GOOD » Superb Idea: Bike Lane That Travels With You»
this is so cute: a virtual bike lane (using lasers) that displays on the ground around the cyclist, providing drivers with a recognizable boundary they can easily avoid. The idea is to allow riders to take safety into their own hands, rather than leaving it to the city. I want to see one for pedestrians too : )
Awesome. Illuminate your own bike lane with Light lane.
The system projects a virtual bike lane (using lasers!) on the ground around the cyclists, providing drivers with a recognizable boundary they can easily avoid. The idea is to allow riders to take safety into their own hands, rather than leaving it to the city. And just in case you need to be convinced about the need for better cycle saftey, watch this video about the stupidest bike lane in America.
Bike light that creates a virtual bike laneMimo Monitors - Welcome
USB monitor System
Want. Horrible website though.
Neat, but kind of small
710 Model (IN STOCK - SHIPPING NOW) price $129.99 + FREE SHIPPING! 7" screen : 800 x 480 pixels detachable stand allows portrait or landscape mode >> learn moreHow To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 9 Into the Ultimate OS X Netbook
maybe on the HP mini...
Look at this if shopping for an additional computer.
Hackintoshing tutorial
$400$100 Linux wall-wart launches
"Marvell Semiconductor is shipping a hardware/software development kit suitable for always-on home automation devices and service gateways. Resembling a "wall-wart" power adapter, the SheevaPlug draws 5 Watts, comes with Linux, and boasts completely open hardware and software designs, Marvell says."
power found in the servers of only a decade ago.Foxit eSlick
Be eSlick. Take your documents on the go. View all your PDF files as well as convert any printable document to PDF which can be viewed on the eSlick. Foxits eSlick comes with free software: Foxit Reader Pro Pack and Foxit PDF Creator. Pre-order with just a $50 deposit and lock in the introductory price of $259.99 plus shipping and applicable taxes Note: The first set of eSlicks have sold out and the next set will ship out around middle to late April. If you have preordered before February, your eSlick will ship around late February or early March. Please click here to check out countries that Foxit eSlick will be shipped to. Foxit may ship to other countries later. We will release shipping costs soon.
Be eSlick. Take your documents on the go. View all your PDF files as well as convert any printable document to PDF which can be viewed on the eSlick. Foxits eSlick comes with free software: Foxit Reader Pro Pack and Foxit PDF Creator. Pre-order with just a $50 deposit and lock in the introductory price of $259.99 plus shipping and applicable taxes Note: The first set of eSlicks have sold out and the next set will ship out around middle to late April. If you have preordered before February, your eSlick will ship around late February or early March. Please click here to check out countries that Foxit eSlick will be shipped to. Foxit may ship to other countries later. We will release shipping costs soon. Pre-Order Privacy | ©2009 Foxit Software Company,LLC.All Rights Reserved.100 amazing iPhone photos :: Photocritic photography blog
i'ts beautiful :)
100 fotos asombrosas tomadas vcon un iphone
100 amazing iPhone photos - some of these are actually stunning:' USB-to-NAS adapter: all your external HDDs, now network accessible - Engadget
Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter
USB converter to create a NAS network attached storage system.Freehands | Welcome
jetzt völlig bescheuert oder was?
Another one of my business ideas that I wont get to do.
Freehands gloves feature fold-back index finger and thumb tips to let you use your iPhone, Blackberry, MP3 player or camera in the cold. They're even great for just getting in to your wallet on an icy winter day.Foundem - Search and Compare Prices for Electronics, Flights, Hotels, Property, Jobs, and more
Search and Compare Prices for Electronics, Flights, Hotels, Property, Jobs, and moreSuperMagnetMan Magnets
"Until now, all netbooks were engineered the same way: Power-hungry Intel Atom, ugly case, and outdated 90's OS. Our goal: To achieve a breakthrough in both architecture and design. The result: a revolutionary device that works as both a netbook and a standalone tablet thanks to a detachable keyboard and a 3D touchscreen user interface."iPhone 3.0 OS Guide: Everything You Need to Know
Tiene unos enlaces de herramientas o algo asi para los caneles de reciclaje
A h
in case you haven't seen it already.Five Fabulous Gmail Gadgets You Won't Find in Labs - ReadWriteWeb
gadgets for gmail
Additional Gmail pluginsGet Great Gadgets. And Keep Them. - Last Year's Model
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them
Saving the planet through sheer laziness.
sweet designmophie - iPhone Battery, iPod Cases, iPhone accessories and more! - Juice Pack air - iPhone 3G (Pre-order)
The juice pack air™ is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G. It offers you the full protection of a hard-shell case while providing virtually twice the battery life of the iPhone alone; all in an ultra-thin, light-weight, low-profile design.
Ekstra batteri til phonenLifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
The gadgets you love don't always love you back—at least when it comes to battery life. But you can get more from your laptop, your iPod, your phone, and other devices with these 10 techniques. Photo by conskeptical. 10. Turn C batteries into Ds with quarters Only a few things ever need D batteries, but who has them handy when you need those things? If you've got some slightly more handy C batteries around, you only need a few quarters to turn them into makeshift Ds. You won't get the same longevity, and you'll have to part with up to $1.50 for a bit, but it works, and it might just turn you into the family hero when you rescue that seemingly useless big-lens flashlight. 9. Keep your iPod "held" and updated If you haven't hit the "Update" button since you got your iPod, old or new, fire up iTunes and do so—the newest firmware, in many cases, can boost your battery life. Once you've done that, run through Playlist Magazine's battery saving tips, which include keeping backlighting, thWorld’s Fastest Broadband at $20 Per Home - Bits Blog -
"Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed."
Super High Speed Broadband @ $20 a home ... Ummm... I'm IN!! {after a yr with xplornet...i'd even pay the $80 gladly!} [from]
They pay $60 for 160 Mpbs, I pay $30 for 128 Kbps.
If you get excited about the prospect of really, really fast broadband Internet service, here’s a statistic that will make heart race. Or your blood boil. Or both. Pretty much the fastest consumer broadband in the world is the 160-megabit-per-second service offered by J:Com, the largest cable company in Japan. Here’s how much the company had to invest to upgrade its network to provide that speed: $20 per home passed.
Conexión a Internet en Japón. Al día de hoy, 20 dólares al mes por 160 mb de banda ancha
Broadband already has the highest profit margins of any product cable companies offer. Like any profit-maximizing business would do, they set prices in relation to other providers and market demand rather than based on costs.RichardSolo 1800 for iPhone - RS001
$70. iPhone battery charger, 1800 mAh of capacity. Three color LED lights, ultra-bright LED flashlight and a laser pointer. Allows for charging via wall sockets, cars and computers.Transforming USB Flash Memory (2 GB) - Ravage - Transformers Device Label Device Label at BigBadToyStore
You can get it here. For $42. Which is a bit much. Preorder only. Out in Sept. So I'm not going to get.Google Web Elements
Standalone embeddable widgets from Google that you can drop into any web page. The maps widget finally frees the maps API from the tyranny of coupling a domain with an API key.
Google web elements is a new service that provides Google widgets for your own blog.
Google Web Elements allow you to easily add your favorite Google products onto your own website.Bluelounge - CableDrop
Cable clips
Anywhere in fact where you wish to have cables temporarily held yet easily removeable or extended. CableDrop gently grasps your power and peripheral cords so they do not fall off your desk every time you unplug your laptop.
cable directors. see also cableboxGlobalScale Technlogies - SheevaPlug Dev Kit
Server as a wallwartGadget Teardowns
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the final design for the device. We’re showing the conceptual drawings here today. In another few weeks we’ll have the first working prototypes in our office.
Wouldn't mind one of these. I wonder what the interaction would feel like, though. *Only* on-screen keyboard...?! Hm... Plus, I love the name of the inventors: "Fusion Garage"! And their slogan: "What if the browser could boot without an OS?"
We've been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the ...Top 10 DIY Projects that Harness the Power of the Sun - Solar Power - Lifehacker
Top 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50mypressi TWIST: The perfectly portable espresso maker
The mypressi TWIST is the world's first truly portable espresso machine. It produces quality espresso rivaling traditional machines while giving espresso lovers unparalleled convenience and portability. The TWIST's unique pneumatic engine also ensures you can enjoy incredible coffee even where there is no external power. Just add hot water and get ready to forever change how—and where—you enjoy quality coffee.
Espresso portátil.
portable mini espressoA&P Mechanics Cable Key Ring
also watchbands, kevlar thread, tiny pen, etc
A&P Key Rings, They Do So Much. On A Visit To Our Local Airport We Noticed All The A&P (Airframe & Powerplant) Mechanics Were Sporting These Nifty Rings To Keep Their Keys And Small Tools Organized. We Thought They were So Cool We Had Some Made For Us. They Are Made From Stainless Aviation Cable With Brass Screws And Barrels. 6 Inch Cable 12 Inch CableThe Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine
Suggests that high production values, high quality products are not where the mainstream market is. Looks at digital video cameras, legal services, health care, and Web content. Made me think about legal publishing, where increased costs are justified by "value added" content, which gets very little use. At some point the "good enough" plateau will be reached so that lawyers and librarians will not continue to pay for improvements that go beyond what is valued.
Interesting article on how goods are increasingly becoming just good enough as opposed to high quality
Interesting article but sorely mistaken about the novelty of 'good enough'. This is an old phychological framework.
After some trial and error, Pure Digital released what it called the Flip Ultra in 2007. The stripped-down camcorder had lots of downsides. It captured relatively low-quality 640 x 480 footage at a time when Sony, Panasonic, and Canon were launching camcorders capable of recording in 1080 hi-def. It had a minuscule viewing screen, no color-adjustment features, and only the most rudimentary controls. It didn't even have an optical zoom. But it was small (slightly bigger than a pack of smokes), inexpensive ($150, compared with $800 for a midpriced Sony), and so simple to operate—from recording to uploading—that pretty much anyone could figure it out in roughly 6.7 seconds.4 Cool Firefox Tools That Are Not Addons
4 Cool Firefox Tools That Are Not AddonsTop 10 Gadgets for Social Media Addicts
우리나라 사람은 우리나라가 IT분야 최고라고 생각하고 생각한다.82 Clever and Creative Fred & Friends Products | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
List of funny gift items. Clever and useful
cool and fun giftsGiz Explains: Why You Can't Get Decent Earphones for Less Than $100 - Earbuds - Gizmodo
$27 jvc earbuds great sound | Home
I like the idea of this device. Free content & free updates.
They stole my idea. Lame. Yet, theirs is slightly different. I envisioned a device that also contained all the images. Well done, overall.
"WikiReader is an electronic encyclopedia giving physical form to Wikipedia. Now you can take it with you wherever you go."Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan |
The Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan works very differently to conventional fans. It uses Air Multiplier™ technology to draw in air and amplify it 15 times, producing an uninterrupted stream of smooth air. With no blades or grill, it’s safe, easy to clean and doesn’t cause unpleasant buffeting.
ventilador sem abas!VueZone | Personal Video Network
Wireless live video camera for security or whatever
Vue is a network of small, battery operated wireless cameras that stream video directly to the internet.New camera promises to capture your whole life - tech - 16 October 2009 - New Scientist
Interesting gadget but I don't want to buy it by $800.
powerful tool in combination with social networking
The ViconRevue was originally developed as the SenseCam by Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK, for researchers studying Alzheimer's and other dementias. Studies showed that reviewing the events of the day using SenseCam photos could help some people improve long-term recall.
This article talks about enabling "lifeloggers" who attempt to electronically record as much of their life as possible. This reminds me a lot about Chris Pirillo and the camera he has setup, but also the lightening round we just had about 3D google mapping using cameras.
"Worn on a cord around the neck, the camera takes pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds. It also uses an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person enters a new environment, and an infrared sensor to take one when it detects the body heat of a person in front of the wearer. It can fit 30,000 images onto its 1-gigabyte memory."
A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm.
Capture it all automatically
A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm. Originally invented to help jog the memories of people with Alzheimer's disease, it might one day be used by consumers to create "lifelogs" that archive their entire lives. Worn on a cord around the neck, the camera takes pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds. It also uses an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person enters a new environment, and an infrared sensor to take one when it detects the body heat of a person in front of the wearer. It can fit 30,000 images onto its 1-gigabyte memory.We help you find the perfect gadget | Measy
Helps you find the perfect gadget.Personalization Gallery - Windows themes, backgrounds and gadgets - Microsoft Windows
- Windows themes, backgrounds and gadgets - Microsoft WindowsHow-to: recycle your old gadgets
Bucky BallsGiz Explains: Why Every Country Has a Different F#$%ing Plug - Worldwide electric plugs - Gizmodo
Ok, maybe not every country, but with at least 12 different sockets in widespread use it sure as hell feels like it to anyone who's ever traveled. So why in the world, literally, are there so many?
Ok, maybe not every country, but with at least 12 different sockets in widespread use it sure as hell feels like it to anyone who's ever traveled. So why in the world, literally, are there so many? Funny story!Ten gadgets to make Google Wave more productive - and fun!
Fly Stick Van de Graaff Levitation Wand - Wand with built-in battery powered Van de Graaff generator allows you to control and levitate the included mylar shapesWakeMate
studies your wrist movements to wake you at the optimal time for non-grogginess
Data at work
잠 잘 깨워주는 기계! 신기하군
Tired of feeling tired? Get the WakeMate, the cell phone accessory wristband that lets you sleep less and feel better! See how it works:6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media
RT @microgeist: 6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media ( ) [from]14 Items All Design Geeks Must Have! / eightyone design / graphic design blog
Gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.
From iPods to noise-canceling headphones, from digital cameras to GPS trackers, they take up space, can consume electricity and distract us from actually enjoying the trip. Gadgets also tend to be expensive, small and easy-to-lose. But gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.How To Clean Your Filthy Gadgets - How to clean your gadgets - Gizmodo
New Wave gadgets find their way into Wave every week, and as you saw above, finding them can be difficult. This section highlights some of our favorites and describes what they do.Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / giftguide category
Core77's 3rd Annual giftguide categoryParrot AR.Drone - Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touch
I want one, badly!
Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod - Parrot AR.Drone
"The Misa digital guitar is a MIDI controller. It must be plugged into a MIDI capable sound module. The sound of this instrument is limited only by what you connect to it. Specifications: Linux kernel 2.6.31 (Gentoo); 24 frets; touchscreen; MIDI out; Ethernet; and SSH server."Gizmodo - Why We Need Audiophiles - Audiophiles
This is Michael Fremer. He's listening to "Avalon" by Roxy Music on his $350,000 stereo system. It sounds excellent. He's a bit crazy, but if you love music, you need him.Techland - Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -
"Tech and Gaming News and Reviews -"
Tech, Games, Comics, Movies. We Promise Not to Tell.8 Things That Suck About the iPad - apple ipad - Gizmodo
My favorite: The Name iPad - Get ready for Maxi pad jokes, and lots of 'em!Recycled CD iPhone Dock | Geeky Gadgets
I wanted to make a dock for the iPhone from stuff I had lying around the house, but I also wanted to make sure that it would look cool sat on my desk whilst my iPhone was charging so I came up with the idea of using old CDs, you could also use DVDs as well.Home | Element Four
Condenses pure drinking water from air, just like the water traps in Dune.
Tapping an unlimited source of fresh water The Element Four WaterMill provides fresh, potable water from an unlimited source: the air. It's the sustainable, elegantly designed solution to providing fresh water for your family, and the world.
A household device that pulls fresh, potable water from the air. If this is for real, it's incredible.
product called watermill turns air moisture into drinkable waterBreakdown of the Blogosphere
Facts and figures on the Blogosphere
Planning to use this on Jim Mora - National Radio , 3rd March , 2010Top 10 Android Apps - Android - Lifehacker
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.PHOSPHOR - E Ink Ana-Digi Watch, Digital Hour Watch & Digital Calendar Watch
Welcome to the Watches webpage of PHOSPHOR Watches by Art Technology Limited, creator of the world's first E Ink Ana-Digi Watch.
i'm buying one30+ Free High Quality Gadget PSD Files | Naldz Graphics
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Sammlung von PSD Templates, die einige aktuelle Elektronikgeräte darstellenMoviePeg™ — the no-hand iPhone stand for movies and more
Outstanding concept!
Forget awkwardly propping up your iPhone with your bag or that complicated tripod contraption. Add MoviePeg to your iPhone, adjust the angle and like magic you’ll be in relaxed viewing heaven. And it’s not just for movies; use it in the kitchen when following recipes, with the guys watching sports, as a night-stand for your alarm clock, in the garage working through those how-to instructions, or keeping the kids entertained without the evidence of sticky little fingers. No matter how you use it, MoviePeg is your super portable iPhone tilting wonder.
The no-hand stand for movies and more Forget awkwardly propping up your iPhone with your bag or that complicated tripod contraption. Add MoviePeg to your iPhone, adjust the angle and like magic you’ll be in relaxed viewing heaven. And it’s not just for movies; use it in the kitchen when following recipes, with the guys watching sports, as a night-stand for your alarm clock, in the garage working through those how-to instructions, or keeping the kids entertained without the evidence of sticky little fingers. No matter how you use it, MoviePeg is your super portable iPhone tilting wonder.11 Sites to Make Money Selling Old Gadgets
"The iPad becomes the app you’re using. That’s part of the magic. The hardware is so understated - it’s just a screen, really - and because you manipulate objects and interface elements so smoothly and directly on the screen, the fact that you’re using an iPad falls away. You’re using the app, whatever it may be, and while you’re doing so, the iPad is that app. Switch to another app and the iPad becomes that app. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is."
A must review by a definite iPad fan. The notes on syncing are a good wake-up call to Apple thoughThis Is Apple's Next iPhone - Iphone 4 - Gizmodo
New iPhone 4G?! RT @abitofcode: Visit gizmodo while it's still there ;)
Mmmm. Someone in Redwood City is in troublllllle .....Palm Pre review
3-part review; diminutive qwerty a la blackberry; 3.1" screen; Linux OS; good software; overall cool phone; external keyboard? GPS w/ respectable nav software but no landscape mode nor car mount;
the new Palm-Pre came out recently and people everywhere want to get this hot new phone. Some even say it is supposed to be the "Iphone-killer"
We're in the 5th day of Pre ownership in our household and I found this excellent all-around review that is required reading for Pre owners on Engadget.
Epic-length, wonderfully detailed review of the Pre by Joshua Topolsky, including substantial looks at all of the Pre’s major built-in app…DIY Charging Station - Video Game Podcast and Geek Culture Blog | The Weekly Geek
Very cool. Bonus: would require purchase of new unibody mac RT @bluxte: Very clever dock station for MacBooks. *want* -- Docking station for Macbooks. That would be ridiculously handy for my Macbook-to-HDTV setup.
"Henge Docks has created the first truly comprehensive docking station solution for Apple’s line of notebook computers. This means you can quickly, easily and cleanly incorporate your MacBook computer into a desktop setup or your home theater system, so you get the best features of a laptop, desktop and media center PC all from one computer. Henge Docks patent-pending design doesn’t require any hardware, software or settings changes to your computer. In fact, every current MacBook is compatible with our system, right from the factory."
super coolBlack Friday Deals: 5 Gadgets You Can't Skimp On (And How to Save Money Buying Them)
list of things you can't afford to cheap out on, because doing so will bite you in the ass later. Still, since we like you, we're also sharing how to save a bit of money in the process, so the whole not-cheaping-out thing doesn't hurt as - Carry your Food Clean
nice stainless steal containers - bento boxes
Food storage containers38 Creative Gift Ideas
Mimo UM-740
7" display with USB/webcam/mic
You want to buy this (the cheap version).
Nerdle: ethank: I want a few of these:Touch Book: Tablet netbook with ARM CPU, 10+ hour battery, detachable screen
perhaps the cool features, tiny weight, and super long battery life will be enough to win people over. If the company could eventually lop $100 off each model, though, this thing might h
I think I might be in love... [from]XLINK Communication Hubs and Bluetooth Cellular Gateway | Make or take cellular calls from any phone in the house.
Eliminate your land line and use your home phone system to make and take cell phone calls.
Xtreme Technologies Xlink Bluetooth Cellular Gateway eliminate your land line cell fusion grace digital xlink buy xlink now xlink phone extends your cell phone calls to your existing home phone system. You can cancel your land line and keep your home phones active.
Make or take cellular calls from any phone in the house.
$120 bluetooth gateway - lets you use your mobile as your home phone service. Canadian company (and slick website) to boot!5 Reasons to Install Google Desktop Today
5 Reasons to Install Google Desktop Today
Are you using Google Desktop? This handy download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google Gadgets.
This download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google Gadgets21 Cool and Unusual USB Powered Devices » The Hottest Gadgets
Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone
It'll be interesting to see how practical this turns out to be.
Charting the future of cell phone technology, Kyocera recently unveiled a kinetic energy-powered phone that is capable of folding up like a wallet.
Inhabitat »
A Green Design Blog, Sustainable Design Blog, Future-forward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home.
Fuck the iPhone, I want one of these.Featured Download: Google Calendar Desktop Gadget Released
Windows/Mac/Linux (All platforms): Google Desktop's gadgets are looking more helpful these days, with the addition of an official Google Calendar gadget that puts your appointments at your fingertips.Cool Tools: Uni-ball Kuru Toga
The Kuru Toga is a self-sharpening mechanical pencil that solves a problem that's inherent with normal mechanical pencils.
Self Sharpening Lead. Way Cool. Hard to find.Techi - Fresh daily technology news
Nostalgisch! een USB tikmachine voor ong 500 $ die je met je computer kunt verbinden via @cclark2QueLoVendan: La tienda de gadgets y regalos originales, frikis y divertidos de
Nörtin pakkausvinkit lomalle
Planning a vacation can be stressful enough without adding technology to the mix. Take the stress out of your summer travel plans with a geek-oriented vacation checklist.A guide to 3D display technology: its principles, methods, and dangers
A primer in case you’re not familiar with how 3D works in general.
Even if it feels silly, just indulge me here: close just your right eye. Now just your left. Now your right. It’s like in Wayne’s World: camera one, camera two. You must have noticed that things change position a bit. This, of course, is because your eyes are a few inches apart; this is called the “interocular distance” and it varies from person to person. Note also that when you look at something close, objects appear in double in the background. Look at the corner of the screen. See how the chair or window back there is doubled? It’s because you’re actually rotating your eyes so they both point directly at what you’re focusing on. This is called “convergence,” and it creates a sort of X, the center of the X being what’s being focused on. You’ve probably seen a diagram like this one before:
some info around the 3d tech currently
Whether you buy into the hype or not, it’s plain fact that 3D is everywhere these days. From movies and games to laptops and handhelds, pretty much every screen in the house is going to be 3D-capable in a year or so, even if you opt not to display any 3D content on it. Those of you who choose that path may stop reading now, and come back a little later when you change your mind. Because if you have kids or enjoy movies and games, there will be a point where you’re convinced, perhaps by a single standout piece of media, that 3D is worth it at least some of the time.Compass Mobile Stand - Compass Mobile Stand - Twelve South
Awesome eisel for iPad. AWESOME