Pages tagged futurefic:

nekare: Prophesy [Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, PG-13]

Summary: In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true.
[The first few lines are clunkers, but read on. The story is very grand, shot through with what's to come. And the last bit is killer.] HThere’s silence, and then they’re alone with a corpse between them, breathing hard. They’re still both holding their swords. Arthur is not king yet, and Merlin is but a servant, but the moment feels worn, threadbare, already lived-in, and Merlin wants to sink into it, and wants to escape it at the same time. Past and present and future melt together, for a moment.
In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true.
There is a kingdom, its name stuff of legend, never to be forgotten. There is a sword, its name almost as famous, but that has only just begun. There is a king, and there is a magician, but sometimes they’re just boys, just a prince and a servant.
“You think I could see the future?” Merlin asks out of the sudden, and Gaius raises his eyebrows at him. “Probably. We can never tell for sure, with your powers.” He indicates he should stir harder, and points at the next herb he should use. “The real issue here, Merlin, is whether you would want to.” Merlin frowns, stirs too hard and has to start all over again. The answer is no, he doesn’t really want to, but that doesn’t seem to be an option.
merlin dreams prophesy.
Merlin dreams.
用一個又一個梅林的夢來寫出Authurian legend的未來,預知夢的形式很適合這種英國古老傳說。 最後一句又是甜到後來給你補個一刀。
In which Merlin dreams, and sometimes, his dreams come true. A fic which leaps from vision to vision, so you're not quite sure what's happening, but there's a common thread of plot running through that's keeping you there.
The True Story of Matilda Sweetfuck - FIC: Peach, Plum, Pear (Merlin, Merlin/Arthur) (1/2)
How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
Or, How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
The one where King Arthur interviews candidates for the post of Court Magician.
13,750 words How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
[Merlin] had been obnoxious, and always disrespectful, but also brave as any knight-with dark hair and mesmerizing eyes. Of course, the latter qualities had little bearing on Merlin's skill as a warlock, but they still wrought a surprising amount of influence in Arthur's fantasies.
Merlin/Arthur, implied other pairings. Futurefic. 13,750 words or thereabouts. Warnings for explicit content and blatant disregard for both Arthurian legend and historical accuracy. (I love this fandom.) How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
passe_simple: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) 1/4
R hiatus breaks with weddings and babies! i like that this seems so very real. lots of fear and desire to not change anything, because it's new and scary. i like that.
[40,000 words // R ] Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Title: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) Panic at the Disco, Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words, R. Summary: Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Four parts linked.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words
"I mean, it’s Brendon. Can you really imagine him getting all Justin Timberlake without us?" Ryan threw himself down on the couch. "Yes," he said miserably. "Since the first time I heard him sing in your garage I’ve been able to imagine exactly that."
Brendon/Spencer. R. Futurefic. Ryan gets married, Jon has a kid, and the band is on hiatus. I really enjoy the dynamic between all the guys and girls here. In particular, the way this handles the various reactions to Brendon's new material is excellent, and then as the story progresses, I like that it really takes the time to explore how Spencer and Brendon navigate this new relationship. It feels very honest, very convincing, and also all completely necessary. It's been a while since a fic has left me feeling truly satisfied by the end and not wondering what happened to one or two loose ends.
I promise I'm not a criminal mastermind. - Fic: All the Laughter From Before (1/1, R, Merlin/Arthur)
Like all stories there are two sides, and this is the other: “There was once boy Merlin came to the court to ensnare the prince in his grasp, for he was an evil wizard, determined to destroy all of Albion. He bated his time, and made the prince believe he was his friend, someone to be trusted until two Augusts after his arrival, the good King Uther Pendragon recognized that his son’s illness was related to the boy who never left his son’s side for a moment. When the evil wizard Merlin was burned, Prince Arthur emerged from confinement healthy and strong again.” What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
"It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?
"It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?"
One story goes like this: “There was an enemy sorcerer, whose son Uther had killed, and who was desperate to make Uther feel the same pain. And so the sorcerer wove a spell around Prince Arthur, and it killed him slowly over the course of a season. From May to August, Arthur had faded. And then Arthur’s manservant, Merlin, realized that it was no ordinary illness, and he, being a great sorcerer himself, but good and kind, defended the prince, and saved his life. “But alas, King Uther could not abide magic of any kind, and Prince Arthur’s protests and the physician’s pleas and Merlin’s explanations fell on deaf ears. Merlin was killed that very night—burned alive for saving the prince, and the prince was locked in the dungeons, where he could not help his friend.”
And this is the worst—this is what he and Arthur and even Hunith have been nagging Merlin about: do not let Uther catch you.
What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
Gawain of Orkney arrives at court, all golden skin, freckles, and bright red hair. He and Arthur start beating on each other almost immediately, which Gwen recognizes means that they’re best friends. (trust me.)
Like all stories, there are two sides
Like all stories there are two sides. What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
Summary: (courtesy of [info]hackthis) "It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?"
Fostered - rageprufrock - Merlin - Fandom [Archive of Our Own]
“Obviously, I will have Carys eat anybody who tries,” Merlin told him cheerfully.
Obviously, it was not just any sort of egg.
“This is what happens when you grow up without a maternal influence, you know,” Merlin told the egg sadly. “You become Arthur. You take dragon eggs that knock your manservant unconscious and start projecting all of your repressed female feelings on them and keep them hidden in your chambers even though your father has a tyrannical ban against all magic.”
Obviously, it was no ordinary egg.
“How long do you think it takes a dragon’s egg to hatch?” Merlin interrupted, desperate, and he could see the moment Arthur’s train of thought went from ‘wheat’ to ‘egg!’ Merlin had never met anybody who needed a pet more than Arthur.
“How long do you think it takes a dragon’s egg to hatch?” Merlin interrupted, desperate, and he could see the moment Arthur’s train of thought went from ‘wheat’ to ‘egg!’ Merlin had never met anybody who needed a pet more than Arthur. “Well, obviously it would be a longer period than a chicken’s,” Arthur said confidently before turning over his shoulder toward the egg, still toasting in front of the fireplace. “Although that brings an even more pressing question of what we’ll do after it hatches.” Scowling, Merlin said, “I told you we should have cast it into the forest.” But Arthur only flashed him one of those smiles that made him look eternally young and brilliant, and which had probably charmed all the lady maids in the castle for all of his prattish childhood years. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Merlin?”
“Anyway,” Arthur said, righting himself again, arms wrapped around — around an egg the size of a small boulder, “it apparently threw this at you.” “Oh,” Merlin promised, knee-jerk, “I will have that thing skinned for boots.”
sarcasticbabble: Fic: Into His Own (Merlin/Arthur)
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot.
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot.
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot.
"Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot. " A decade apart.
"There, there." Gaius' hand patted Merlin's face and he had the eerie sensation of it passing through his skin. "I died that day, life just hasn't quite let go of me yet."
Summary: Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot.
Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot. (post 1x13; ~8,500 words)
picfor1000: Merlin: Room 20 (Arthur/Merlin)
The parking lot behind Camelot looked safe and ordinary again in the midday sun, just cracked asphalt and a couple of beat-up old cars.
The parking lot behind Camelot looked safe and ordinary again in the midday sun, just cracked asphalt and a couple of beat-up old cars. Sort of Modern time au, except there are so much more that was deliberately left out of the fic. Exact 1000 words.
The one where there's a janitor named Merle, and a motel room.
Instead Merle only looked mildly surprised, and then suddenly his brows drew closer, like he was focusing on Arthur for the first time ever, and he said, uncertainly, "Do I—do I know you?"
In which Merlin remembers too much, and Arthur finds him again--not entirely in the way he means to, but probably in the way he was meant to.
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words Challenge -- Picture Prompt: Room 20
"The parking lot behind Camelot looked safe and ordinary again in the midday sun, just cracked asphalt and a couple of beat-up old cars."
Waiting For My Real Life To Begin « toomuchplor’s fanfiction
the one where they find the zpms but hide them...
It had changed so gradually with Jennifer, was the thing. Rodney couldn’t pick a moment when he’d felt the balance shift from “this is fucking awesome” to “wow, I’m really middle-aged”.
toomuchplor : Waiting For My Real Life To Begin Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
By toomuchplor. Rodney/Jennifer and then Rodney/John. In which Jennifer is adorably insatiable, and John is in the closet, and eventually there are ZPMs and awesomeness and Rodney exercises his veto power. :-)
McKay and Keller are dating, he starts feeling middle-aged, there are some mid-life crises around and McKay ends up with Sheppard
brown_betty: Fic: Mount Badon
Arther and Merlin years later from an outside perspective
"Yes, I do it to aggravate you," says Arthur
Future fic. Arthur in battle,from the POV of a foreign king
He looks up, and flashes a smile past Coveros, at Vedica. "That was you with the stasis spell, right? That was tremendously clever, I wish I could figure out how you did it." Vedica freezes, and a moment later, as he realizes who this servant must be, so does Coveros. Vedica stutters, after a moment, "It's-- it's a slowing of certain, um, biological-- for difficult pregnancies, you see, sometimes, to stop her from bearing early, it's--" and he's heard her explain this dozens of times already, so he knows she's just clamped her mouth shut on "very useful in lambing time."
Arthur, his knights and Merlin ride to the aid of the Celtic king and his battle weary warriors.
Third person POV of Arthur's rescue of a gaelic tribe. Beautiful incorporation of an outsider's POV to the great king Arthur is and his relationship with Merlin.
"Yes, I do it to aggravate you," says Arthur ~ An outsider observes Merlin and the King.
I LOVE this fic.
with_a_kay: Title: My Name Is TroubleAuthor: chashFa
Fabulous post-Supernatural story. The boys are estranged: Jensen is a reclusive B-lister, and Jared has bowed out of acting and is teaching high school physics in Ithaca. But something in Jensen's life unexpectedly brings them back together and gives them the chance to make amends. The banter is excellent, and the angst well-written, as per usual with Chash's fics. Totally recommended! Also: Danneel is awesome.
Six years after Supernatural ends, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki find themselves in completely separate lives after a falling out. It's possible neither of them has ever really recovered from the other. But an unexpected turn in Jensen's life brings them back together to sort themselves out again.
My Name is Trouble by chash. Six years after Supernatural ends, the boys don’t really speak. When Jensen has to leave his home, however, he can only think of one place to go. It’s chash and it’s Big Bang. This is what you call a no-brainer. Big bang.
Summary: Six years after Supernatural ends, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki find themselves in completely separate lives after a falling out. It's possible neither of them has ever really recovered from the other. But an unexpected turn in Jensen's life brings them back together to sort themselves out again.
There's a stalker! And a little bit of angst that is mostly past! And Danneel is awesome.
Absconding With The Tontine Funds - Merlin fic: Fools of Us All [1/2]
Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
Arthur/Merlin, NC-17. Author's Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
The one where Arthur gets THIS close to punching his feelings in the face.
Summary: Merlin accidentally makes everybody in Camelot fall in love with him. Everybody except Arthur, that is.
Somehow, everyone got the idea that Cook was in charge of Archie at the American Idol 2011 New York Christmas Eve Non-Denominational Holiday Extravaganza, proceeds to benefit St. Jude's.
"Bye!" Archie said, then waited for her to leave before making a face. "You know, at least Seventeen doesn't ask about my sex life. I think it's just rude." // "Since when do you have anything to hide," David said, dryly. // "Well," Archie said, suddenly looking uncomfortable, and David almost choked again. // "Seriously, you're having sex -" David said, and Archie almost tipped the chair over. // "Oh my go - um, no," he said, then grinned. "But I totally got to second base a couple weeks ago at a party."
ARCHIE/COOK Cook gets a crush on Archie and its really that awesome.
(4300) Written for [info]astolat for Yuletide; Archie grows up a little.
David Archuleta and David Cook celebrate New Year's Eve together.
Archie grows up a little.
Bring Me That Horizon
When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant. A summer getaway for a movie starring Johnny Depp: it's a great opportunity for Jared to get a little closer to his best friend, right? In fact, it would a perfect plan if Jensen wasn't so bad at communicating.
When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant. A summer getaway for a movie starring Johnny Depp: it's a great opportunity for Jared to get a little closer to his best friend, right? In fact, it would be a perfect plan if Jensen wasn't so bad at communicating
When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant. A summer getaway for a movie starring Johnny Depp: it's a great opportunity for Jared to get a little closer to his best friend, right? In fact, it would be a perfect plan if Jensen wasn't so bad at communicating.
When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant. A summer getaway for a movie starring Johnny Depp: it's a great opportunity for Jared to get a little closer to his best friend, right? In fact, it would be a perfect plan if Jensen wasn't so bad at communicating. 15,800 words
Summary: When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant. A summer getaway for a movie starring Johnny Depp: it's a great opportunity for Jared to get a little closer to his best friend, right? In fact, it would be a perfect plan if Jensen wasn't so bad at communicating.
Piratess of carribean
When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant.
When Jensen lands a role in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Jared decides to come along as his assistant. A summer getaway for a movie starring Johnny Depp: it's a great opportunity for Jared to get a little closer to his best friend, right? In fact, it would be a perfect plan if Jensen wasn't so bad at communicating. ** cute story