Pages tagged g1:

Android Proxy App

"This is an experimental SOCKS proxy and Port Bouncer that should allow you to connect your laptop to the internet using the internet connection (EDGE, 3G or Wifi) of your T-Mobile G1 Cellphone. " Not a true "tethering" app, claims the author (Graham Stewart), because it doesn't have access to low-level packet APIs for a NAT connection.
an experimental SOCKS proxy and Port Bouncer that should allow you to connect your laptop to the internet using the internet connection (EDGE, 3G or Wifi) of your T-Mobile G1 Cellphone.
Android application for limited tethering to the phone's internet connection. The app can act as a SOCKS proxy or forward an individual port.
How To: Tether the iPhone or G1 To Your Laptop For Free 3G Broadband
The other iPhoneModem is nagware ($10 to get rid of the nags), and does include a Windows config app, which we have not tested. If you're running windows, try that one, and let us know how it goes in the comments. There is also another method using an app called 3proxy that requires lots of manual configuration, but that one may also be worth a try. Update: Commenters are also recommending PDANet for Windows tethering, which is in Cydia as well.
Android: Best Android Apps to Boost Your Mobile Productivity (So Far)
I'm new to delicious and my new Android G1 so, this is the first thing I've bookmarked and haven't visited the site yet. I just wanted to try the bookmarking first.
Lifehacker - One Dozen Super-Useful (and Free!) Android Apps - Android
AndroLib, Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
Five Great Reasons to Root Your Android Phone - Android rooting - Lifehacker
45+ Cool Google Android Apps – The Perfect iPhone Replacement : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Android Hacking For The Masses - Android - Gizmodo
Speed Up and Back Up Your Rooted Android Phone - Android rooting - Lifehacker
If you've rooted your Android phone with a custom ROM, you've already got a snappier OS. With a few free apps, you can free up memory for even better performance and keep your ROM up to the bleeding edge.
Moving your applications to your phone's SD card, referred to as "apps2sd" in geekier circles, is said to "free up memory,"
CyanogenMod Wiki
CyanogenMod is a customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for various handsets based on the HTC Dream.
Total Cost of Ownership: iPhone 3G S versus Palm Pre versus Android G1 | Shrinkage Is Good
Bestmodo 2008: The 10 Best Android Apps of 2008
Worst. Bug. Ever. | Ed Burnette’s Dev Connection |
(This is old, just saving it for later.)
execute *every* SMS as root... so handy
"when the phone booted it started up a command shell as root and sent every keystroke you ever typed on the keyboard from then on to that shell."
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interesting gphone bug
Don't tell me they thought of that as being a feature...
Android: A Hands-on First Look at Google Android
google android