Pages tagged functionalprogramming:

cs252r Record

Advanced Functional Programming - Fall 2006
These pages are a record of the in-class discussions for the graduate class "Advanced Functional Programming" given at Harvard University in the Fall of 2006.
Table of Contents | Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
Submitted by korfuri
This is the beginning of Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! Reading this tutorial should be one of your first steps in learning Erlang.
Follow the links and be prepared to have your mind moderately blown.
Jack Cough on Software: Teaching Functional Programming To Kids
Functional Programming for Everyday .NET Development
Hello Haskell, Goodbye Lisp - Lost in Technopolis
Comparison of the LISP and HASKELL (functional) languages
Interesting read on some programming languages I hadn't heard of until today, they are still very useful apparently
How I finally understood the Y Combinator (and blew my damn mind) « noeit
Is the Supremacy of Object-Oriented Programming Over?
I never expected to see this. When I started my career, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) was going mainstream. For many problems, it was and still is a natural way to modularize an application. It grew to (mostly) rule the world. Now it seems that the supremacy of objects may be coming to an end, of sorts.
talking about object oriented programming and functional programming...leads you to believe the best designs leverage both.
Hybrid languages = OOP FP. CouchDB Map-Reduce Concurrency
In the comments: "On the computer science front, pure OO, based on late-binding and message sends has always built on functional ideas and encourages a declarative programming style. Lisp and Smalltalk have much in common. The best way to look at it is that a function can be an object too. So I see no or very little conflict between OO and functional programming. The real issue is that pure OO has been viewed (rightly so) as a disruptive technology. The incumbent technology base, built on C and Unix have found ways to neutralise the potential disruptive effect and hold on to their market. As a consequence we have spent the last 20 years using curly bracket languages that are ‘OO’ in name only. [...] Pure OO is still in obscurity. Languages like Ruby and Python show what is possible with Pure OO ideas and late-binding, but they do not extend these ideas or take them even as far as Smalltalk did."
The fact is, for a lot of these applications, it’s just data. The ceremony of object wrappers doesn’t carry its weight. Just put the data in a hash map (or a list if you don’t need the bits “labeled”) and then process the collection with your iterate, map, and reduce functions. This may sound heretical, but how much Java code could you delete today if you replaced it with a stored procedure?
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal). The largest part of wu is dedicated to iterators. Iterators are lazy sequences with a number of methods that encourage functional programming.
map reduce, iterator, range and more functional language feature
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal). The largest part of wu is dedicated to iterators. Iterators are lazy sequences with a number of methods that encourage functional programming. What does it mean to be lazy? Many people might expect the following code to log "1 squared is 1", "2 squared is 4", and "3 squared is 9" immediately.
Interesting lazy functional library for javascript.
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal).
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript.