Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter: all your external HDDs, now network accessible - Engadget
Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter
USB converter to create a NAS network attached storage system.Micro Persuasion: Bring Twitter Right Into Gmail with the Amazing TwitterGadget
I have tried TweetDeck a number of times but I keep uninstalling it because it puts a drain on my system and I find it distracting. Still, I want fast access to my Twitter account and to be able to...Five Fabulous Gmail Gadgets You Won't Find in Labs - ReadWriteWeb
gadgets for gmail
Additional Gmail pluginsTwitter Gadget for Gmail(v2)
Twitter gadgets for Gmail
Kako ubaciti twitter u gmail.
Twitter Gadget for Gmail is a Twitter client specially designed for Gmail. Features * OAuth authentication, your Twitter account password is not required. * Supports multiple Twitter accounts * Mark all as read(like Google Reader) * Automatically refresh * Reply, Re-tweet inline * View reply to inline * Gmail look and feel * SSL support * (new)Share tweets with your friends(your Gmail friends group' contacts) * (new)Twitter Search
Twitter Gadget for Gmail is a Twitter client specially designed for Gmail.100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real | Webdesigner Depot (excellent collection!)
Concept designers are also referred to as visual futurists. These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to createPoken Japan
2009/05/1 ビックカメラ主要22店舗で、5/3からポーケンの店頭販売を開始します!
ヨーロッパ発デジタル名刺ガジェット オンラインに対応したソーシャルコミュニティー100 Geeks You Should Be Following On Twitter | GeekDad |
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the final design for the device. We’re showing the conceptual drawings here today. In another few weeks we’ll have the first working prototypes in our office.
Wouldn't mind one of these. I wonder what the interaction would feel like, though. *Only* on-screen keyboard...?! Hm... Plus, I love the name of the inventors: "Fusion Garage"! And their slogan: "What if the browser could boot without an OS?"
We've been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the ...ハードディスクにおける容量の概念をひっくり返すDrobo:[mi]みたいもん!
@IT 西村氏iPhone 3G タッチパネルガラス・液晶割れ 破損 傷・バッテリー交換修理/パーツ販売:TOPページ
The Most Versatile Organization System Available * Ideal for iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry and other digital devices * Endless configurations * Designed to hold items
Cocoon - Cocoon - TWIST: The perfectly portable espresso maker
The mypressi TWIST is the world's first truly portable espresso machine. It produces quality espresso rivaling traditional machines while giving espresso lovers unparalleled convenience and portability. The TWIST's unique pneumatic engine also ensures you can enjoy incredible coffee even where there is no external power. Just add hot water and get ready to forever change how—and where—you enjoy quality coffee.
Espresso portátil.
portable mini espressoOfficial Google Blog: Translate your website with Google: Expand your audience globally
A simple widget to automagically translate your webpage into a bunch of different languages.Apple - Magic Mouse - The world’s first Multi-Touch mouse.
apple's new 'touch mouse', sounds great, but what about the tactile responses our fingers like to receive: [from]
apple going back to no-wheel mouse: [from]
checking out Apple Magic Mouse and we think it is a pretty cool mouse (even though it sounds like a Disney creature) [from]
I like it! Check out the new "magic mouse" from Apple... [from]
By, eBook Reader, eBook Device - Barnes & Noble
s WiFi a j touch displejomGiz Explains: Why Every Country Has a Different F#$%ing Plug - Worldwide electric plugs - Gizmodo
Ok, maybe not every country, but with at least 12 different sockets in widespread use it sure as hell feels like it to anyone who's ever traveled. So why in the world, literally, are there so many?
Ok, maybe not every country, but with at least 12 different sockets in widespread use it sure as hell feels like it to anyone who's ever traveled. So why in the world, literally, are there so many? Funny story!Ten gadgets to make Google Wave more productive - and fun!
Weil Türen durch geheime Klopfzeichen aufgehen sollten.
While working on another project I ran across the Arduino knock sensor tutorial. Sensing a single knock is a great little project for learning about microcontrollers, but what about sensing specific knocks? Seeeeecret knocks? And if we could detect a secret knock, shouldn't it unlock a door? If you can't tell by looking this was cobbled together from spare stuff around the lab, it's not much more than a piezo speaker, a tiny gear reduction motor, and an Arduino. And PVC pipe.
"Seeeeecret knocks? And if we could detect a secret knock, shouldn't it unlock a door?" (via @yetzt)
Very neat contraption that can unlock your door based on a programmed knock. Not very practical but still pretty awesome.6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media
RT @microgeist: 6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media ( ) [from]Top 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50 - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.
From iPods to noise-canceling headphones, from digital cameras to GPS trackers, they take up space, can consume electricity and distract us from actually enjoying the trip. Gadgets also tend to be expensive, small and easy-to-lose. But gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.Wave Gadgets - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
New Wave gadgets find their way into Wave every week, and as you saw above, finding them can be difficult. This section highlights some of our favorites and describes what they do.The Most Useless Machine EVER!
つかえねーwwwParrot AR.Drone - Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touch
I want one, badly!
Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touchビギナーにオススメのロードバイクを20台選んでみた - 自転車で遠くへ行きたい。
Dyson、“羽根がないのに風が出る”扇風機を発表 DysonのAir Multiplier扇風機は従来の扇風機のような羽根はなく、流体力学を利用した独自の技術で空気の流れを増幅する。 2009年10月13日 16時47分 更新 Dysonは10月12日、「羽根のない扇風機」を発表した。 ah_dyson1.jpgah_dyson2.jpg 羽根のない扇風機 同社の「Dyson Air Multiplier」は従来の扇風機とは違って羽根がなく、土台に輪を乗せたような形になっている。 従来の扇風機は、羽根が空気を切ってしまい、空気の流れが不均衡になる点が問題だった。Dysonの技術は流体力学を利用した独自の技術で空気の流れを15倍に増幅し、毎秒119ガロンの空気をスムーズに流すという。
"この扇風機は土台の部分に組み込まれたモーターを使って空気を吸い込み、その空気を飛行機の翼のような傾斜がついた輪から送り出す。空気が輪から出るときに、その気流に周囲の空気が引き込まれて、空気の流れが増幅され、空気が一定して途切れなく流れる。"mixi Engineers’ Blog » オンラインコーヒーメーカー「萌香たん」とはじめるドキドキ☆コーヒーブレイク
RT @estima7 mixi의 한 엔지니어가 커피가 추출되면 Twitter로 알려주는 시스템개발.(사내용) @mixi_mocha - "Tweet when coffee's ready." Cool! [from]
僕も何かをtwitterで喋らせたいです。。植木鉢がwater me!っていうのもあったなー
こういうマイコン制御できると面白そうだなぁ60 Excellent Gadget Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials - Noupe
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PSD de gadgets
psd files gadget, mobile, computer, more..
Sammlung von PSD Templates, die einige aktuelle Elektronikgeräte darstellen3分LifeHacking:既存のホッチキスでOK 中綴じ製本を簡単に行う“定規” - ITmedia Biz.ID
なるほどwCSS CLOCK - "Tick Tock" - A CSS & JS Experiment
This clock was created using a combination of CSS and Javascript. The Javascript gets the user’s local time (you could use PHP, but that would be server time) and updates the CSS <div> tags with the appropriate hour and minute classes.
budik今からDJ始めるなら、パソコンだけでDJができるPCDJが断然おすすめだよ - the cycles of activity
't stop there. We thought,
10:19AM "Now here's a class that we think will be really interesting -- medical devices." Scott's showing off a blood pressure reader that interfaces with the iPhone -- wild.
Great live reporting of iPhone3, coming to consumers in June; avail to Devs nowMesmerizing Monday: 10 Hypnotic Gadgets You Just Can't Stop Looking At
waterfall printer, cloud, nautilus sink, rotopault, flying fish airship, book scanner, drinking bird, jellyfishLifehacker - The Gear and Tactics from Lifehacker's Laptop Bags - laptop bags
cool features added to the Awesome Bar, which might make it actually awesome.Touch Book: Tablet netbook with ARM CPU, 10+ hour battery, detachable screen
perhaps the cool features, tiny weight, and super long battery life will be enough to win people over. If the company could eventually lop $100 off each model, though, this thing might h
I think I might be in love... [from]MacBook and MacBook Pro review - Engadget
Windows/Mac/Linux (All platforms): Google Desktop's gadgets are looking more helpful these days, with the addition of an official Google Calendar gadget that puts your appointments at your fingertips.僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR
もうそのネタだけで記事1本いけるよ。我々は新しいもの買うとまるでそれを持ってることが勝ち組の証でもあるかのように人に見せびらかす生き物なのだ。なぜ? 僕はiPad作ったわけでもない。ただ買っただけなのに)
僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR