner Depot
42 Questions Every Freelancer Should Ask Their Clients | Freelance Folder
Questions to stablish some work references for projects.
5 Things Your Clients Should Know | Webdesigner Depot
Must read: RT @boagworld: the Web Designer Depot has released my article '5 Things Your Clients Should Know' ( [from]
This is not a criticism of clients, however. There is so little information that clearly defines their role. Sure, there is no shortage of material on usability, accessibility, online marketing and copywriting, but who has the time to read all of it? The problem is that the client does need to have a very broad understanding (certainly more than can be communicated in a single article), however I have found that understanding certain key issues can make an enormous difference to the efficiency of a client. What follows is a list of the 5 things that I believe will have the biggest impact on a client’s site. At least they should, if the client understands them and chooses to implement them.
How to Craft Your Personal Business Model - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Good article about a business plan, taking offers and for freelancers
Top 10 Myths About Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2009 Update - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Every freelancer needs clients. We rely on them, nurture our relationships with them, and provide a quality of service that keeps then coming back. And we can never have enough of them! The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has one purpose: to massively increase your source of potential clients and potential jobs. This list, like Isaac Newton, stands on the shoulders of giants. The original Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has been valuable and much visited since April 2007. Your hundreds of comments have greatly added to its value. This list is a thorough update, removing dead links, adding new sites, and taking on board many of the suggestions from your comments.
Details of the different types of jobs.
The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2009 Update - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
How to Become a Freelance Web Developer - Nettuts+
Freelance Web Developer
40+ Articles to Help Freelance Designers Find More Work
a load of articles to help with the current climate - whatever that is
Finding Inspiration
As a designer, I think we all have experienced the hard time of finding new ideas and inspirations.
Artigo, encontrando inspiração
Create a Grid Based Resume/CV Layout in InDesign
interesting ;)
Secret Sauce: 10 Game-changing Tips from the World’s Top Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
“Learn from the best, or die like the rest.” Sobering words for a freelancer! In this article we try to discover what separates the best from the rest. What are the world’s top freelancers doing that the rest of us aren’t? Some of the advice you read here might seem surprising or counter-intuitive. You may read hints you have never tried. The question is: Will you give them a go? 1. “End every prospect meeting or phone call with an agreed-upon next step.” - Ed Gandia Ed Gandia is a freelance copywriter with a lot of experience. Starting his business life as an entrepreneur at age eight, he spent eleven years as a sales professional and senior account executive before starting starting his copyrighting business which focuses on software and high-tech industries. This melding of sales experience and successful freelancing makes Ed a voice worth listening to. Ed’s advice could come straight from a David Allen “Getting Things Done” book. In his article “The Power of the Next Step“, Ed
Coderholic » Blog Archive » Top 10 Freelance Developer Job Sites
find freelance writing work (hopfully) I must spend time here to find out more
list of freelance jobs......
40 Places Where Freelancers Can Learn More About Business - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
People become freelancers for all sorts of reasons. Very few do it to get into business - that’s just a side effect. To be successful freelancers, we need to be savvy business people. Understanding business takes work - some light reading, some heavy ploughing though your government’s forms and requirements, maybe some serious study, and keeping up with business news and events. Material for small businesses and entrepreneurs will be especially helpful. Here is a reading list for you to pick and choose from: 40 Places Where Freelancers Can Learn More About Business. This list is a starting point.
Sources for business information for freelancers or self-employed persons.
at FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog » Posts » 30 Days to Become a Freelancer
35 Online Tools That Make Your Freelance Career Easier | Freelance Folder
Over the years the appeal of freelancing has grown tremendously. Some are drawn to freelancing to enjoy the freedom of choosing their own work hours, some as a way to stay ahead during times of recession. Today, there are many individuals on the web pursuing their career as a freelancer. Bloggers, web designers, social media strategists and many others have found that freelancing is a great way to utilize their skills and sell their services through the wonderful medium we call the internet.
Over the years the appeal of freelancing has grown tremendously. Some are drawn to freelancing to enjoy the freedom of choosing their own work hours, some as a
A collection of tools for freelance writers and designers
How much to charge for design work?
Going Freelance: The Pros & Cons With “Top Web Designers” | Noupe
Making the choice to go freelance (or independent as I prefer to call it) is a tough choice, I wish I had more knowledge about the pros vs cons when I made the
30 Sites Every Freelancer Should Visit and Utilize | Freelance Folder
Freelancers are constantly searching for new resources. Sometimes these resources come in the form of browser plugins and other times as online tools to help us become more productive. There are countless tools, plugins, blogs, social networking sites and other resources out there that can be beneficial to freelancers.
Freelancers are constantly searching for new resources. Sometimes these resources come in the form of browser plugins and other times as online tools to help us become more productive. There are countless tools, plugins, blogs, social networking sites and other resources out there that can be beneficial to freelancers. You probably already know of a lot of these resources, but some of the quality ones may be hiding from you. Below you will find 30 sites (blogs, forums, and job boards) that I regularly use. Although there are more that I subscribe to, these are some that just can’t be missed.
You probably already know of a lot of these resources, but some of the quality ones may be hiding from you.
32 online tools that can help your tech freelancing career | View from the Cubicle |
Nice list of online tools
How to Stay Ahead of the Curve as a Designer
design tips
Freelance Jobs Search | DoNanza
The Roadmap To Becoming A Professional Freelance Web Designer | How-To | Smashing Magazine
a time and budget management tool. One can create tasks, time their own work, run reports, and manage their money overall more efficiently.
What to Include In Your Design Contracts
If you’re a freelance graphic designer (or any profession for that matter) and do not have contracts or standard terms and conditions that you provide your clients to sign prior to starting a project… well let’s just say you’re silly. You WILL at some point need it to protect your business, as for the reason I am writing this is due to a recent incident in which my contract protected me. Building your own design contracts isn’t always easy—there’s much to include, but once it’s written and out of the way it’s as easy as hitting ‘attach’ and ’send’ in your email. Often at times, client’s ask specific requests so I can easily tailor mine to fit their project if need be. Instead of covering each and every angle of a design contract, below I have listed the basics and essentials to include in your standard graphic design terms and conditions or contracts. Feel free to add more in the comments below.
Below I have listed the basics and essentials to include in your standard graphic design terms and conditions or contracts.
phic errors, etc. Also if the client provides you materials to work from and they’re lost or damaged it must be accounted and compensated fo
9 Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old’s Lemonade Stand | Webdesigner Depot
Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old’s Lemonade Stand | Webdesigner Depot
Don’t just offer lemonade. Put in that extra sprig of mint
By the end of the day, Sophia had made a whopping eight dollars at her “free” lemonade stand. When it was all said and done, I realized that although my original business lessons didn’t stick with my daughter, I learned a lot about marketing.
The other day my daughter, Sophia, announced that she wanted to set up a lemonade stand. Seeing as how I didn’t really want to spend the better part of my
15 Freelancer Design And Development Creative Job Boards | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
20 Rules All Freelancers Should Follow | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
20 Rules All Freelancers Should Follow
Excellente liste des règles que les travailleurs autonomes devraient suivre.
12 Tips on Pricing your Web Work | Admix Web
20 Tools For The Freelance Designer On A Shoestring Budget | Spyre Studios
17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business
17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business BUENO!!
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 2 | Webdesigner Depot
When you’re working with clients remotely it can sometimes be difficult to keep everyone happy and your project on track. Without the benefit of face-to-face meetings, it’s easy for a client to feel neglected or out of the loop. The key to successful remote work relationships is frequent and honest communication and trust between both parties. The tips below will help improve your everyday interactions with clients, no matter how far away they may be.
Marketing Rules and Principles for Freelancers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Building brand equity is the most important concept !!! Veery nice article about finding work, building brand equity and charging more money :)
reglas de marketing para free lance
Freelancers have it hard. I mean, really hard. In theory, the idea of working for yourself, of being able to choose who you work with
12 Tricks for Optimizing Your Freelance Career – FreelanceSwitch
20 Quick Tips For Aspiring Freelancers | Webdesigner Depot
Put an amazing portfolio together In the freelance business, having a solid portfolio is important. While many employers will accept your résumé, your portfolio is the bit of you that stands out. It shows employers what you can do and what you have done. Make it as creative as possible.
5 Habits to Help You Complete Your Project in Record Time - Webitect
Everybody wants to be more productive. Productivity translates to success, whether you’re a freelancer or an employee. Here are five powerful ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of your time.
40 Freelance Writing Blogs | Freelancing and Outsourcing Tips, Commentary, Analysis, and News from oDesk
writing blogs
40 Freelance Writing Blogs
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple -
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients
How much should I charge to develop a website? : programming
15 Tips for Breaking in as a Part-Time Freelancer
To Be a Consultant, a freelancer or an independent contractor |
The Art of Branding Yourself and Your Freelancing Business | Webdesigner Depot
Just as it is for big corporations, successful branding is essential to the success of a freelancing business and to just one self-employed web worker. It is
This is a fantastic read for any freelancer - Brand yourself
* 1 Oct The Art of Branding Yourself and Your Freelancing Business
To Share or Not to Share, That is the Question – FreelanceSwitch
10 Principles of Successful Freelancers
5 Tricks That Make You More Attractive to Clients | FreelanceFolder
Graphic design contracts - your advice | David Airey » graphic designer, logo designer
A few months ago I wrote a brief article about graphic design contracts. You offered some excellent advice in the comments, and here I feature a select few of your contract tips.
Freelance Contracts: Do’s And Don’ts « Smashing Magazine
Freelance Contracts: Do’s And Don’ts « Smashing Magazine
50 Essential Web Apps for Freelancers – Web.AppStorm
When you make the decision to go out on your own, you are faced with many choices. Should you work from home or rent a space? Bill hourly or by the job? What
50 Essential Web Apps for Freelancers – Web.AppStorm -
We’ve broken down the apps into larger categories, highlighted the best or most interesting in each category, and included the best of the rest. Click away — each image will take you to the app listed. Enjoy!
How To Persuade Your Users, Boss or Clients « Smashing Magazine
30+ Freelance Work Websites and Resources You Should Know
30 แหล่งหางานฟรีแลนซ์
Freelance Work Websites and Resources You Should Know
8 Sure-Fire Ways Freelance Designers Can Earn Passive Income | Spyre Studios
Why the hell wouldn’t you want to make some money on the side while you’re building your freelance business?
Getting Clients: Approaching The Company - Smashing Magazine
A defining factor in any freelancer or agency’s success in gaining new business is their ability to market their skills effectively. In this three-part series, we will explore ways in which designers can strategically promote themselves to get new clients. Securing new business by approaching companies can be a very challenging process, full of pitfalls. Here, we will look at 10 steps to impressing potential clients and avoiding the most common mistakes.
Most established organizations put a vision statement on their website. This will give you key insight into a company’s values, history, growth and future direction. This information is invaluable because it will help you better understand how the business operates and, thus, how you can tailor your approach to it. For example, if the company has a progressive stance on sustainability and the environment, you could approach them with ideas for paperless advertising and communication.
Critical Resources to Help Designers Get Organized
Organização para designers
How To Create The Perfect Client Questionnaire - Noupe
How To Create The Perfect Client Questionnaire
Critical Mistakes Freelancers Make - Smashing Magazine
Critical Mistakes Freelancers Make
15 Helpful Blogs No Freelancer Should Forget - Noupe
Zen Habits features three powerful articles a week on such topics as simplicity, health and fitness, motivation and inspiration, frugality, family life, happiness,...
Below is a collection of some useful websites that no freelancer should do without. Whether because of the awesome resources and information contained therein or the oodles of opportunities they promise, these 15 blogs should be at the fore of any freelancer’s mind as they find their way in cyberspace.
10 Things You Don’t Know About Scoring Web Design Clients - Webitect
10 Tips for Kicking Ass as a Freelance Writer | Copyblogger
Reading: 10 Tips for Kicking Ass as a Freelance Writer | Copyblogger: [from]
50+ Free Resources for Writers, Bloggers, And Other Freelancers | FreelanceFolder
How To Explain To Clients That They Are Wrong - Smashing Magazine
The Fast, Good and Cheap Pricing Method | Freelance Folder | The Blog For Freelancers And Web-Workers
Great pricing method to be used on my future clients
freelance rates
freelance tips
Good Riddance to Deadbeat Clients [Work Smarter]
Contractual Terms For Your Contract
Tips for clauses in the contract to make getting paid easier
Article by Chris Gatewood - Richmond Attorney
How to Start a Freelance Company
Information on starting a Freelance company. Found on the sixrevisions website.
Starting your own company is wonderful, scary, and exciting! I’ve recently gone through the process and started up my own freelance company, Snoack Studios, and I’d like to share my personal insight on how to get your own company off the ground, using my own story as an example. How to Start a Freelance Company Step 1: Find a Business Name First things first, you need a name. As a freelancer, you will probably want to be a Sole Proprietor and you can certainly use your own name. I wanted to plan for expandability and flexibility: I may have employees, I may subcontract some work to other freelancers, or maybe even sell my business one day, so I went with a company name of Snoack Studios. Whatever you choose, make sure it works for you and fits the service you provide. Perform some basic research Do your homework as well, search Google to make sure that your company name is unique, and mostly importantly, search trade names at the Secretary of State office in the state you live in (
Essential Habits Of An Effective Professional Freelancer - Smashing Magazine
The 'Hows' of Pricing Your Design Work
9 Tips for Establishing Your Own Marketing Method as a Freelancer | Vandelay Design Blog
9 consigli per impostare il tuo metodo di marketing come freelance
10 Reasons Why Freelancing is the Best Job Security – FreelanceSwitch
How to Start Freelancing (Without Quitting Your Job) - Freelance - Lifehacker
What’s In A Price: The Guidelines For Pricing Web Designs - Noupe
Creatively Handling the Admin Side of Freelancing - Smashing Magazine
There are very few who would argue against the notion that most freelance professionals, especially those operating in the design/development and writing arenas, tend...
29 Resources for Freelance Designers Operating on a Tight Budget –
29 Resources for Freelance Designers Operating on a Tight Budget
of highly-useful resources and web apps that have been created with freelance designers and developers in mind. But for many freelancers, especially those who are just getting started, pricing can be an issue. In this post we’ll feature 29 resources that are not only very useful fore freelancers, but also extremely affordable. Many of them are free or offer a free plan, and the others are priced below the competition. Hopefully you will find some resources here that will help you to save time and make your work more efficient and effective. If you have suggestions of other resources asi
There are plenty of highly-useful resources and web apps that have been created with freelance designers and developers in mind. But for many freelancers, especially those who are just getting started, pricing can be an issue. In this post we’ll feature 29 resources that are not only very useful fore freelancers, but also extremely affordable. Many of them are free or offer a free plan, and the others are priced below the competition.Hopefully you wil
Earning more money: How to turn your skills into services that people will pay for | I Will Teach You To Be Rich
You have to package your knowledge into something that clients can recognize as valuable. How to develop a product/ make your freelance skills valuable to others
Part of a series of posts by Ramit
How to Make Yourself Stand Out as a Freelancer - Noupe
ave when you begin trying to connect with the community, you. Your unique perspective and take on the various areas that you operate in, have not been and cannot be offered by anyone other than you, so use that to your advantage. Given that this is the case, making it a point to seek out and nurture your own voice will help ensure that when you start sharing that voice with the community, that it will resonate and connect with other members in the collective.
Top 10 Tips and Tools for Freelancers - Freelancing - Lifehacker
elancers and contractors, and many of them have created bett
How to Make Money as a Freelance Designer | Design Shack
15 Invoicing Tips for Designers and Freelancers | Vandelay Design Blog
!5 tips voor het sturen van rekeningen
The AIDA Marketing Model in Web Design - Noupe
If you’ve been formally educated in marketing, more than likely you’ve learned about a marketing model called AIDA. AIDA is an acronym that represents the different steps involved in selling a product or service. Very often, the principles of AIDA are applied naturally when a useful product or service is being marketed. Being web designers and app developers, however, our personal involvement on a technical level in our own or client projects may deter our efforts to produce a design that correctly implements AIDA.
modelo de web markwtiing
modelo AIDA en web
What should I be charging for webdesign? | James Larkin
How long is a piece of string? One of the most common questions I see on IWF and on web design and web development forums is the age old
25 Must-Read Blogs for Freelance Designers | FreelanceFolder
Design Blogs
Coworking 101: A Brief History
Coworking 101: A Brief History
7 Intellectual Property Resources Every Freelancer Should Know About - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Geeks in Boston » Working from Home: Why It Sucks
A timetly takeaway: "You don’t get rich feedback when communicating over a phone, email, or text chat."
The Freelancer's iPhone: Productivity solutions for independent professionals
Dealing With Clients Who Refuse To Pay - Smashing Magazine
As a designer, you will eventually have to face a couple of unfortunate truths in your career. Number one: just because you wear a bathrobe for most of your “business” hours does not actually make it business attire. Number two: at some point in your freelance career, you will encounter a client who does not respect the work you do. The most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services once all of the work has been completed.
I would like to point out that in future I will be using this article as reference for my freelance work. Thanks for posting it :) Reply * 13 DIGITAL7 Media April 9th, 2010 7:27 am
e most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services on
Can you Retire on $500 per month? |
Lifestyle design is all about changing the way we live so that we can fulfill our passions and experience life now. We should all be striving for early retirement from lousy jobs. My wife and I have a one year plan to quit our jobs and move to a new country. We are not retiring from work, we still want to continue working on interesting projects and possible doing some longer term volunteering, but we do want to retire from our current career of owning an English school in Japan. Too many people still believe that retirement is for the 65 and older crowd who have worked and saved their whole lives and still have trouble making ends meet. How much money do you really need to retire? What if you could retire now, for as little as $500 per month? Of course, that means cutting back on most luxuries and living a relatively simple life but it does seem possible in lower income countries like The Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia.
How to Handle Tightwads & Charge What You’re Worth - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
The penny-pinching, wheel-and-dealing, bargain-hunting prospect. As a freelancer, dealing with this type of person is part of the territory.
20 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be a Freelancer | Webdesigner Depot
Top Job Boards for Web Developers and Designers | Web Resources | WebAppers
Are you a freelancer? Would you like to find some freelance works related to Web Development or Web Design? There are loads of job boards out there, but how many of them are actually built for web developers and designers? And How many of them are acutally popular? Here is a list of the top job boards for web developers and designers.
26 Useful Tips and Tricks for Freelancers
Freelancing is by no means easy. You are given responsibility of your own future, your own earnings, to choose who and what you want to work for
More great tips for Freelancers!
5 Passive Income Opportunities for Freelancers - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
5 Passive Income Opportunities for Freelancers
Sell Stock Work, Create Niche Resources, Develop Merchandise, Sell Subscriptions, and Offer Side Items to Your Current Clients.
10 Types of Bad Clients and How To Avoid Them | Freelance Folder
10 Types of Bad Clients and How To Avoid Them
Slashdot | Freelance Web Developer Best Practices?
o the problems your leads have and tell
Questions about freelance web developer practices.
Freelance Web Developer Best Practices? -- article related to Index, Businesses, Developers, and Ask Slashdot.
great advice on freelancing
How to Get (and Leverage) Glowing Testimonials - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
A Beginner’s Guide to the Business Side of Freelancing
Good summary of tasks every freelancer should take care of
40 Sites for Finding Web Design Jobs | Vandelay Design Blog
In the current economy there are a lot of designers and developers looking for work, whether it is full-time employment, contract work, or freelance opportunities. Fortunately, there are a number of great places to find these types of positions. In this post we'll look at 40 sites that include specialized job boards that include web/graphic design and web development opportunities. Best Places to Find Web/Graphic Design Jobs: Authentic Jobs A very active job board used by a lot of recognized and respected agencies. Includes freelance and full-time opportunities.
The Ultimate Guide for An Online Portfolio Using WordPress | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
an online portfolio can also bridge you to your job opportunities with no limitation. Everyone on the internet can see all of your projects. Can you imagine if your next valuable client saw your online portfolio