Pages tagged gen:

the sandwich story

this one almost makes me cry.
Calvin grows up.
"Hobbes," Calvin says thoughtfully, perched on the sharply slanted roof outside his bedroom window. "Have you always been around?"
Well, that's completely depressing. Calvin grows up, little by little. Hobbes maybe does.
"Hobbes," Calvin says thoughtfully, perched on the sharply slanted roof outside his bedroom window. "Have you always been around?"
WAH. '"Hobbes," Calvin says thoughtfully, perched on the sharply slanted roof outside his bedroom window. "Have you always been around?"'
"Hobbes," Calvin says thoughtfully, perched on the sharply slanted roof outside his bedroom window. "Have you always been around?"
"Hobbes," Calvin says thoughtfully, perched on the sharply slanted roof outside his bedroom window. "Have you always been around?"
You look like an angel - [Fic] Anniversary (Merlin, Arthur/Merlin)
All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday and Arthur wants to do something special for him.
Anniversary Fandom: Merlin Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Rating: PG Spoilers: Takes place before 1x10. Notes: This fic is for [info]rageprufrock -- happy birthday! Beta by the fabulous [info]shayheyred. Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
. They're a plain, peaceful folk. And the only thing Merlin's expressed any great desire for are those late winter plums -- I think one of the kitchen maids passed him one last week." "Plums," Arthur said with great concentration, and then strode out without another word.
Summary: All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
It's Merlin's birthday, or the time about when he approximates his birthday to be, and Arthur is having trouble figuring out what a suitable gift would be.
Still, it was a fact that Merlin was looking a bit mopey. And when Arthur had demanded to know why, Merlin had a faraway look in his eyes, and softly admitted, "I'm just used to spending this time of year with my mother, that's all. Homesick, I suppose." And Arthur's brow furrowed at that, because he'd never quite considered that Merlin had come from somewhere. (Arthur gets a present for Merlin).
"For me?" Merlin repeated, sounding absolutely shocked, and really, it was only fruit. Arthur huffed. "Look, Gaius said you liked them, so congratulations on the anniversary of your birth and all that." "For me?" Merlin said again, and his tone was so sweet with wonder that Arthur was forced to look at his face. He looked as astonished as he sounded, and Arthur wondered for a split second what he would have done if Arthur had thrown in a new pair of trousers, too.
by thehoyden (PG) All in all, Arthur quite liked birthdays, particularly his own.
How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership
I was amusing myself by imagining Kirk attempting to be an authority figure and this is what happened.
Chekov rolls his eyes and then enunciates very clearly, like he’s speaking to someone a little bit slow, and sometimes he really does wonder about Sulu. “I punched a superior officer in the face!”
"If people just went around punching superior officers because they were assholes, there would be anarchy, and I’d be very bruised.” [ I would have loved it for this fragment alone, but the rest of the fic is equally good. It's gen, with some UST running around]
Kirk learns to deal with the necessities of command. This story has a great Kirk voice, and it also features my personal favorite, Chekov - and a Uhura who isn't taking any bullshit!
Kirk slouches in his chair and sighs. McCoy will give him this; the man is a champion at slouching. There’s something about the way he slouches that seems to be saying, ‘I could be sitting straight, but the universe just couldn’t handle the awesomeness of me being fully upright in this chair.’ It’s a lot to say in just the way he sits. It’s impressive.
Kirk attempts to be an authority figure and McCoy mocks.
I was amusing myself by imagining Kirk attempting to be an authority figure and this is what happened. Gen, with a brief moment of Kirk's POV on Spock/Uhura which is absolutely hilarious.
franticsga: There Are No Legible Signs, Arthur/Merlin, G.
They could do this thing together. He was sure of it. || pre-slash, sweet, in-character, lovely.
If Merlin could move, he'd hit him. He really would this time, and Arthur would be surprised because Merlin had been practicing. Sort of. [No i another one z gatunku "zwykłe i całkiem fajne"...]
"I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you."
Description: "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you." **||** [2.334 words] Merlin has stiffened up terribly after the skirmish in Ealdor and Arthur's somewhere between amused and exasperated.
Description: "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you." >Arthur gives a massage to Merlin and the boys have a bromance conversation about present and future. Warm and pleasant.
[merlin. g. preslash m/a.] "I'm getting you down, idiot," Arthur replied. "Just try not to giggle too girlishly if I tickle you."
Seven for a secret - Murphy's Law of Jim Kirk Diplomacy
"Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in."
"Your eyebrows are the coolest thing I have ever seen in my whole freaking life," Kirk says seriously, and McCoy considers writing it down so he can have the exact wording to throw back in his face later on. "I will be certain to tell hundreds of millions of years of evolution that you approve of their eyebrow-trait selection processes," Spock informs him.
The one with a bad diplomatic mission, a malfunctioning shuttle, and sarcasm.
Kirk closes his eyes and lets his head fall back hard against the floor. "Great," he says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in."
"You should remember that," he says. "For Vulcans, 'sarcasm' doesn't count as an emotion."
Star Trek: Reboot. ""Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in.""
"Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in." || Fab Kirk/Spock/McCoy friendship fic.
Fantastic exploration of the dynamics among Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, with them getting to know each other under slightly fraught circumstances. If any affection is expressed, it is heavily couched in sarcasm (which, as Spock marvelously informs Kirk and McCoy, is a rhetorical technique, not an emotional response): " - 'James Tiberius Kirk, murdered by knife-throwing Lysurean ninjas on a routine diplomatic mission.' How does that sound, Jim?" "Take out the Tiberius and it sounds fine," Kirk retorts blurrily. "There are worse ways to go than ninjas."
Hurl words into the Darkness - Star Trek XI FF: Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) [Kirk/Spock; PG-13]
They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type.
Summary: They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type.
Summary: They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type. Word count: 7,400
Jim just wishes they were friends.
Fabulous pre-slash story of the crew of the Enterprise gelling together in the first couple of years of the mission. Wonderfully written.
They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type. AN: This was meant to be a slow pre-slash to slash kind of thing. It's still mostly that (except it never really breaks 'pre') but also ended up being the story of James T. Kirk's first year in command of the Enterprise.
trisfic: fic: Four Consequences of the Unexpected and Unlikely Friendship... (Star Trek AOS)
kirk is uhura's best girlfriend, srsly
It began as an obscure form of punishment. Nyota had rejected Jim in no uncertain terms; Jim was going to find a way to make her deal with him regardless.
Characters/Pairing: Jim & Nyota; Spock/Uhura; Kirk/McCoy implied Rating: PG-13 Words: ~2700 Summary: Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr.
The one where Uhura unexpectedly becomes Kirk's fag hag. Basically. (by trisfic)
Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr.
Four Consequences of the Unexpected and Unlikely Friendship Between James T. Kirk and Nyota Uhura. To sum up? Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr. Silliness and much lovely platonicness. Oh yes.
Summary: Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr.
Take a good hard look at the motherfucking ship.
This might be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
OMG LOLZ. I'm On A Boat.
I'm On a Ship. Best. Star Trek Macros. Ever. (though, in my defense, you need to see Andy Samberg's 'I'm on a Boat' to understand the lolerskates)
AAAAH. DEAD. I AM DEAD. It's..."I'M ON A BOAT" from SNL Star Trek style gahahaha.
Happy Ending
Second one
"You know, people write slash fanfic about the Bible too."
"You know, people write slash fanfic about the Bible too." "Go to sleep, Sam."
Post Monster at the End of the Book, Sam's still hip deep in fanfic.
Sam and Dean read fanfic about themselves... snerk.
"And then the fanfic? That's gonna be, like, the Book of Mormon."
vampychick: Earth Kids Are Assholes
If Kirk and Spock had met when they were thirteen they'd have been BFF. This fic proves it.
Spock and Kirk make friends while bleeding. So exactly what happened, except they're in grade school. AU. Gen.
Summary: Spock and Kirk make friends while bleeding. So exactly what happened, except they're in grade school. AU. Gen.
Neither of them will know it for years yet, but a legend begins like this: The blond human boy grins at him through a split lip and says, "Hey. I'm Jim Kirk."
It Takes A Village
Summary: There are times (when being attacked by Klingons, for example) when life on the Enterprise is a million miles away from McCoy’s country practice. There are other times when it’s exactly the same. **||** [750 words] Brilliant, hilarious, McCoy POV!
Turns out, despite the vast emptiness of space, and the worryingly illusory protection offered even by Starfleet’s finest vessel, and the sheer likelihood of being taken out by an unexpected cosmic event (sure, those nebulae look pretty now but up-close they’re just a disaster waiting to happen) and/or Klingon attack (McCoy’s sure it’s going to happen any day now) and/or new and fatal alien disease (probably sexually transmitted; probably Kirk’s fault), life on the Enterprise isn’t as far off a village as you might expect.
mccoy ship miscellanea
There are times (when being attacked by Klingons, for example) when life on the Enterprise is a million miles away from McCoy’s country practice. There are other times when it’s exactly the same. [fave lighthearted ensemble fic]
“Jesus, Bones, they’re running a still!” “That’s outrageous, Jim.” “Did you know about this?” “Absolutely not. I’m a doctor, not a moonshiner.” “Can you get me some?” “Sure.
There are times (when being attacked by Klingons, for example) when life on the Enterprise is a million miles away from McCoy’s country practice. There are other times when it’s exactly the same
There are times (when being attacked by Klingons, for example) when life on the Enterprise is a million miles away from McCoy’s country practice. There are other times when it’s exactly the same.
McCoy’s expression is wise and, he is aware, deeply annoying. “Jim, my friend, it takes a village to raise a child.”
Bones-fic. Gen. All about life as doctor aboard the Enterprise, and how it isn't too far removed from being a country doctor. So cute! Prequel to "Birds Do It..."
There are times (when being attacked by Klingons, for example) when life on the Enterprise is a million miles away from McCoy’s country practice. There are other times when it’s exactly the same. [First in chaletian's marvelous Village!verse.]
crimsonclad: fic: edit
Sequel to Cut and Fucking Paste
Sequel to 'cut and fucking paste'. I kind of love how crimsonclad writes Kirk as a twelve-year-old girl.
(sequel to "cut and fucking paste") []
He pulls Spock down for one last kiss, a trembling press of lips, and then closes his eyes: ready. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--)
[star trek reboot. pg-13. kirk, spock, scotty; spock/uhura, old trek kirk/spock, kirk/bafflement.] Sequel to "Cut and Fucking Paste." He pulls Spock down for one last kiss, a trembling press of lips, and then closes his eyes: ready. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--)
Sequel to cut and fucking paste. with still no fucking actually-getting-together.
In which Jim continues to struggle with his mindmeld-fueled desire to be "true love destiny and shit" with Spock. OMFG, EVEN BETTER THAN CUT & FUCKING PASTE, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT.
Sequel to Cut and Fucking Paste. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--)
He pulls Spock down for one last kiss, a trembling press of lips, and then closes his eyes: ready. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--) Crackilicious
Vulcans do not grimace, but Spock feels that this is an instance where he wonders about the wisdom of that cultural decision.
longtime_lurker: Fic: joyful girl (Ashlee gen with Pete/Ashlee, R)
Tame little rebellions, maybe, but in this family Ashlee's already learned to take what she can get.
"Look, it's like," she says finally, feeling drunk and dumb and bad with words. "I was raised to talk about God when you were sober and sex when you were wasted. As far as I can tell, in your world or whatever, it's basically the other way round." [Lovely, believable traces-canon-and-fills-in-the-gaps type Ashlee-centric fic.]
When she was 11, Ashlee Simpson hated her sister. While she never admits this in so many words, her actions back then spoke volumes. She resented Jessica’s elder status, the way her parents fawned over their firstborn’s dreams of pop stardom...felt inferior, awkward, left out. A popular girl at school in Waco, Texas, Jessica would regularly have friends over, banishing Ashlee to her bedroom upstairs. But Ashlee was a combative force even as a preteen, and she liked nothing better than embarrassing her, wearing only a bathrobe, she would stomp down to Jessica’s gathering, disrobe before everyone and play the guitar naked, all the while grinning like a lunatic.
REC: Very bittersweet, as well as hot. "When she was 11, Ashlee Simpson hated her sister. While she never admits this in so many words, her actions back then spoke volumes. She resented Jessica’s elder status, the way her parents fawned over their firstborn’s dreams of pop stardom...felt inferior, awkward, left out. A popular girl at school in Waco, Texas, Jessica would regularly have friends over, banishing Ashlee to her bedroom upstairs. But Ashlee was a combative force even as a preteen, and she liked nothing better than embarrassing her, wearing only a bathrobe, she would stomp down to Jessica’s gathering, disrobe before everyone and play the guitar naked, all the while grinning like a lunatic."
When she was 11, Ashlee Simpson hated her sister. While she never admits this in so many words, her actions back then spoke volumes. She resented Jessica’s elder status, the way her parents fawned over their firstborn’s dreams of pop stardom...felt inferior, awkward, left out. A popular girl at school in Waco, Texas, Jessica would regularly have friends over, banishing Ashlee to her bedroom upstairs. But Ashlee was a combative force even as a preteen, and she liked nothing better than embarrassing her, wearing only a bathrobe, she would stomp down to Jessica’s gathering, disrobe before everyone and play the guitar naked, all the while grinning like a lunatic.
From day one it's clear to her that Jessica is the golden child.
Good look at Ashlee's life...
She knocks herself out to look hot and ends up looking like Jessica; she wraps herself all around Pete and is quiet and clingy all night. She drinks far too many vodka-redbulls and practically gropes him in all the pictures and then spends half an hour throwing up. -- Transcends fanfiction to be a story in its own right, it's just very very real and inspiring.
Later she'll write a dozen songs trying desperately to reassert that defiance, to recapture those days when she felt so precariously different, so attention-gettingly alive. It won't really work, not once they've passed through the hands of a dozen co-writers and producers and label people and Daddy.
>> From day one it's clear to her that Jessica is the golden child. << Oh Ashlee. This was so amazing. I have no words.
rheanna27: Star Trek Reboot fic: Lunch and Other Obscenities - PG-13 - 1/1
Because it is rheanna. What more does a person need to know? *hearts*
I love Gaila. She is fabu. Photosynthesis!
Uhura and Galia, cultural misunderstandings.
Nyota liked her roommate just fine until she met her.
Summary: Nyota liked her roommate just fine until she met her.
When I say Uhura+Gaila, I meant Uhura+Gaila friendship fic. =D
oh my, the first meeting with a new roommate can be FRAUGHT. Uhuru and Gaila, funny and awesome. (Also, Uhuru is in the GLEE CLUB which in a tiny nod to TOS canon that makes me very happy) NOT AN AU.
Nyota liked her roommate just fine, until she met her. (Cultural taboos, friendship, and a side of Spock/Uhura)
"You—you—masticator!" Gaila shrieked, backing away in revulsion. Which was how Nyota discovered that although Orion society had absolutely no taboos about sex, it had a lot of taboos about food and eating, and she'd just broken all of them.
Seven for a secret - Only the Good Die Young
"Everyone assumes that because I am young I am inexperienced. That anyone can hug me or tell me uncomfortably personal things or ruffle my hair and is all right because I am tiny. Well, I am not that tiny!"
GEN, Chekov. Five times Pavel Chekov hated being the only seventeen-year-old on the Enterprise. Oneshot.
Five times Pavel Chekov hated being the only seventeen-year-old on the Enterprise.
Being protected is not the same as being respected, and what he wants is the latter.
Poor Chekov. No one will let him grow up!
Chekov fic! Filled with awesome!
aww, chekov
vaingirlfic: Star Trek Fic: Four People James T. Kirk Never Told (and three he did)
The obligatory angry, underaged non-con fic. Also known as, hey, why did Jim drive his step dad's car off a cliff?
Later on he'd never admit this, but his first love was books. Not just the shiny smooth surfaces of reading tablets with their bright, easy contrast screens-- real books with smelly, pulpy pages that felt good under his fingertips.
I didn't think I'd like this, but wow. D:
Star Trek movieverse fic that takes the fanon conjecture of alt!Kirk having been sexually abused and makes it work as a serious story, not an excuse for h/c. It's a painful and very compelling read.
The obligatory angry, underaged non-con fic. Also known as, hey, why did Jim drive his step dad's car off a cliff? Fascinating character study
very believeable and quite sad backstory in explanation to why Jim drove his step dad's car off a cliff
brown_betty: Fic: Mount Badon
Arther and Merlin years later from an outside perspective
"Yes, I do it to aggravate you," says Arthur
Future fic. Arthur in battle,from the POV of a foreign king
He looks up, and flashes a smile past Coveros, at Vedica. "That was you with the stasis spell, right? That was tremendously clever, I wish I could figure out how you did it." Vedica freezes, and a moment later, as he realizes who this servant must be, so does Coveros. Vedica stutters, after a moment, "It's-- it's a slowing of certain, um, biological-- for difficult pregnancies, you see, sometimes, to stop her from bearing early, it's--" and he's heard her explain this dozens of times already, so he knows she's just clamped her mouth shut on "very useful in lambing time."
Arthur, his knights and Merlin ride to the aid of the Celtic king and his battle weary warriors.
Third person POV of Arthur's rescue of a gaelic tribe. Beautiful incorporation of an outsider's POV to the great king Arthur is and his relationship with Merlin.
"Yes, I do it to aggravate you," says Arthur ~ An outsider observes Merlin and the King.
I LOVE this fic.
Coming of Age
PG-13. "If he does not return within these walls before sunset, no mortal power can bring him back to Camelot, and he will ride with the Hunt forever." Sequel to Beltane.
"I have called you to give you a warning," the dragon said. "A red moon rises over Camelot this night. The Wild Hunt will ride." Sequel to Beltane.
"'I have called you to give you a warning,' the dragon said. 'A red moon rises over Camelot this night. The Wild Hunt will ride.'" Sequel to Beltane, prequel That Shall Achieve The Sword. Pre-slash.
After he woke up at dawn three days running with a voice insistently calling his name, Arthur finally lost patience and got his crossbow and a torch and stalked down to the dungeons. "No, don't get up," he told the abashed guards he'd surprised at their dicing, and took the passage down to the dragon.
"Do you see his future clearly now?" The woman was silent. "The future often slips from sight," she said, finally. "Hm," the dragon said, and lowered its head to its forearms. "Did we bind the heir to the Wild Magic," it said, "or set loose the heir to the Old?" [Ale to ma KLIMAT. <3 Świetna historia. No i ARTUR, mój Boże. Ba, Merlin też, ale Artur - Artur to Artur.]
The sequel to Beltane... Merlin's reached his twenty-first birthday, and the Wild Hunt is riding.
Immediately follows Beltane
the Universe may not be static, but the plumbing certainly should be - Fic: Night and Light and the Half Light 1/2 [Merlin/Arthur, PG]
“Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach.
Words: ~13,000 Spoilers: general for season 1, set during and after 1.13 “Le Morte d’Arthur” Summary: “Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach.
“Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach. -- inspired by wondering how Merlin was going to explain his absences from Camelot in “Le Morte d’Arthur”
"'Arthur doesn’t know,' Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach."
The next day Arthur awoke late to an empty room. A boy from the kitchens brought Arthur his breakfast, and when Merlin still hadn’t appeared by the time the dishes were being cleared away, Arthur sighed and instructed the boy to go and find him. It was close to midday when Sir Kay’s manservant appeared to help him bathe and dress, apologising that the kitchen boy had been unable to find Arthur’s own manservant. A growing sense of unease sat in the pit of his stomach throughout the afternoon, filled again with visits from his father and the well-wishers of the court, and an assortment of servants, but no Merlin. Arthur considered whether he had the energy to work up a good stink about it. It was only when the light was fading from the sky and he was sitting watching a maid make up the fire that he realised he also had not seen Gaius today.
Summary: “Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach. eloquent
Slow-moving reveal of Merlin's magic. Arthur asks all the little questions without asking the one big one. Lovely.
You're Gonna Make It After All
Two indecent exposure citations, one best friend, one amazing sex partner, one unexpected mentor, and a Starfleet-funded study of intercultural sexual norms. Sounds like a normal academic year for Gaila.( Gaila, Uhura, Kirk, Spock)
Gaila&Uhura friendship. Gaila learning about sexual norms. Two indecent exposure citations, one best friend, one amazing sex partner, one unexpected mentor, and a Starfleet-funded study of intercultural sexual norms. Sounds like a normal academic year for Gaila.
in which Gaila is AWESOME
"Your course description states that we will learn language and culture, but 87.6% of our class time has focused exclusively on grammar," she prods. Actually, she pulled that percentage out of her ass, but Commander Spock seems to respect numbers that end with decimal points.
Summary: Two indecent exposure citations, one best friend, one amazing sex partner, one unexpected mentor, and a Starfleet-funded study of intercultural sexual norms. Sounds like a normal academic year for Gaila.
Two indecent exposure citations, one best friend, one amazing sex partner, one unexpected mentor, and a Starfleet-funded study of intercultural sexual norms. Sounds like a normal academic year for Gaila.
sga_flashfic: .-.- --- -. -. . .-.- - .. --- -. by Mad Maudlin (Wish Fulfillment challenge)
Awesome Atlantis fanfic.
Gen, in which Rodney is left temporarily blind and deaf by an accident on a mission; his friends watch out for him. John & Rodney focused, but I like Radek in this, too.
Rodney didn't know what hit him, literally. One minute they were trying to flush some looters armed with suspiciously Genii-looking firearms from the ruins of an Ancient lab, and Teyla was covering for him while he ran for a pillar with a better firing position, and something went pop--! And the next minute he was blind.
An accident offworld leaves Rodney feeling disconnected from the world around him. Luckily John and his friends are there.
some alien tech they encounter leaves Rodney blind and death for a while until they figure out how to solve it
Summary: An accident offworld leaves Rodney feeling disconnected from the world around him. Luckily John and his friends are there.
oxoniensis: Bringing Up Baby
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next— It's a very good thing Arthur has good reflexes.
Baby Merlin
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next— It's a very good thing Arthur has good reflexes.
Merlin gets turned into a baby
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next—
oxoniensis: Star Trek fic: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
oxoniensis's Star Trek crossover story.
(or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
Crazy random crossover fic ftw! Featuring Star Trek: Reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter (but that last one is kind of a stretch)
Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa.
Jim's been taking fencing lessons from Sulu for over a month when Arthur Pendragon comes on board.
self-explanatory! (guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter)
or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise
Title: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise) Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa. Rating: PG-13 Word count: 3,169 words Beta: Thanks to the wonderful [info]littledrop for encouraging and being my Trek expert. Notes: For [info]such_heights and [info]undeny, even though I abused their prompts horribly.
ignipes: Star Trek fic: People Who Repair Quantums, or Five Planets The Enterprise Never Visited
Pretty much what it says on the tin.
First contact diplomacy was one thing, but Jim was having a hard time figuring out how to start the conversation without saying, "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?" [Planets visited: Arrakis (from Frank Herbert's Dune), LV-426 (from Alien), Tatooine (from Star Wars), Discworld (from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series), and Gallifrey (from Doctor Who).]
Summary: "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"
First contact diplomacy was one thing, but Jim was having a hard time figuring out how to start the conversation without saying, "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"
"So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"
Star Wars! Dune! and some others. <3
five hypothetical visits to planets from other sci-fi universes. see if you can guess which.
"While it is highly improbable, due to fundamental gravitational interactions, for a stable planetary body to take the shape of a finite convex disc rather than the more common oblate spheroid, it is not physically impossible for the accretionary process to create--"
lazulisong: [fic] [star trek] [gen] Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit [1/2]
"Mr Kirk," says the poor bastard assigned to teach Basic Principles of Vulcan. Jim wonders what he did. Teaching human cadets to say "My name is Bob" in Vulcan has to be the worst thing that one Vulcan could think of to do to another. "A word with you in my office." star trek big bang Jim grimaces but stands up. "Yes, Commander Sakel," he says.
marvellous jim gen, post-tarsus iv. in which a vulcan from the kelvin teaches jim vulcan, and then jim has to lie about it in order to not get sucked into xenolinguistics. pre- and post-movie interspersed. amazingly done.
An enjoyable and interesting story about Jim's relationship with an OC mentor. It reminds me of what I like best in Snape mentors Harry fic, and the OC is really wonderful. Jim is his assholish, grating self in this fic, but I can stand him because of his friendships with the OC and McCoy. Lots of clever and surprising details in this fic, great Vulcan world building with some fun with the star trek "one culture per planet" cliche. The strong local Portland flavor is nice, but the Anglo American culture = Earth thing annoyed me a bit, even if it is canon and even if it makes perfect sense in the story structure, and even if it is a funny ivory tower joke. I suppose this fic is just too awesome and wonderful for a tiny niggling detail not to stand out. Oh, and it makes me so happy that Jim's queerness is a source of unproblematic joy in his otherwise messed up life. Background canon het (very cute) and strong canon subtext made text. Good, realistic university atmosphere.
It really does take a village to raise a Jim.
It's just written beautifully. I love the way it builds, I love the format, its just... guh.
It really does take a village to raise a Jim
It really does take a village to raise a Jim. (Awesome Vulcan mentor/father figure, Smart Jim, Tarsus IV, Kid!Jim, Kirk/McCoy/Spock/Uhura-Friendship, and Jim being able to speak Vulcan. Really amazing story!)
My favorite
longtime_lurker: Fic: those who tell the truth... (Brendon gen, PG-13)
Working title: "GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." You are warned accordingly! Extra-special disclaimer to this one: I claim no knowledge whatsoever of the actual Brendon Urie's actual sexual orientation. That's his own business, not tinhat material, and also we don't actually know the dude (...unless of course you do, in which case please hit the back button now. D:) Title: those who tell the truth shall die (those who tell the truth shall live forever) Fandom: Panic at the Disco RPF Rating: PG-13ish Pairing: Brendon gen Word Count: ~10,100 Notes: Title from Explosions in the Sky, section headers from a George Takei quote. Many thanks to [info]jocondite for beta help.
"GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." Hard hurting coming out fic.
Despite his best efforts, touring is inescapably weird because touring is boys and boys and boys. Boys in his space, all the time, boys laughing, boys touching him, all day long, boys everywhere. And sure, when Brendon's up there in performance mode he kinda gets off on the nebulous mass feminine presence of the fans - hell, they all do, its flattering - but it's in front of boys that Brendon really lights up, shows off, sparkles. He knows it. He wonders if its obvious.
He’s in junior high, a tiny, awkward ball of energy, and he's a couple hours into his first ever real show and Brendon Urie has never seen anything like it.
Made-up men and mustached women, exotic dancing and cabaret fashion and surrealist weddings and the lead singer stalking his guitarist hungrily across the stage. The whole thing oozes sexuality, and yeah, it also oozes queer. "I think that says something," Ryan says with satisfaction, "like, that we're secure enough in ourselves to mess with it, you know?" "Yeah," says Brendon, "totally!"
Gay!Brendon angst.
The long, difficult process of coming out for Brendon. Really awesome.
Brendon and coming out
He’s in junior high, a tiny, awkward ball of energy, and he's a couple hours into his first ever real show and Brendon Urie has never seen anything like it. Even at this age Brendon knows enough about music to get that the band (Creed, parent-approved for their vaguely Christian bent) isn’t that great by itself. But being here for this, the live experience, somehow that's totally different. Brendon’s kind of an excitable kid in the first place, but this all-encompassing thrill - mind and body, like he’s part of something huge - this is all new, astonishing, so much holier than church, so much bigger than himself. He wants to live in it forever. It’s the vibration of the bassline coming up through the floor into the soles of his sneakers, the eager way the crowd responds, the heat and percussion and the jostling bodies around him. He’s been half-hard since the show started; it's the first time he’s ever had that physical reaction for very long...
He’s in junior high, a tiny, awkward ball of energy, and he's a couple hours into his first ever real show and Brendon Urie has never seen anything like it. Even at this age Brendon knows enough about music to get that the band (Creed, parent-approved for their vaguely Christian bent) isn’t that great by itself. But being here for this, the live experience, somehow that's totally different. Brendon’s kind of an excitable kid in the first place, but this all-encompassing thrill - mind and body, like he’s part of something huge - this is all new, astonishing, so much holier than church, so much bigger than himself. He wants to live in it forever. It’s the vibration of the bassline coming up through the floor into the soles of his sneakers, the eager way the crowd responds, the heat and percussion and the jostling bodies around him. He’s been half-hard since the show started; it's the first time he’s ever had that physical reaction for very long...
"GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." (Brendon gen, PG13, +10k)
Working title: "GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." You are warned accordingly!
“I believe the phrase is ‘glass closet’,” says Spencer, and Brendon kicks his heel against the couch cushions and says lightly, “Can't I have a great glass elevator instead?” "Just make sure it's the right question you're answering," Jon advises him. "Not SO I HEAR YOU'RE IN STAR-CROSSED LOVE WITH RYAN ROSS BUT THE LABEL IS KEEPING YOU APART." Brendon laughs and rolls his eyes, and imagines answering in the affirmative the next time he gets confronted with it - one of their older, weirder devotees, would you describe yourself as queer? or a curious teenager, so my cousin thinks you're cute and he wants to know, do you ever hook up with guys? - and knows he'll never do it.
(Brendon gen, PG13, +10k)
Diary of a Suburban Squeen - [ST] Birds Do It, Bees Do It, Even Post-Pubescent Russians Do It :: PG-13 :: Gen :: 1/1
Sequel to It Takes A Village. Jim tries to give Chekov ‘The Talk’; it turns out to be far more difficult than he imagined.
“It’ll be a piece of cake,” Jim tells Bones confidently. Chekov’s nearly eighteen, after all, and he’s spent the last few years at Starfleet Academy. Jim knows Starfleet Academy. There’s no way that kid doesn’t know the facts of life. He’s pretty sure this is Bones’s idea of a prank. But whatever, the Academy didn’t exactly cover ‘giving your navigator the talk’; Jim assumes it falls under the concept of ‘pastoral care’, which always seemed to him the least interesting part of being a Starfleet captain.
Jim tries to give Chekov ‘The Talk’; it turns out to be far more difficult than he imagined.
“I am not child, Keptin. Babies are brought by bears; everyone knows this.”
The birds and the bees talk.... (It Takes a Village 'verse).
Summary: Sequel to It Takes A Village. Jim tries to give Chekov ‘The Talk’; it turns out to be far more difficult than he imagined. [Part 2 of the Village-verse.]
Village!verse 2: Jim tries to give Chekov ‘The Talk’; it turns out to be far more difficult than he imagined.
Sequel to "It Takes A Village". Jim tries to give Chekov ‘The Talk’; it turns out to be far more difficult than he imagined.
Chekov’s just staring at him. “How… babies… are made?” he says, his tone distinctly dubious. He mimes rocking a baby. “Babies – yes?” / Jim points and grins. “Exactly. You know how that works. What am I talking about? Of course you do.” / “Of course,” says Chekov. “I am not child, Keptin. Babies are brought by bears; everyone knows this.”
moogle62: Fic: Merlin RPF: We Will Become Silhouettes, Colin/Bradley, PG.
Interesting, weird thinky thing where Colin's identity blurs with Merlin's.
The lines between merlin/arthur and colin/bradley blur as art imitates life...subtle, great characterisation, not too sappy
Bradley is not Arthur, Colin is confused and both of them end up in a lake.
“Wimp,” says Bradley, and Katie lets out a fresh cackle of merriment. “I want a drink. Get us some drinks, won’t you, Colin?” When Colin returns, clutching four sizable coffees, there is an odd sort of silence in the room for the briefest of moments, like someone was talking about him, like someone knows something he doesn’t, but then Bradley rolls off the bed and lands on his face, and everyone laughs, and Colin forgets.
Bradley is not Arthur, Colin is confused and both of them end up in a lake
shewhohathapen: Star Trek: AOS // A Long Way to a Terrible Joke
startrekreboot gen recommended
It's eighteen months into their five year mission that Jim finally, really asks the question. Alternately, see title.
I love this Kirk. And Spock makes me smile.
“So…” Jim begins, dragging out the vowel sound. “She just walked up to you and said, ‘Let’s be in a relationship’ and you just went, ‘Yeah, okay. Sure.’”
“I am half-Vulcan, Jim, not half-dead.”
For his part, Jim has absolutely no idea what to say to that other than a protest that there had to be some really important (likely sexy) stuff left out in the middle there.
does what it says on the tin
Kirk asks Spock how he and Uhura got together. Fluffy fun.
It is eighteen months into their five year mission and over a game of tri-d chess that Jim finally, really asks his first officer the question that has burned in his mind ever since the veritably world-shaking events that demanded it be posed. "Spock, seriously. You and Uhura. How did that happen?"
cuuute. love kirk's mind imploding over imaginary uhura seduction scenes - apple! - and that she started it, with a written argument. sweet. shewhohathapen: Star Trek: AOS //
“I am half-Vulcan, Jim, not half-dead.” :D
It's eighteen months into their five year mission that Jim finally, really asks the question.
foxxcub: Fic: Look For the Stars as the Sun Goes Down (the kitten AU)
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?"
panic! kitten au
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?" (the kitten AU)
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?" Kitten AU.
When I'm in need of cheering up, kittens! at the disco
Panic!kittens!!! OMG~!!! so cute!!!!!
dsudis: PatD Fic: The Completely True Saga of the Time Jon Walker Almost Died Alone at a Truck Stop
It was Zack's fault, really. 1,303 words.
The one where the stoners! at the disco are at a truckstop full of shiny distractions and lose Jon. Everything about this story is wonderful, seriously.
It was Zack's fault, really.
So the thing that winter, when Brendon hugged that cop a little bit inappropriately, that was really actually Zack's fault, too.
They had split up--there was a Starbucks and a newsstand and a gift shop and bathrooms and vending machines and one of those claw games, there was a lot to do and see
In which Jon Walker is lost.